mirror of
synced 2024-11-29 02:44:36 +03:00
Command.Parse doesn't need to know about Arguments
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,12 +47,3 @@ args gitDir sha1 sha2 paths format = Arguments
, outputFilePath = Nothing
parseArgs :: [String] -> R.ParseFormat -> ParseArguments
parseArgs paths format = ParseArguments
{ parseFormat = format
, parseMode = ParsePaths paths
, debug = False
, gitDir = ""
, alternateObjectDirs = []
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
module Command.Parse where
import Arguments
import Category
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, toJSON, encode, object, (.=))
import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair)
@ -65,19 +64,17 @@ parseNodeToJSONFields ParseNode{..} =
<> [ "identifier" .= identifier | isJust identifier ]
-- | Parses file contents into an SExpression format for the provided arguments.
parseSExpression :: ParseArguments -> IO ByteString
parseSExpression =
pure . printTerms TreeOnly <=< parse <=< sourceBlobsFromArgs
parseSExpression :: [SourceBlob] -> IO ByteString
parseSExpression blobs =
pure . printTerms TreeOnly =<< parse blobs
where parse = traverse (\sourceBlob@SourceBlob{..} -> parserForType (toS (takeExtension path)) sourceBlob)
type RAlgebra t a = Base t (t, a) -> a
parseRoot :: (FilePath -> f ParseNode -> root) -> (ParseNode -> [f ParseNode] -> f ParseNode) -> ParseArguments -> IO [root]
parseRoot construct combine args@ParseArguments{..} = do
blobs <- sourceBlobsFromArgs args
for blobs (\ sourceBlob@SourceBlob{..} -> do
parsedTerm <- parseWithDecorator (decorator source) path sourceBlob
pure $! construct path (para algebra parsedTerm))
parseRoot :: Bool -> (FilePath -> f ParseNode -> root) -> (ParseNode -> [f ParseNode] -> f ParseNode) -> [SourceBlob] -> IO [root]
parseRoot debug construct combine blobs = for blobs (\ sourceBlob@SourceBlob{..} -> do
parsedTerm <- parseWithDecorator (decorator source) path sourceBlob
pure $! construct path (para algebra parsedTerm))
where algebra (annotation :< syntax) = combine (makeNode annotation (Prologue.fst <$> syntax)) (toList (Prologue.snd <$> syntax))
decorator = parseDecorator debug
makeNode :: Record (Maybe SourceText ': DefaultFields) -> Syntax Text (Term (Syntax Text) (Record (Maybe SourceText ': DefaultFields))) -> ParseNode
@ -85,12 +82,12 @@ parseRoot construct combine args@ParseArguments{..} = do
ParseNode (toS category) range head sourceSpan (identifierFor syntax)
-- | Constructs IndexFile nodes for the provided arguments and encodes them to JSON.
parseIndex :: ParseArguments -> IO ByteString
parseIndex = fmap (toS . encode) . parseRoot IndexFile (\ node siblings -> node : concat siblings)
parseIndex :: Bool -> [SourceBlob] -> IO ByteString
parseIndex debug = fmap (toS . encode) . parseRoot debug IndexFile (\ node siblings -> node : concat siblings)
-- | Constructs ParseTreeFile nodes for the provided arguments and encodes them to JSON.
parseTree :: ParseArguments -> IO ByteString
parseTree = fmap (toS . encode) . parseRoot ParseTreeFile Rose
parseTree :: Bool -> [SourceBlob] -> IO ByteString
parseTree debug = fmap (toS . encode) . parseRoot debug ParseTreeFile Rose
-- | Determines the term decorator to use when parsing.
parseDecorator :: (Functor f, HasField fields Range) => Bool -> (Source -> TermDecorator f fields (Maybe SourceText))
@ -138,13 +135,6 @@ sourceBlobsFromSha commitSha gitDir filePaths = do
identifierFor :: (HasField fields (Maybe SourceText), HasField fields Category, StringConv leaf Text) => Syntax leaf (Term (Syntax leaf) (Record fields)) -> Maybe Text
identifierFor = fmap toS . extractLeafValue . unwrap <=< maybeIdentifier
-- | For the file paths and commit sha provided, extract only the BlobEntries and represent them as SourceBlobs.
sourceBlobsFromArgs :: ParseArguments -> IO [SourceBlob]
sourceBlobsFromArgs ParseArguments{..} =
case parseMode of
ParseCommit sha paths -> sourceBlobsFromSha sha gitDir paths
ParsePaths paths -> sourceBlobsFromPaths paths
-- | Return a parser incorporating the provided TermDecorator.
parseWithDecorator :: TermDecorator (Syntax Text) DefaultFields field -> FilePath -> Parser (Syntax Text) (Record (field ': DefaultFields))
parseWithDecorator decorator path blob = decorateTerm decorator <$> parserForType (toS (takeExtension path)) blob
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ main = do
alternates <- findAlternates
Arguments{..} <- customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) (arguments gitDir alternates)
text <- case programMode of
Diff DiffArguments{..} -> runCommand $ do
let render = case diffFormat of
R.Split -> fmap encodeText . renderDiffs R.SplitRenderer
@ -51,10 +52,17 @@ main = do
diff' <- maybeDiff terms
pure (fromMaybe <$> pure (emptySourceBlob path) <*> blobs, diff')
render (diffs >>= \ (blobs, diff) -> (,) blobs <$> toList diff)
Parse args'@ParseArguments{..} -> case parseFormat of
R.JSONTree -> parseTree args'
R.JSONIndex -> parseIndex args'
R.SExpressionTree -> parseSExpression args'
Parse ParseArguments{..} -> do
let renderTree = case parseFormat of
R.JSONTree -> parseTree debug
R.JSONIndex -> parseIndex debug
R.SExpressionTree -> parseSExpression
blobs <- case parseMode of
ParseCommit sha paths -> sourceBlobsFromSha sha gitDir paths
ParsePaths paths -> sourceBlobsFromPaths paths
renderTree blobs
outputPath <- getOutputPath outputFilePath
writeToOutput outputPath text
@ -1,25 +1,20 @@
module Command.Parse.Spec where
import Command.Parse
import Control.Monad
import Prelude
import Test.Hspec hiding (shouldBe, shouldNotBe, shouldThrow, errorCall)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty
import Test.Hspec.LeanCheck
import Arguments
import Renderer
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
context "parse" $ do
prop "all valid formats should produce output" $
\format ->
case format of
SExpressionTree -> do
output <- parseSExpression $ parseArgs ["test/fixtures/ruby/and-or.A.rb"] format
output `shouldNotBe` ""
JSONIndex -> do
output <- parseIndex $ parseArgs ["test/fixtures/ruby/and-or.A.rb"] format
output `shouldNotBe` ""
JSONTree -> do
output <- parseTree $ parseArgs ["test/fixtures/ruby/and-or.A.rb"] format
output `shouldNotBe` ""
spec = parallel . context "parse" $ do
let blobs = sourceBlobsFromPaths ["test/fixtures/ruby/and-or.A.rb"]
it "should produce s-expression trees" $ do
output <- parseSExpression =<< blobs
output `shouldNotBe` ""
it "should produce JSON trees" $ do
output <- parseTree False =<< blobs
output `shouldNotBe` ""
it "should produce JSON index" $ do
output <- parseIndex False =<< blobs
output `shouldNotBe` ""
Reference in New Issue
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