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Merge pull request #1547 from github/boolean-arithmetic-evaluation

Implement evaluation over Arithmetic and Boolean operations.
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Thomson 2018-03-13 12:29:34 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9ff28c4434
3 changed files with 79 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, Rank2Types, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Abstract.Value where
import Control.Abstract.Addressable
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Type as Type
import Data.Abstract.Value as Value
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, fromFloatDigits, toRealFloat)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
@ -22,6 +23,18 @@ class (MonadAnalysis term value m, Show value) => MonadValue term value m where
-- | Construct an abstract integral value.
integer :: Prelude.Integer -> m value
-- | Lift a unary operator over a 'Num' to a function on 'value's.
liftNumeric :: (forall a . Num a => a -> a)
-> (value -> m value)
-- | Lift a pair of binary operators to a function on 'value's.
-- You usually pass the same operator as both arguments, except in the cases where
-- Haskell provides different functions for integral and fractional operations, such
-- as division, exponentiation, and modulus.
liftNumeric2 :: (forall a . (Real a, Floating a) => a -> a -> a)
-> (forall b . Integral b => b -> b -> b)
-> (value -> value -> m value)
-- | Construct an abstract boolean value.
boolean :: Bool -> m value
@ -38,7 +51,7 @@ class (MonadAnalysis term value m, Show value) => MonadValue term value m where
interface :: value -> m value
-- | Eliminate boolean values. TODO: s/boolean/truthy
ifthenelse :: value -> m value -> m value -> m value
ifthenelse :: value -> m a -> m a -> m a
-- | Evaluate an abstraction (a binder like a lambda or method definition).
abstract :: [Name] -> Subterm term (m value) -> m value
@ -48,6 +61,10 @@ class (MonadAnalysis term value m, Show value) => MonadValue term value m where
-- | Extract the environment from an interface value.
environment :: value -> m (EnvironmentFor value)
-- | Attempt to extract a 'Prelude.Bool' from a given value.
toBool :: MonadValue term value m => value -> m Bool
toBool v = ifthenelse v (pure True) (pure False)
-- | Construct a 'Value' wrapping the value arguments (if any).
instance ( MonadAddressable location (Value location term) m
, MonadAnalysis term (Value location term) m
@ -70,6 +87,26 @@ instance ( MonadAddressable location (Value location term) m
| Just (Boolean b) <- prjValue cond = if b then if' else else'
| otherwise = fail ("not defined for non-boolean conditions: " <> show cond)
liftNumeric f arg
| Just (Integer i) <- prjValue arg = pure . injValue . Integer $ f i
| Just (Value.Float i) <- prjValue arg = pure . injValue . Value.Float $ f i
| otherwise = fail ("Invalid operand to liftNumeric: " <> show arg)
liftNumeric2 f g left right
| Just (Integer i, Integer j) <- prjPair pair = pure . injValue . Integer $ g i j
| Just (Integer i, Value.Float j) <- prjPair pair = pure . injValue . float $ f (fromIntegral i) (munge j)
| Just (Value.Float i, Value.Float j) <- prjPair pair = pure . injValue . float $ f (munge i) (munge j)
| Just (Value.Float i, Integer j) <- prjPair pair = pure . injValue . float $ f (munge i) (fromIntegral j)
| otherwise = fail ("Invalid operands to liftNumeric2: " <> show pair)
-- Yucky hack to work around the lack of a Floating instance for Scientific.
-- This may possibly lose precision, but there's little we can do about that.
munge :: Scientific -> Double
munge = toRealFloat
float :: Double -> Value.Float a
float = Value.Float . fromFloatDigits
pair = (left, right)
abstract names (Subterm body _) = injValue . Closure names body <$> askLocalEnv
apply op params = do
@ -108,6 +145,16 @@ instance (Alternative m, MonadAnalysis term Type m, MonadFresh m) => MonadValue
ifthenelse cond if' else' = unify cond Bool *> (if' <|> else')
liftNumeric _ Type.Float = pure Type.Float
liftNumeric _ Int = pure Int
liftNumeric _ _ = fail "Invalid type in unary numeric operation"
liftNumeric2 _ _ left right = case (left, right) of
(Type.Float, Int) -> pure Type.Float
(Int, Type.Float) -> pure Type.Float
_ -> unify left right
apply op params = do
tvar <- fresh
paramTypes <- traverse subtermValue params

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@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ injValue = Value . inj
prjValue :: (f :< ValueConstructors location term) => Value location term -> Maybe (f (Value location term))
prjValue = prj . deValue
-- | Convenience function for projecting two values.
prjPair :: ( f :< ValueConstructors loc term1 , g :< ValueConstructors loc term2)
=> (Value loc term1, Value loc term2)
-> Maybe (f (Value loc term1), g (Value loc term2))
prjPair = bitraverse prjValue prjValue
-- TODO: Parameterize Value by the set of constructors s.t. each language can have a distinct value union.
-- | A function value consisting of a list of parameters, the body of the function, and an environment of bindings captured by the body.

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
module Data.Syntax.Expression where
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.Fixed
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue hiding (apply)
-- | Typical prefix function application, like `f(x)` in many languages, or `f x` in Haskell.
@ -51,8 +53,15 @@ instance Ord1 Arithmetic where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Arithmetic where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Arithmetic
instance Evaluatable Arithmetic
instance Evaluatable Arithmetic where
eval = traverse subtermValue >=> go where
go (Plus a b) = liftNumeric2 (+) (+) a b
go (Minus a b) = liftNumeric2 (-) (-) a b
go (Times a b) = liftNumeric2 (*) (*) a b
go (DividedBy a b) = liftNumeric2 (/) div a b
go (Modulo a b) = liftNumeric2 mod' mod a b
go (Power a b) = liftNumeric2 (**) (^) a b
go (Negate a) = liftNumeric negate a
-- | Boolean operators.
data Boolean a
@ -66,9 +75,17 @@ instance Eq1 Boolean where liftEq = genericLiftEq
instance Ord1 Boolean where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Boolean where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for Boolean
instance Evaluatable Boolean
instance Evaluatable Boolean where
-- N.B. we have to use Monad rather than Applicative/Traversable on 'And' and 'Or' so that we don't evaluate both operands
eval = go . fmap subtermValue where
go (And a b) = do
cond <- a
ifthenelse cond b (pure cond)
go (Or a b) = do
cond <- a
ifthenelse cond (pure cond) b
go (Not a) = a >>= toBool >>= boolean . not
go (XOr a b) = liftA2 (/=) (a >>= toBool) (b >>= toBool) >>= boolean
-- | Javascript delete operator
newtype Delete a = Delete a