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Merge pull request #1520 from github/call-graph-analysis

Call graph analysis
This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2018-03-15 16:07:58 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 8701de3af0
8 changed files with 137 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ library
, Analysis.Abstract.Dead
, Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating
, Analysis.Abstract.Tracing
, Analysis.CallGraph
, Analysis.ConstructorName
, Analysis.CyclomaticComplexity
, Analysis.Decorator

src/Analysis/CallGraph.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Analysis.CallGraph
( CallGraph(..)
, renderCallGraph
, buildCallGraph
, CallGraphAlgebra(..)
) where
import qualified Algebra.Graph as G
import Algebra.Graph.Class
import Algebra.Graph.Export.Dot
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Set (member)
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import qualified Data.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration
import Data.Term
import Prologue hiding (empty)
-- | The graph of function definitions to symbols used in a given program.
newtype CallGraph = CallGraph { unCallGraph :: G.Graph Name }
deriving (Eq, Graph, Show)
-- | Build the 'CallGraph' for a 'Term' recursively.
buildCallGraph :: (CallGraphAlgebra syntax, Foldable syntax, FreeVariables1 syntax, Functor syntax) => Term syntax ann -> Set Name -> CallGraph
buildCallGraph = foldSubterms callGraphAlgebra
-- | Render a 'CallGraph' to a 'ByteString' in DOT notation.
renderCallGraph :: CallGraph -> ByteString
renderCallGraph = export (defaultStyle friendlyName) . unCallGraph
-- | Types which contribute to a 'CallGraph'. There is exactly one instance of this typeclass; customizing the 'CallGraph's for a new type is done by defining an instance of 'CustomCallGraphAlgebra' instead.
-- This typeclass employs the Advanced Overlap techniques designed by Oleg Kiselyov & Simon Peyton Jones: https://wiki.haskell.org/GHC/AdvancedOverlap.
class CallGraphAlgebra syntax where
-- | A 'SubtermAlgebra' computing the 'CallGraph' for a piece of @syntax@.
callGraphAlgebra :: FreeVariables term => syntax (Subterm term (Set Name -> CallGraph)) -> Set Name -> CallGraph
instance (CallGraphAlgebraStrategy syntax ~ strategy, CallGraphAlgebraWithStrategy strategy syntax) => CallGraphAlgebra syntax where
callGraphAlgebra = callGraphAlgebraWithStrategy (Proxy :: Proxy strategy)
-- | Types whose contribution to a 'CallGraph' is customized. If an instances definition is not being used, ensure that the type is mapped to 'Custom' in the 'CallGraphAlgebraStrategy'.
class CustomCallGraphAlgebra syntax where
customCallGraphAlgebra :: FreeVariables term => syntax (Subterm term (Set Name -> CallGraph)) -> Set Name -> CallGraph
-- | 'Declaration.Function's produce a vertex for their name, with edges to any free variables in their body.
instance CustomCallGraphAlgebra Declaration.Function where
customCallGraphAlgebra Declaration.Function{..} bound = foldMap vertex (freeVariables (subterm functionName)) `connect` subtermValue functionBody (foldMap (freeVariables . subterm) functionParameters <> bound)
-- | 'Declaration.Method's produce a vertex for their name, with edges to any free variables in their body.
instance CustomCallGraphAlgebra Declaration.Method where
customCallGraphAlgebra Declaration.Method{..} bound = foldMap vertex (freeVariables (subterm methodName)) `connect` subtermValue methodBody (foldMap (freeVariables . subterm) methodParameters <> bound)
-- | 'Syntax.Identifier's produce a vertex iff its unbound in the 'Set'.
instance CustomCallGraphAlgebra Syntax.Identifier where
customCallGraphAlgebra (Syntax.Identifier name) bound
| name `member` bound = empty
| otherwise = vertex name
instance Apply CallGraphAlgebra syntaxes => CustomCallGraphAlgebra (Union syntaxes) where
customCallGraphAlgebra = Prologue.apply (Proxy :: Proxy CallGraphAlgebra) callGraphAlgebra
instance CallGraphAlgebra syntax => CustomCallGraphAlgebra (TermF syntax a) where
customCallGraphAlgebra = callGraphAlgebra . termFOut
-- | The mechanism selecting 'Default'/'Custom' implementations for 'callGraphAlgebra' depending on the @syntax@ type.
class CallGraphAlgebraWithStrategy (strategy :: Strategy) syntax where
callGraphAlgebraWithStrategy :: FreeVariables term => proxy strategy -> syntax (Subterm term (Set Name -> CallGraph)) -> Set Name -> CallGraph
-- | The 'Default' definition of 'callGraphAlgebra' combines all of the 'CallGraph's within the @syntax@ 'Monoid'ally.
instance Foldable syntax => CallGraphAlgebraWithStrategy 'Default syntax where
callGraphAlgebraWithStrategy _ = foldMap subtermValue
-- | The 'Custom' strategy calls out to the 'customCallGraphAlgebra' method.
instance CustomCallGraphAlgebra syntax => CallGraphAlgebraWithStrategy 'Custom syntax where
callGraphAlgebraWithStrategy _ = customCallGraphAlgebra
-- | Which instance of 'CustomCallGraphAlgebra' to use for a given @syntax@ type.
data Strategy = Default | Custom
-- | A mapping of @syntax@ types onto 'Strategy's.
type family CallGraphAlgebraStrategy syntax where
CallGraphAlgebraStrategy Declaration.Function = 'Custom
CallGraphAlgebraStrategy Declaration.Method = 'Custom
CallGraphAlgebraStrategy Syntax.Identifier = 'Custom
CallGraphAlgebraStrategy (Union fs) = 'Custom
CallGraphAlgebraStrategy (TermF f a) = 'Custom
CallGraphAlgebraStrategy a = 'Default
instance Monoid CallGraph where
mempty = empty
mappend = overlay
instance Ord CallGraph where
compare (CallGraph G.Empty) (CallGraph G.Empty) = EQ
compare (CallGraph G.Empty) _ = LT
compare _ (CallGraph G.Empty) = GT
compare (CallGraph (G.Vertex a)) (CallGraph (G.Vertex b)) = compare a b
compare (CallGraph (G.Vertex _)) _ = LT
compare _ (CallGraph (G.Vertex _)) = GT
compare (CallGraph (G.Overlay a1 a2)) (CallGraph (G.Overlay b1 b2)) = (compare `on` CallGraph) a1 b1 <> (compare `on` CallGraph) a2 b2
compare (CallGraph (G.Overlay _ _)) _ = LT
compare _ (CallGraph (G.Overlay _ _)) = GT
compare (CallGraph (G.Connect a1 a2)) (CallGraph (G.Connect b1 b2)) = (compare `on` CallGraph) a1 b1 <> (compare `on` CallGraph) a2 b2

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Store
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Data.Foldable (asum, toList)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
import Prelude hiding (fail)
@ -20,34 +19,13 @@ class (Monad m, Ord l, l ~ LocationFor value, Reducer value (Cell l value)) => M
alloc :: Name -> m (Address l value)
-- | Look up or allocate an address for a 'Name' free in a given term & assign it a given value, returning the 'Name' paired with the address.
-- The term is expected to contain one and only one free 'Name', meaning that care should be taken to apply this only to e.g. identifiers.
lookupOrAlloc :: ( FreeVariables term
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
, MonadStore value m
, Semigroup (CellFor value)
-- | Look up or allocate an address for a 'Name'.
lookupOrAlloc :: ( MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
, MonadEnvironment value m
=> term
-> value
-> EnvironmentFor value
-> m (Name, Address (LocationFor value) value)
lookupOrAlloc term = let [name] = toList (freeVariables term) in
lookupOrAlloc' name
-- | Look up or allocate an address for a 'Name' & assign it a given value, returning the 'Name' paired with the address.
lookupOrAlloc' :: ( Semigroup (CellFor value)
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
, MonadStore value m
=> Name
-> value
-> EnvironmentFor value
-> m (Name, Address (LocationFor value) value)
lookupOrAlloc' name v env = do
a <- maybe (alloc name) pure (envLookup name env)
assign a v
pure (name, a)
=> Name
-> m (Address (LocationFor value) value)
lookupOrAlloc name = lookupLocalEnv name >>= maybe (alloc name) pure
letrec :: ( MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
@ -58,7 +36,7 @@ letrec :: ( MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
-> m value
-> m (value, Address (LocationFor value) value)
letrec name body = do
addr <- alloc name
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
v <- localEnv (envInsert name addr) body
assign addr v
pure (v, addr)

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Configuration
import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.ModuleTable
import Data.Abstract.Store
@ -55,6 +56,16 @@ class Monad m => MonadEnvironment value m | m -> value where
-- | Run an action with a locally-modified environment.
localEnv :: (EnvironmentFor value -> EnvironmentFor value) -> m a -> m a
-- | Look a 'Name' up in the local environment.
lookupLocalEnv :: Name -> m (Maybe (Address (LocationFor value) value))
lookupLocalEnv name = envLookup name <$> askLocalEnv
-- | Look up a 'Name' in the local environment, running an action with the resolved address (if any).
lookupWith :: (Address (LocationFor value) value -> m value) -> Name -> m (Maybe value)
lookupWith with name = do
addr <- lookupLocalEnv name
maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . with) addr
-- | Update the global environment.
modifyGlobalEnv :: MonadEnvironment value m => (EnvironmentFor value -> EnvironmentFor value) -> m ()
modifyGlobalEnv f = do

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ bindExports aliases env = Environment pairs
-- Unbound names are silently dropped.
envRoots :: (Ord l, Foldable t) => Environment l a -> t Name -> Live l a
envRoots env = foldr ((<>) . maybe mempty liveSingleton . flip envLookup env) mempty
envRoots env = foldMap (maybe mempty liveSingleton . flip envLookup env)
envAll :: (Ord l) => Environment l a -> Live l a
envAll (Environment env) = Live $ Set.fromList (Map.elems env)

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@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ type CellFor value = Cell (LocationFor value) value
type LiveFor value = Live (LocationFor value) value
-- | The location type (the body of 'Address'es) which should be used for an abstract value type.
type family LocationFor value :: * where
LocationFor (Value location term) = location
LocationFor Type.Type = Monovariant
type family LocationFor value :: *
type instance LocationFor (Value location term) = location
type instance LocationFor Type.Type = Monovariant
-- | Value types, e.g. closures, which can root a set of addresses.
class ValueRoots value where

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
module Data.Syntax where
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.AST
import Data.Range
@ -108,9 +107,7 @@ instance Ord1 Identifier where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Identifier where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Identifier where
eval (Identifier name) = do
env <- askLocalEnv
maybe (fail ("free variable: " <> show name)) deref (envLookup name env)
eval (Identifier name) = lookupWith deref name >>= maybe (fail ("free variable: " <> show name)) pure
instance FreeVariables1 Identifier where
liftFreeVariables _ (Identifier x) = Set.singleton x

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@ -94,10 +94,11 @@ instance Show1 Assignment where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Assignment where
eval Assignment{..} = do
v <- subtermValue assignmentValue
(var, a) <- askLocalEnv >>= lookupOrAlloc (subterm assignmentTarget) v
modifyGlobalEnv (envInsert var a)
addr <- lookupOrAlloc name
assign addr v
modifyGlobalEnv (envInsert name addr)
pure v
where name = freeVariable (subterm assignmentTarget)
-- | Post increment operator (e.g. 1++ in Go, or i++ in C).
newtype PostIncrement a = PostIncrement a