mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-27 08:54:14 +03:00

Rephrase the advance function in terms of catThese.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2016-04-14 22:23:26 -04:00
parent b9230ceac4
commit ac26367e2d

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ alignChildrenInRanges getRange ranges children
, (thisLine, nextLines) <- foldr (\ (this, next) (these, nexts) -> (this : these, next ++ nexts)) ([], []) intersecting
, thisRanges <- fromMaybe headRanges $ const <$> headRanges `applyThese` Alignment.catThese (thisLine ++ nextLines)
, merged <- pairRangesWithLine thisRanges (modifyJoin (uncurry These . fromThese [] []) (Alignment.catThese thisLine))
, advance <- fromMaybe (drop 1, drop 1) $ fromThese id id . runJoin . (drop 1 <$) <$> listToMaybe nextLines
, advance <- fromThese id id . runJoin . (drop 1 <$) $ Alignment.catThese nextLines
, (nextRanges, nextChildren, nextLines) <- alignChildrenInRanges getRange (modifyJoin (uncurry bimap advance) ranges) (nextLines : nonintersecting)
= (nextRanges, nextChildren, merged : nextLines)
| ([]:rest) <- children = alignChildrenInRanges getRange ranges rest