mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-01 09:15:01 +03:00

Merge pull request #497 from github/copointed

This commit is contained in:
Josh Vera 2016-03-03 11:53:29 -05:00
commit b12c64582a
5 changed files with 57 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ library
, Category
, Control.Comonad.Cofree
, Control.Monad.Free
, Data.Copointed
, Data.Functor.Both
, Data.Option
, Data.OrderedMap

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Alignment where
import Category
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.Copointed
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Functor.Both
@ -55,55 +56,55 @@ splitPatchByLines patch previous sources = case patch of
splitTermByLines :: Term leaf Info -> Source Char -> ([Line (Term leaf Info)], Range)
splitTermByLines (Info range categories :< syntax) source = flip (,) range $ case syntax of
Leaf a -> pure . (:< Leaf a) . (`Info` categories) <$> actualLineRanges range source
Indexed children -> adjoinChildLines (Indexed . fmap get) (Identity <$> children)
Fixed children -> adjoinChildLines (Fixed . fmap get) (Identity <$> children)
Indexed children -> adjoinChildLines (Indexed . fmap copoint) (Identity <$> children)
Fixed children -> adjoinChildLines (Fixed . fmap copoint) (Identity <$> children)
Keyed children -> adjoinChildLines (Keyed . Map.fromList) (Map.toList children)
where adjoin :: Has f => [Line (Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)))] -> [Line (Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)))]
where adjoin :: Copointed f => [Line (Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)))] -> [Line (Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)))]
adjoin = reverse . foldl (adjoinLinesBy $ openEither (openRange source) (openTerm source)) []
adjoinChildLines :: Has f => ([f (Term leaf Info)] -> Syntax leaf (Term leaf Info)) -> [f (Term leaf Info)] -> [Line (Term leaf Info)]
adjoinChildLines :: (Copointed f, Functor f) => ([f (Term leaf Info)] -> Syntax leaf (Term leaf Info)) -> [f (Term leaf Info)] -> [Line (Term leaf Info)]
adjoinChildLines constructor children = let (lines, previous) = foldl childLines ([], start range) children in
fmap (wrapLineContents $ wrap constructor) . adjoin $ lines ++ (pure . Left <$> actualLineRanges (Range previous $ end range) source)
wrap :: Has f => ([f (Term leaf Info)] -> Syntax leaf (Term leaf Info)) -> [Either Range (f (Term leaf Info))] -> Term leaf Info
wrap :: Copointed f => ([f (Term leaf Info)] -> Syntax leaf (Term leaf Info)) -> [Either Range (f (Term leaf Info))] -> Term leaf Info
wrap constructor children = (Info (unionRanges $ getRange <$> children) categories :<) . constructor $ rights children
getRange :: Has f => Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)) -> Range
getRange (Right term) = case get term of (Info range _ :< _) -> range
getRange :: Copointed f => Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)) -> Range
getRange (Right term) = case copoint term of (Info range _ :< _) -> range
getRange (Left range) = range
childLines :: Has f => ([Line (Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)))], Int) -> f (Term leaf Info) -> ([Line (Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)))], Int)
childLines (lines, previous) child = let (childLines, childRange) = splitTermByLines (get child) source in
childLines :: (Copointed f, Functor f) => ([Line (Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)))], Int) -> f (Term leaf Info) -> ([Line (Either Range (f (Term leaf Info)))], Int)
childLines (lines, previous) child = let (childLines, childRange) = splitTermByLines (copoint child) source in
(adjoin $ lines ++ (pure . Left <$> actualLineRanges (Range previous $ start childRange) source) ++ (fmap (Right . (<$ child)) <$> childLines), end childRange)
-- | Split a annotated diff into rows of split diffs.
splitAnnotatedByLines :: Both (Source Char) -> Both Range -> Both (Set.Set Category) -> Syntax leaf (Diff leaf Info) -> [Row (SplitDiff leaf Info)]
splitAnnotatedByLines sources ranges categories syntax = case syntax of
Leaf a -> wrapRowContents (((Free . (`Annotated` Leaf a)) .) <$> ((. unionRanges) . flip Info <$> categories)) <$> contextRows ranges sources
Indexed children -> adjoinChildRows (Indexed . fmap get) (Identity <$> children)
Fixed children -> adjoinChildRows (Fixed . fmap get) (Identity <$> children)
Indexed children -> adjoinChildRows (Indexed . fmap copoint) (Identity <$> children)
Fixed children -> adjoinChildRows (Fixed . fmap copoint) (Identity <$> children)
Keyed children -> adjoinChildRows (Keyed . Map.fromList) (List.sortOn (diffRanges . Prelude.snd) $ Map.toList children)
where contextRows :: Both Range -> Both (Source Char) -> [Row Range]
contextRows ranges sources = zipWithDefaults makeRow (pure mempty) (fmap pure <$> (actualLineRanges <$> ranges <*> sources))
adjoin :: Has f => [Row (Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)))] -> [Row (Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)))]
adjoin :: Copointed f => [Row (Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)))] -> [Row (Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)))]
adjoin = reverse . foldl (adjoinRowsBy (openEither <$> (openRange <$> sources) <*> (openDiff <$> sources))) []
adjoinChildRows :: Has f => ([f (SplitDiff leaf Info)] -> Syntax leaf (SplitDiff leaf Info)) -> [f (Diff leaf Info)] -> [Row (SplitDiff leaf Info)]
adjoinChildRows :: (Copointed f, Functor f) => ([f (SplitDiff leaf Info)] -> Syntax leaf (SplitDiff leaf Info)) -> [f (Diff leaf Info)] -> [Row (SplitDiff leaf Info)]
adjoinChildRows constructor children = let (rows, previous) = foldl childRows ([], start <$> ranges) children in
fmap (wrapRowContents (wrap constructor <$> categories)) . adjoin $ rows ++ (fmap Left <$> contextRows (makeRanges previous (end <$> ranges)) sources)
wrap :: Has f => ([f (SplitDiff leaf Info)] -> Syntax leaf (SplitDiff leaf Info)) -> Set.Set Category -> [Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info))] -> SplitDiff leaf Info
wrap :: Copointed f => ([f (SplitDiff leaf Info)] -> Syntax leaf (SplitDiff leaf Info)) -> Set.Set Category -> [Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info))] -> SplitDiff leaf Info
wrap constructor categories children = Free . Annotated (Info (unionRanges $ getRange <$> children) categories) . constructor $ rights children
getRange :: Has f => Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)) -> Range
getRange (Right diff) = case get diff of
getRange :: Copointed f => Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)) -> Range
getRange (Right diff) = case copoint diff of
(Pure patch) -> let Info range _ :< _ = getSplitTerm patch in range
(Free (Annotated (Info range _) _)) -> range
getRange (Left range) = range
childRows :: Has f => ([Row (Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)))], Both Int) -> f (Diff leaf Info) -> ([Row (Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)))], Both Int)
childRows (rows, previous) child = let (childRows, childRanges) = splitDiffByLines (get child) previous sources in
childRows :: (Copointed f, Functor f) => ([Row (Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)))], Both Int) -> f (Diff leaf Info) -> ([Row (Either Range (f (SplitDiff leaf Info)))], Both Int)
childRows (rows, previous) child = let (childRows, childRanges) = splitDiffByLines (copoint child) previous sources in
-- We depend on source ranges increasing monotonically. If a child invalidates that, e.g. if its a move in a Keyed node, we dont output rows for it in this iteration. (It will still show up in the diff as context rows.) This works around https://github.com/github/semantic-diff/issues/488.
if or $ (<) . start <$> childRanges <*> previous
then (rows, previous)
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ splitAnnotatedByLines sources ranges categories syntax = case syntax of
-- | Produces the starting indices of a diff.
diffRanges :: Diff leaf Info -> Both (Maybe Range)
diffRanges (Free (Annotated infos _)) = Just . characterRange <$> infos
diffRanges (Pure patch) = fmap (characterRange . extract) <$> unPatch patch
diffRanges (Pure patch) = fmap (characterRange . copoint) <$> unPatch patch
-- | Returns a function that takes an Either, applies either the left or right
-- | MaybeOpen, and returns Nothing or the original either.
@ -131,22 +132,12 @@ openRange source range = case (source `at`) <$> maybeLastIndex range of
-- | Given a source and something that has a term, returns nothing if the term
-- | ends with a `\n`; otherwise returns the term.
openTerm :: Has f => Source Char -> MaybeOpen (f (Term leaf Info))
openTerm source term = const term <$> openRange source (case get term of (Info range _ :< _) -> range)
openTerm :: Copointed f => Source Char -> MaybeOpen (f (Term leaf Info))
openTerm source term = const term <$> openRange source (case copoint term of (Info range _ :< _) -> range)
-- | Given a source and something that has a split diff, returns nothing if the
-- | diff ends with a `\n`; otherwise returns the diff.
openDiff :: Has f => Source Char -> MaybeOpen (f (SplitDiff leaf Info))
openDiff source diff = const diff <$> case get diff of
openDiff :: Copointed f => Source Char -> MaybeOpen (f (SplitDiff leaf Info))
openDiff source diff = const diff <$> case copoint diff of
(Free (Annotated (Info range _) _)) -> openRange source range
(Pure patch) -> let Info range _ :< _ = getSplitTerm patch in openRange source range
-- | A functor that can return its content.
class Functor f => Has f where
get :: f a -> a
instance Has Identity where
get = runIdentity
instance Has ((,) a) where
get = Prelude.snd

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Comonad.Cofree where
import Data.Copointed
data Cofree functor annotation = annotation :< (functor (Cofree functor annotation))
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
@ -13,8 +15,8 @@ instance (Show annotation, Show (functor (Cofree functor annotation))) => Show (
unwrap :: Cofree functor annotation -> functor (Cofree functor annotation)
unwrap (_ :< f) = f
extract :: Cofree functor annotation -> annotation
extract (a :< _) = a
unfold :: Functor functor => (seed -> (annotation, functor seed)) -> seed -> Cofree functor annotation
unfold grow seed = case grow seed of (annotation, functor) -> annotation :< (unfold grow <$> functor)
instance Copointed (Cofree functor) where
copoint (annotation :< _) = annotation

src/Data/Copointed.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module Data.Copointed where
import Data.Functor.Identity
-- | A value that can return its content.
class Copointed c where
copoint :: c a -> a
instance Copointed ((,) a) where
copoint = snd
instance Copointed Identity where
copoint = runIdentity

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@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
module Interpreter (interpret, Comparable, diffTerms) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Algorithm
import Diff
import Operation
import Patch
import SES
import Syntax
import Term
import Category
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Comonad.Cofree hiding (unwrap)
import Data.Copointed
import Data.Functor.Both
import qualified Data.OrderedMap as Map
import Data.OrderedMap ((!))
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OrderedMap ((!))
import Diff
import Operation
import Patch
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import SES
import Syntax
import Term
-- | Returns whether two terms are comparable
type Comparable a annotation = Term a annotation -> Term a annotation -> Bool
@ -37,12 +38,10 @@ hylo down up a = down annotation $ hylo down up <$> syntax where
-- | Constructs an algorithm and runs it
constructAndRun :: (Eq a, Eq annotation) => Comparable a annotation -> Term a annotation -> Term a annotation -> Maybe (Diff a annotation)
constructAndRun _ a b | a == b = hylo introduce eliminate <$> zipTerms a b where
eliminate :: Cofree f a -> (a, f (Cofree f a))
eliminate (extract :< unwrap) = (extract, unwrap)
introduce :: Both annotation -> Syntax a (Diff a annotation) -> Diff a annotation
introduce ann syntax = Free $ Annotated ann syntax
constructAndRun _ a b | a == b = hylo (curry $ Free . uncurry Annotated) (copoint &&& unwrap) <$> zipTerms a b where
constructAndRun comparable a b | not $ comparable a b = Nothing
constructAndRun comparable (annotation1 :< a) (annotation2 :< b) =
run comparable $ algorithm a b where
algorithm (Indexed a') (Indexed b') = Free $ ByIndex a' b' (annotate . Indexed)