mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 08:30:27 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into all-the-ord-instances
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ data Language
| Python
| Ruby
| TypeScript
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic, ToJSON)
deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, ToJSON)
-- | Returns a Language based on the file extension (including the ".").
languageForType :: String -> Maybe Language
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Parser
( Parser(..)
-- Syntax parsers
, parserForLanguage
, lineByLineParser
-- À la carte parsers
, jsonParser
, markdownParser
@ -16,7 +15,6 @@ import qualified CMarkGFM
import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1)
import Data.Ix
import Data.Record
import Data.Source as Source
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import Data.Syntax.Assignment
import Data.Term
@ -50,20 +48,17 @@ data Parser term where
TreeSitterParser :: Ptr TS.Language -> Parser (Term Syntax (Record DefaultFields))
-- | A parser for 'Markdown' using cmark.
MarkdownParser :: Parser (Term (TermF [] CMarkGFM.NodeType) (Node Markdown.Grammar))
-- | A parser which will parse any input 'Source' into a top-level 'Term' whose children are leaves consisting of the 'Source's lines.
LineByLineParser :: Parser (Term Syntax (Record DefaultFields))
-- | Return a 'Language'-specific 'Parser', if one exists, falling back to the 'LineByLineParser'.
parserForLanguage :: Maybe Language -> Parser (Term Syntax (Record DefaultFields))
parserForLanguage Nothing = LineByLineParser
parserForLanguage (Just language) = case language of
Go -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_go
JavaScript -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_typescript
JSON -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_json
JSX -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_typescript
Ruby -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_ruby
TypeScript -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_typescript
_ -> LineByLineParser
parserForLanguage :: Language -> Maybe (Parser (Term Syntax (Record DefaultFields)))
parserForLanguage language = case language of
Go -> Just (TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_go)
JavaScript -> Just (TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_typescript)
JSON -> Just (TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_json)
JSX -> Just (TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_typescript)
Ruby -> Just (TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_ruby)
TypeScript -> Just (TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_typescript)
_ -> Nothing
rubyParser :: Parser Ruby.Term
rubyParser = AssignmentParser (ASTParser tree_sitter_ruby) Ruby.assignment
@ -79,9 +74,3 @@ typescriptParser = AssignmentParser (ASTParser tree_sitter_typescript) TypeScrip
markdownParser :: Parser Markdown.Term
markdownParser = AssignmentParser MarkdownParser Markdown.assignment
-- | A fallback parser that treats a file simply as rows of strings.
lineByLineParser :: Source -> Term Syntax (Record DefaultFields)
lineByLineParser source = termIn (totalRange source :. Program :. totalSpan source :. Nil) (Indexed (zipWith toLine [1..] (sourceLineRanges source)))
where toLine line range = termIn (range :. Program :. Span (Pos line 1) (Pos line (end range)) :. Nil) (Leaf (toText (slice range source)))
@ -19,18 +19,13 @@ module Renderer
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Diff
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Output
import Data.Record
import Data.Term
import Data.Text (Text)
import Info (DefaultFields)
import Renderer.JSON as R
import Renderer.Patch as R
import Renderer.SExpression as R
import Renderer.TOC as R
import Syntax as S
-- | Specification of renderers for diffs, producing output in the parameter type.
data DiffRenderer output where
@ -44,8 +39,6 @@ data DiffRenderer output where
JSONDiffRenderer :: DiffRenderer (Map.Map Text Value)
-- | Render to a 'ByteString' formatted as nested s-expressions with patches indicated.
SExpressionDiffRenderer :: DiffRenderer ByteString
-- | “Render” by returning the computed 'Diff'. This renderer is not surfaced in the command-line interface, and is intended strictly for tests. Further, as it cannot render à la carte terms, it should be regarded as a (very) short-term hack until such time as we have a better idea for TOCSpec.hs.
IdentityDiffRenderer :: DiffRenderer (Maybe (Diff Syntax (Record (Maybe Declaration ': DefaultFields)) (Record (Maybe Declaration ': DefaultFields))))
deriving instance Eq (DiffRenderer output)
deriving instance Show (DiffRenderer output)
@ -58,8 +51,6 @@ data TermRenderer output where
JSONTermRenderer :: TermRenderer [Value]
-- | Render to a 'ByteString' formatted as nested s-expressions.
SExpressionTermRenderer :: TermRenderer ByteString
-- | “Render” by returning the computed 'Term'. This renderer is not surfaced in the command-line interface, and is intended strictly for tests. Further, as it cannot render à la carte terms, it should be regarded as a (very) short-term hack until such time as we have a better idea for SemanticSpec.hs.
IdentityTermRenderer :: TermRenderer (Maybe (Term Syntax (Record DefaultFields)))
deriving instance Eq (TermRenderer output)
deriving instance Show (TermRenderer output)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DeriveAnyClass, DeriveDataTypeable, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
module Semantic
( parseBlobs
, parseBlob
@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ module Semantic
, diffTermPair
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import Data.Output
import Data.Record
import Data.Syntax.Algebra
import Data.Term
import Data.Typeable
import Info
import Interpreter
import qualified Language
@ -44,25 +46,24 @@ parseBlob renderer blob@Blob{..} = case (renderer, blobLanguage) of
(ToCTermRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> parse pythonParser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToCTerm blob)
(ToCTermRenderer, Just Language.TypeScript) -> parse typescriptParser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToCTerm blob)
(ToCTermRenderer, Just Language.Ruby) -> parse rubyParser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToCTerm blob)
(ToCTermRenderer, _) -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToCTerm blob)
(ToCTermRenderer, _) | Just syntaxParser <- syntaxParser -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToCTerm blob)
(JSONTermRenderer, Just Language.JSON) -> parse jsonParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
(JSONTermRenderer, Just Language.Markdown) -> parse markdownParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
(JSONTermRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> parse pythonParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
(JSONTermRenderer, Just Language.TypeScript) -> parse typescriptParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
(JSONTermRenderer, Just Language.Ruby) -> parse rubyParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
(JSONTermRenderer, _) -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate syntaxIdentifierAlgebra >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
(JSONTermRenderer, _) | Just syntaxParser <- syntaxParser -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate syntaxIdentifierAlgebra >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
(SExpressionTermRenderer, Just Language.JSON) -> parse jsonParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepConstructorLabel
(SExpressionTermRenderer, Just Language.Markdown) -> parse markdownParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepConstructorLabel
(SExpressionTermRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> parse pythonParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepConstructorLabel
(SExpressionTermRenderer, Just Language.TypeScript) -> parse typescriptParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepConstructorLabel
(SExpressionTermRenderer, Just Language.Ruby) -> parse rubyParser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepConstructorLabel
(SExpressionTermRenderer, _) -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepCategory
(IdentityTermRenderer, Just Language.JSON) -> pure Nothing
(IdentityTermRenderer, Just Language.Markdown) -> pure Nothing
(IdentityTermRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> pure Nothing
(IdentityTermRenderer, Just Language.TypeScript) -> pure Nothing
(IdentityTermRenderer, _) -> Just <$> parse syntaxParser blob
where syntaxParser = parserForLanguage blobLanguage
(SExpressionTermRenderer, _) | Just syntaxParser <- syntaxParser -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepCategory
_ -> throwError (SomeException (NoParserForLanguage blobPath blobLanguage))
where syntaxParser = blobLanguage >>= parserForLanguage
data NoParserForLanguage = NoParserForLanguage FilePath (Maybe Language.Language)
deriving (Eq, Exception, Ord, Show, Typeable)
diffBlobPairs :: Output output => DiffRenderer output -> [Both Blob] -> Task ByteString
@ -73,35 +74,38 @@ diffBlobPair :: DiffRenderer output -> Both Blob -> Task output
diffBlobPair renderer blobs = case (renderer, effectiveLanguage) of
(OldToCDiffRenderer, Just Language.Markdown) -> run (\ blob -> parse markdownParser blob >>= decorate (markupSectionAlgebra blob)) diffTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(OldToCDiffRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> run (\ blob -> parse pythonParser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob)) diffTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(OldToCDiffRenderer, _) -> run (\ blob -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(OldToCDiffRenderer, _) | Just syntaxParser <- syntaxParser -> run (\ blob -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(ToCDiffRenderer, Just Language.Markdown) -> run (\ blob -> parse markdownParser blob >>= decorate (markupSectionAlgebra blob)) diffTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(ToCDiffRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> run (\ blob -> parse pythonParser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob)) diffTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(ToCDiffRenderer, Just Language.Ruby) -> run (\ blob -> parse rubyParser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob)) diffTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(ToCDiffRenderer, Just Language.TypeScript) -> run (\ blob -> parse typescriptParser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob)) diffTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(ToCDiffRenderer, _) -> run (\ blob -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(ToCDiffRenderer, _) | Just syntaxParser <- syntaxParser -> run (\ blob -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(JSONDiffRenderer, Just Language.JSON) -> run (parse jsonParser) diffTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
(JSONDiffRenderer, Just Language.Markdown) -> run (parse markdownParser) diffTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
(JSONDiffRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> run (parse pythonParser) diffTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
(JSONDiffRenderer, Just Language.Ruby) -> run (parse rubyParser) diffTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
(JSONDiffRenderer, Just Language.TypeScript) -> run (parse typescriptParser) diffTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
(JSONDiffRenderer, _) -> run (decorate syntaxIdentifierAlgebra <=< parse syntaxParser) diffSyntaxTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
(JSONDiffRenderer, _) | Just syntaxParser <- syntaxParser -> run (decorate syntaxIdentifierAlgebra <=< parse syntaxParser) diffSyntaxTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
(PatchDiffRenderer, Just Language.JSON) -> run (parse jsonParser) diffTerms (renderPatch blobs)
(PatchDiffRenderer, Just Language.Markdown) -> run (parse markdownParser) diffTerms (renderPatch blobs)
(PatchDiffRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> run (parse pythonParser) diffTerms (renderPatch blobs)
(PatchDiffRenderer, Just Language.Ruby) -> run (parse rubyParser) diffTerms (renderPatch blobs)
(PatchDiffRenderer, Just Language.TypeScript) -> run (parse typescriptParser) diffTerms (renderPatch blobs)
(PatchDiffRenderer, _) -> run (parse syntaxParser) diffSyntaxTerms (renderPatch blobs)
(PatchDiffRenderer, _) | Just syntaxParser <- syntaxParser -> run (parse syntaxParser) diffSyntaxTerms (renderPatch blobs)
(SExpressionDiffRenderer, Just Language.JSON) -> run (decorate constructorLabel <=< parse jsonParser) diffTerms (renderSExpressionDiff . bimap keepConstructorLabel keepConstructorLabel)
(SExpressionDiffRenderer, Just Language.Markdown) -> run (decorate constructorLabel <=< parse markdownParser) diffTerms (renderSExpressionDiff . bimap keepConstructorLabel keepConstructorLabel)
(SExpressionDiffRenderer, Just Language.Python) -> run (decorate constructorLabel <=< parse pythonParser) diffTerms (renderSExpressionDiff . bimap keepConstructorLabel keepConstructorLabel)
(SExpressionDiffRenderer, Just Language.Ruby) -> run (decorate constructorLabel <=< parse rubyParser) diffTerms (renderSExpressionDiff . bimap keepConstructorLabel keepConstructorLabel)
(SExpressionDiffRenderer, Just Language.TypeScript) -> run (decorate constructorLabel <=< parse typescriptParser) diffTerms (renderSExpressionDiff . bimap keepConstructorLabel keepConstructorLabel)
(SExpressionDiffRenderer, _) -> run (parse syntaxParser) diffSyntaxTerms (renderSExpressionDiff . bimap keepCategory keepCategory)
(IdentityDiffRenderer, _) -> run (\ blob -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms Just
where effectiveLanguage = runBothWith (<|>) (blobLanguage <$> blobs)
syntaxParser = parserForLanguage effectiveLanguage
(SExpressionDiffRenderer, _) | Just syntaxParser <- syntaxParser -> run (parse syntaxParser) diffSyntaxTerms (renderSExpressionDiff . bimap keepCategory keepCategory)
_ -> throwError (SomeException (NoParserForLanguage effectivePath effectiveLanguage))
where (effectivePath, effectiveLanguage) = case runJoin blobs of
(Blob { blobLanguage = Just lang, blobPath = path }, _) -> (path, Just lang)
(_, Blob { blobLanguage = Just lang, blobPath = path }) -> (path, Just lang)
(Blob { blobPath = path }, _) -> (path, Nothing)
syntaxParser = effectiveLanguage >>= parserForLanguage
run :: Functor syntax => (Blob -> Task (Term syntax ann)) -> (Term syntax ann -> Term syntax ann -> Diff syntax ann ann) -> (Diff syntax ann ann -> output) -> Task output
run parse diff renderer = distributeFor blobs parse >>= runBothWith (diffTermPair blobs diff) >>= render renderer
@ -217,7 +217,6 @@ runParser Options{..} blob@Blob{..} = go
pure term
TreeSitterParser tslanguage -> logTiming "ts parse" $ liftIO (treeSitterParser tslanguage blob)
MarkdownParser -> logTiming "cmark parse" $ pure (cmarkParser blobSource)
LineByLineParser -> logTiming "line-by-line parse" $ pure (lineByLineParser blobSource)
blobFields = ("path", blobPath) : maybe [] (pure . (,) "language" . show) blobLanguage
errors :: (Syntax.Error :< fs, Apply Foldable fs, Apply Functor fs) => Term (Union fs) (Record Assignment.Location) -> [Error.Error String]
errors = cata $ \ (In a syntax) -> case syntax of
@ -49,10 +49,3 @@ diffWithParser :: (HasField fields Data.Span.Span,
diffWithParser parser = run (\ blob -> parse parser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob))
run parse sourceBlobs = distributeFor sourceBlobs parse >>= runBothWith (diffTermPair sourceBlobs diffTerms)
-- diffRecursively :: (Declaration.Method :< fs, Declaration.Function :< fs, Apply Eq1 fs, Apply GAlign fs, Apply Show1 fs, Apply Foldable fs, Apply Functor fs, Apply Traversable fs, Apply Diffable fs)
-- => Term (Union fs) (Record fields1)
-- -> Term (Union fs) (Record fields2)
-- -> Diff (Union fs) (Record fields1) (Record fields2)
-- diffRecursively = decoratingWith constructorNameAndConstantFields constructorNameAndConstantFields (diffTermsWith algorithmForTerms comparableByConstructor equivalentTerms)
@ -11,19 +11,17 @@ import Renderer
import Semantic
import Semantic.Task
import Syntax
import System.Exit
import Test.Hspec hiding (shouldBe, shouldNotBe, shouldThrow, errorCall)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "parseBlob" $ do
it "parses in the specified language" $ do
Just term <- runTask $ parseBlob IdentityTermRenderer methodsBlob
void term `shouldBe` Term (() `In` Indexed [ Term (() `In` Method [] (Term (() `In` Leaf "foo")) Nothing [] []) ])
it "parses line by line if not given a language" $ do
Just term <- runTask $ parseBlob IdentityTermRenderer methodsBlob { blobLanguage = Nothing }
void term `shouldBe` Term (() `In` Indexed [ Term (() `In` Leaf "def foo\n"), Term (() `In` Leaf "end\n"), Term (() `In` Leaf "") ])
it "throws if not given a language" $ do
runTask (parseBlob SExpressionTermRenderer methodsBlob { blobLanguage = Nothing }) `shouldThrow` (\ code -> case code of
ExitFailure 1 -> True
_ -> False)
it "renders with the specified renderer" $ do
output <- runTask $ parseBlob SExpressionTermRenderer methodsBlob
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
module TOCSpec where
import Category as C
import Category as C hiding (Go)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Blob
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Data.Source
import Data.Term
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.These
import Info
import Info hiding (Go)
import Interpreter
import Language
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Semantic
import Semantic.Task
import Semantic.Util
import SpecHelpers
import Syntax as S
import Syntax as S hiding (Go)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, parallel)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty
import Test.Hspec.LeanCheck
@ -69,11 +69,10 @@ spec = parallel $ do
it "summarizes changed methods" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (both "ruby/methods.A.rb" "ruby/methods.B.rb")
Just diff <- runTask (diffBlobPair IdentityDiffRenderer sourceBlobs)
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ JSONSummary "Method" "self.foo" (sourceSpanBetween (1, 1) (2, 4)) "added"
, JSONSummary "Method" "bar" (sourceSpanBetween (4, 1) (6, 4)) "modified"
, JSONSummary "Method" "baz" (sourceSpanBetween (4, 1) (5, 4)) "removed" ]
[ JSONSummary "Method" "self.foo" (sourceSpanBetween (1, 1) (2, 4)) "modified"
, JSONSummary "Method" "bar" (sourceSpanBetween (4, 1) (6, 4)) "modified" ]
it "dedupes changes in same parent method" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (both "javascript/duplicate-parent.A.js" "javascript/duplicate-parent.B.js")
@ -89,25 +88,26 @@ spec = parallel $ do
it "summarizes Go methods with receivers with special formatting" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (both "go/method-with-receiver.A.go" "go/method-with-receiver.B.go")
Just diff <- runTask (diffBlobPair IdentityDiffRenderer sourceBlobs)
let Just goParser = parserForLanguage Go
diff <- runTask $ distributeFor sourceBlobs (\ blob -> parse goParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) >>= runBothWith (diffTermPair sourceBlobs diffSyntaxTerms)
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ JSONSummary "Method" "(*apiClient) CheckAuth" (sourceSpanBetween (3,1) (3,101)) "added" ]
it "summarizes Ruby methods that start with two identifiers" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (both "ruby/method-starts-with-two-identifiers.A.rb" "ruby/method-starts-with-two-identifiers.B.rb")
Just diff <- runTask (diffBlobPair IdentityDiffRenderer sourceBlobs)
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ JSONSummary "Method" "foo" (sourceSpanBetween (1, 1) (4, 4)) "modified" ]
it "handles unicode characters in file" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (both "ruby/unicode.A.rb" "ruby/unicode.B.rb")
Just diff <- runTask (diffBlobPair IdentityDiffRenderer sourceBlobs)
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe`
[ JSONSummary "Method" "foo" (sourceSpanBetween (6, 1) (7, 4)) "added" ]
it "properly slices source blob that starts with a newline and has multi-byte chars" $ do
sourceBlobs <- blobsForPaths (both "javascript/starts-with-newline.js" "javascript/starts-with-newline.js")
Just diff <- runTask (diffBlobPair IdentityDiffRenderer sourceBlobs)
diff <- runTask $ diffWithParser rubyParser sourceBlobs
diffTOC diff `shouldBe` []
prop "inserts of methods and functions are summarized" $
Reference in New Issue
Block a user