mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-03 21:16:12 +03:00

Compose runAnalysis and project parsing

This commit is contained in:
joshvera 2018-04-03 17:53:40 -04:00
parent 633d20fa2a
commit a291a5c3f6

View File

@ -45,48 +45,65 @@ import qualified Language.Ruby.Assignment as Ruby
import qualified Language.TypeScript.Assignment as TypeScript
-- Ruby
evalRubyProject = evaluateProjectWithPrelude rubyParser ["rb"]
evalRubyFile = evaluateWithPrelude rubyParser
evalRubyProject path = runEvaluating <$> (withPrelude <$> parsePrelude rubyParser <*> (evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject rubyParser ["rb"] path))
evalRubyFile path = runEvaluating <$> (withPrelude <$> parsePrelude rubyParser <*> (evaluateModule <$> parseFile rubyParser Nothing path))
evaluateRubyImportGraph paths = runAnalysis @(ImportGraphing (BadVariables (BadValues (Quietly (Evaluating Precise Ruby.Term (Value Precise)))))) . evaluateModules <$> parseFiles rubyParser (dropFileName (head paths)) paths
evaluateRubyBadVariables paths = runAnalysis @(BadVariables (Evaluating Precise Ruby.Term (Value Precise))) . evaluateModules <$> parseFiles rubyParser (dropFileName (head paths)) paths
-- Go
evalGoProject = evaluateProject goParser ["go"]
evalGoFile = evaluateFile goParser
evalGoProject path = runEvaluating . evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject goParser ["go"] path
evalGoFile path = runEvaluating . evaluateModule <$> parseFile goParser Nothing path
typecheckGoFile path = runAnalysis @(Caching (Evaluating Monovariant Go.Term Type)) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile goParser Nothing path
-- Python
evalPythonProject = evaluateProject pythonParser ["py"]
evalPythonFile = evaluateWithPrelude pythonParser
evalPythonProject path = runEvaluating . evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject pythonParser ["py"] path
evalPythonFile path = runEvaluating <$> (withPrelude <$> parsePrelude pythonParser <*> (evaluateModule <$> parseFile pythonParser Nothing path))
typecheckPythonFile path = runAnalysis @(Caching (Evaluating Monovariant Python.Term Type)) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile pythonParser Nothing path
tracePythonFile path = runAnalysis @(Tracing [] (Evaluating Precise Python.Term (Value Precise))) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile pythonParser Nothing path
evaluateDeadTracePythonFile path = runAnalysis @(DeadCode (Tracing [] (Evaluating Precise Python.Term (Value Precise)))) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile pythonParser Nothing path
-- PHP
evalPHPProject = evaluateProject phpParser ["php"]
evalPHPFile = evaluateFile phpParser
evalPHPProject path = runEvaluating . evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject phpParser ["php"] path
evalPHPFile path = runEvaluating . evaluateModule <$> parseFile phpParser Nothing path
-- TypeScript
evalTypeScriptProject = evaluateProject typescriptParser ["ts", "tsx"]
evalTypeScriptFile = evaluateFile typescriptParser
evalTypeScriptProject path = runEvaluating . evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject typescriptParser ["ts", "tsx"] path
-- TODO: Remove this by exporting EvaluatingEffects
runEvaluating :: forall term effects a. (Effects Precise term (Value Precise) (Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects) ~ effects, Corecursive term, Recursive term, Evaluatable (Base term), FreeVariables term)
=> Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects a
-> Final effects a
runEvaluating = runAnalysis @(Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise))
parsePrelude :: forall term. TypeLevel.KnownSymbol (PreludePath term) => Parser term -> IO (Module term)
parsePrelude parser = do
let preludePath = TypeLevel.symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (PreludePath term))
parseFile parser Nothing preludePath
evalTypeScriptFile path = runEvaluating . evaluateModule <$> parseFile typescriptParser Nothing path
typecheckTypeScriptFile path = runAnalysis @(Caching (Evaluating Monovariant TypeScript.Term Type)) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile typescriptParser Nothing path
evaluateProject :: forall term effects
. ( Corecursive term
, Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, effects ~ Effects Precise term (Value Precise) (Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects)
, MonadAddressable Precise (Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects)
, Recursive term
=> Parser term
-> [FilePath]
parseProject :: Parser term
-> [Prelude.String]
-> FilePath
-> IO (Final effects (Value Precise))
evaluateProject parser exts entryPoint = do
-> IO (PackageBody term)
parseProject parser exts entryPoint = do
let rootDir = takeDirectory entryPoint
paths <- filter (/= entryPoint) <$> getPaths exts rootDir
evaluateFiles parser rootDir (entryPoint : paths)
paths <- getPaths exts rootDir
modules <- parseFiles parser rootDir paths
pure $ fromModulesWithEntryPoint modules entryPoint
withPrelude prelude a = do
preludeEnv <- evaluateModule prelude *> getEnv
withDefaultEnvironment preludeEnv a
getPaths exts = fmap fold . globDir (compile . mappend "**/*." <$> exts)
evaluateProjectWithPrelude :: forall term effects
. ( Corecursive term
@ -106,22 +123,6 @@ evaluateProjectWithPrelude parser exts entryPoint = do
paths <- filter (/= entryPoint) <$> getPaths exts rootDir
evaluateFilesWithPrelude parser rootDir (entryPoint : paths)
getPaths exts = fmap fold . globDir (compile . mappend "**/*." <$> exts)
-- Evalute a single file.
evaluateFile :: forall term effects
. ( Corecursive term
, Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, effects ~ Effects Precise term (Value Precise) (Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects)
, MonadAddressable Precise (Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects)
, Recursive term
=> Parser term
-> FilePath
-> IO (Final effects (Value Precise))
evaluateFile parser path = runAnalysis @(Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise)) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile parser Nothing path
evaluateWith :: forall location value term effects
. ( Corecursive term
, effects ~ Effects location term value (Evaluating location term value effects)
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ evaluateWith prelude m = runAnalysis @(Evaluating location term value) $ do
preludeEnv <- evaluateModule prelude *> getEnv
withDefaultEnvironment preludeEnv (evaluateModule m)
evaluateWithPrelude :: forall term effects
. ( Corecursive term
, Evaluatable (Base term)
@ -164,21 +166,6 @@ evaluateWithPrelude parser path = do
pure $ evaluateWith @Precise prelude m
-- Evaluate a list of files (head of file list is considered the entry point).
evaluateFiles :: forall term effects
. ( Corecursive term
, Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, effects ~ Effects Precise term (Value Precise) (Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects)
, MonadAddressable Precise (Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects)
, Recursive term
=> Parser term
-> FilePath
-> [FilePath]
-> IO (Final effects (Value Precise))
evaluateFiles parser rootDir paths = runAnalysis @(Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise)) . evaluateModules <$> parseFiles parser rootDir paths
-- | Evaluate terms and an entry point to a value with a given prelude.
evaluatesWith :: forall location value term effects
. ( Corecursive term