mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-19 21:01:35 +03:00

Assign siblings and merge in a single step.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2016-07-15 14:35:14 -04:00
parent 6fa57a5e58
commit 9ca138df07

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@ -53,20 +53,16 @@ data Gram label = Gram { stem :: [Maybe label], base :: [Maybe label] }
-- | Compute the bag of grams with stems of length _p_ and bases of length _q_, with labels computed from annotations, which summarize the entire subtree of a term.
pqGrams :: Int -> Int -> (annotation -> label) -> Cofree (Syntax leaf) annotation -> DList.DList (Gram (label, Maybe leaf))
pqGrams p q getLabel = cata merge . setRootBase . setRootStem . hylo go project
pqGrams p q getLabel = uncurry DList.cons . cata merge . setRootBase . setRootStem . hylo go project
where go (annotation :< functor) = cofree (Gram [] [ Just (getLabel annotation, leafValue functor) ] :< (assignParent (Just (getLabel annotation, leafValue functor)) p <$> functor))
leafValue (Leaf s) = Just s
leafValue _ = Nothing
merge (head :< tail) = DList.cons head (Prologue.fold tail)
merge (head :< tail) = let tail' = toList tail in (head, DList.fromList (windowed q setBases [] (fst <$> tail')) <> foldMap snd tail')
assignParent parentLabel n tree
| n > 0 = let gram :< functor = runCofree tree in cofree $ prependParent parentLabel gram :< assignSiblings (assignParent parentLabel (pred n) <$> functor)
| n > 0 = let gram :< functor = runCofree tree in cofree $ prependParent parentLabel gram :< (assignParent parentLabel (pred n) <$> functor)
| otherwise = tree
prependParent parentLabel gram = gram { stem = parentLabel : stem gram }
assignSiblings functor = case functor of
Leaf a -> Leaf a
Indexed a -> Indexed $ windowed q setBases [] a
Fixed a -> Fixed $ windowed q setBases [] a
setBases child siblings rest = let (gram :< further) = (runCofree child) in cofree (setBase gram (siblings >>= base . extract) :< further) : rest
setBases gram siblings rest = setBase gram (siblings >>= base) : rest
setBase gram newBase = gram { base = take q (newBase <> repeat Nothing) }
setRootBase term = let (a :< f) = runCofree term in cofree (setBase a (base a) :< f)
setRootStem = foldr (\ p rest -> assignParent Nothing p . rest) identity [0..p]