mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 18:06:14 +03:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/function-scopes' into the-locative-case
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ common haskell
, text ^>= 1.2.3
, tree-sitter ^>= 0.8
, tree-sitter-python ^>= 0.8.1
, containers
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
@ -21,12 +22,16 @@ module Language.Python.ScopeGraph
( scopeGraphModule
) where
import Analysis.Name
import qualified Analysis.Name as Name
import AST.Element
import Control.Algebra (Algebra (..), handleCoercible)
import Control.Effect.Fresh
import Control.Effect.Sketch
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.Traversable
import GHC.Records
import GHC.TypeLits
import Language.Python.Patterns
@ -44,7 +49,7 @@ instance Algebra sig m => Algebra sig (Ap m) where
-- every single Python AST type.
class (forall a . Show a => Show (t a)) => ToScopeGraph t where
scopeGraph ::
( Has (Sketch Name) sig m
( Has Sketch sig m
, Monoid (m Result)
=> t Loc
@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ instance (ToScopeGraph l, ToScopeGraph r) => ToScopeGraph (l :+: r) where
onField ::
forall (field :: Symbol) syn sig m r .
( Has (Sketch Name) sig m
( Has Sketch sig m
, HasField field (r Loc) (syn Loc)
, ToScopeGraph syn
, Monoid (m Result)
@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ onField
onChildren ::
( Traversable t
, ToScopeGraph syn
, Has (Sketch Name) sig m
, Has Sketch sig m
, HasField "extraChildren" (r Loc) (t (syn Loc))
, Monoid (m Result)
@ -81,16 +86,16 @@ onChildren
. traverse scopeGraph
. getField @"extraChildren"
scopeGraphModule :: Has (Sketch Name) sig m => Py.Module Loc -> m Result
scopeGraphModule :: Has Sketch sig m => Py.Module Loc -> m Result
scopeGraphModule = getAp . scopeGraph
instance ToScopeGraph Py.AssertStatement where scopeGraph = onChildren
instance ToScopeGraph Py.Assignment where
scopeGraph (Py.Assignment _ (SingleIdentifier t) val _typ) = do
declare @Name (formatName t) DeclProperties
maybe complete scopeGraph val
scopeGraph x = todo x
scopeGraph (Py.Assignment _ (SingleIdentifier t) _val _typ) = do
let declProps = (DeclProperties ScopeGraph.Assignment ScopeGraph.Default Nothing)
maybe complete scopeGraph val <* declare t declProps
scopeGraph x = todo x
instance ToScopeGraph Py.Await where
scopeGraph (Py.Await _ a) = scopeGraph a
@ -109,7 +114,19 @@ instance ToScopeGraph Py.Block where scopeGraph = onChildren
instance ToScopeGraph Py.BreakStatement where scopeGraph = mempty
instance ToScopeGraph Py.Call where scopeGraph = todo
instance ToScopeGraph Py.Call where
scopeGraph Py.Call
{ function
, arguments = L1 Py.ArgumentList { extraChildren = args }
} = do
result <- scopeGraph function
let scopeGraphArg = \case
Prj expr -> scopeGraph @Py.Expression expr
other -> todo other
args <- traverse scopeGraphArg args
pure (result <> mconcat args)
scopeGraph it = todo it
instance ToScopeGraph Py.ClassDefinition where scopeGraph = todo
@ -158,7 +175,27 @@ instance ToScopeGraph Py.Float where scopeGraph = mempty
instance ToScopeGraph Py.ForStatement where scopeGraph = todo
instance ToScopeGraph Py.FunctionDefinition where scopeGraph = todo
instance ToScopeGraph Py.FunctionDefinition where
scopeGraph Py.FunctionDefinition
{ name = Py.Identifier _ann1 name
, parameters = Py.Parameters _ann2 parameters
, body
} = do
let funProps = FunProperties ScopeGraph.Function
(_, associatedScope) <- declareFunction (Just $ Name.name name) funProps
withScope associatedScope $ do
let declProps = DeclProperties ScopeGraph.Parameter ScopeGraph.Default Nothing
let param (Py.Parameter (Prj (Py.Identifier _pann pname))) = Just (Name.name pname)
param _ = Nothing
let parameterMs = fmap param parameters
if any isNothing parameterMs
then todo parameterMs
else do
let parameters' = catMaybes parameterMs
paramDeclarations <- for parameters' $ \parameter ->
complete <* declare parameter declProps
bodyResult <- scopeGraph body
pure (mconcat paramDeclarations <> bodyResult)
instance ToScopeGraph Py.FutureImportStatement where scopeGraph = todo
@ -166,7 +203,7 @@ instance ToScopeGraph Py.GeneratorExpression where scopeGraph = todo
instance ToScopeGraph Py.Identifier where
scopeGraph (Py.Identifier _ name) = do
reference @Name name name RefProperties
reference name name RefProperties
instance ToScopeGraph Py.IfStatement where
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
module Main (main) where
import Analysis.Name (Name)
import qualified Analysis.Name as Name
import Control.Algebra
import Control.Carrier.Lift
import Control.Carrier.Sketch.Fresh
@ -50,10 +51,10 @@ The graph should be
runScopeGraph :: ToScopeGraph t => Path.AbsRelFile -> Source.Source -> t Loc -> (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name, Result)
runScopeGraph p _src item = run . runSketch (Just p) $ scopeGraph item
sampleGraphThing :: (Has (Sketch Name) sig m) => m Result
sampleGraphThing :: (Has Sketch sig m) => m Result
sampleGraphThing = do
declare @Name "hello" DeclProperties
declare @Name "goodbye" DeclProperties
declare "hello" (DeclProperties ScopeGraph.Assignment ScopeGraph.Default Nothing)
declare "goodbye" (DeclProperties ScopeGraph.Assignment ScopeGraph.Default Nothing)
pure Complete
graphFile :: FilePath -> IO (ScopeGraph.ScopeGraph Name, Result)
@ -71,10 +72,10 @@ assertSimpleAssignment = do
(expecto, Complete) <- runM $ runSketch Nothing sampleGraphThing
HUnit.assertEqual "Should work for simple case" expecto result
expectedReference :: (Has (Sketch Name) sig m) => m Result
expectedReference :: (Has Sketch sig m) => m Result
expectedReference = do
declare @Name "x" DeclProperties
reference @Name "x" "x" RefProperties
declare "x" (DeclProperties ScopeGraph.Assignment ScopeGraph.Default Nothing)
reference "x" "x" RefProperties
pure Complete
assertSimpleReference :: HUnit.Assertion
@ -85,6 +86,38 @@ assertSimpleReference = do
HUnit.assertEqual "Should work for simple case" expecto result
expectedLexicalScope :: (Has Sketch sig m) => m Result
expectedLexicalScope = do
_ <- declareFunction (Just $ Name.name "foo") (FunProperties ScopeGraph.Function)
reference "foo" "foo" RefProperties {}
pure Complete
expectedFunctionArg :: (Has Sketch sig m) => m Result
expectedFunctionArg = do
(_, associatedScope) <- declareFunction (Just $ Name.name "foo") (FunProperties ScopeGraph.Function)
withScope associatedScope $ do
declare "x" (DeclProperties ScopeGraph.Identifier ScopeGraph.Default Nothing)
reference "x" "x" RefProperties
pure ()
reference "foo" "foo" RefProperties
pure Complete
assertLexicalScope :: HUnit.Assertion
assertLexicalScope = do
let path = "semantic-python/test/fixtures/5-02-simple-function.py"
(graph, _) <- graphFile path
case run (runSketch Nothing expectedLexicalScope) of
(expecto, Complete) -> HUnit.assertEqual "Should work for simple case" expecto graph
(_, Todo msg) -> HUnit.assertFailure ("Failed to complete:" <> show msg)
assertFunctionArg :: HUnit.Assertion
assertFunctionArg = do
let path = "semantic-python/test/fixtures/5-03-function-argument.py"
(graph, _) <- graphFile path
case run (runSketch Nothing expectedFunctionArg) of
(expecto, Complete) -> HUnit.assertEqual "Should work for simple case" expecto graph
(_, Todo msg) -> HUnit.assertFailure ("Failed to complete:" <> show msg)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- make sure we're in the root directory so the paths resolve properly
@ -99,5 +132,9 @@ main = do
Tasty.testGroup "reference" [
HUnit.testCase "simple reference" assertSimpleReference
Tasty.testGroup "lexical scopes" [
HUnit.testCase "simple function scope" assertLexicalScope
, HUnit.testCase "simple function argument" assertFunctionArg
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
def foo():
return "hello world"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
def foo(x):
return x
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
@ -19,10 +20,11 @@ module Control.Carrier.Sketch.Fresh
) where
import Analysis.Name (Name)
import qualified Analysis.Name
import qualified Analysis.Name as Name
import Control.Algebra
import Control.Carrier.Fresh.Strict
import Control.Carrier.State.Strict
import Control.Carrier.Reader
import Control.Effect.Sketch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bifunctor
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ import Data.Module
import Data.ScopeGraph (ScopeGraph)
import qualified Data.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import GHC.Records
import Source.Span
import qualified System.Path as Path
@ -37,52 +40,69 @@ import qualified System.Path as Path
-- positional/contextual information. The name "sketchbook" is meant
-- to invoke an in-progress, concealed work, as well as the
-- "sketching" of a graph.
data Sketchbook address = Sketchbook
{ sGraph :: ScopeGraph address
, sCurrentScope :: address
data Sketchbook = Sketchbook
{ sGraph :: ScopeGraph Name
, sCurrentScope :: Name
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Lower (Sketchbook Name) where
instance Lower Sketchbook where
lowerBound =
initialGraph = ScopeGraph.insertScope n lowerBound lowerBound
n = Analysis.Name.nameI 0
n = Name.nameI 0
Sketchbook initialGraph n
newtype SketchC address m a = SketchC (StateC (Sketchbook address) (FreshC m) a)
newtype SketchC address m a = SketchC (StateC Sketchbook (FreshC m) a)
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)
instance (Effect sig, Algebra sig m) => Algebra (Sketch Name :+: sig) (SketchC Name m) where
alg (L (Declare n _props k)) = do
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC (get @(Sketchbook Name))
instance (Effect sig, Algebra sig m) => Algebra (SketchEff :+: Reader Name :+: Fresh :+: sig) (SketchC Name m) where
alg (L (Declare n props k)) = do
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC (get @Sketchbook)
let (new, _pos) =
(ScopeGraph.Declaration (Analysis.Name.name n))
(ScopeGraph.Declaration n)
(lowerBound @ModuleInfo)
(relation props)
(lowerBound @Span)
(getField @"kind" @DeclProperties props)
(associatedScope props)
SketchC (put @(Sketchbook Name) (Sketchbook new current))
SketchC (put (Sketchbook new current))
k ()
alg (L (Reference n decl _props k)) = do
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC (get @(Sketchbook Name))
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC (get @Sketchbook)
let new =
(ScopeGraph.Reference (Analysis.Name.name n))
(ScopeGraph.Reference (Name.name n))
(lowerBound @ModuleInfo)
(lowerBound @Span)
(ScopeGraph.Declaration (Analysis.Name.name decl))
(ScopeGraph.Declaration (Name.name decl))
SketchC (put @(Sketchbook Name) (Sketchbook new current))
SketchC (put (Sketchbook new current))
k ()
alg (R other) = SketchC (alg (R (R (handleCoercible other))))
alg (L (NewScope edges k)) = do
Sketchbook old current <- SketchC get
name <- SketchC Name.gensym
let new = ScopeGraph.newScope name edges old
SketchC (put (Sketchbook new current))
k name
alg (R (L a)) = case a of
Ask k -> SketchC (gets sCurrentScope) >>= k
Local fn go k -> do
initial@(Sketchbook s oldScope) <- SketchC get
let newScope = fn oldScope
SketchC (put (Sketchbook s newScope))
result <- go
SketchC (put initial)
k result
alg (R (R (L a))) = send (handleCoercible a)
alg (R (R (R a))) = send (handleCoercible a)
runSketch ::
(Functor m)
@ -90,7 +110,7 @@ runSketch ::
-> SketchC Name m a
-> m (ScopeGraph Name, a)
runSketch _rootpath (SketchC go)
= evalFresh 0
= evalFresh 1
. fmap (first sGraph)
. runState lowerBound
$ go
@ -1,39 +1,117 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- | The Sketch effect is used to build up a scope graph over
-- the lifetime of a monadic computation. The name is meant to evoke
-- physically sketching the hierarchical outline of a graph.
module Control.Effect.Sketch
( Sketch (..)
( Sketch
, SketchEff (..)
, DeclProperties (..)
, RefProperties (..)
, FunProperties (..)
, declare
-- Scope Manipulation
, currentScope
, newScope
, withScope
, declareFunction
, declareMaybeName
, reference
, Has
) where
import Control.Algebra
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import Control.Algebra
import Control.Effect.Fresh
import Control.Effect.Reader
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Analysis.Name (Name)
import qualified Analysis.Name as Name
import qualified Data.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
import GHC.Records
data DeclProperties = DeclProperties
data DeclProperties = DeclProperties {
kind :: ScopeGraph.Kind
, relation :: ScopeGraph.Relation
, associatedScope :: Maybe Name
data RefProperties = RefProperties
data FunProperties = FunProperties {
kind :: ScopeGraph.Kind
data Sketch address m k =
Declare Text DeclProperties (() -> m k)
type Sketch
= SketchEff
:+: Fresh
:+: Reader Name
data SketchEff m k =
Declare Name DeclProperties (() -> m k)
| Reference Text Text RefProperties (() -> m k)
| NewScope (Map ScopeGraph.EdgeLabel [Name]) (Name -> m k)
deriving (Generic, Generic1, HFunctor, Effect)
-- | Introduces a declaration into the scope.
declare :: forall a sig m . (Has (Sketch a) sig m) => Text -> DeclProperties -> m ()
declare n props = send @(Sketch a) (Declare n props pure)
currentScope :: Has (Reader Name) sig m => m Name
currentScope = ask
declare :: forall sig m . (Has Sketch sig m) => Name -> DeclProperties -> m ()
declare n props = send (Declare n props pure)
-- | Establish a reference to a prior declaration.
reference :: forall a sig m . (Has (Sketch a) sig m) => Text -> Text -> RefProperties -> m ()
reference n decl props = send @(Sketch a) (Reference n decl props pure)
reference :: forall sig m . (Has Sketch sig m) => Text -> Text -> RefProperties -> m ()
reference n decl props = send (Reference n decl props pure)
newScope :: forall sig m . (Has Sketch sig m) => Map ScopeGraph.EdgeLabel [Name] -> m Name
newScope edges = send (NewScope edges pure)
declareFunction :: forall sig m . (Has Sketch sig m) => Maybe Name -> FunProperties -> m (Name, Name)
declareFunction name props = do
currentScope' <- currentScope
let lexicalEdges = Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Lexical [ currentScope' ]
associatedScope <- newScope lexicalEdges
name' <- declareMaybeName name (DeclProperties { relation = ScopeGraph.Default, kind = (getField @"kind" @FunProperties props), associatedScope = Just associatedScope })
pure (name', associatedScope)
declareMaybeName :: Has Sketch sig m
=> Maybe Name
-> DeclProperties
-> m Name
declareMaybeName maybeName props = do
case maybeName of
Just name -> name <$ declare name props
_ -> Name.gensym >>= \name -> declare name (props { relation = ScopeGraph.Gensym }) >> pure name -- TODO: Modify props and change Kind to Gensym
withScope :: Has Sketch sig m
=> Name
-> m a
-> m a
withScope scope = local (const scope)
-- declareFunction :: ( Has (State (ScopeGraph address)) sig m
-- , Has (Allocator address) sig m
-- , Has (Reader (CurrentScope address)) sig m
-- , Has (Reader ModuleInfo) sig m
-- , Has Fresh sig m
-- , Ord address
-- )
-- => Maybe Name
-- -> ScopeGraph.AccessControl
-- -> Span
-- -> ScopeGraph.Kind
-- -> Evaluator term address value m (Name, address)
-- declareFunction name accessControl span kind = do
-- currentScope' <- currentScope
-- let lexicalEdges = Map.singleton Lexical [ currentScope' ]
-- associatedScope <- newScope lexicalEdges
-- name' <- declareMaybeName name Default accessControl span kind (Just associatedScope)
-- pure (name', associatedScope)
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module ScopeGraph.Convert
, complete
) where
import Analysis.Name (Name)
import Control.Effect.Sketch
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Data.Typeable
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ import Source.Loc
class Typeable t => ToScopeGraph t where
scopeGraph ::
( Has (Sketch Name) sig m
( Has Sketch sig m
=> t Loc
-> m Result
Reference in New Issue
Block a user