mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-01 09:15:01 +03:00

formatError takes Error String.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-08-06 12:40:51 -04:00
parent 60bafabf17
commit 8e58a76a01
3 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ type IncludeSource = Bool
type Colourize = Bool
-- | Format an 'Error', optionally with reference to the source where it occurred.
formatError :: IncludeSource -> Colourize -> Blob -> Span -> [String] -> Maybe String -> String
formatError includeSource colourize Blob{..} errorSpan errorExpected errorActual
formatError :: IncludeSource -> Colourize -> Blob -> Error String -> String
formatError includeSource colourize Blob{..} Error{..}
= ($ "")
$ withSGRCode colourize [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] (showSpan (maybe Nothing (const (Just blobPath)) blobKind) errorSpan . showString ": ")
. withSGRCode colourize [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red] (showString "error" . showString ": " . showExpectation errorExpected errorActual . showChar '\n')

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Data.Align (crosswalk)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Error (formatError)
import Data.Error as Error (Error(..), formatError)
import Data.Foldable (fold, foldl', toList)
import Data.Functor.Both hiding (fst, snd)
import qualified Data.Functor.Both as Both
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ declarationAlgebra :: (Declaration.Function :< fs, Declaration.Method :< fs, Syn
declarationAlgebra blob@Blob{..} (a :< r)
| Just (Declaration.Function (identifier, _) _ _) <- prj r = Just $ FunctionDeclaration (getSource (extract identifier))
| Just (Declaration.Method _ (identifier, _) _ _) <- prj r = Just $ MethodDeclaration (getSource (extract identifier))
| Just (Syntax.Error errorExpected errorActual _) <- prj r = Just $ ErrorDeclaration (T.pack (formatError False False blob (sourceSpan a) errorExpected errorActual)) blobLanguage
| Just (Syntax.Error errorExpected errorActual _) <- prj r = Just $ ErrorDeclaration (T.pack (formatError False False blob (Error.Error (sourceSpan a) errorExpected errorActual))) blobLanguage
| otherwise = Nothing
where getSource = toText . flip Source.slice blobSource . byteRange
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ markupSectionAlgebra :: (Markup.Section :< fs, Syntax.Error :< fs, HasField fiel
-> RAlgebra (TermF (Union fs) (Record fields)) (Term (Union fs) (Record fields)) (Maybe Declaration)
markupSectionAlgebra blob@Blob{..} (a :< r)
| Just (Markup.Section level (heading, _) _) <- prj r = Just $ SectionDeclaration (maybe (getSource (extract heading)) (firstLine . toText . flip Source.slice blobSource . sconcat) (nonEmpty (byteRange . extract <$> toList (unwrap heading)))) level
| Just (Syntax.Error errorExpected errorActual _) <- prj r = Just $ ErrorDeclaration (T.pack (formatError False False blob (sourceSpan a) errorExpected errorActual)) blobLanguage
| Just (Syntax.Error errorExpected errorActual _) <- prj r = Just $ ErrorDeclaration (T.pack (formatError False False blob (Error.Error (sourceSpan a) errorExpected errorActual))) blobLanguage
| otherwise = Nothing
where getSource = firstLine . toText . flip Source.slice blobSource . byteRange
firstLine = T.takeWhile (/= '\n')

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@ -199,20 +199,20 @@ runParser Options{..} blob@Blob{..} = go
case res of
Left err -> writeLog Error "failed parsing" blobFields >> pure (Left err)
Right ast -> logTiming "assign" $ case Assignment.assignBy by blobSource assignment ast of
Left Assignment.Error{..} -> do
writeLog Error (Error.formatError optionsPrintSource (optionsIsTerminal && optionsEnableColour) blob errorSpan (show <$> errorExpected) (show <$> errorActual)) blobFields
pure $ Right (Syntax.makeTerm (totalRange blobSource :. totalSpan blobSource :. Nil) (Syntax.Error (show <$> errorExpected) (show <$> errorActual) []))
Left err -> do
writeLog Error (Error.formatError optionsPrintSource (optionsIsTerminal && optionsEnableColour) blob (show <$> err)) blobFields
pure $ Right (Syntax.makeTerm (totalRange blobSource :. totalSpan blobSource :. Nil) (Syntax.Error (show <$> Error.errorExpected err) (show <$> Error.errorActual err) []))
Right term -> do
for_ (errors term) $ \ (errorSpan, errorExpected, errorActual) ->
writeLog Warning (Error.formatError optionsPrintSource optionsEnableColour blob errorSpan errorExpected errorActual) blobFields
for_ (errors term) $ \ err ->
writeLog Warning (Error.formatError optionsPrintSource optionsEnableColour blob err) blobFields
pure $ Right term
TreeSitterParser tslanguage -> logTiming "ts parse" $ liftIO (Right <$> treeSitterParser tslanguage blob)
MarkdownParser -> logTiming "cmark parse" $ pure (Right (cmarkParser blobSource))
LineByLineParser -> logTiming "line-by-line parse" $ pure (Right (lineByLineParser blobSource))
blobFields = [ ("path", blobPath), ("language", maybe "" show blobLanguage) ]
errors :: (Syntax.Error :< fs, Foldable (Union fs), Functor (Union fs)) => Term (Union fs) (Record Assignment.Location) -> [(Span, [String], Maybe String)]
errors :: (Syntax.Error :< fs, Foldable (Union fs), Functor (Union fs)) => Term (Union fs) (Record Assignment.Location) -> [Error.Error String]
errors = cata $ \ (a :< syntax) -> case syntax of
_ | Just (Syntax.Error expected actual _) <- prj syntax -> [(sourceSpan a, expected, actual)]
_ | Just (Syntax.Error expected actual _) <- prj syntax -> [Error.Error (sourceSpan a) expected actual]
_ -> fold syntax
logTiming :: String -> Task a -> Task a
logTiming msg = time msg blobFields