mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 01:42:43 +03:00
Fix up go imports for the new world
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
, evaluateModules
, throwLoadError
, resolve
, listModulesInDir
, require
, load
) where
@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ instance Evaluatable [] where
-- 'nonEmpty' and 'foldMap1' enable us to return the last statement’s result instead of 'unit' for non-empty lists.
eval = maybe unit (runApp . foldMap1 (App . subtermValue)) . nonEmpty
-- Resolve a list of module paths to a possible module table entry.
resolve :: MonadEvaluatable term value m
=> [ModuleName]
-> m (Maybe ModuleName)
@ -115,6 +117,11 @@ resolve names = do
tbl <- askModuleTable
pure $ find (`moduleTableMember` tbl) names
listModulesInDir :: MonadEvaluatable term value m
=> FilePath
-> m [ModuleName]
listModulesInDir dir = moduleTableKeysForDir dir <$> askModuleTable
-- | Require/import another module by name and return it's environment and value.
-- Looks up the term's name in the cache of evaluated modules first, returns if found, otherwise loads/evaluates the module.
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Data.Abstract.ModuleTable
, moduleTableLookup
, moduleTableMember
, moduleTableInsert
, moduleTableKeysForDir
, fromList
) where
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ import Data.Abstract.Module
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup
import Prologue
import System.FilePath.Posix
import GHC.Generics (Generic1)
newtype ModuleTable a = ModuleTable { unModuleTable :: Map.Map ModuleName a }
@ -26,6 +28,9 @@ moduleTableMember k = Map.member k . unModuleTable
moduleTableInsert :: ModuleName -> a -> ModuleTable a -> ModuleTable a
moduleTableInsert k v = ModuleTable . Map.insert k v . unModuleTable
moduleTableKeysForDir :: FilePath -> ModuleTable a -> [ModuleName]
moduleTableKeysForDir k = filter (\e -> k == takeDirectory e) . Map.keys . unModuleTable
-- | Construct a 'ModuleTable' from a list of 'Module's.
fromList :: [Module term] -> ModuleTable [Module term]
@ -383,19 +383,17 @@ importDeclaration :: Assignment
importDeclaration = makeTerm'' <$> symbol ImportDeclaration <*> children (manyTerm (importSpec <|> importSpecList))
-- `import . "lib/Math"`
dotImport = inj <$> (makeImport <$> dot <*> importFromPath)
-- dotImport = inj <$> (flip Go.Syntax.Import <$> (symbol Dot *> source *> pure []) <*> importFromPath)
dotImport = inj <$> (flip Go.Syntax.Import <$> dot <*> importFromPath)
-- `import _ "lib/Math"`
sideEffectImport = inj <$> (flip Go.Syntax.SideEffectImport <$> underscore <*> importFromPath)
-- `import m "lib/Math"`
namedImport = inj <$> (flip Go.Syntax.QualifiedImport <$> packageIdentifier <*> importFromPath <*> pure [])
namedImport = inj <$> (flip Go.Syntax.QualifiedImport <$> packageIdentifier <*> importFromPath)
-- `import "lib/Math"`
plainImport = inj <$> (symbol InterpretedStringLiteral >>= \loc -> do
from <- importPath <$> source
let alias = makeTerm loc (Syntax.Identifier (toName from)) -- Go takes `import "lib/Math"` and uses `Math` as the qualified name (e.g. `Math.Sin()`)
Go.Syntax.QualifiedImport <$> pure from <*> pure alias <*> pure [])
let alias = makeTerm loc (Syntax.Identifier (defaultAlias from)) -- Go takes `import "lib/Math"` and uses `Math` as the qualified name (e.g. `Math.Sin()`)
Go.Syntax.QualifiedImport <$> pure from <*> pure alias)
makeImport dot path = Go.Syntax.Import path [] dot
dot = makeTerm <$> symbol Dot <*> (Literal.TextElement <$> source)
underscore = makeTerm <$> symbol BlankIdentifier <*> (Literal.TextElement <$> source)
importSpec = makeTerm' <$> symbol ImportSpec <*> children (sideEffectImport <|> dotImport <|> namedImport <|> plainImport)
@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
module Language.Go.Syntax where
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable hiding (Label)
import Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.Abstract.Module as M
import Diffing.Algorithm
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import System.FilePath.Posix
import Prologue
import Prelude hiding (fail)
newtype ImportPath = ImportPath { unPath :: FilePath }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -17,21 +16,20 @@ importPath :: ByteString -> ImportPath
importPath str = let path = stripQuotes str in ImportPath (BC.unpack path)
where stripQuotes = B.filter (`B.notElem` "\'\"")
toName :: ImportPath -> Name
toName = BC.pack . unPath
defaultAlias :: ImportPath -> Name
defaultAlias = BC.pack . takeFileName . unPath
-- TODO: need to delineate between relative and absolute Go imports
resolveGoImport :: MonadEvaluatable term value m => FilePath -> m [M.ModuleName]
resolveGoImport relImportPath = do
-- TODO: This is where we need to enumerator all files in the right dir.
maybeModule <- resolve [relImportPath]
maybe notFound (pure . pure) maybeModule
notFound = fail $ "Unable to resolve module import: " <> show relImportPath
M.Module{..} <- currentModule
let relRootDir = takeDirectory (makeRelative moduleRoot modulePath)
listModulesInDir $ normalise (relRootDir </> normalise relImportPath)
-- | Import declarations (symbols are added directly to the calling environment).
-- If the list of symbols is empty copy everything to the calling environment.
data Import a = Import { importFrom :: ImportPath, importSymbols :: ![(Name, Name)], importWildcardToken :: !a }
data Import a = Import { importFrom :: ImportPath, importWildcardToken :: !a }
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, Functor, GAlign, Generic1, Mergeable, Ord, Show, Traversable, FreeVariables1)
instance Eq1 Import where liftEq = genericLiftEq
@ -39,22 +37,18 @@ instance Ord1 Import where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Import where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable Import where
eval (Import (ImportPath name) xs _) = do
eval (Import (ImportPath name) _) = do
paths <- resolveGoImport name
for_ paths $ \path -> do
(importedEnv, _) <- isolate (require path)
modifyEnv (mappend (renamed importedEnv))
modifyEnv (mappend importedEnv)
renamed importedEnv
| Prologue.null xs = importedEnv
| otherwise = Env.overwrite xs importedEnv
-- | Qualified Import declarations (symbols are qualified in calling environment).
-- If the list of symbols is empty copy and qualify everything to the calling environment.
data QualifiedImport a = QualifiedImport { qualifiedImportFrom :: !ImportPath, qualifiedImportAlias :: !a, qualifiedImportSymbols :: ![(Name, Name)]}
data QualifiedImport a = QualifiedImport { qualifiedImportFrom :: !ImportPath, qualifiedImportAlias :: !a}
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, Functor, GAlign, Generic1, Mergeable, Ord, Show, Traversable, FreeVariables1)
instance Eq1 QualifiedImport where liftEq = genericLiftEq
@ -62,19 +56,16 @@ instance Ord1 QualifiedImport where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 QualifiedImport where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable QualifiedImport where
eval (QualifiedImport (ImportPath name) alias xs) = do
eval (QualifiedImport (ImportPath name) aliasTerm) = do
paths <- resolveGoImport name
for_ paths $ \path -> do
(importedEnv, _) <- isolate (require path)
modifyEnv (mappend (Env.overwrite (renames importedEnv) importedEnv))
renames importedEnv
| Prologue.null xs = fmap prepend (Env.names importedEnv)
| otherwise = xs
prefix = freeVariable (subterm alias)
prepend n = (n, prefix <> n)
let alias = freeVariable (subterm aliasTerm)
void $ letrec' alias $ \addr -> do
for_ paths $ \path -> do
(importedEnv, _) <- isolate (require path)
modifyEnv (mappend importedEnv)
makeNamespace alias addr []
-- | Side effect only imports (no symbols made available to the calling environment).
data SideEffectImport a = SideEffectImport { sideEffectImportFrom :: !ImportPath, sideEffectImportToken :: !a }
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package main
import (
f "./foo"
_ "./bar"
_ "./bar"
func main() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user