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synced 2024-12-22 22:31:36 +03:00
Render diffs to DOT.
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,16 +14,24 @@ import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor.Both (Both, runBothWith)
import Data.Functor.Foldable hiding (fold)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Patch
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Term
renderDOTDiff :: Both Blob -> Diff syntax ann1 ann2 -> B.ByteString
renderDOTDiff blobs _ = renderGraph mempty { graphName = Just (runBothWith (fmap B.pack . (join `on` blobPath)) blobs) }
renderDOTDiff :: (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => Both Blob -> Diff syntax ann1 ann2 -> B.ByteString
renderDOTDiff blobs diff = renderGraph (snd (cata diffAlgebra diff 0)) { graphName = Just (runBothWith (fmap B.pack . (join `on` blobPath)) blobs) }
where join = (++) . (" -> " ++)
renderDOTTerm :: (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => Blob -> Term syntax ann -> B.ByteString
renderDOTTerm Blob{..} term = renderGraph (snd (cata graphAlgebra term 0)) { graphName = Just (B.pack blobPath) }
diffAlgebra :: (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) => DiffF syntax ann1 ann2 (Int -> (Int, Graph)) -> Int -> (Int, Graph)
diffAlgebra (Merge t) i = graphAlgebra t i
diffAlgebra (Patch (Delete t1)) i = graphAlgebra t1 i
diffAlgebra (Patch (Insert t2)) i = graphAlgebra t2 i
diffAlgebra (Patch (Replace t1 t2)) i = let (_, g1) = graphAlgebra t1 i
(_, g2) = graphAlgebra t2 i
in (succ i, g1 <> g2)
graphAlgebra :: (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax) => TermF syntax ann (Int -> (Int, Graph)) -> Int -> (Int, Graph)
graphAlgebra t i = (succ i, Graph
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