mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 22:31:36 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into the-point-of-no-carriage-return
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveTraversable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings, QuantifiedConstraints, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TypeApplications, TypeOperators #-}
module Analysis.Typecheck
( Monotype (..)
, Meta
, Polytype (PForAll, PBool, PFree, PArr)
, Scope
, Analysis.Typecheck.bind
, Analysis.Typecheck.instantiate
, Polytype (..)
, typecheckingFlowInsensitive
, typecheckingAnalysis
) where
@ -13,15 +10,16 @@ module Analysis.Typecheck
import Analysis.Eval
import Analysis.FlowInsensitive
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Effect
import Control.Effect.Carrier
import Control.Effect.Fail
import Control.Effect.Fresh as Fresh
import Control.Effect.Reader hiding (Local)
import Control.Effect.State
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Module
import qualified Data.Core as Core
import Data.File
import Data.Foldable (foldl', for_)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
@ -29,102 +27,84 @@ import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import Data.Loc
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Name as Name
import Data.Scope
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Stack
import Data.Term
import Data.Void
import GHC.Generics (Generic1)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
data Monotype a
= MBool
| MUnit
| MString
| MMeta a
| MFree Gensym
| MArr (Monotype a) (Monotype a)
| MRecord (Map.Map User (Monotype a))
deriving (Eq, Functor, Ord, Show)
data Monotype f a
= Bool
| Unit
| String
| Arr (f a) (f a)
| Record (Map.Map User (f a))
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Traversable)
deriving instance (Eq a, forall a . Eq a => Eq (f a), Monad f) => Eq (Monotype f a)
deriving instance (Ord a, forall a . Eq a => Eq (f a)
, forall a . Ord a => Ord (f a), Monad f) => Ord (Monotype f a)
deriving instance (Show a, forall a . Show a => Show (f a)) => Show (Monotype f a)
instance HFunctor Monotype
instance RightModule Monotype where
Unit >>=* _ = Unit
Bool >>=* _ = Bool
String >>=* _ = String
Arr a b >>=* f = Arr (a >>= f) (b >>= f)
Record m >>=* f = Record ((>>= f) <$> m)
type Meta = Int
data Polytype
= PForAll Scope
| PUnit
| PBool
| PString
| PBound Int
| PFree Gensym
| PArr Polytype Polytype
| PRecord (Map.Map User Polytype)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Polytype f a = PForAll (Scope () f a)
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Traversable)
newtype Scope = Scope Polytype
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving instance (Eq a, forall a . Eq a => Eq (f a), Monad f) => Eq (Polytype f a)
deriving instance (Ord a, forall a . Eq a => Eq (f a)
, forall a . Ord a => Ord (f a), Monad f) => Ord (Polytype f a)
deriving instance (Show a, forall a . Show a => Show (f a)) => Show (Polytype f a)
forAll :: Gensym -> Polytype -> Polytype
forAll n body = PForAll (Analysis.Typecheck.bind n body)
instance HFunctor Polytype
instance RightModule Polytype where
PForAll b >>=* f = PForAll (b >>=* f)
forAlls :: Foldable t => t Gensym -> Polytype -> Polytype
forAll :: (Eq a, Carrier sig m, Member Polytype sig) => a -> m a -> m a
forAll n body = send (PForAll (Data.Scope.bind1 n body))
forAlls :: (Eq a, Carrier sig m, Member Polytype sig, Foldable t) => t a -> m a -> m a
forAlls ns body = foldr forAll body ns
generalize :: (Carrier sig m, Member Naming sig) => Monotype Meta -> m Polytype
generalize ty = namespace "generalize" $ do
Gensym root _ <- Name.fresh
pure (forAlls (map (Gensym root) (IntSet.toList (mvs ty))) (fold root ty))
where fold root = \case
MUnit -> PUnit
MBool -> PBool
MString -> PString
MMeta i -> PFree (Gensym root i)
MFree n -> PFree n
MArr a b -> PArr (fold root a) (fold root b)
MRecord fs -> PRecord (fold root <$> fs)
-- | Bind occurrences of a 'Gensym' in a 'Polytype' term, producing a 'Scope' in which the 'Gensym' is bound.
bind :: Gensym -> Polytype -> Scope
bind name = Scope . substIn (\ i n -> if name == n then PBound i else PFree n) (const PBound)
-- | Substitute a 'Polytype' term for the free variable in a given 'Scope', producing a closed 'Polytype' term.
instantiate :: Polytype -> Scope -> Polytype
instantiate image (Scope body) = substIn (const PFree) (\ i j -> if i == j then image else PBound j) body
substIn :: (Int -> Gensym -> Polytype)
-> (Int -> Int -> Polytype)
-> Polytype
-> Polytype
substIn free bound = go 0
where go i (PFree name) = free i name
go i (PBound j) = bound i j
go i (PForAll (Scope body)) = PForAll (Scope (go (succ i) body))
go _ PUnit = PUnit
go _ PBool = PBool
go _ PString = PString
go i (PArr a b) = PArr (go i a) (go i b)
go i (PRecord fs) = PRecord (go i <$> fs)
generalize :: Term Monotype Meta -> Term (Polytype :+: Monotype) Void
generalize ty = fromJust (closed (forAlls (IntSet.toList (mvs ty)) (hoistTerm R ty)))
typecheckingFlowInsensitive :: [File (Term Core.Core Name)] -> (Heap Name (Monotype Meta), [File (Either (Loc, String) Polytype)])
typecheckingFlowInsensitive :: [File (Term Core.Core Name)] -> (Heap Name (Term Monotype Meta), [File (Either (Loc, String) (Term (Polytype :+: Monotype) Void))])
= run
. runFresh
. runNaming
. runHeap (Gen (Gensym (Nil :> "root") 0))
. (>>= traverse (traverse (traverse generalize)))
. fmap (fmap (fmap (fmap generalize)))
. traverse runFile
runFile :: ( Carrier sig m
, Effect sig
, Member Fresh sig
, Member Naming sig
, Member (State (Heap Name (Monotype Meta))) sig
, Member (State (Heap Name (Term Monotype Meta))) sig
=> File (Term Core.Core Name)
-> m (File (Either (Loc, String) (Monotype Meta)))
-> m (File (Either (Loc, String) (Term Monotype Meta)))
runFile file = traverse run file
where run
= (\ m -> do
(subst, t) <- m
modify @(Heap Name (Monotype Meta)) (substAll subst)
modify @(Heap Name (Term Monotype Meta)) (fmap (Set.map (substAll subst)))
pure (substAll subst <$> t))
. runState (mempty :: Substitution)
. runReader (fileLoc file)
@ -139,7 +119,7 @@ runFile file = traverse run file
v <$ for_ bs (unify v))
. convergeTerm (fix (cacheTerm . eval typecheckingAnalysis))
typecheckingAnalysis :: (Alternative m, Carrier sig m, Member Fresh sig, Member (State (Set.Set Constraint)) sig, Member (State (Heap Name (Monotype Meta))) sig, MonadFail m) => Analysis Name (Monotype Meta) m
typecheckingAnalysis :: (Alternative m, Carrier sig m, Member Fresh sig, Member (State (Set.Set Constraint)) sig, Member (State (Heap Name (Term Monotype Meta))) sig, MonadFail m) => Analysis Name (Term Monotype Meta) m
typecheckingAnalysis = Analysis{..}
where alloc = pure
bind _ _ = pure ()
@ -152,108 +132,65 @@ typecheckingAnalysis = Analysis{..}
arg <- meta
assign addr arg
ty <- eval body
pure (MArr arg ty)
pure (Term (Arr arg ty))
apply _ f a = do
_A <- meta
_B <- meta
unify (MArr _A _B) f
unify (Term (Arr _A _B)) f
unify _A a
pure _B
unit = pure MUnit
bool _ = pure MBool
asBool b = unify MBool b >> pure True <|> pure False
string _ = pure MString
asString s = unify MString s $> mempty
unit = pure (Term Unit)
bool _ = pure (Term Bool)
asBool b = unify (Term Bool) b >> pure True <|> pure False
string _ = pure (Term String)
asString s = unify (Term String) s $> mempty
frame = fail "unimplemented"
edge _ _ = pure ()
_ ... m = m
data Constraint = Monotype Meta :===: Monotype Meta
data Constraint = Term Monotype Meta :===: Term Monotype Meta
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
infix 4 :===:
data Solution
= Int := Monotype Meta
= Int := Term Monotype Meta
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
infix 5 :=
meta :: (Carrier sig m, Member Fresh sig) => m (Monotype Meta)
meta = MMeta <$> Fresh.fresh
meta :: (Carrier sig m, Member Fresh sig) => m (Term Monotype Meta)
meta = pure <$> Fresh.fresh
unify :: (Carrier sig m, Member (State (Set.Set Constraint)) sig) => Monotype Meta -> Monotype Meta -> m ()
unify :: (Carrier sig m, Member (State (Set.Set Constraint)) sig) => Term Monotype Meta -> Term Monotype Meta -> m ()
unify t1 t2
| t1 == t2 = pure ()
| otherwise = modify (<> Set.singleton (t1 :===: t2))
type Substitution = IntMap.IntMap (Monotype Meta)
type Substitution = IntMap.IntMap (Term Monotype Meta)
solve :: (Carrier sig m, Member (State Substitution) sig, MonadFail m) => Set.Set Constraint -> m ()
solve cs = for_ cs solve
where solve = \case
-- FIXME: how do we enforce proper subtyping? row polymorphism or something?
MRecord f1 :===: MRecord f2 -> traverse solve (Map.intersectionWith (:===:) f1 f2) $> ()
MArr a1 b1 :===: MArr a2 b2 -> solve (a1 :===: a2) *> solve (b1 :===: b2)
MMeta m1 :===: MMeta m2 | m1 == m2 -> pure ()
MMeta m1 :===: t2 -> do
Term (Record f1) :===: Term (Record f2) -> traverse solve (Map.intersectionWith (:===:) f1 f2) $> ()
Term (Arr a1 b1) :===: Term (Arr a2 b2) -> solve (a1 :===: a2) *> solve (b1 :===: b2)
Var m1 :===: Var m2 | m1 == m2 -> pure ()
Var m1 :===: t2 -> do
sol <- solution m1
case sol of
Just (_ := t1) -> solve (t1 :===: t2)
Nothing | m1 `IntSet.member` mvs t2 -> fail ("Occurs check failure: " <> show m1 <> " :===: " <> show t2)
| otherwise -> modify (IntMap.insert m1 t2 . subst (m1 := t2))
t1 :===: MMeta m2 -> solve (MMeta m2 :===: t1)
| otherwise -> modify (IntMap.insert m1 t2 . fmap (substAll (IntMap.singleton m1 t2)))
t1 :===: Var m2 -> solve (Var m2 :===: t1)
t1 :===: t2 -> unless (t1 == t2) $ fail ("Type mismatch:\nexpected: " <> show t1 <> "\n actual: " <> show t2)
solution m = fmap (m :=) <$> gets (IntMap.lookup m)
substAll :: Substitutable t => Substitution -> t -> t
substAll s a = foldl' (flip subst) a (map (uncurry (:=)) (IntMap.toList s))
mvs :: Foldable t => t Meta -> IntSet.IntSet
mvs = foldMap IntSet.singleton
class FreeVariables t where
mvs :: t -> IntSet.IntSet
instance FreeVariables (Monotype Meta) where
mvs MUnit = mempty
mvs MBool = mempty
mvs MString = mempty
mvs (MArr a b) = mvs a <> mvs b
mvs (MMeta m) = IntSet.singleton m
mvs (MFree _) = mempty
mvs (MRecord fs) = foldMap mvs fs
instance FreeVariables Constraint where
mvs (t1 :===: t2) = mvs t1 <> mvs t2
class Substitutable t where
subst :: Solution -> t -> t
instance Substitutable (Monotype Meta) where
subst s con = case con of
MUnit -> MUnit
MBool -> MBool
MString -> MString
MArr a b -> MArr (subst s a) (subst s b)
MMeta m'
| m := t <- s
, m == m' -> t
| otherwise -> MMeta m'
MFree n -> MFree n
MRecord fs -> MRecord (subst s <$> fs)
instance Substitutable Constraint where
subst s (t1 :===: t2) = subst s t1 :===: subst s t2
instance Substitutable Solution where
subst s (m := t) = m := subst s t
instance Substitutable a => Substitutable (IntMap.IntMap a) where
subst s = IntMap.map (subst s)
instance (Ord a, Substitutable a) => Substitutable (Set.Set a) where
subst s = Set.map (subst s)
instance Substitutable v => Substitutable (Map.Map k v) where
subst s = fmap (subst s)
substAll :: Monad t => IntMap.IntMap (t Meta) -> t Meta -> t Meta
substAll s a = a >>= \ i -> fromMaybe (pure i) (IntMap.lookup i s)
@ -194,25 +194,8 @@ annWith :: (Carrier sig m, Member Core sig) => CallStack -> m a -> m a
annWith callStack = maybe id (fmap send . Ann) (stackLoc callStack)
stripAnnotations :: (Member Core sig, Syntax sig) => Term sig a -> Term sig a
stripAnnotations = iter id alg Var Var
where alg t | Just c <- prj t, Ann _ b <- c = b
| otherwise = Term t
instance Syntax Core where
foldSyntax go k h = \case
Let a -> Let a
a :>> b -> go h a :>> go h b
Lam u b -> Lam u (foldSyntax go k h b)
a :$ b -> go h a :$ go h b
Unit -> Unit
Bool b -> Bool b
If c t e -> If (go h c) (go h t) (go h e)
String s -> String s
Load t -> Load (go h t)
Edge e t -> Edge e (go h t)
Frame -> Frame
a :. b -> go h a :. go h b
a := b -> go h a := go h b
Ann loc t -> Ann loc (go h t)
stripAnnotations :: (Member Core sig, HFunctor sig, forall g . Functor g => Functor (sig g)) => Term sig a -> Term sig a
stripAnnotations (Var v) = Var v
stripAnnotations (Term t)
| Just c <- prj t, Ann _ b <- c = stripAnnotations b
| otherwise = Term (hmap stripAnnotations t)
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Data.Core.Pretty
import Control.Effect.Reader
import Data.Core
import Data.File
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Name
import Data.Scope
import Data.Term
@ -56,57 +55,58 @@ inParens amount go = do
body <- with amount go
pure (encloseIf (amount >= prec) (symbol "(") (symbol ")") body)
prettify :: (Member (Reader [AnsiDoc]) sig, Member (Reader Prec) sig, Carrier sig m)
=> Style
-> Core (Const (m AnsiDoc)) a
-> m AnsiDoc
prettify style = \case
Let a -> pure $ keyword "let" <+> name a
Const a :>> Const b -> do
prec <- ask @Prec
fore <- with 12 a
aft <- with 12 b
prettyCore :: Style -> Term Core User -> AnsiDoc
prettyCore style = run . runReader @Prec 0 . go (pure . name)
where go :: (Member (Reader Prec) sig, Carrier sig m) => (a -> m AnsiDoc) -> Term Core a -> m AnsiDoc
go var = \case
Var v -> var v
Term t -> case t of
Let a -> pure $ keyword "let" <+> name a
a :>> b -> do
prec <- ask @Prec
fore <- with 12 (go var a)
aft <- with 12 (go var b)
let open = symbol ("{" <> softline)
close = symbol (softline <> "}")
separator = ";" <> Pretty.line
body = fore <> separator <> aft
let open = symbol ("{" <> softline)
close = symbol (softline <> "}")
separator = ";" <> Pretty.line
body = fore <> separator <> aft
pure . Pretty.align $ encloseIf (12 > prec) open close (Pretty.align body)
pure . Pretty.align $ encloseIf (12 > prec) open close (Pretty.align body)
Lam n f -> inParens 11 $ do
(x, body) <- bind n f
pure (lambda <> x <+> arrow <+> body)
Lam n f -> inParens 11 $ do
(x, body) <- bind n f
pure (lambda <> x <+> arrow <+> body)
Frame -> pure $ primitive "frame"
Unit -> pure $ primitive "unit"
Bool b -> pure $ primitive (if b then "true" else "false")
String s -> pure . strlit $ Pretty.viaShow s
Frame -> pure $ primitive "frame"
Unit -> pure $ primitive "unit"
Bool b -> pure $ primitive (if b then "true" else "false")
String s -> pure . strlit $ Pretty.viaShow s
Const f :$ Const x -> inParens 11 $ (<+>) <$> f <*> x
f :$ x -> inParens 11 $ (<+>) <$> go var f <*> go var x
If (Const con) (Const tru) (Const fal) -> do
con' <- "if" `appending` con
tru' <- "then" `appending` tru
fal' <- "else" `appending` fal
pure $ Pretty.sep [con', tru', fal']
If con tru fal -> do
con' <- "if" `appending` go var con
tru' <- "then" `appending` go var tru
fal' <- "else" `appending` go var fal
pure $ Pretty.sep [con', tru', fal']
Load (Const p) -> "load" `appending` p
Edge Lexical (Const n) -> "lexical" `appending` n
Edge Import (Const n) -> "import" `appending` n
Const item :. Const body -> inParens 4 $ do
f <- item
g <- body
pure (f <> symbol "." <> g)
Load p -> "load" `appending` go var p
Edge Lexical n -> "lexical" `appending` go var n
Edge Import n -> "import" `appending` go var n
item :. body -> inParens 4 $ do
f <- go var item
g <- go var body
pure (f <> symbol "." <> g)
Const lhs := Const rhs -> inParens 3 $ do
f <- lhs
g <- rhs
pure (f <+> symbol "=" <+> g)
lhs := rhs -> inParens 3 $ do
f <- go var lhs
g <- go var rhs
pure (f <+> symbol "=" <+> g)
-- Annotations are not pretty-printed, as it lowers the signal/noise ratio too profoundly.
Ann _ (Const c) -> c
where bind (Ignored x) f = let x' = name x in (,) x' <$> local (x':) (getConst (unScope f))
-- Annotations are not pretty-printed, as it lowers the signal/noise ratio too profoundly.
Ann _ c -> go var c
where bind (Ignored x) f = let x' = name x in (,) x' <$> go (incr (const (pure x')) var) (fromScope f)
lambda = case style of
Unicode -> symbol "λ"
Ascii -> symbol "\\"
@ -117,8 +117,3 @@ prettify style = \case
appending :: Functor f => AnsiDoc -> f AnsiDoc -> f AnsiDoc
appending k item = (keyword k <+>) <$> item
prettyCore :: Style -> Term Core User -> AnsiDoc
prettyCore s = run . runReader @Prec 0 . runReader @[AnsiDoc] [] . cata id (prettify s) bound (pure . name)
where bound (Z _) = asks (head @AnsiDoc)
bound (S n) = local (tail @AnsiDoc) n
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Data.Scope
( Incr(..)
, incr
, closed
, Scope(..)
, fromScope
, toScope
@ -44,6 +45,10 @@ incr :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Incr a b -> c
incr z s = \case { Z a -> z a ; S b -> s b }
closed :: Traversable f => f a -> Maybe (f b)
closed = traverse (const Nothing)
newtype Scope a f b = Scope { unScope :: f (Incr a (f b)) }
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Traversable)
@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable, FlexibleInstances, LambdaCase, MultiParamTypeClasses, QuantifiedConstraints, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, QuantifiedConstraints, RankNTypes, StandaloneDeriving, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Term
( Term(..)
, Syntax(..)
, iter
, cata
, interpret
, hoistTerm
) where
import Control.Effect.Carrier
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Control.Monad.Module
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Scope
data Term sig a
= Var a
@ -50,44 +44,7 @@ instance RightModule sig => Carrier sig (Term sig) where
eff = Term
class (HFunctor sig, forall g . Functor g => Functor (sig g)) => Syntax sig where
foldSyntax :: (forall x y . (x -> m y) -> f x -> n y)
-> (forall a . Incr () (n a) -> m (Incr () (n a)))
-> (a -> m b)
-> sig f a
-> sig n b
instance Syntax (Scope ()) where
foldSyntax go bound free = Scope . go (bound . fmap (go free)) . unScope
instance (Syntax l, Syntax r) => Syntax (l :+: r) where
foldSyntax go bound free (L l) = L (foldSyntax go bound free l)
foldSyntax go bound free (R r) = R (foldSyntax go bound free r)
iter :: forall m n sig a b
. Syntax sig
=> (forall a . m a -> n a)
-> (forall a . sig n a -> n a)
-> (forall a . Incr () (n a) -> m (Incr () (n a)))
-> (a -> m b)
-> Term sig a
-> n b
iter var alg bound = go
where go :: forall x y . (x -> m y) -> Term sig x -> n y
go free = \case
Var a -> var (free a)
Term t -> alg (foldSyntax go bound free t)
cata :: Syntax sig
=> (a -> b)
-> (forall a . sig (Const b) a -> b)
-> (Incr () b -> a)
-> (x -> a)
-> Term sig x
-> b
cata var alg k h = getConst . iter (coerce var) (Const . alg) (coerce k) (Const . h)
interpret :: (Carrier sig m, Member eff sig, Syntax eff) => (forall a . Incr () (m a) -> m (Incr () (m a))) -> (a -> m b) -> Term eff a -> m b
interpret = iter id send
hoistTerm :: (HFunctor sig, forall g . Functor g => Functor (sig g)) => (forall m x . sig m x -> sig' m x) -> Term sig a -> Term sig' a
hoistTerm f = go
where go (Var v) = Var v
go (Term t) = Term (f (hmap (hoistTerm f) t))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user