mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 08:54:07 +03:00
Move splice to data, allow config for translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ library
, Data.Range
, Data.Range
, Data.Record
, Data.Record
, Data.Reprinting.Token
, Data.Reprinting.Token
, Data.Reprinting.Splice
, Data.Semigroup.App
, Data.Semigroup.App
, Data.Scientific.Exts
, Data.Scientific.Exts
, Data.Source
, Data.Source
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module Data.Reprinting.Splice where
import Data.Sequence (singleton)
import Data.String
import Prologue
-- | The simplest possible representation of concrete syntax: either
-- it's a run of literal text or information about whitespace.
data Splice
= Insert Text
| Directive Layout
deriving (Eq, Show)
splice :: Text -> Seq Splice
splice = singleton . Insert
-- | Indentation/spacing directives.
data Layout
= HardWrap Int Indent
| SoftWrap
| Don't
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Indentation types. This will eventually be moved into the rules engine.
data Indent = Space | Tab deriving (Eq, Show)
instance IsString Splice where fromString = Insert . fromString
@ -7,14 +7,18 @@ module Data.Reprinting.Token
) where
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Source (Source)
import Data.Source (Source)
-- language agnostic -> language specific -> formatting whitespace
-- tokenize -> translate -> typeset
-- Seq Token -> Seq Splice -> Doc
-- | 'Token' encapsulates 'Element' and 'Control' tokens, as well as sliced
-- | 'Token' encapsulates 'Element' and 'Control' tokens, as well as sliced
-- portions of the original 'Source' for a given AST.
-- portions of the original 'Source' for a given AST.
data Token
data Token
= Chunk Source
= Chunk Source -- original 'Source' from AST, unmodified by pipeline.
| TElement Element
| TElement Element --
| TControl Control
| TControl Control
deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -6,8 +6,15 @@ import Data.Reprinting.Token
import Prologue
import Prologue
import Reprinting.Translate
import Reprinting.Translate
instance Translation 'JSON where
translation _ content context = case (content, context) of
data JSONTypeSetting = JSONTypeSetting { jsonPrettyPrint :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show)
prettyJSON :: JSONTypeSetting
prettyJSON = JSONTypeSetting True
instance Translation 'JSON JSONTypeSetting where
translation _ _ content context = case (content, context) of
(Fragment f, _) -> emit f
(Fragment f, _) -> emit f
(Truth t, _) -> emit $ if t then "true" else "false"
(Truth t, _) -> emit $ if t then "true" else "false"
@ -85,9 +85,10 @@ import Data.Source
-- | Given a 'Proxy' corresponding to the language of the provided
-- | Given a 'Proxy' corresponding to the language of the provided
-- 'Term' and the original 'Source' from which the provided 'Term' was
-- 'Term' and the original 'Source' from which the provided 'Term' was
-- passed, run the reprinting pipeline.
-- passed, run the reprinting pipeline.
runReprinter :: forall lang fields a . (Show (Record fields), Tokenize a, HasField fields History, Translation lang)
runReprinter :: forall lang config fields a . (Show (Record fields), Tokenize a, HasField fields History, Translation lang config)
=> Source
=> Source
-> config
-> Term a (Record fields)
-> Term a (Record fields)
-> Either TranslationException Source
-> Either TranslationException Source
runReprinter s = fmap go . translating @lang . tokenizing s
runReprinter s config = fmap go . translating @lang config . tokenizing s
where go = fromText . renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . typeset
where go = fromText . renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . typeset
@ -8,72 +8,73 @@ module Reprinting.Translate
, Splice (..)
, Splice (..)
, Layout (..)
, Layout (..)
, Indent (..)
, Indent (..)
, translating
, translating
, translate
, emit
, emit
, splice
, splice
) where
) where
import Prologue hiding (Element)
import Prologue hiding (Element)
import Control.Monad.Effect
import Control.Monad.Effect
import Control.Monad.Effect.Exception (Exc)
import Control.Monad.Effect.Exception (Exc)
import qualified Control.Monad.Effect.Exception as Exc
import qualified Control.Monad.Effect.Exception as Exc
import Control.Monad.Effect.State
import Control.Monad.Effect.State
import Control.Monad.Effect.Writer
import Control.Monad.Effect.Writer
import Data.Sequence (singleton)
import Data.String
import Lens.Micro
import Data.Language
import Data.Language
import Data.Reprinting.Splice
import Data.Reprinting.Token
import Data.Reprinting.Token
import Data.Sequence (singleton)
import qualified Data.Source as Source
import qualified Data.Source as Source
class Translation (lang :: Language) where
type Translate a = a -> Element -> [Context] -> Translator ()
translation :: (Element -> [Context] -> Translator ()) -> Element -> [Context] -> Translator ()
class Translation (lang :: Language) a where
translation :: Translate a -> Translate a
type Translator = Eff '[State [Context], Writer (Seq Splice), Exc TranslationException]
type Translator = Eff '[State [Context], Writer (Seq Splice), Exc TranslationException]
translating :: forall lang . (Translation lang) => Seq Token -> Either TranslationException (Seq Splice)
translating :: forall lang a . (Translation lang a) => a -> Seq Token -> Either TranslationException (Seq Splice)
translating tokens
translating config tokens
= run
= run
. Exc.runError
. Exc.runError
. fmap fst
. fmap fst
. runWriter
. runWriter
. fmap snd
. fmap snd
. runState mempty
. runState mempty
$ translate @lang tokens
$ traverse_ (translate @lang config) tokens
translate :: forall lang . (Translation lang) => Seq Token -> Translator ()
translate :: forall lang a . (Translation lang a) => a -> Token -> Translator ()
translate = traverse_ step where
translate config t = case t of
step :: Token -> Translator ()
Chunk source -> emit (Source.toText source)
step t = case t of
TElement content -> get >>= translation @lang defaultTranslation config content
Chunk source -> emit (Source.toText source)
TControl ctl -> case ctl of
TElement content -> get >>= translation @lang defaultTranslation content
Log _ -> pure mempty
TControl ctl -> case ctl of
Enter c -> enterContext c
Log _ -> pure mempty
Exit c -> exitContext c
Enter c -> enterContext c
Exit c -> exitContext c
defaultTranslation :: Element -> [Context] -> Translator ()
defaultTranslation content context = case (content, context) of
defaultTranslation :: Translate a
(Fragment f, _) -> emit f
defaultTranslation _ content context = case (content, context) of
(Fragment f, _) -> emit f
(Truth t, _) -> emit $ if t then "true" else "false"
(Truth True, _) -> emit "true"
(Nullity, _) -> emit "null"
(Truth False, _) -> emit "false"
(Nullity, _) -> emit "null"
(Open, List:_) -> emit "["
(Open, List:_) -> emit "["
(Open, Associative:_) -> emit "{"
(Open, Associative:_) -> emit "{"
(Close, List:_) -> emit "]"
(Close, List:_) -> emit "]"
(Close, Associative:_) -> emit "}"
(Close, Associative:_) -> emit "}"
(Separator, List:_) -> emit ","
(Separator, List:_) -> emit ","
(Separator, Associative:_) -> emit ","
(Separator, Associative:_) -> emit ","
(Separator, Pair:_) -> emit ":"
(Separator, Pair:_) -> emit ":"
_ -> Exc.throwError (Unexpected "invalid context")
_ -> Exc.throwError (Unexpected "invalid context")
emit :: Text -> Translator ()
emit :: Text -> Translator ()
emit = tell . splice
emit = tell . splice
@ -89,53 +90,6 @@ exitContext c = do
_ -> Exc.throwError (Unexpected "invalid context")
_ -> Exc.throwError (Unexpected "invalid context")
-- -- | Once the 'Tokenize' algebra has yielded a sequence of tokens,
-- -- we need to apply per-language interpretation to each token so as to
-- -- yield language-specific 'Splice's of source code. The 'Translate'
-- -- typeclass describes a stack machine capable of translating a given
-- -- a stream of 'Tokens', based on the concrete syntax of the specified
-- -- language, into concrete-syntax 'Splice's.
-- --
-- -- Some possible issues we should tackle before finalizing this design:
-- --
-- -- * Is a stack machine too inexpressive?
-- -- * Is this interface too clumsy? Do we just want to use Eff, or another monad?
-- -- * Do we want to use a generic MonadError rather than instantiate that to Either?
-- -- * @Coassignment@ might be a better name
-- class Translate (lang :: Language) where
-- type Stack lang = s | s -> lang
-- -- | Each 'Element' data token should emit a chunk of source code,
-- -- taking into account (but not changing) the state of the stack.
-- onElement :: Element -> Stack lang -> Either TranslationException (Seq Splice)
-- -- | Each 'Control' token can (but doesn't have to) change the state of the stack.
-- onControl :: Control -> Stack lang -> Either TranslationException (Stack lang)
-- | Indentation types. This will eventually be moved into the rules engine.
data Indent = Space | Tab deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Indentation/spacing directives.
data Layout
= HardWrap Int Indent
| SoftWrap
| Don't
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | The simplest possible representation of concrete syntax: either
-- it's a run of literal text or information about whitespace.
data Splice
= Insert Text
| Directive Layout
deriving (Eq, Show)
splice :: Text -> Seq Splice
splice = singleton . Insert
instance IsString Splice where fromString = Insert . fromString
-- | Represents failure occurring in a 'Concrete' machine.
-- | Represents failure occurring in a 'Concrete' machine.
data TranslationException
data TranslationException
= InvalidContext (Maybe Context) Context [Context]
= InvalidContext (Maybe Context) Context [Context]
@ -143,94 +97,3 @@ data TranslationException
| Unexpected String
| Unexpected String
-- ^ Catch-all exception for unexpected tokens.
-- ^ Catch-all exception for unexpected tokens.
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- -- | Run a 'Concrete' machine over each 'Token' in the provided
-- -- 'Sequence'. Each resulting 'Doc' will be concatenated with
-- -- 'mconcat'. Pass in an appropriately-kinded 'Proxy' to select how
-- -- to interpret the language.
-- translating :: (Translate lang, Lower (Stack lang))
-- => Proxy lang
-- -> Seq Token
-- -> Either TranslationException (Seq Splice)
-- translating prox =
-- run
-- . Exc.runError
-- . fmap snd
-- . runState lowerBound
-- . fmap fst
-- . runWriter
-- . traverse (stepM prox)
-- -- Private interfaces
-- newtype JSONState = JSONState
-- { _contexts :: [Context]
-- } deriving (Eq, Show)
-- contexts :: Lens' JSONState [Context]
-- contexts = lens _contexts (\s cs -> s { _contexts = cs })
-- current :: JSONState -> Maybe Context
-- current s = s ^? contexts._head
-- instance Lower JSONState where
-- lowerBound = JSONState []
-- instance Translate 'JSON where
-- type Stack 'JSON = JSONState
-- onControl t st = case t of
-- Log _ -> pure st
-- Enter c -> pure (over contexts (c:) st)
-- Exit c -> let curr = current st in
-- if curr /= Just c
-- then throwError (InvalidContext curr c (st ^. contexts))
-- else pure (over contexts tail st)
-- onElement c st = let curr = current st in do
-- case c of
-- Fragment f -> pure . splice $ f
-- Truth t -> pure . splice $ if t then "true" else "false"
-- Nullity -> pure . splice $ "null"
-- Open -> do
-- case curr of
-- Just List -> pure . splice $ "["
-- Just Associative -> pure ["{", Directive (HardWrap 2 Space)]
-- x -> throwError (Unexpected (show (Open, x)))
-- Close -> do
-- case curr of
-- Just List -> pure . splice $ "]"
-- Just Associative -> pure [Directive (HardWrap 0 Space), "}"]
-- x -> throwError (Unexpected (show (Close, x)))
-- Separator -> do
-- let curr = current st
-- let i = Directive $
-- case curr of
-- Just List -> SoftWrap
-- Just Associative -> HardWrap 2 Space
-- Just Pair -> SoftWrap
-- _ -> Don't
-- case curr of
-- Just List -> pure [",", i]
-- Just Associative -> pure [",", i]
-- Just Pair -> pure [":", i]
-- Nothing -> pure mempty
-- ctx -> throwError (Unexpected (show ctx))
-- -- Distribute 'onControl' and 'onElement' over 'Token', using the
-- -- obvious case to handle 'Chunk' tokens.
-- step :: Translate lang => Token -> Stack lang -> Either TranslationException (Seq Splice, Stack lang)
-- step t st = case t of
-- Chunk src -> pure (splice . Source.toText $ src, st)
-- TElement el -> onElement el st >>= \s -> pure (s, st)
-- TControl ct -> (mempty, ) <$> onControl ct st
-- -- Kludgy hack to convert 'step' into an effect.
-- stepM :: forall lang . Translate lang => Proxy lang -> Token -> Eff '[Writer (Seq Splice), State (Stack lang), Exc TranslationException] ()
-- stepM _ t = do
-- st <- get @(Stack lang)
-- case step t st of
-- Left exc -> Exc.throwError exc
-- Right (s :: Seq Splice, st) -> tell s *> put st
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ testRenameKey = do
pure (toks, tagged)
pure (toks, tagged)
testRenameKey' = do
testRenameKey' = do
res <- translating @'Language.JSON . fst <$> testRenameKey
res <- translating @'Language.JSON prettyJSON . fst <$> testRenameKey
putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
increaseNumbers :: (Literal.Float :< fs, Apply Functor fs) => Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields)) -> Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields))
increaseNumbers :: (Literal.Float :< fs, Apply Functor fs) => Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields)) -> Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields))
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ testAddKVPair = do
pure (toks, tagged)
pure (toks, tagged)
testAddKVPair' = do
testAddKVPair' = do
res <- translating @'Language.JSON . fst <$> testAddKVPair
res <- translating @'Language.JSON prettyJSON . fst <$> testAddKVPair
putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
testFloatMatcher = do
testFloatMatcher = do
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ testOverwriteFloats = do
pure (toks, tagged)
pure (toks, tagged)
testOverwriteFloats' = do
testOverwriteFloats' = do
res <- translating @'Language.JSON . fst <$> testOverwriteFloats
res <- translating @'Language.JSON prettyJSON . fst <$> testOverwriteFloats
putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
@ -346,5 +346,5 @@ testChangeKV = do
pure (toks, tagged)
pure (toks, tagged)
testChangeKV' = do
testChangeKV' = do
res <- translating @'Language.JSON . fst <$> testChangeKV
res <- translating @'Language.JSON prettyJSON . fst <$> testChangeKV
putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user