mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 05:58:34 +03:00
Merge branch 'second-wait' of https://github.com/github/semantic into second-wait
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ import qualified Semantic.AST as AST
import Semantic.Config
import qualified Semantic.Graph as Graph
import qualified Semantic.Task as Task
import Semantic.Task.Files
import qualified Semantic.Telemetry.Log as Log
import Semantic.Task.Files
import Semantic.Telemetry
import Semantic.Version
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath
@ -26,8 +27,9 @@ import Text.Read
main :: IO ()
main = do
(options, task) <- customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) arguments
res <- Task.withOptions options $ \ config logger statter ->
Task.runTaskWithConfig config { configSHA = Just buildSHA } logger statter task
config <- defaultConfig options
res <- withTelemetry config $ \ (TelemetryQueues logger statter _) ->
Task.runTask (Task.TaskSession config "-" logger statter) task
either (die . displayException) pure res
-- | A parser for the application's command-line arguments.
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ optionsParser = do
(long "log-level" <> value (Just Log.Warning) <> help "Log messages at or above this level, or disable logging entirely.")
failOnWarning <- switch (long "fail-on-warning" <> help "Fail on assignment warnings.")
failOnParseError <- switch (long "fail-on-parse-error" <> help "Fail on tree-sitter parse errors.")
pure $ Options logLevel Nothing failOnWarning failOnParseError
pure $ Options logLevel failOnWarning failOnParseError
argumentsParser :: Parser (Task.TaskEff ())
argumentsParser = do
@ -52,16 +52,15 @@ data Config
data Options
= Options
{ optionsLogLevel :: Maybe Level -- ^ What level of messages to log. 'Nothing' disables logging.
, optionsRequestID :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional request id for tracing across systems.
, optionsFailOnWarning :: Bool -- ^ Should semantic fail fast on assignment warnings (for testing)
, optionsFailOnParseError :: Bool -- ^ Should semantic fail fast on tree-sitter parser errors (for testing)
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options (Just Warning) Nothing False False
defaultOptions = Options (Just Warning) False False
debugOptions :: Options
debugOptions = Options (Just Debug) Nothing False False
debugOptions = Options (Just Debug) False False
defaultConfig :: Options -> IO Config
defaultConfig options@Options{..} = do
@ -111,8 +110,7 @@ logOptionsFromConfig Config{..} = LogOptions
, ("hostname", configHostName)
, ("sha", fromMaybe "development" configSHA)
<> [("request_id", x) | x <- toList (optionsRequestID configOptions) ]
_ -> []
_ -> []
withLoggerFromConfig :: Config -> (LogQueue -> IO c) -> IO c
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Semantic.Task
, distributeFoldMap
-- * Configuration
, debugOptions
, defaultOptions
, defaultConfig
, terminalFormatter
, logfmtFormatter
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ module Semantic.Task
, runTask
, runTaskWithOptions
, withOptions
, runTaskWithConfig
, TaskSession(..)
, runTraceInTelemetry
, runTaskF
-- * Exceptions
@ -91,7 +92,6 @@ import Semantic.Timeout
import Semantic.Resolution
import Semantic.Telemetry
import Serializing.Format hiding (Options)
import System.Exit (die)
-- | A high-level task producing some result, e.g. parsing, diffing, rendering. 'Task's can also specify explicit concurrency via 'distribute', 'distributeFor', and 'distributeFoldMap'
type TaskEff
@ -150,33 +150,17 @@ serialize :: (Member Task sig, Carrier sig m)
-> m Builder
serialize format input = send (Serialize format input ret)
-- | Execute a 'Task' with the 'defaultOptions', yielding its result value in 'IO'.
-- > runTask = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions
runTask :: TaskEff a
-> IO a
runTask = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions
-- | Execute a 'TaskEff' with the passed 'Options', yielding its result value in 'IO'.
runTaskWithOptions :: Options
-> TaskEff a
-> IO a
runTaskWithOptions opts task = withOptions opts (\ config logger statter -> runTaskWithConfig config logger statter task) >>= either (die . displayException) pure
withOptions :: Options
-> (Config -> LogQueue -> StatQueue -> IO a)
-> IO a
withOptions options with = do
config <- defaultConfig options
withTelemetry config (\ (TelemetryQueues logger statter _) -> with config logger statter)
data TaskSession
= TaskSession
{ config :: Config
, requestID :: String
, logger :: LogQueue
, statter :: StatQueue
-- | Execute a 'TaskEff' yielding its result value in 'IO'.
runTaskWithConfig :: Config
-> LogQueue
-> StatQueue
-> TaskEff a
-> IO (Either SomeException a)
runTaskWithConfig options logger statter task = do
runTask :: TaskSession -> TaskEff a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
runTask TaskSession{..} task = do
(result, stat) <- withTiming "run" [] $ do
let run :: TaskEff a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
@ -187,7 +171,7 @@ runTaskWithConfig options logger statter task = do
. runError
. runTelemetry logger statter
. runTraceInTelemetry
. runReader options
. runReader config
. Files.runFiles
. runResolution
. runTaskF
@ -195,6 +179,17 @@ runTaskWithConfig options logger statter task = do
queueStat statter stat
pure result
-- | Execute a 'TaskEff' yielding its result value in 'IO' using all default options and configuration.
runTaskWithOptions :: Options -> TaskEff a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
runTaskWithOptions options task = withOptions options $ \ config logger statter ->
runTask (TaskSession config "-" logger statter) task
-- | Yield config and telemetry queues for options.
withOptions :: Options -> (Config -> LogQueue -> StatQueue -> IO a) -> IO a
withOptions options with = do
config <- defaultConfig options
withTelemetry config (\ (TelemetryQueues logger statter _) -> with config logger statter)
runTraceInTelemetry :: (Member Telemetry sig, Carrier sig m, Monad m)
=> Eff (TraceInTelemetryC m) a
-> m a
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import Semantic.Analysis
import Semantic.Config
import Semantic.Graph
import Semantic.Task
import Semantic.Telemetry (LogQueue, StatQueue)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory)
@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ evalTypeScriptProject = justEvaluating <=< evaluateProject (Proxy :: Proxy 'Lang
typecheckGoFile = checking <=< evaluateProjectWithCaching (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Go) goParser
typecheckRubyFile = checking <=< evaluateProjectWithCaching (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Ruby) rubyParser
callGraphProject parser proxy opts paths = runTaskWithOptions opts $ do
callGraphProject parser proxy paths = runTask' $ do
blobs <- catMaybes <$> traverse readBlobFromFile (flip File (Language.reflect proxy) <$> paths)
package <- fmap snd <$> parsePackage parser (Project (takeDirectory (maybe "/" fst (uncons paths))) blobs (Language.reflect proxy) [])
modules <- topologicalSort <$> runImportGraphToModules proxy package
@ -92,28 +91,29 @@ callGraphProject parser proxy opts paths = runTaskWithOptions opts $ do
evaluatePythonProject = justEvaluating <=< evaluatePythonProjects (Proxy @'Language.Python) pythonParser Language.Python
callGraphRubyProject = callGraphProject rubyParser (Proxy @'Language.Ruby) debugOptions
callGraphRubyProject = callGraphProject rubyParser (Proxy @'Language.Ruby)
evaluateProject proxy parser paths = withOptions debugOptions $ \ config logger statter ->
evaluateProject' (TaskSession config "-" logger statter) proxy parser paths
-- Evaluate a project consisting of the listed paths.
evaluateProject proxy parser paths = withOptions debugOptions $ \ config logger statter ->
evaluateProject' (TaskConfig config logger statter) proxy parser paths
-- TODO: This is used by our specs and should be moved into SpecHelpers.hs
evaluateProject' session proxy parser paths = do
res <- runTask session $ do
blobs <- catMaybes <$> traverse readBlobFromFile (flip File (Language.reflect proxy) <$> paths)
package <- fmap (quieterm . snd) <$> parsePackage parser (Project (takeDirectory (maybe "/" fst (uncons paths))) blobs (Language.reflect proxy) [])
modules <- topologicalSort <$> runImportGraphToModules proxy package
trace $ "evaluating with load order: " <> show (map (modulePath . moduleInfo) modules)
pure (id @(Evaluator _ Precise (Value _ Precise) _ _)
(runModules (ModuleTable.modulePaths (packageModules package))
(raiseHandler (runReader (packageInfo package))
(raiseHandler (evalState (lowerBound @Span))
(raiseHandler (runReader (lowerBound @Span))
(evaluate proxy (runDomainEffects (evalTerm withTermSpans)) modules)))))))
either (die . displayException) pure res
data TaskConfig = TaskConfig Config LogQueue StatQueue
evaluateProject' (TaskConfig config logger statter) proxy parser paths = either (die . displayException) pure <=< runTaskWithConfig config logger statter $ do
blobs <- catMaybes <$> traverse readBlobFromFile (flip File (Language.reflect proxy) <$> paths)
package <- fmap (quieterm . snd) <$> parsePackage parser (Project (takeDirectory (maybe "/" fst (uncons paths))) blobs (Language.reflect proxy) [])
modules <- topologicalSort <$> runImportGraphToModules proxy package
trace $ "evaluating with load order: " <> show (map (modulePath . moduleInfo) modules)
pure (id @(Evaluator _ Precise (Value _ Precise) _ _)
(runModules (ModuleTable.modulePaths (packageModules package))
(raiseHandler (runReader (packageInfo package))
(raiseHandler (evalState (lowerBound @Span))
(raiseHandler (runReader (lowerBound @Span))
(evaluate proxy (runDomainEffects (evalTerm withTermSpans)) modules)))))))
evaluatePythonProjects proxy parser lang path = runTaskWithOptions debugOptions $ do
evaluatePythonProjects proxy parser lang path = runTask' $ do
project <- readProject Nothing path lang []
package <- fmap quieterm <$> parsePythonPackage parser project
modules <- topologicalSort <$> runImportGraphToModules proxy package
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ evaluatePythonProjects proxy parser lang path = runTaskWithOptions debugOptions
(evaluate proxy (runDomainEffects (evalTerm withTermSpans)) modules)))))))
evaluateProjectWithCaching proxy parser path = runTaskWithOptions debugOptions $ do
evaluateProjectWithCaching proxy parser path = runTask' $ do
project <- readProject Nothing path (Language.reflect proxy) []
package <- fmap (quieterm . snd) <$> parsePackage parser project
modules <- topologicalSort <$> runImportGraphToModules proxy package
@ -141,10 +141,13 @@ evaluateProjectWithCaching proxy parser path = runTaskWithOptions debugOptions $
parseFile :: Parser term -> FilePath -> IO term
parseFile parser = runTask . (parse parser <=< readBlob . file)
parseFile parser = runTask' . (parse parser <=< readBlob . file)
blob :: FilePath -> IO Blob
blob = runTask . readBlob . file
blob = runTask' . readBlob . file
runTask' :: TaskEff a -> IO a
runTask' task = runTaskWithOptions debugOptions task >>= either (die . displayException) pure
mergeErrors :: Either (SomeError (Sum errs)) (Either (SomeError err) result) -> Either (SomeError (Sum (err ': errs))) result
mergeErrors = either (\ (SomeError sum) -> Left (SomeError (weaken sum))) (either (\ (SomeError err) -> Left (SomeError (inject err))) Right)
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import qualified Language.Go.Assignment as Go
import SpecHelpers
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskSession -> Spec
spec session = parallel $ do
describe "Go" $ do
it "imports and wildcard imports" $ do
(scopeGraph, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main.go", "foo/foo.go", "bar/bar.go", "bar/rab.go"]
@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ spec config = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/go/analysis/"
evaluate = evalGoProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalGoProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Go) goParser
evalGoProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' session (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Go) goParser
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import qualified Language.PHP.Assignment as PHP
import SpecHelpers
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskSession -> Spec
spec session = parallel $ do
describe "PHP" $ do
xit "evaluates include and require" $ do
(scopeGraph, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main.php", "foo.php", "bar.php"]
@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ spec config = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/php/analysis/"
evaluate = evalPHPProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalPHPProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.PHP) phpParser
evalPHPProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' session (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.PHP) phpParser
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import qualified Data.Language as Language
import SpecHelpers
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskSession -> Spec
spec session = parallel $ do
describe "Python" $ do
it "imports" $ do
(scopeGraph, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main.py", "a.py", "b/__init__.py", "b/c.py"]
@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ spec config = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/python/analysis/"
evaluate = evalPythonProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalPythonProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Python) pythonParser
evalPythonProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' session (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Python) pythonParser
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import Data.Sum
import SpecHelpers
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskSession -> Spec
spec session = parallel $ do
describe "Ruby" $ do
it "evaluates require_relative" $ do
(scopeGraph, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main.rb", "foo.rb"]
@ -101,4 +101,4 @@ spec config = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/ruby/analysis/"
evaluate = evalRubyProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalRubyProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Ruby) rubyParser
evalRubyProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' session (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.Ruby) rubyParser
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ import Data.Text (pack)
import qualified Language.TypeScript.Assignment as TypeScript
import SpecHelpers
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
spec :: TaskSession -> Spec
spec session = parallel $ do
describe "TypeScript" $ do
it "qualified export from" $ do
(scopeGraph, (heap, res)) <- evaluate ["main6.ts", "baz.ts", "foo.ts"]
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ spec config = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/typescript/analysis/"
evaluate = evalTypeScriptProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalTypeScriptProject = testEvaluating <=< (evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.TypeScript) typescriptParser)
evalTypeScriptProject = testEvaluating <=< (evaluateProject' session (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.TypeScript) typescriptParser)
type TypeScriptTerm = Quieterm (Sum TypeScript.Syntax) Location
type TypeScriptEvalError = BaseError (EvalError TypeScriptTerm Precise (Concrete.Value TypeScriptTerm Precise))
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import Semantic.Config (Config (..), Options (..), defaultOptions)
import qualified Semantic.IO as IO
import Semantic.Task
import Semantic.Task.Files
import Semantic.Util (TaskConfig (..))
import System.Directory
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath.Glob
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ import Test.Hspec
main :: IO ()
main = withOptions opts $ \ config logger statter -> hspec . parallel $ do
let args = TaskConfig config logger statter
let args = TaskSession config "-" logger statter
runIO setupExampleRepos
@ -42,11 +41,11 @@ main = withOptions opts $ \ config logger statter -> hspec . parallel $ do
parallel . describe languageName $ parseExamples args lang tsDir
parseExamples (TaskConfig config logger statter) LanguageExample{..} tsDir = do
parseExamples session LanguageExample{..} tsDir = do
knownFailures <- runIO $ knownFailuresForPath tsDir languageKnownFailuresTxt
files <- runIO $ globDir1 (compile ("**/*" <> languageExtension)) (tsDir </> languageExampleDir)
for_ files $ \file -> it file $ do
res <- runTaskWithConfig config logger statter (parseFilePath file)
res <- runTask session (parseFilePath file)
case res of
Left (SomeException e) -> case cast e of
-- We have a number of known assignment timeouts, consider these pending specs instead of failing the build.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Semantic.Config (defaultOptions)
import Semantic.Graph
import Semantic.IO
callGraphPythonProject paths = runTask $ do
callGraphPythonProject paths = runTaskOrDie $ do
let proxy = Proxy @'Language.Python
let lang = Language.Python
blobs <- catMaybes <$> traverse readBlobFromFile (flip File lang <$> paths)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import SpecHelpers
languages :: [FilePath]
languages = ["go", "javascript", "json", "python", "ruby", "typescript"]
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec :: TaskSession -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
for_ languages $ \language -> do
let dir = "test/fixtures" </> language </> "corpus"
@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ examples directory = do
normalizeName :: FilePath -> FilePath
normalizeName path = dropExtension $ dropExtension path
testParse :: TaskConfig -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Expectation
testParse config path expectedOutput = do
actual <- verbatim <$> parseFilePath config path
testParse :: TaskSession -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Expectation
testParse session path expectedOutput = do
actual <- verbatim <$> parseFilePath session path
expected <- verbatim <$> B.readFile expectedOutput
actual `shouldBe` expected
testDiff :: TaskConfig -> Both FilePath -> FilePath -> Expectation
testDiff :: TaskSession -> Both FilePath -> FilePath -> Expectation
testDiff config paths expectedOutput = do
actual <- verbatim <$> diffFilePaths config paths
expected <- verbatim <$> B.readFile expectedOutput
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ spec = parallel $ do
it "summarizes changed methods" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "ruby/toc/methods.A.rb" "ruby/toc/methods.B.rb")
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diff <- runTaskOrDie $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ TOCSummary "Method" "self.foo" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 2 4)) "added"
, TOCSummary "Method" "bar" (Span (Pos 4 1) (Pos 6 4)) "modified"
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ spec = parallel $ do
xit "summarizes changed classes" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "ruby/toc/classes.A.rb" "ruby/toc/classes.B.rb")
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diff <- runTaskOrDie $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ TOCSummary "Class" "Baz" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 2 4)) "removed"
, TOCSummary "Class" "Foo" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 3 4)) "modified"
@ -75,37 +75,37 @@ spec = parallel $ do
it "dedupes changes in same parent method" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "javascript/toc/duplicate-parent.A.js" "javascript/toc/duplicate-parent.B.js")
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser typescriptParser sourceBlobs
diff <- runTaskOrDie $ diffWithParser typescriptParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ TOCSummary "Function" "myFunction" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 6 2)) "modified" ]
it "dedupes similar methods" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "javascript/toc/erroneous-duplicate-method.A.js" "javascript/toc/erroneous-duplicate-method.B.js")
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser typescriptParser sourceBlobs
diff <- runTaskOrDie $ diffWithParser typescriptParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ TOCSummary "Function" "performHealthCheck" (Span (Pos 8 1) (Pos 29 2)) "modified" ]
it "summarizes Go methods with receivers with special formatting" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "go/toc/method-with-receiver.A.go" "go/toc/method-with-receiver.B.go")
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser goParser sourceBlobs
diff <- runTaskOrDie $ diffWithParser goParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ TOCSummary "Method" "(*apiClient) CheckAuth" (Span (Pos 3 1) (Pos 3 101)) "added" ]
it "summarizes Ruby methods that start with two identifiers" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "ruby/toc/method-starts-with-two-identifiers.A.rb" "ruby/toc/method-starts-with-two-identifiers.B.rb")
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diff <- runTaskOrDie $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ TOCSummary "Method" "foo" (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 4 4)) "modified" ]
it "handles unicode characters in file" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "ruby/toc/unicode.A.rb" "ruby/toc/unicode.B.rb")
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diff <- runTaskOrDie $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ TOCSummary "Method" "foo" (Span (Pos 6 1) (Pos 7 4)) "added" ]
it "properly slices source blob that starts with a newline and has multi-byte chars" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "javascript/toc/starts-with-newline.js" "javascript/toc/starts-with-newline.js")
diff <- runTaskWithOptions (defaultOptions { optionsLogLevel = Nothing }) $ diffWithParser typescriptParser sourceBlobs
diff <- runTaskOrDie $ diffWithParser typescriptParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe` []
prop "inserts of methods and functions are summarized" . forAll ((not . isMethodOrFunction . Prelude.snd) `filterT` tiers) $
@ -148,22 +148,22 @@ spec = parallel $ do
describe "diff with ToCDiffRenderer'" $ do
it "produces JSON output" $ do
blobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "ruby/toc/methods.A.rb" "ruby/toc/methods.B.rb")
output <- runTask (diffSummaryBuilder Format.JSON [blobs])
output <- runTaskOrDie (diffSummaryBuilder Format.JSON [blobs])
runBuilder output `shouldBe` ("{\"changes\":{\"test/fixtures/ruby/toc/methods.A.rb -> test/fixtures/ruby/toc/methods.B.rb\":[{\"span\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[2,4]},\"category\":\"Method\",\"term\":\"self.foo\",\"changeType\":\"added\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[4,1],\"end\":[6,4]},\"category\":\"Method\",\"term\":\"bar\",\"changeType\":\"modified\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[4,1],\"end\":[5,4]},\"category\":\"Method\",\"term\":\"baz\",\"changeType\":\"removed\"}]},\"errors\":{}}\n" :: ByteString)
it "produces JSON output if there are parse errors" $ do
blobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "ruby/toc/methods.A.rb" "ruby/toc/methods.X.rb")
output <- runTaskWithOptions (defaultOptions { optionsLogLevel = Nothing }) (diffSummaryBuilder Format.JSON [blobs])
output <- runTaskOrDie (diffSummaryBuilder Format.JSON [blobs])
runBuilder output `shouldBe` ("{\"changes\":{\"test/fixtures/ruby/toc/methods.A.rb -> test/fixtures/ruby/toc/methods.X.rb\":[{\"span\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[2,4]},\"category\":\"Method\",\"term\":\"bar\",\"changeType\":\"removed\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[4,1],\"end\":[5,4]},\"category\":\"Method\",\"term\":\"baz\",\"changeType\":\"removed\"}]},\"errors\":{\"test/fixtures/ruby/toc/methods.A.rb -> test/fixtures/ruby/toc/methods.X.rb\":[{\"span\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[2,3]},\"error\":\"expected end of input nodes, but got ParseError\",\"language\":\"Ruby\"}]}}\n" :: ByteString)
it "ignores anonymous functions" $ do
blobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "ruby/toc/lambda.A.rb" "ruby/toc/lambda.B.rb")
output <- runTask (diffSummaryBuilder Format.JSON [blobs])
output <- runTaskOrDie (diffSummaryBuilder Format.JSON [blobs])
runBuilder output `shouldBe` ("{\"changes\":{},\"errors\":{}}\n" :: ByteString)
it "summarizes Markdown headings" $ do
blobs <- blobsForPaths (Both "markdown/toc/headings.A.md" "markdown/toc/headings.B.md")
output <- runTask (diffSummaryBuilder Format.JSON [blobs])
output <- runTaskOrDie (diffSummaryBuilder Format.JSON [blobs])
runBuilder output `shouldBe` ("{\"changes\":{\"test/fixtures/markdown/toc/headings.A.md -> test/fixtures/markdown/toc/headings.B.md\":[{\"span\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[3,16]},\"category\":\"Heading 1\",\"term\":\"Introduction\",\"changeType\":\"removed\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[5,1],\"end\":[7,4]},\"category\":\"Heading 2\",\"term\":\"Two\",\"changeType\":\"modified\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[9,1],\"end\":[11,10]},\"category\":\"Heading 3\",\"term\":\"This heading is new\",\"changeType\":\"added\"},{\"span\":{\"start\":[13,1],\"end\":[14,4]},\"category\":\"Heading 1\",\"term\":\"Final\",\"changeType\":\"added\"}]},\"errors\":{}}\n" :: ByteString)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ spec = describe "reprinting" $ do
printed `shouldBe` Right src
it "should be able to parse the output of a refactor" $ do
let (Just tagged) = rewrite (mark Unmodified tree) (topDownAny increaseNumbers)
let (Just tagged) = rewrite (mark Unmodified tree) (topDownAny increaseNumbers)
let (Right printed) = runReprinter src defaultJSONPipeline tagged
tree' <- runTask (parse jsonParser (Blob printed path Language.JSON))
tree' <- runTaskOrDie (parse jsonParser (Blob printed path Language.JSON))
length tree' `shouldSatisfy` (/= 0)
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ spec = parallel $ do
describe "parseDiffBuilder" $
for_ diffFixtures $ \ (diffRenderer, runDiff, files, expected) ->
it ("renders to " <> diffRenderer <> " with files " <> show files) $ do
output <- runTask $ readBlobPairs (Right files) >>= runDiff
output <- runTaskOrDie $ readBlobPairs (Right files) >>= runDiff
runBuilder output `shouldBe'` expected
describe "parseTermBuilder" $
for_ parseFixtures $ \ (format, runParse, files, expected) ->
it ("renders to " <> format <> " with files " <> show files) $ do
output <- runTask $ readBlobs (Right files) >>= runParse
output <- runTaskOrDie $ readBlobs (Right files) >>= runParse
runBuilder output `shouldBe'` expected
shouldBe' actual' expectedFile = do
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "parseBlob" $ do
it "returns error if given an unknown language (json)" $ do
output <- fmap runBuilder . runTask $ parseTermBuilder TermJSONTree [ methodsBlob { blobLanguage = Unknown } ]
output <- fmap runBuilder . runTaskOrDie $ parseTermBuilder TermJSONTree [ methodsBlob { blobLanguage = Unknown } ]
output `shouldBe` "{\"trees\":[{\"path\":\"methods.rb\",\"error\":\"NoLanguageForBlob \\\"methods.rb\\\"\",\"language\":\"Unknown\"}]}\n"
it "throws if given an unknown language for sexpression output" $ do
runTask (parseTermBuilder TermSExpression [methodsBlob { blobLanguage = Unknown }]) `shouldThrow` (== ExitFailure 1)
runTaskOrDie (parseTermBuilder TermSExpression [methodsBlob { blobLanguage = Unknown }]) `shouldThrow` (== ExitFailure 1)
it "renders with the specified renderer" $ do
output <- fmap runBuilder . runTask $ parseTermBuilder TermSExpression [methodsBlob]
output <- fmap runBuilder . runTaskOrDie $ parseTermBuilder TermSExpression [methodsBlob]
output `shouldBe` "(Statements\n (Method\n (Empty)\n (Identifier)\n (Statements)))\n"
methodsBlob = Blob "def foo\nend\n" "methods.rb" Ruby
@ -33,16 +33,15 @@ import qualified Semantic.Spec
import qualified Semantic.CLI.Spec
import qualified Semantic.IO.Spec
import qualified Semantic.Stat.Spec
import Semantic.Config (defaultOptions)
import Semantic.Task (withOptions)
import Semantic.Util (TaskConfig(..))
import Semantic.Config (defaultOptions, optionsLogLevel)
import Semantic.Task (withOptions, TaskSession(..))
import qualified Proto3.Roundtrip
import Test.Hspec
main :: IO ()
main = do
withOptions defaultOptions $ \ config logger statter -> hspec $ do
let args = TaskConfig config logger statter
withOptions defaultOptions { optionsLogLevel = Nothing } $ \ config logger statter -> hspec $ do
let args = TaskSession config "-" logger statter
describe "Semantic.Stat" Semantic.Stat.Spec.spec
parallel $ do
describe "Analysis.Go" (Analysis.Go.Spec.spec args)
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module SpecHelpers
, parseFilePath
, parseTestFile
, readFilePair
, runTaskOrDie
, TaskSession(..)
, testEvaluating
, verbatim
, Verbatim(..)
@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Semantic.IO as IO
import Semantic.Config (Config)
import Semantic.Config (Config(..), optionsLogLevel)
import Semantic.Telemetry (LogQueue, StatQueue)
import Semantic.API hiding (File, Blob, BlobPair)
import System.Exit (die)
@ -92,12 +94,12 @@ instance IsString Name where
fromString = X.name . fromString
-- | Returns an s-expression formatted diff for the specified FilePath pair.
diffFilePaths :: TaskConfig -> Both FilePath -> IO ByteString
diffFilePaths (TaskConfig config logger statter) paths = readFilePair paths >>= runTaskWithConfig config logger statter . parseDiffBuilder @[] DiffSExpression . pure >>= either (die . displayException) (pure . runBuilder)
diffFilePaths :: TaskSession -> Both FilePath -> IO ByteString
diffFilePaths session paths = readFilePair paths >>= runTask session . parseDiffBuilder @[] DiffSExpression . pure >>= either (die . displayException) (pure . runBuilder)
-- | Returns an s-expression parse tree for the specified FilePath.
parseFilePath :: TaskConfig -> FilePath -> IO ByteString
parseFilePath (TaskConfig config logger statter) path = (fromJust <$> readBlobFromFile (file path)) >>= runTaskWithConfig config logger statter . parseTermBuilder @[] TermSExpression . pure >>= either (die . displayException) (pure . runBuilder)
parseFilePath :: TaskSession -> FilePath -> IO ByteString
parseFilePath session path = (fromJust <$> readBlobFromFile (file path)) >>= runTask session . parseTermBuilder @[] TermSExpression . pure >>= either (die . displayException) (pure . runBuilder)
-- | Read two files to a BlobPair.
readFilePair :: Both FilePath -> IO BlobPair
@ -105,11 +107,15 @@ readFilePair paths = let paths' = fmap file paths in
runBothWith F.readFilePair paths'
parseTestFile :: Parser term -> FilePath -> IO (Blob, term)
parseTestFile parser path = runTask $ do
parseTestFile parser path = runTaskOrDie $ do
blob <- readBlob (file path)
term <- parse parser blob
pure (blob, term)
-- Run a Task and call `die` if it returns an Exception.
runTaskOrDie :: TaskEff a -> IO a
runTaskOrDie task = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions { optionsLogLevel = Nothing } task >>= either (die . displayException) pure
type TestEvaluatingC term
= ResumableC (BaseError (AddressError Precise (Val term))) (Eff
( ResumableC (BaseError (ValueError term Precise)) (Eff
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