mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-01 09:15:01 +03:00

Ruby term assignment is actually partial.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-01-20 15:16:32 -05:00
parent 43c4cc7d23
commit 9967585650

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@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ termAssignment
-> [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> Maybe (S.Syntax Text (SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan])) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termAssignment source (_ :. category :. _ :. Nil) children
= Just $! case (category, children) of
(ArgumentPair, [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
(KeywordParameter, [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
= case (category, children) of
(ArgumentPair, [ k, v ] ) -> Just $ S.Pair k v
(KeywordParameter, [ k, v ] ) -> Just $ S.Pair k v
-- NB: ("keyword_parameter", k) is a required keyword parameter, e.g.:
-- def foo(name:); end
-- Let it fall through to generate an Indexed syntax.
(OptionalParameter, [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
(ArrayLiteral, _ ) -> S.Array Nothing children
(Assignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> S.Assignment identifier value
(Begin, _ ) -> case partition (\x -> Info.category (extract x) == Rescue) children of
(OptionalParameter, [ k, v ] ) -> Just $ S.Pair k v
(ArrayLiteral, _ ) -> Just $ S.Array Nothing children
(Assignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> Just $ S.Assignment identifier value
(Begin, _ ) -> Just $ case partition (\x -> Info.category (extract x) == Rescue) children of
(rescues, rest) -> case partition (\x -> Info.category (extract x) == Ensure || Info.category (extract x) == Else) rest of
(ensureElse, body) -> case ensureElse of
[ elseBlock, ensure ]
@ -37,53 +37,53 @@ termAssignment source (_ :. category :. _ :. Nil) children
[ elseBlock ] | Else <- Info.category (extract elseBlock) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) Nothing
[ ensure ] | Ensure <- Info.category (extract ensure) -> S.Try body rescues Nothing (Just ensure)
_ -> S.Try body rescues Nothing Nothing
(Case, expr : body ) -> S.Switch (Just expr) body
(When, condition : body ) -> S.Case condition body
(Class, constant : rest ) -> case rest of
(Case, expr : body ) -> Just $ S.Switch (Just expr) body
(When, condition : body ) -> Just $ S.Case condition body
(Class, constant : rest ) -> Just $ case rest of
( superclass : body ) | Superclass <- Info.category (extract superclass) -> S.Class constant (Just superclass) body
_ -> S.Class constant Nothing rest
(SingletonClass, identifier : rest ) -> S.Class identifier Nothing rest
(Comment, _ ) -> S.Comment $ toText source
(Ternary, condition : cases) -> S.Ternary condition cases
(Constant, _ ) -> S.Fixed children
(SingletonClass, identifier : rest ) -> Just $ S.Class identifier Nothing rest
(Comment, _ ) -> Just . S.Comment $ toText source
(Ternary, condition : cases) -> Just $ S.Ternary condition cases
(Constant, _ ) -> Just $ S.Fixed children
(MethodCall, fn : args) | MemberAccess <- Info.category (extract fn)
, [target, method] <- toList (unwrap fn)
-> S.MethodCall target method (toList . unwrap =<< args)
-> Just $ S.MethodCall target method (toList . unwrap =<< args)
| otherwise
-> S.FunctionCall fn (toList . unwrap =<< args)
(Other "lambda", first : rest) | null rest -> S.AnonymousFunction [] [first]
| otherwise -> S.AnonymousFunction (toList (unwrap first)) rest
(Object, _ ) -> S.Object Nothing $ foldMap toTuple children
(Modifier If, [ lhs, condition ]) -> S.If condition [lhs]
(If, condition : body ) -> S.If condition body
(Modifier Unless, [lhs, rhs]) -> S.If (withRecord (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate) (S.Negate rhs)) [lhs]
(Unless, expr : rest) -> S.If (withRecord (setCategory (extract expr) Negate) (S.Negate expr)) rest
(Modifier Until, [ lhs, rhs ]) -> S.While (withRecord (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate) (S.Negate rhs)) [lhs]
(Until, expr : rest) -> S.While (withRecord (setCategory (extract expr) Negate) (S.Negate expr)) rest
(Elsif, condition : body ) -> S.If condition body
(SubscriptAccess, [ base, element ]) -> S.SubscriptAccess base element
(For, lhs : expr : rest ) -> S.For [lhs, expr] rest
(OperatorAssignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> S.OperatorAssignment identifier value
(MemberAccess, [ base, property ]) -> S.MemberAccess base property
-> Just $ S.FunctionCall fn (toList . unwrap =<< args)
(Other "lambda", first : rest) | null rest -> Just $ S.AnonymousFunction [] [first]
| otherwise -> Just $ S.AnonymousFunction (toList (unwrap first)) rest
(Object, _ ) -> Just . S.Object Nothing $ foldMap toTuple children
(Modifier If, [ lhs, condition ]) -> Just $ S.If condition [lhs]
(If, condition : body ) -> Just $ S.If condition body
(Modifier Unless, [lhs, rhs]) -> Just $ S.If (withRecord (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate) (S.Negate rhs)) [lhs]
(Unless, expr : rest) -> Just $ S.If (withRecord (setCategory (extract expr) Negate) (S.Negate expr)) rest
(Modifier Until, [ lhs, rhs ]) -> Just $ S.While (withRecord (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate) (S.Negate rhs)) [lhs]
(Until, expr : rest) -> Just $ S.While (withRecord (setCategory (extract expr) Negate) (S.Negate expr)) rest
(Elsif, condition : body ) -> Just $ S.If condition body
(SubscriptAccess, [ base, element ]) -> Just $ S.SubscriptAccess base element
(For, lhs : expr : rest ) -> Just $ S.For [lhs, expr] rest
(OperatorAssignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> Just $ S.OperatorAssignment identifier value
(MemberAccess, [ base, property ]) -> Just $ S.MemberAccess base property
(Method, identifier : first : rest) | Params <- Info.category (extract first)
-> S.Method identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap first)) rest
| null rest -> S.Method identifier Nothing [] [first]
(Module, constant : body ) -> S.Module constant body
(Modifier Rescue, [lhs, rhs] ) -> S.Rescue [lhs] [rhs]
(Rescue, _ ) -> case children of
-> Just $ S.Method identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap first)) rest
| null rest
-> Just $ S.Method identifier Nothing [] [first]
(Module, constant : body ) -> Just $ S.Module constant body
(Modifier Rescue, [lhs, rhs] ) -> Just $ S.Rescue [lhs] [rhs]
(Rescue, _ ) -> Just $ case children of
exceptions : exceptionVar : rest
| RescueArgs <- Info.category (extract exceptions)
, RescuedException <- Info.category (extract exceptionVar) -> S.Rescue (toList (unwrap exceptions) <> [exceptionVar]) rest
exceptionVar : rest | RescuedException <- Info.category (extract exceptionVar) -> S.Rescue [exceptionVar] rest
exceptions : body | RescueArgs <- Info.category (extract exceptions) -> S.Rescue (toList (unwrap exceptions)) body
body -> S.Rescue [] body
(Return, _ ) -> S.Return children
(Modifier While, [ lhs, condition ]) -> S.While condition [lhs]
(While, expr : rest ) -> S.While expr rest
(Yield, _ ) -> S.Yield children
_ | category `elem` [ BeginBlock, EndBlock ] -> S.BlockStatement children
(_, []) -> S.Leaf $ toText source
_ -> S.Indexed children
(Return, _ ) -> Just $ S.Return children
(Modifier While, [ lhs, condition ]) -> Just $ S.While condition [lhs]
(While, expr : rest ) -> Just $ S.While expr rest
(Yield, _ ) -> Just $ S.Yield children
_ | category `elem` [ BeginBlock, EndBlock ] -> Just $ S.BlockStatement children
_ -> Nothing
withRecord record syntax = cofree (record :< syntax)