mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 06:11:49 +03:00
Add the element type parameter to Myers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ import Data.These
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Prologue hiding (for, State)
data MyersF a where
SES :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF [These a a]
LCS :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF [a]
MiddleSnake :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF (Snake, EditDistance)
FindDPath :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Direction -> EditDistance -> Diagonal -> MyersF Endpoint
data MyersF element result where
SES :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF a [These a a]
LCS :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF a [a]
MiddleSnake :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> MyersF a (Snake, EditDistance)
FindDPath :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Direction -> EditDistance -> Diagonal -> MyersF a Endpoint
data State s a where
Get :: State s s
Put :: s -> State s ()
data StepF a where
M :: MyersF a -> StepF a
S :: State MyersState a -> StepF a
data StepF element result where
M :: MyersF a b -> StepF a b
S :: State MyersState b -> StepF a b
type Myers = Freer StepF
type Myers a = Freer (StepF a)
data EditGraph a = EditGraph { as :: !(Vector.Vector a), bs :: !(Vector.Vector a) }
data Snake = Snake { xy :: Endpoint, uv :: Endpoint }
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ data Direction = Forward | Reverse
-- Evaluation
runMyers :: Myers a -> a
runMyers :: Myers a b -> b
runMyers = runAll $ MyersState (Vector.replicate 100 0) (Vector.replicate 100 0)
where runAll state step = case runMyersStep state step of
Left a -> a
Right next -> uncurry runAll next
runMyersStep :: MyersState -> Myers a -> Either a (MyersState, Myers a)
runMyersStep :: MyersState -> Myers a b -> Either b (MyersState, Myers a b)
runMyersStep state step = case step of
Return a -> Left a
Then step cont -> case step of
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ runMyersStep state step = case step of
S (Put state') -> Right (state', cont ())
decompose :: MyersF a -> Myers a
decompose :: MyersF a b -> Myers a b
decompose myers = case myers of
LCS eq graph
| null (as graph) || null (bs graph) -> return []
@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ decompose myers = case myers of
-- Smart constructors
lcs :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Myers [a]
lcs :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Myers a [a]
lcs eq graph = M (LCS eq graph) `Then` return
findDPath :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Direction -> EditDistance -> Diagonal -> Myers Endpoint
findDPath :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Direction -> EditDistance -> Diagonal -> Myers a Endpoint
findDPath eq graph direction d k = M (FindDPath eq graph direction d k) `Then` return
middleSnake :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Myers (Snake, EditDistance)
middleSnake :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> EditGraph a -> Myers a (Snake, EditDistance)
middleSnake eq graph = M (MiddleSnake eq graph) `Then` return
@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ middleSnake eq graph = M (MiddleSnake eq graph) `Then` return
data MyersState = MyersState { forward :: !(Vector.Vector Int), backward :: !(Vector.Vector Int) }
setForward :: Vector.Vector Int -> Myers ()
setForward :: Vector.Vector Int -> Myers a ()
setForward v = modify (\ s -> s { forward = v })
setBackward :: Vector.Vector Int -> Myers ()
setBackward :: Vector.Vector Int -> Myers a ()
setBackward v = modify (\ s -> s { backward = v })
at :: Vector.Vector Int -> Int -> Endpoint
@ -147,10 +147,10 @@ overlaps (Endpoint x y) (Endpoint u v) = x - y == u - v && x <= u
inInterval :: Ord a => a -> (a, a) -> Bool
inInterval k (lower, upper) = k >= lower && k <= upper
for :: [a] -> (a -> Myers (Maybe b)) -> Myers (Maybe b)
for :: [a] -> (a -> Myers c (Maybe b)) -> Myers c (Maybe b)
for all run = foldr (\ a b -> (<|>) <$> run a <*> b) (return Nothing) all
continue :: Myers (Maybe a)
continue :: Myers b (Maybe a)
continue = return Nothing
ceilDiv :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
@ -164,6 +164,6 @@ divideGraph (EditGraph as bs) (Endpoint x y) =
-- Instances
instance MonadState MyersState Myers where
instance MonadState MyersState (Myers a) where
get = S Get `Then` return
put a = S (Put a) `Then` return
Reference in New Issue
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