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synced 2024-12-20 21:31:48 +03:00
Rephrase Caching as cachingTerms, convergingModules, and caching handlers.
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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} -- For the Interpreter instance’s Evaluator constraint
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
module Analysis.Abstract.Caching
( Caching
( cachingTerms
, convergingModules
, caching
) where
import Control.Abstract.Analysis
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Monad.Effect hiding (interpret)
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Cache
import Data.Abstract.Configuration
import Data.Abstract.Live
@ -14,92 +14,84 @@ import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.Semilattice.Lower
import Prologue
-- | A (coinductively-)cached analysis suitable for guaranteeing termination of (suitably finitized) analyses over recursive programs.
newtype Caching m (effects :: [* -> *]) a = Caching { runCaching :: m effects a }
deriving (Alternative, Applicative, Functor, Effectful, Monad)
deriving instance Evaluator location term value m => Evaluator location term value (Caching m)
-- | Look up the set of values for a given configuration in the in-cache.
consultOracle :: (Cacheable location term value, Effectful m, Member (Reader (Cache location term value)) effects) => Configuration location term value -> m effects (Set (value, Heap location value))
consultOracle :: (Cacheable location term value, Member (Reader (Cache location term value)) effects) => Configuration location term value -> Evaluator location term value effects (Set (value, Heap location value))
consultOracle configuration = raise (fromMaybe mempty . cacheLookup configuration <$> ask)
-- | Run an action with the given in-cache.
withOracle :: (Effectful m, Member (Reader (Cache location term value)) effects) => Cache location term value -> m effects a -> m effects a
withOracle :: Member (Reader (Cache location term value)) effects => Cache location term value -> Evaluator location term value effects a -> Evaluator location term value effects a
withOracle cache = raiseHandler (local (const cache))
-- | Look up the set of values for a given configuration in the out-cache.
lookupCache :: (Cacheable location term value, Effectful m, Member (State (Cache location term value)) effects) => Configuration location term value -> m effects (Maybe (Set (value, Heap location value)))
lookupCache :: (Cacheable location term value, Member (State (Cache location term value)) effects) => Configuration location term value -> Evaluator location term value effects (Maybe (Set (value, Heap location value)))
lookupCache configuration = raise (cacheLookup configuration <$> get)
-- | Run an action, caching its result and 'Heap' under the given configuration.
caching :: (Cacheable location term value, Effectful m, Member (State (Cache location term value)) effects, Member (State (Heap location value)) effects, Monad (m effects)) => Configuration location term value -> Set (value, Heap location value) -> m effects value -> m effects value
caching configuration values action = do
cachingConfiguration :: (Cacheable location term value, Member (State (Cache location term value)) effects, Member (State (Heap location value)) effects, Monad (Evaluator location term value effects)) => Configuration location term value -> Set (value, Heap location value) -> Evaluator location term value effects value -> Evaluator location term value effects value
cachingConfiguration configuration values action = do
raise (modify (cacheSet configuration values))
result <- (,) <$> action <*> raise get
raise (modify (cacheInsert configuration result))
pure (fst result)
putCache :: (Effectful m, Member (State (Cache location term value)) effects) => Cache location term value -> m effects ()
putCache :: (Member (State (Cache location term value)) effects) => Cache location term value -> Evaluator location term value effects ()
putCache = raise . put
-- | Run an action starting from an empty out-cache, and return the out-cache afterwards.
isolateCache :: forall location term value m effects a . (Applicative (m effects), Effectful m, Member (State (Cache location term value)) effects) => m effects a -> m effects (Cache location term value)
isolateCache action = putCache @m @location @term @value lowerBound *> action *> raise get
isolateCache :: Member (State (Cache location term value)) effects => Evaluator location term value effects a -> Evaluator location term value effects (Cache location term value)
isolateCache action = putCache lowerBound *> action *> raise get
instance ( Alternative (m outer)
, AnalyzeTerm location term value inner outer m
, Cacheable location term value
, Corecursive term
, Effectful m
, Member Fresh outer
, Member NonDet outer
, Member (Reader (Cache location term value)) outer
, Member (Reader (Live location value)) outer
, Member (State (Cache location term value)) outer
, Member (State (Environment location value)) outer
, Member (State (Heap location value)) outer
=> AnalyzeTerm location term value inner outer (Caching m) where
-- Analyze a term using the in-cache as an oracle & storing the results of the analysis in the out-cache.
analyzeTerm recur e = do
c <- getConfiguration (embedSubterm e)
cached <- lookupCache c
case cached of
Just pairs -> scatter pairs
Nothing -> do
pairs <- consultOracle c
caching c pairs (Caching (analyzeTerm (runCaching . recur) e))
instance ( Alternative (m outer)
, AnalyzeModule location term value inner outer m
, Cacheable location term value
, Corecursive term
, Effectful m
, Member Fresh outer
, Member NonDet outer
, Member (Reader (Cache location term value)) outer
, Member (Reader (Live location value)) outer
, Member (State (Cache location term value)) outer
, Member (State (Environment location value)) outer
, Member (State (Heap location value)) outer
=> AnalyzeModule location term value inner outer (Caching m) where
analyzeModule recur m = do
c <- getConfiguration (subterm (moduleBody m))
-- Convergence here is predicated upon an Eq instance, not α-equivalence
cache <- converge (\ prevCache -> isolateCache $ do
putHeap (configurationHeap c)
-- We need to reset fresh generation so that this invocation converges.
reset 0 $
-- This is subtle: though the calling context supports nondeterminism, we want
-- to corral all the nondeterminism that happens in this @eval@ invocation, so
-- that it doesn't "leak" to the calling context and diverge (otherwise this
-- would never complete). We don’t need to use the values, so we 'gather' the
-- nondeterministic values into @()@.
withOracle prevCache (raiseHandler (gather (const ())) (Caching (analyzeModule (runCaching . recur) m)))) mempty
maybe empty scatter (cacheLookup c cache)
-- | Analyze a term using the in-cache as an oracle & storing the results of the analysis in the out-cache.
cachingTerms :: ( Cacheable location term value
, Corecursive term
, Members '[ Fresh
, NonDet
, Reader (Cache location term value)
, Reader (Live location value)
, State (Cache location term value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Heap location value)
] effects
=> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value effects value)
-> SubtermAlgebra (Base term) term (Evaluator location term value effects value)
cachingTerms recur term = do
c <- getConfiguration (embedSubterm term)
cached <- lookupCache c
case cached of
Just pairs -> scatter pairs
Nothing -> do
pairs <- consultOracle c
cachingConfiguration c pairs (recur term)
convergingModules :: ( Cacheable location term value
, Members '[ Fresh
, NonDet
, Reader (Cache location term value)
, Reader (Live location value)
, State (Cache location term value)
, State (Environment location value)
, State (Heap location value)
] effects
=> SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value effects value)
-> SubtermAlgebra Module term (Evaluator location term value effects value)
convergingModules recur m = do
c <- getConfiguration (subterm (moduleBody m))
-- Convergence here is predicated upon an Eq instance, not α-equivalence
cache <- converge (\ prevCache -> isolateCache $ do
putHeap (configurationHeap c)
-- We need to reset fresh generation so that this invocation converges.
reset 0 $
-- This is subtle: though the calling context supports nondeterminism, we want
-- to corral all the nondeterminism that happens in this @eval@ invocation, so
-- that it doesn't "leak" to the calling context and diverge (otherwise this
-- would never complete). We don’t need to use the values, so we 'gather' the
-- nondeterministic values into @()@.
withOracle prevCache (raiseHandler (gather (const ())) (recur m))) lowerBound
maybe empty scatter (cacheLookup c cache)
reset :: (Effectful m, Member Fresh effects) => Int -> m effects a -> m effects a
@ -121,23 +113,12 @@ converge f = loop
loop x'
-- | Nondeterministically write each of a collection of stores & return their associated results.
scatter :: (Alternative (m effects), Evaluator location term value m, Foldable t, Member (State (Heap location value)) effects) => t (a, Heap location value) -> m effects a
scatter :: (Foldable t, Members '[NonDet, State (Heap location value)] effects) => t (a, Heap location value) -> Evaluator location term value effects a
scatter = foldMapA (\ (value, heap') -> putHeap heap' $> value)
instance ( Interpreter m effects
, Evaluator location term value m
, Ord (Cell location value)
, Ord location
, Ord term
, Ord value
=> Interpreter (Caching m) (NonDet ': Reader (Cache location term value) ': State (Cache location term value) ': effects) where
type Result (Caching m) (NonDet ': Reader (Cache location term value) ': State (Cache location term value) ': effects) result = Result m effects ([result], Cache location term value)
= interpret
. runCaching
. raiseHandler
( flip runState mempty
. flip runReader mempty
. makeChoiceA @[])
caching :: Alternative f => Evaluator location term value (NonDet ': Reader (Cache location term value) ': State (Cache location term value) ': effects) a -> Evaluator location term value effects (f a, Cache location term value)
= handleState lowerBound
. handleReader lowerBound
. raiseHandler makeChoiceA
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