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synced 2024-12-29 18:06:14 +03:00
Re-abstract Algorithm over the term and result types.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Algorithm where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.Free.Freer
import Data.Align.Generic
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Maybe
@ -15,81 +16,79 @@ import GHC.Generics
import Term
-- | A single step in a diffing algorithm, parameterized by the types of terms, diffs, and the result of the applicable algorithm.
data AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 result where
data AlgorithmF term1 term2 result partial where
-- | Diff two terms with the choice of algorithm left to the interpreter’s discretion.
Diff :: Term syntax ann1 -> Term syntax ann2 -> AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
Diff :: term1 -> term2 -> AlgorithmF term1 term2 result result
-- | Diff two terms recursively in O(n) time, resulting in a single diff node.
Linear :: syntax (Term syntax ann1) -> syntax (Term syntax ann2) -> AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 (syntax (Diff syntax ann1 ann2))
Linear :: (GAlign syntax, Show1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => syntax term1 -> syntax term2 -> AlgorithmF term1 term2 result (syntax result)
-- | Diff two lists of terms by each element’s similarity in O(n³ log n), resulting in a list of diffs.
RWS :: [Term syntax ann1] -> [Term syntax ann2] -> AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 [Diff syntax ann1 ann2]
RWS :: [term1] -> [term2] -> AlgorithmF term1 term2 result [result]
-- | Delete a term.
Delete :: Term syntax ann1 -> AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
Delete :: term1 -> AlgorithmF term1 term2 result result
-- | Insert a term.
Insert :: Term syntax ann2 -> AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
Insert :: term2 -> AlgorithmF term1 term2 result result
-- | Replace one term with another.
Replace :: Term syntax ann1 -> Term syntax ann2 -> AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
Replace :: term1 -> term2 -> AlgorithmF term1 term2 result result
-- | An 'Algorithm' that always fails.
Empty :: AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 a
Empty :: AlgorithmF term1 term2 result a
-- | An 'Algorithm' to try one of two alternatives.
Alt :: a -> a -> AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2 a
Alt :: a -> a -> AlgorithmF term1 term2 result a
-- | The free(r) monad for 'AlgorithmF'. This enables us to construct algorithms to diff using '<$>', '<*>', '>>=', and do-notation.
type Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 = Freer (AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2)
type Algorithm term1 term2 result = Freer (AlgorithmF term1 term2 result)
-- DSL
-- | Diff two terms without specifying the algorithm to be used.
diff :: Term syntax ann1 -> Term syntax ann2 -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
diff :: term1 -> term2 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result result
diff = (liftF .) . Algorithm.Diff
-- | Diff a These of terms without specifying the algorithm to be used.
diffThese :: These (Term syntax ann1) (Term syntax ann2) -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
diffThese :: These term1 term2 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result result
diffThese = these byDeleting byInserting diff
-- | Diff a pair of optional terms without specifying the algorithm to be used.
diffMaybe :: Maybe (Term syntax ann1) -> Maybe (Term syntax ann2) -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (Maybe (Diff syntax ann1 ann2))
diffMaybe :: Maybe term1 -> Maybe term2 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result (Maybe result)
diffMaybe (Just a) (Just b) = Just <$> diff a b
diffMaybe (Just a) _ = Just <$> byDeleting a
diffMaybe _ (Just b) = Just <$> byInserting b
diffMaybe _ _ = pure Nothing
-- | Diff two terms linearly.
linearly :: Term syntax ann1 -> Term syntax ann2 -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
linearly (Term (In ann1 f1)) (Term (In ann2 f2)) = merge (ann1, ann2) <$> liftF (Linear f1 f2)
linearly :: (GAlign syntax, Show1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => syntax term1 -> syntax term2 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result (syntax result)
linearly f1 f2 = liftF (Linear f1 f2)
-- | Diff two terms using RWS.
byRWS :: [Term syntax ann1] -> [Term syntax ann2] -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 [Diff syntax ann1 ann2]
byRWS :: [term1] -> [term2] -> Algorithm term1 term2 result [result]
byRWS a b = liftF (RWS a b)
-- | Delete a term.
byDeleting :: Term syntax ann1 -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
byDeleting :: term1 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result result
byDeleting = liftF . Delete
-- | Insert a term.
byInserting :: Term syntax ann2 -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
byInserting :: term2 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result result
byInserting = liftF . Insert
-- | Replace one term with another.
byReplacing :: Term syntax ann1 -> Term syntax ann2 -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
byReplacing :: term1 -> term2 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result result
byReplacing = (liftF .) . Replace
instance (Show1 syntax, Show ann1, Show ann2) => Show1 (AlgorithmF syntax ann1 ann2) where
instance (Show term1, Show term2) => Show1 (AlgorithmF term1 term2 result) where
liftShowsPrec sp _ d algorithm = case algorithm of
Algorithm.Diff t1 t2 -> showsBinaryWith showsTerm showsTerm "Diff" d t1 t2
Linear t1 t2 -> showsBinaryWith (liftShowsPrec showsTerm (liftShowList showsPrec showList)) (liftShowsPrec showsTerm (liftShowList showsPrec showList)) "Linear" d t1 t2
RWS as bs -> showsBinaryWith (liftShowsPrec showsTerm (liftShowList showsPrec showList)) (liftShowsPrec showsTerm (liftShowList showsPrec showList)) "RWS" d as bs
Delete t1 -> showsUnaryWith showsTerm "Delete" d t1
Insert t2 -> showsUnaryWith showsTerm "Insert" d t2
Replace t1 t2 -> showsBinaryWith showsTerm showsTerm "Replace" d t1 t2
Algorithm.Diff t1 t2 -> showsBinaryWith showsPrec showsPrec "Diff" d t1 t2
Linear t1 t2 -> showsBinaryWith (liftShowsPrec showsPrec showList) (liftShowsPrec showsPrec showList) "Linear" d t1 t2
RWS as bs -> showsBinaryWith (liftShowsPrec showsPrec showList) (liftShowsPrec showsPrec showList) "RWS" d as bs
Delete t1 -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Delete" d t1
Insert t2 -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Insert" d t2
Replace t1 t2 -> showsBinaryWith showsPrec showsPrec "Replace" d t1 t2
Empty -> showString "Empty"
Alt a b -> showsBinaryWith sp sp "Alt" d a b
where showsTerm :: (Show1 syntax, Show ann) => Int -> Term syntax ann -> ShowS
showsTerm = liftShowsPrec showsPrec showList
instance Alternative (Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2) where
instance Alternative (Algorithm term1 term2 result) where
empty = Empty `Then` return
(Empty `Then` _) <|> b = b
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ instance Alternative (Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2) where
algorithmForTerms :: Diffable syntax
=> Term syntax ann1
-> Term syntax ann2
-> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
-> Algorithm (Term syntax ann1) (Term syntax ann2) (Diff syntax ann1 ann2) (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
algorithmForTerms t1@(Term (In ann1 f1)) t2@(Term (In ann2 f2))
= mergeFor t1 t2
<|> deleteF . In ann1 <$> subalgorithmFor byDeleting (flip mergeFor t2) f1
@ -111,14 +110,14 @@ algorithmForTerms t1@(Term (In ann1 f1)) t2@(Term (In ann2 f2))
-- | A type class for determining what algorithm to use for diffing two terms.
class Diffable f where
algorithmFor :: f (Term syntax ann1)
-> f (Term syntax ann2)
-> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (f (Diff syntax ann1 ann2))
algorithmFor :: f term1
-> f term2
-> Algorithm term1 term2 result (f result)
algorithmFor :: (Generic1 f, GDiffable (Rep1 f))
=> f (Term syntax ann1)
-> f (Term syntax ann2)
-> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (f (Diff syntax ann1 ann2))
=> f term1
-> f term2
-> Algorithm term1 term2 result (f result)
algorithmFor = genericAlgorithmFor
subalgorithmFor :: Alternative g
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ class Diffable f where
-> g (f b)
subalgorithmFor _ _ _ = empty
genericAlgorithmFor :: (Generic1 f, GDiffable (Rep1 f)) => f (Term syntax ann1) -> f (Term syntax ann2) -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (f (Diff syntax ann1 ann2))
genericAlgorithmFor :: (Generic1 f, GDiffable (Rep1 f)) => f term1 -> f term2 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result (f result)
genericAlgorithmFor a b = to1 <$> galgorithmFor (from1 a) (from1 b)
@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ instance Diffable NonEmpty where
-- | A generic type class for diffing two terms defined by the Generic1 interface.
class GDiffable f where
galgorithmFor :: f (Term syntax ann1) -> f (Term syntax ann2) -> Algorithm syntax ann1 ann2 (f (Diff syntax ann1 ann2))
galgorithmFor :: f term1 -> f term2 -> Algorithm term1 term2 result (f result)
-- | Diff two constructors (M1 is the Generic1 newtype for meta-information (possibly related to type constructors, record selectors, and data types))
instance GDiffable f => GDiffable (M1 i c f) where
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ instance (GDiffable f, GDiffable g) => GDiffable (f :+: g) where
-- | Diff two parameters (Par1 is the Generic1 newtype representing a type parameter).
-- i.e. data Foo a = Foo a (the 'a' is captured by Par1).
instance GDiffable Par1 where
galgorithmFor (Par1 a) (Par1 b) = Par1 <$> linearly a b
galgorithmFor (Par1 a) (Par1 b) = Par1 <$> diff a b
-- | Diff two constant parameters (K1 is the Generic1 newtype representing type parameter constants).
-- i.e. data Foo = Foo Int (the 'Int' is a constant parameter).
@ -56,7 +56,11 @@ diffTermsWith comparable eqTerms t1 t2 = fromMaybe (replacing t1 t2) (runAlgorit
runAlgorithm :: (Diffable syntax, GAlign syntax, Traversable syntax, Alternative m, Monad m)
=> ComparabilityRelation syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields1)) (Record (FeatureVector ': fields2)) -- ^ A relation on terms used to determine comparability and equality.
-> (Term syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields1)) -> Term syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields2)) -> Bool) -- ^ A relation used to determine term equivalence.
-> Algorithm syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields1)) (Record (FeatureVector ': fields2)) (Diff syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields1)) (Record (FeatureVector ': fields2)))
-> Algorithm
(Term syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields1)))
(Term syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields2)))
(Diff syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields1)) (Record (FeatureVector ': fields2)))
(Diff syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields1)) (Record (FeatureVector ': fields2)))
-> m (Diff syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields1)) (Record (FeatureVector ': fields2)))
runAlgorithm comparable eqTerms = go
where go = iterFreerA (\ step yield -> case step of
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