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synced 2025-01-02 04:10:29 +03:00
Rephrase ImportGraphing as graphingTerms, graphingModules, and importGraphing handlers.
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@ -2,18 +2,20 @@
module Analysis.Abstract.ImportGraph
( ImportGraph(..)
, renderImportGraph
, ImportGraphing
, graphingTerms
, graphingModules
, importGraphing
) where
import qualified Algebra.Graph as G
import Algebra.Graph.Class hiding (Vertex)
import Algebra.Graph.Export.Dot hiding (vertexName)
import Control.Abstract.Analysis
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable (LoadError (..))
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Located
import Data.Abstract.Module hiding (Module)
import Data.Abstract.Module (Module(moduleInfo), ModuleInfo(..))
import Data.Abstract.Origin hiding (Module, Package)
import Data.Abstract.Package hiding (Package)
import Data.Aeson hiding (Result)
@ -26,21 +28,21 @@ import Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Prologue hiding (empty, packageName)
-- | The graph of function variableDefinitions to symbols used in a given program.
newtype ImportGraph = ImportGraph { unImportGraph :: G.Graph Vertex }
newtype ImportGraph term = ImportGraph { unImportGraph :: G.Graph (Vertex term) }
deriving (Eq, Graph, Show)
-- | A vertex of some specific type.
data Vertex
data Vertex term
= Package { vertexName :: ByteString }
| Module { vertexName :: ByteString }
| Variable { vertexName :: ByteString }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Render a 'ImportGraph' to a 'ByteString' in DOT notation.
renderImportGraph :: ImportGraph -> ByteString
renderImportGraph :: ImportGraph term -> ByteString
renderImportGraph = export style . unImportGraph
style :: Style Vertex ByteString
style :: Style (Vertex term) ByteString
style = (defaultStyle vertexName)
{ vertexAttributes = vertexAttributes
, edgeAttributes = edgeAttributes
@ -53,23 +55,19 @@ style = (defaultStyle vertexName)
edgeAttributes Variable{} Module{} = [ "color" := "blue" ]
edgeAttributes _ _ = []
newtype ImportGraphing m (effects :: [* -> *]) a = ImportGraphing { runImportGraphing :: m effects a }
deriving (Alternative, Applicative, Functor, Effectful, Monad)
deriving instance Evaluator location term value m => Evaluator location term value (ImportGraphing m)
instance ( Member (Reader (Environment (Located location term) value)) outer
, Member (Reader (SomeOrigin term)) outer
, Member (Resumable (LoadError term)) outer
, Member (State (Environment (Located location term) value)) outer
, Member (State ImportGraph) outer
, Element Syntax.Identifier syntax
, Evaluator (Located location term) term value m
, AnalyzeTerm (Located location term) term value inner outer m
graphingTerms :: forall location term value effects syntax ann a
. ( Element Syntax.Identifier syntax
, Members '[ Reader (Environment (Located location term) value)
, Reader (SomeOrigin term)
, Resumable (LoadError term)
, State (Environment (Located location term) value)
, State (ImportGraph term)
] effects
, term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
=> AnalyzeTerm (Located location term) term value inner outer (ImportGraphing m) where
analyzeTerm recur term@(In _ syntax) = do
=> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator (Located location term) term value effects a)
-> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator (Located location term) term value effects a)
graphingTerms recur term@(In _ syntax) = do
case projectSum syntax of
Just (Syntax.Identifier name) -> do
moduleInclusion (Variable (unName name))
@ -77,80 +75,70 @@ instance ( Member (Reader (Environment (Located location term) value)) outer
_ -> pure ()
@(LoadError term)
(ImportGraphing (analyzeTerm (runImportGraphing . recur) term))
(recur term)
(\yield (LoadError name) -> moduleInclusion (Module (BC.pack name)) *> yield [])
instance ( Member (Reader (SomeOrigin term)) outer
, Member (State ImportGraph) outer
, Evaluator (Located location term) term value m
, AnalyzeModule (Located location term) term value inner outer m
, term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
=> AnalyzeModule (Located location term) term value inner outer (ImportGraphing m) where
analyzeModule recur m = do
graphingModules :: Members '[ Reader (SomeOrigin term)
, State (ImportGraph term)
] effects
=> SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value effects a)
-> SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value effects a)
graphingModules recur m = do
let name = BC.pack (modulePath (moduleInfo m))
packageInclusion (Module name)
moduleInclusion (Module name)
ImportGraphing (analyzeModule (runImportGraphing . recur) m)
recur m
packageGraph :: SomeOrigin term -> ImportGraph
packageGraph :: SomeOrigin term -> ImportGraph term
packageGraph = maybe empty (vertex . Package . unName . packageName) . withSomeOrigin originPackage
moduleGraph :: SomeOrigin term -> ImportGraph
moduleGraph :: SomeOrigin term -> ImportGraph term
moduleGraph = maybe empty (vertex . Module . BC.pack . modulePath) . withSomeOrigin originModule
-- | Add an edge from the current package to the passed vertex.
packageInclusion :: forall m location term value effects
. ( Evaluator location term value m
, Member (Reader (SomeOrigin term)) effects
, Member (State ImportGraph) effects
, Monad (m effects)
packageInclusion :: ( Member (Reader (SomeOrigin term)) effects
, Member (State (ImportGraph term)) effects
=> Vertex
-> m effects ()
=> Vertex term
-> Evaluator location term value effects ()
packageInclusion v = do
o <- askOrigin
appendGraph (packageGraph @term o `connect` vertex v)
appendGraph (packageGraph o `connect` vertex v)
-- | Add an edge from the current module to the passed vertex.
moduleInclusion :: forall m location term value effects
. ( Evaluator location term value m
, Member (Reader (SomeOrigin term)) effects
, Member (State ImportGraph) effects
, Monad (m effects)
moduleInclusion :: ( Member (Reader (SomeOrigin term)) effects
, Member (State (ImportGraph term)) effects
=> Vertex
-> m effects ()
=> Vertex term
-> Evaluator location term value effects ()
moduleInclusion v = do
o <- askOrigin
appendGraph (moduleGraph @term o `connect` vertex v)
appendGraph (moduleGraph o `connect` vertex v)
-- | Add an edge from the passed variable name to the module it originated within.
variableDefinition :: ( Evaluator (Located location term) term value m
, Member (Reader (Environment (Located location term) value)) effects
variableDefinition :: ( Member (Reader (Environment (Located location term) value)) effects
, Member (State (Environment (Located location term) value)) effects
, Member (State ImportGraph) effects
, Monad (m effects)
, Member (State (ImportGraph term)) effects
=> Name
-> ImportGraphing m effects ()
-> Evaluator (Located location term) term value effects ()
variableDefinition name = do
graph <- maybe empty (moduleGraph . origin . unAddress) <$> lookupEnv name
appendGraph (vertex (Variable (unName name)) `connect` graph)
appendGraph :: (Effectful m, Member (State ImportGraph) effects) => ImportGraph -> m effects ()
appendGraph :: Member (State (ImportGraph term)) effects => ImportGraph term -> Evaluator location term value effects ()
appendGraph = raise . modify' . (<>)
instance Semigroup ImportGraph where
instance Semigroup (ImportGraph term) where
(<>) = overlay
instance Monoid ImportGraph where
instance Monoid (ImportGraph term) where
mempty = empty
mappend = (<>)
instance Ord ImportGraph where
instance Ord (ImportGraph term) where
compare (ImportGraph G.Empty) (ImportGraph G.Empty) = EQ
compare (ImportGraph G.Empty) _ = LT
compare _ (ImportGraph G.Empty) = GT
@ -162,28 +150,26 @@ instance Ord ImportGraph where
compare _ (ImportGraph (G.Overlay _ _)) = GT
compare (ImportGraph (G.Connect a1 a2)) (ImportGraph (G.Connect b1 b2)) = (compare `on` ImportGraph) a1 b1 <> (compare `on` ImportGraph) a2 b2
instance Output ImportGraph where
instance Output (ImportGraph term) where
toOutput = toStrict . (<> "\n") . encode
instance ToJSON ImportGraph where
instance ToJSON (ImportGraph term) where
toJSON ImportGraph{..} = object [ "vertices" .= vertices, "edges" .= edges ]
vertices = toJSON (G.vertexList unImportGraph)
edges = fmap (\(a, b) -> object [ "source" .= vertexToText a, "target" .= vertexToText b ]) (G.edgeList unImportGraph)
instance ToJSON Vertex where
instance ToJSON (Vertex term) where
toJSON v = object [ "name" .= vertexToText v, "type" .= vertexToType v ]
vertexToText :: Vertex -> Text
vertexToText :: Vertex termt -> Text
vertexToText = decodeUtf8 . vertexName
vertexToType :: Vertex -> Text
vertexToType :: Vertex termt -> Text
vertexToType Package{} = "package"
vertexToType Module{} = "module"
vertexToType Variable{} = "variable"
instance Interpreter m effects
=> Interpreter (ImportGraphing m) (State ImportGraph ': effects) where
type Result (ImportGraphing m) (State ImportGraph ': effects) result = Result m effects (result, ImportGraph)
interpret = interpret . runImportGraphing . handleState mempty
importGraphing :: Effectful m => m (State (ImportGraph term) ': effects) result -> m effects (result, ImportGraph term)
importGraphing = handleState mempty
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