mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 23:46:21 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into bump-fused-effects-03-03-2019
This commit is contained in:
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ library
-- API
, Semantic.Api
, Semantic.Api.Diffs
, Semantic.Api.Helpers
, Semantic.Api.Bridge
, Semantic.Api.LegacyTypes
, Semantic.Api.Symbols
, Semantic.Api.Terms
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Data.Patch
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Term
import Prologue
import Semantic.Api.Helpers
import Semantic.Api.Bridge
import Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) =>
termAlgebra (In ann syntax) = do
i <- fresh
parent <- ask
let root = vertex (TermVertex (fromIntegral i) (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (spanToSpan (locationSpan ann)))
let root = vertex $ TermVertex (fromIntegral i) (T.pack (constructorName syntax)) (converting #? locationSpan ann)
subGraph <- foldl' (\acc x -> overlay <$> acc <*> local (const root) x) (pure mempty) syntax
pure (parent `connect` root `overlay` subGraph)
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) =>
graph <- local (const replace) (overlay <$> diffAlgebra t1 (Deleted (Just (DeletedTerm beforeName beforeSpan))) <*> diffAlgebra t2 (Inserted (Just (InsertedTerm afterName afterSpan))))
pure (parent `connect` replace `overlay` graph)
ann a = spanToSpan (locationSpan a)
ann a = converting #? locationSpan a
diffAlgebra ::
( Foldable f
, Member Fresh sig
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, LambdaCase #-}
module Semantic.Api.Bridge
( APIBridge (..)
, APIConvert (..)
, (#?)
) where
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Blob as Data
import qualified Data.Language as Data
import Data.Source (fromText, toText)
import qualified Data.Span as Data
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Semantic.Api.LegacyTypes as Legacy
import qualified Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB as API
-- | An @APIBridge x y@ instance describes an isomorphism between @x@ and @y@.
-- This is suitable for types such as 'Pos' which are representationally equivalent
-- in their API, legacy, and native forms. All 'Lens' laws apply.
-- Foreign to native: @x^.bridging@
-- Native to foreign: @bridging # x@
-- Native to 'Just' foreign: @bridging #? x@.
-- 'Maybe' foreign to 'Maybe' native: @x >>= preview bridging@
class APIBridge api native | api -> native where
bridging :: Iso' api native
-- | An @APIConvert x y@ instance describes a partial isomorphism between @x@ and @y@.
-- This is suitable for types containing nested records therein, such as 'Span'.
-- (The isomorphism must be partial, given that a protobuf record can have Nothing
-- for all its fields, which means we cannot convert to a native format.)
-- Foreign to native: this is a type error, unless the native is a Monoid
-- Foreign to 'Maybe' native: @x^?converting@
-- Native to foreign: @converting # x@
-- Native to 'Just' foreign: @converting #? x@
class APIConvert api native | api -> native where
converting :: Prism' api native
-- | A helper function for turning 'bridging' around and
-- extracting 'Just' values from it.
(#?) :: AReview t s -> s -> Maybe t
rev #? item = item ^? re rev
infixr 8 #?
instance APIBridge Legacy.Position Data.Pos where
bridging = iso fromAPI toAPI where
toAPI Data.Pos{..} = Legacy.Position posLine posColumn
fromAPI Legacy.Position{..} = Data.Pos line column
instance APIBridge API.Position Data.Pos where
bridging = iso fromAPI toAPI where
toAPI Data.Pos{..} = API.Position (fromIntegral posLine) (fromIntegral posColumn)
fromAPI API.Position{..} = Data.Pos (fromIntegral line) (fromIntegral column)
instance APIConvert API.Span Data.Span where
converting = prism' toAPI fromAPI where
toAPI Data.Span{..} = API.Span (bridging #? spanStart) (bridging #? spanEnd)
fromAPI API.Span{..} = Data.Span <$> (start >>= preview bridging) <*> (end >>= preview bridging)
instance APIConvert Legacy.Span Data.Span where
converting = prism' toAPI fromAPI where
toAPI Data.Span{..} = Legacy.Span (bridging #? spanStart) (bridging #? spanEnd)
fromAPI Legacy.Span {..} = Data.Span <$> (start >>= preview bridging) <*> (end >>= preview bridging)
instance APIBridge API.Language Data.Language where
bridging = iso apiLanguageToLanguage languageToApiLanguage where
languageToApiLanguage :: Data.Language -> API.Language
languageToApiLanguage = \case
Data.Unknown -> API.Unknown
Data.Go -> API.Go
Data.Haskell -> API.Haskell
Data.Java -> API.Java
Data.JavaScript -> API.Javascript
Data.JSON -> API.Json
Data.JSX -> API.Jsx
Data.Markdown -> API.Markdown
Data.Python -> API.Python
Data.Ruby -> API.Ruby
Data.TypeScript -> API.Typescript
Data.PHP -> API.Php
apiLanguageToLanguage :: API.Language -> Data.Language
apiLanguageToLanguage = \case
API.Unknown -> Data.Unknown
API.Go -> Data.Go
API.Haskell -> Data.Haskell
API.Java -> Data.Java
API.Javascript -> Data.JavaScript
API.Json -> Data.JSON
API.Jsx -> Data.JSX
API.Markdown -> Data.Markdown
API.Python -> Data.Python
API.Ruby -> Data.Ruby
API.Typescript -> Data.TypeScript
API.Php -> Data.PHP
instance APIBridge API.Blob Data.Blob where
bridging = iso apiBlobToBlob blobToApiBlob where
blobToApiBlob Data.Blob{..} = API.Blob (toText blobSource) (T.pack blobPath) (bridging # blobLanguage)
apiBlobToBlob API.Blob{..} = Data.Blob (fromText content) (T.unpack path) (language ^. bridging)
instance APIConvert API.BlobPair Data.BlobPair where
converting = prism' blobPairToApiBlobPair apiBlobPairToBlobPair where
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair (Just before) (Just after)) = Just $ Data.Diffing (before^.bridging) (after^.bridging)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair (Just before) Nothing) = Just $ Data.Deleting (before^.bridging)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair Nothing (Just after)) = Just $ Data.Inserting (after^.bridging)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair _ = Nothing
blobPairToApiBlobPair (Data.Diffing before after) = API.BlobPair (bridging #? before) (bridging #? after)
blobPairToApiBlobPair (Data.Inserting after) = API.BlobPair Nothing (bridging #? after)
blobPairToApiBlobPair (Data.Deleting before) = API.BlobPair (bridging #? before) Nothing
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Analysis.TOCSummary (HasDeclaration)
import Control.Effect
import Control.Effect.Error
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString.Builder
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ import Prologue
import Rendering.Graph
import Rendering.JSON hiding (JSON)
import qualified Rendering.JSON
import Semantic.Api.Helpers
import Semantic.Api.Bridge
import Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB hiding (Blob, BlobPair, Language(..))
import Semantic.Task as Task
import Semantic.Telemetry as Stat
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ diffGraph blobs = DiffTreeGraphResponse . V.fromList . toList <$> distributeFor
pure (DiffTreeFileGraph path lang mempty mempty (V.fromList [ParseError (T.pack (show e))]))
path = T.pack $ pathForBlobPair blobPair
lang = languageToApiLanguage $ languageForBlobPair blobPair
lang = bridging # languageForBlobPair blobPair
render :: (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, ConstructorName syntax, Applicative m) => BlobPair -> Diff syntax Location Location -> m DiffTreeFileGraph
render _ diff =
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Semantic.Api.Helpers
( spanToSpan
, spanToLegacySpan
, toChangeType
, languageToApiLanguage
, apiSpanToSpan
, apiLanguageToLanguage
, apiBlobsToBlobs
, apiBlobToBlob
, apiBlobPairsToBlobPairs
, apiBlobPairToBlobPair
) where
import qualified Data.Blob as Data
import qualified Data.Language as Data
import Data.Source (fromText)
import qualified Data.Span as Data
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Semantic.Api.LegacyTypes as Legacy
import qualified Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB as API
spanToSpan :: Data.Span -> Maybe API.Span
spanToSpan Data.Span{..} = Just $ API.Span (toPos spanStart) (toPos spanEnd)
where toPos Data.Pos{..} = Just $ API.Position (fromIntegral posLine) (fromIntegral posColumn)
spanToLegacySpan :: Data.Span -> Maybe Legacy.Span
spanToLegacySpan Data.Span{..} = Just $ Legacy.Span (toPos spanStart) (toPos spanEnd)
where toPos Data.Pos{..} = Just $ Legacy.Position posLine posColumn
apiSpanToSpan :: Maybe API.Span -> Data.Span
apiSpanToSpan (Just API.Span{..}) = Data.Span (toPos start) (toPos end)
where toPos (Just API.Position{..}) = Data.Pos (fromIntegral line) (fromIntegral column)
toPos Nothing = Data.Pos 1 1
apiSpanToSpan Nothing = Data.emptySpan
toChangeType :: T.Text -> API.ChangeType
toChangeType = \case
"added" -> API.Added
"modified" -> API.Modified
"removed" -> API.Removed
_ -> API.None
languageToApiLanguage :: Data.Language -> API.Language
languageToApiLanguage = \case
Data.Unknown -> API.Unknown
Data.Go -> API.Go
Data.Haskell -> API.Haskell
Data.Java -> API.Java
Data.JavaScript -> API.Javascript
Data.JSON -> API.Json
Data.JSX -> API.Jsx
Data.Markdown -> API.Markdown
Data.Python -> API.Python
Data.Ruby -> API.Ruby
Data.TypeScript -> API.Typescript
Data.PHP -> API.Php
apiLanguageToLanguage :: API.Language -> Data.Language
apiLanguageToLanguage = \case
API.Unknown -> Data.Unknown
API.Go -> Data.Go
API.Haskell -> Data.Haskell
API.Java -> Data.Java
API.Javascript -> Data.JavaScript
API.Json -> Data.JSON
API.Jsx -> Data.JSX
API.Markdown -> Data.Markdown
API.Python -> Data.Python
API.Ruby -> Data.Ruby
API.Typescript -> Data.TypeScript
API.Php -> Data.PHP
apiBlobsToBlobs :: V.Vector API.Blob -> [Data.Blob]
apiBlobsToBlobs = V.toList . fmap apiBlobToBlob
apiBlobToBlob :: API.Blob -> Data.Blob
apiBlobToBlob API.Blob{..} = Data.Blob (fromText content) (T.unpack path) (apiLanguageToLanguage language)
apiBlobPairsToBlobPairs :: V.Vector API.BlobPair -> [Data.BlobPair]
apiBlobPairsToBlobPairs = V.toList . fmap apiBlobPairToBlobPair
apiBlobPairToBlobPair :: API.BlobPair -> Data.BlobPair
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair (Just before) (Just after)) = Data.Diffing (apiBlobToBlob before) (apiBlobToBlob after)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair (Just before) Nothing) = Data.Deleting (apiBlobToBlob before)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair (API.BlobPair Nothing (Just after)) = Data.Inserting (apiBlobToBlob after)
apiBlobPairToBlobPair _ = Prelude.error "Expected BlobPair to have either 'before' and/or 'after'."
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (span)
import Control.Effect
import Control.Effect.Error
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.Location
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Text (pack)
import Parsing.Parser
import Prologue
import Semantic.Api.Helpers
import Semantic.Api.Bridge
import qualified Semantic.Api.LegacyTypes as Legacy
import Semantic.Api.Terms (ParseEffects, doParse)
import Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB hiding (Blob)
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ legacyParseSymbols blobs = Legacy.ParseTreeSymbolResponse <$> distributeFoldMap
{ symbolName = name
, symbolKind = kind
, symbolLine = fromMaybe mempty line
, symbolSpan = spanToLegacySpan span
, symbolSpan = converting #? span
parseSymbolsBuilder :: (Member Distribute sig, ParseEffects sig m, Traversable t) => t Blob -> m Builder
@ -60,13 +61,13 @@ parseSymbols blobs = ParseTreeSymbolResponse . V.fromList . toList <$> distribut
go :: (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member Task sig, Carrier sig m) => Blob -> m File
go blob@Blob{..} = (doParse blob >>= withSomeTerm (renderToSymbols blob)) `catchError` (\(SomeException e) -> pure $ errorFile (show e))
errorFile e = File (pack blobPath) (languageToApiLanguage blobLanguage) mempty (V.fromList [ParseError (T.pack e)])
errorFile e = File (pack blobPath) (bridging # blobLanguage) mempty (V.fromList [ParseError (T.pack e)])
renderToSymbols :: (IsTaggable f, Applicative m) => Blob -> Term f Location -> m File
renderToSymbols blob@Blob{..} term = pure $ either (errorFile . show) (tagsToFile blob) (runTagging blob term)
tagsToFile :: Blob -> [Tag] -> File
tagsToFile Blob{..} tags = File (pack blobPath) (languageToApiLanguage blobLanguage) (V.fromList (fmap tagToSymbol tags)) mempty
tagsToFile Blob{..} tags = File (pack blobPath) (bridging # blobLanguage) (V.fromList (fmap tagToSymbol tags)) mempty
tagToSymbol :: Tag -> Symbol
tagToSymbol Tag{..}
@ -74,6 +75,6 @@ parseSymbols blobs = ParseTreeSymbolResponse . V.fromList . toList <$> distribut
{ symbol = name
, kind = kind
, line = fromMaybe mempty line
, span = spanToSpan span
, span = converting #? span
, docs = fmap Docstring docs
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, DerivingStrategies, LambdaCase #-}
module Semantic.Api.TOCSummaries (diffSummary, legacyDiffSummary, diffSummaryBuilder) where
import Analysis.TOCSummary (Declaration, declarationAlgebra)
import Control.Effect.Error
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString.Builder
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Rendering.TOC
import Semantic.Api.Diffs
import Semantic.Api.Helpers
import Semantic.Api.Bridge
import Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB hiding (Blob, BlobPair)
import Semantic.Task as Task
import Serializing.Format
@ -42,16 +43,22 @@ diffSummary blobs = DiffTreeTOCResponse . V.fromList <$> distributeFor blobs go
`catchError` \(SomeException e) ->
pure $ TOCSummaryFile path lang mempty (V.fromList [TOCSummaryError (T.pack (show e)) Nothing])
where path = T.pack $ pathKeyForBlobPair blobPair
lang = languageToApiLanguage $ languageForBlobPair blobPair
lang = bridging # languageForBlobPair blobPair
render :: (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, Applicative m) => BlobPair -> Diff syntax (Maybe Declaration) (Maybe Declaration) -> m TOCSummaryFile
render blobPair diff = pure $ foldr go (TOCSummaryFile path lang mempty mempty) (diffTOC diff)
path = T.pack $ pathKeyForBlobPair blobPair
lang = languageToApiLanguage $ languageForBlobPair blobPair
lang = bridging # languageForBlobPair blobPair
toChangeType = \case
"added" -> Added
"modified" -> Modified
"removed" -> Removed
_ -> None
go :: TOCSummary -> TOCSummaryFile -> TOCSummaryFile
go TOCSummary{..} TOCSummaryFile{..}
= TOCSummaryFile path language (V.cons (TOCSummaryChange summaryCategoryName summaryTermName (spanToSpan summarySpan) (toChangeType summaryChangeType)) changes) errors
= TOCSummaryFile path language (V.cons (TOCSummaryChange summaryCategoryName summaryTermName (converting #? summarySpan) (toChangeType summaryChangeType)) changes) errors
go ErrorSummary{..} TOCSummaryFile{..}
= TOCSummaryFile path language changes (V.cons (TOCSummaryError errorText (spanToSpan errorSpan)) errors)
= TOCSummaryFile path language changes (V.cons (TOCSummaryError errorText (converting #? errorSpan)) errors)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Semantic.Api.Terms
import Analysis.ConstructorName (ConstructorName)
import Control.Effect
import Control.Effect.Error
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Abstract.Declarations
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ import Prologue
import Rendering.Graph
import Rendering.JSON hiding (JSON)
import qualified Rendering.JSON
import Semantic.Api.Helpers
import Semantic.Api.Bridge
import Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB hiding (Blob, Language (..))
import Semantic.Task
import Serializing.Format hiding (JSON)
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ termGraph blobs = ParseTreeGraphResponse . V.fromList . toList <$> distributeFor
pure (ParseTreeFileGraph path lang mempty mempty (V.fromList [ParseError (T.pack (show e))]))
path = T.pack $ blobPath blob
lang = languageToApiLanguage $ blobLanguage blob
lang = bridging # blobLanguage blob
render :: (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, ConstructorName syntax) => Term syntax Location -> ParseTreeFileGraph
render t = let graph = renderTreeGraph t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user