mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 00:44:57 +03:00
Merge pull request #370 from github/concrete-python-tests
Add Check-Result directive for querying Python concrete evaluation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ common haskell
build-depends: base ^>=4.12
, fused-effects ^>= 0.5
, fused-syntax
, parsers ^>= 0.12.10
, semantic-core ^>= 0.0
, semantic-source ^>= 0.0
, semantic-tags ^>= 0.0
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ instance Compile Py.String where
Prj Py.EscapeSequence { text } -> pure text
other -> fail ("Couldn't string-desugar " <> show other)
let new = pure "__semantic_prelude" ... "str" ... "__class" ... "__new__"
let new = pure "__semantic_prelude" ... "str" ... "__slots" ... "__new__"
cc $ locate it (new $$ Core.string (mconcat contents))
instance Compile Py.Subscript
@ -8,15 +8,10 @@
// object's superclass is type itself
object <- type "object" type #record{};
str <- type "str" object #record { };
str.__new__ = (\contents -> instance str contents #record{});
str <- type "str" object #record { __new__: \prim -> instance #unit prim #record{} };
getitem <- \super -> \item -> \attr ->
if item.slots.?attr then item.slots.attr else #unit;
new <- \class -> class.__new__;
example <- new str "hello";
#record { type: type, object: object, str: str, getitem: getitem, new: new, example: example }
#record { type: type, object: object, str: str, getitem: getitem}
@ -1,19 +1,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, TypeOperators #-}
-- | FileCheck-style directives for testing Core compilers.
module Directive ( Directive (..)
, parseDirective
, readDirectivesFromFile
, describe
, toProcess
) where
import Analysis.Concrete (Concrete (..))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Effect
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, runResourceT)
import Core.Core (Core)
import qualified Core.Core as Core
import Core.Name (Name)
import qualified Core.Parser
import qualified Core.Pretty
import Core.Name (Name)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as ByteStream
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Source.Span as Source
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Stream
import Syntax.Term (Term)
import qualified System.Path as Path
import qualified System.Path.PartClass as Path.Class
import System.Process
import qualified Text.Parser.Token.Style as Style
import Text.Trifecta (CharParsing, TokenParsing (..))
import qualified Text.Trifecta as Trifecta
{- |
@ -42,29 +58,62 @@ projects.
data Directive = JQ ByteString -- | @# CHECK-JQ: expr@
| Tree (Term Core Name) -- | @# CHECK-TREE: core@
| Result Text (Concrete (Term (Core.Ann Source.Span :+: Core)) Name) -- | @# CHECK-RESULT key: expected
| Fails -- | @# CHECK-FAILS@ fails unless translation fails.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Extract all directives from a file.
readDirectivesFromFile :: Path.Class.AbsRel ar => Path.File ar -> IO [Directive]
= runResourceT
. Stream.toList_
. Stream.mapM (either perish pure . parseDirective)
. Stream.takeWhile isComment
. Stream.mapped ByteStream.toStrict
. ByteStream.lines
. ByteStream.readFile @(ResourceT IO)
. Path.toString
perish s = fail ("Directive parsing error: " <> s)
isComment = (== Just '#') . fmap fst . ByteString.uncons
describe :: Directive -> String
describe Fails = "<expect failure>"
describe (Tree t) = Core.Pretty.showCore t
describe (JQ b) = ByteString.unpack b
describe (Result t e) = T.unpack t <> ": " <> show e
fails :: Trifecta.Parser Directive
fails :: CharParsing m => m Directive
fails = Fails <$ Trifecta.string "# CHECK-FAILS"
jq :: Trifecta.Parser Directive
jq :: (Monad m, CharParsing m) => m Directive
jq = do
void $ Trifecta.string "# CHECK-JQ: "
JQ . ByteString.pack <$> many (Trifecta.noneOf "\n")
tree :: Trifecta.Parser Directive
tree :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m Directive
tree = do
void $ Trifecta.string "# CHECK-TREE: "
Tree <$> Core.Parser.core
directive :: Trifecta.Parser Directive
directive = Trifecta.choice [ fails, jq, tree ]
result :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m Directive
result = do
void $ Trifecta.string "# CHECK-RESULT "
key <- Trifecta.ident Style.haskellIdents
void $ Trifecta.symbolic ':'
Result key <$> concrete
concrete :: TokenParsing m => m (Concrete term Name)
concrete = Trifecta.choice
[ String <$> Trifecta.stringLiteral
, Bool True <$ Trifecta.symbol "#true"
, Bool False <$ Trifecta.symbol "#false"
, Unit <$ Trifecta.symbol "#unit"
directive :: (Monad m, TokenParsing m) => m Directive
directive = Trifecta.choice [ fails, result, jq, tree ]
parseDirective :: ByteString -> Either String Directive
parseDirective = Trifecta.foldResult (Left . show) Right
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DerivingStrategies, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, OverloadedStrings, TypeApplications, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, TypeOperators #-}
module Main (main) where
import Analysis.Concrete (Concrete)
import qualified Analysis.Concrete as Concrete
import Analysis.File
import Analysis.ScopeGraph
import Control.Effect
@ -10,12 +12,11 @@ import Control.Effect.Reader
import Control.Monad hiding (fail)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, runResourceT)
import Core.Core
import qualified Core.Parser
import Core.Pretty
import qualified Core.Eval as Eval
import Core.Name
import qualified Core.Parser
import Core.Pretty
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString
@ -23,21 +24,23 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString.Lazy
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as ByteStream
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.List (sort)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Stack
import qualified Language.Python.Core as Py
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Source.Span
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Stream
import qualified Streaming.Process
import Syntax.Term
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.Path ((</>))
import qualified System.Path as Path
import qualified System.Path.Directory as Path
import System.Path ((</>))
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
import qualified Text.Trifecta as Trifecta
import qualified TreeSitter.Python as TSP
@ -49,15 +52,17 @@ import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HUnit
import qualified Directive
import Instances ()
assertJQExpressionSucceeds :: Show a => Directive.Directive -> a -> Term (Ann Span :+: Core) Name -> HUnit.Assertion
assertJQExpressionSucceeds directive tree core = do
parsePrelude :: IO (Term (Ann Span :+: Core) Name)
parsePrelude = do
preludesrc <- ByteString.readFile "semantic-python/src/Prelude.score"
let ePrelude = Trifecta.parseByteString (Core.Parser.core <* Trifecta.eof) mempty preludesrc
prelude <- case Trifecta.foldResult (Left . show) Right ePrelude of
case Trifecta.foldResult (Left . show) Right ePrelude of
Right r -> pure r
Left s -> HUnit.assertFailure ("Couldn't parse prelude: " <> s)
assertJQExpressionSucceeds :: Show a => Directive.Directive -> a -> Term (Ann Span :+: Core) Name -> HUnit.Assertion
assertJQExpressionSucceeds directive tree core = do
prelude <- parsePrelude
let allTogether = (named' "__semantic_prelude" :<- prelude) >>>= core
bod <- case scopeGraph Eval.eval [File (Path.absRel "<interactive>") (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 1)) allTogether] of
@ -81,50 +86,59 @@ assertJQExpressionSucceeds directive tree core = do
catch @_ @Streaming.Process.ProcessExitedUnsuccessfully jqPipeline $ \err -> do
HUnit.assertFailure (unlines [errorMsg, dirMsg, jsonMsg, astMsg, treeMsg, treeMsg', show err])
fixtureTestTreeForFile :: HasCallStack => Path.RelFile -> Tasty.TestTree
fixtureTestTreeForFile fp = HUnit.testCaseSteps (Path.toString fp) $ \step -> withFrozenCallStack $ do
-- handles CHECK-RESULT directives
assertEvaluatesTo :: Term (Ann Span :+: Core) Name -> Text -> Concrete (Term (Ann Span :+: Core)) Name -> HUnit.Assertion
assertEvaluatesTo core k val = do
prelude <- parsePrelude
let allTogether = (named' "__semantic_prelude" :<- prelude) >>>= core
let filius = [File (Path.absRel "<interactive>") (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 1)) allTogether]
(heap, env) <- case Concrete.concrete Eval.eval filius of
(heap, [File _ _ (Right (Concrete.Record env))]) ->
pure (heap, env)
(_, [File _ _ (Left (_, span, err))]) ->
HUnit.assertFailure ("Failed evaluation (" <> show span <> "): " <> err)
(_, files) ->
HUnit.assertFailure ("Unexpected number of files: " <> show (length files))
let found = Map.lookup (Name k) env >>= flip IntMap.lookup heap
found HUnit.@?= Just val
-- handles CHECK-TREE directives
assertTreeEqual :: Term Core Name -> Term Core Name -> HUnit.Assertion
assertTreeEqual t item = HUnit.assertEqual ("got (pretty)" <> showCore item) t item
checkPythonFile :: HasCallStack => Path.RelFile -> Tasty.TestTree
checkPythonFile fp = HUnit.testCaseSteps (Path.toString fp) $ \step -> withFrozenCallStack $ do
-- Extract the directives and the core associated with the provided file
let fullPath = Path.relDir "semantic-python/test/fixtures" </> fp
perish s = liftIO (HUnit.assertFailure ("Directive parsing error: " <> s))
isComment = (== Just '#') . fmap fst . ByteString.uncons
-- Slurp the input file, taking lines from the beginning until we
-- encounter a line that doesn't have a '#'. For each line, parse
-- a directive out of it, failing if the directive can't be parsed.
directives <-
. Stream.toList_
. Stream.mapM (either perish pure . Directive.parseDirective)
. Stream.takeWhile isComment
. Stream.mapped ByteStream.toStrict
. ByteStream.lines
. ByteStream.readFile @(ResourceT IO)
$ Path.toString fullPath
directives <- Directive.readDirectivesFromFile fullPath
result <- ByteString.readFile (Path.toString fullPath) >>= TS.parseByteString TSP.tree_sitter_python
-- Run the compiler
let coreResult = Control.Effect.run
. runFail
. runReader @Py.Bindings mempty
. Py.toplevelCompile
<$> result
-- Dispatch based on the result-directive pair
for_ directives $ \directive -> do
step (Directive.describe directive)
case (coreResult, directive) of
(Right (Left _), Directive.Fails) -> pure ()
(Left err, _) -> HUnit.assertFailure ("Parsing failed: " <> err)
(Right (Left err), _) -> HUnit.assertFailure ("Compilation failed: " <> err)
(Right (Right _), Directive.Fails) -> HUnit.assertFailure ("Expected translation to fail")
(Right (Right _), Directive.Fails) -> HUnit.assertFailure "Expected translation to fail"
(Right (Right item), Directive.Result k v) -> assertEvaluatesTo item k v
(Right (Right item), Directive.JQ _) -> assertJQExpressionSucceeds directive result item
(Right (Right item), Directive.Tree t) -> let msg = "got (pretty): " <> showCore item'
item' = stripAnnotations item
in HUnit.assertEqual msg t item' where
(Right (Right item), Directive.Tree t) -> assertTreeEqual (stripAnnotations item) t
milestoneFixtures :: IO Tasty.TestTree
milestoneFixtures = do
files <- liftIO (Path.filesInDir (Path.relDir "semantic-python/test/fixtures"))
let pythons = sort (filter (Path.hasExtension ".py") files)
pure $ Tasty.testGroup "Translation" (fmap fixtureTestTreeForFile pythons)
milestoneFixtures = buildTests <$> readFiles
readFiles = liftIO . Path.filesInDir . Path.relDir $ "semantic-python/test/fixtures"
buildTests = Tasty.testGroup "Python" . fmap checkPythonFile . sort . filter (Path.hasExtension ".py")
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# CHECK-JQ: .scope | has("hello") and has("goodbye")
# CHECK-TREE: { hello <- #unit; goodbye <- #unit; #record { hello: hello, goodbye: goodbye }}
# CHECK-RESULT hello: #unit
hello = ()
goodbye = ()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user