mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-05 05:58:34 +03:00

Merge pull request #935 from github/term-assignment-matches-on-categories

Term assignment matches on categories
This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-01-20 11:58:07 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit b65b2062ed
9 changed files with 296 additions and 320 deletions

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@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ data Category
| Elsif
| Ensure
| Rescue
-- | Formerly used for Rubys @x rescue y@ modifier syntax. Deprecated. Use @Modifier Rescue@ instead. Left in place to preserve hashing & RWS results.
| RescueModifier
| RescuedException
| RescueArgs
@ -222,8 +223,13 @@ data Category
| FieldDeclarations
-- | A Go rune literal.
| RuneLiteral
-- | A modifier version of another Category, e.g. Rubys trailing @if@, @while@, etc. terms, whose subterms are swapped relative to regular @if@, @while@, etc. terms.
| Modifier Category
deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
{-# DEPRECATED RescueModifier "Deprecated; use Modifier Rescue instead." #-}
-- Instances
instance Hashable Category
@ -347,3 +353,4 @@ instance Listable Category where
\/ cons0 FieldDeclarations
\/ cons0 RuneLiteral
\/ cons1 (Other . unListableText)
\/ cons1 Modifier

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- Disabling deprecation warnings due to pattern match against RescueModifier.
module DiffSummary (diffSummaries, DiffSummary(..), DiffInfo(..), diffToDiffSummaries, isBranchInfo, isErrorSummary, JSONSummary(..)) where
@ -294,7 +296,7 @@ parentContexts contexts = hsep $ either identifiableDoc annotatableDoc <$> conte
C.Rescue -> case t of
"" -> "in a" <+> catName c
_ -> "in the" <+> squotes (termName t) <+> catName c
C.RescueModifier -> "in the" <+> squotes ("rescue" <+> termName t) <+> "modifier"
C.Modifier C.Rescue -> "in the" <+> squotes ("rescue" <+> termName t) <+> "modifier"
C.If -> "in the" <+> squotes (termName t) <+> catName c
C.Case -> "in the" <+> squotes (termName t) <+> catName c
C.Break -> case t of
@ -477,6 +479,8 @@ instance HasCategory Category where
C.QualifiedIdentifier -> "qualified identifier"
C.FieldDeclarations -> "field declarations"
C.RuneLiteral -> "rune literal"
C.Modifier C.Rescue -> "rescue modifier"
C.Modifier c -> toCategoryName c
instance HasField fields Category => HasCategory (SyntaxTerm leaf fields) where
toCategoryName = toCategoryName . category . extract

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@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ languageForType mediaType = case mediaType of
:: Source Char -- ^ The source that the term occurs within.
-> SourceSpan -- ^ The span that the term occupies.
-> Text -- ^ The name of the production for this node.
-> Category -- ^ The nodes Category.
-> Range -- ^ The character range that the term occupies.
-> [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ All child nodes (included unnamed productions) of the term as 'IO'. Only use this if you need it.
-> IO (SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan]) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children _ =
withDefaultInfo $ case (name, children) of
("ERROR", _) -> S.Error children
termConstructor source sourceSpan category range children _ =
withDefaultInfo $ case (category, children) of
(Error, _) -> S.Error children
(_, []) -> S.Leaf (toText $ slice range source)
_ -> S.Indexed children
withDefaultInfo syntax =
pure $! cofree ((range :. Other name :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
pure $! cofree ((range :. category :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
toVarDecl :: (HasField fields Category) => Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> Term (S.Syntax Text) (Record fields)
toVarDecl child = cofree $ setCategory (extract child) VarDecl :< S.VarDecl child Nothing

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@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ import Term
:: Source Char -- ^ The source that the term occurs within.
-> SourceSpan -- ^ The span that the term occupies.
-> Text -- ^ The name of the production for this node.
-> Category -- ^ The nodes Category.
-> Range -- ^ The character range that the term occupies.
-> [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ All child nodes (included unnamed productions) of the term as 'IO'. Only use this if you need it.
-> IO (SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan]) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children _
| name == "ERROR" = withDefaultInfo (S.Error children)
| otherwise = withDefaultInfo $ case (name, children) of
(_, []) -> S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
termConstructor source sourceSpan category range children _
| category == Error = withDefaultInfo (S.Error children)
| otherwise = withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[] -> S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
_ -> S.Indexed children
withDefaultInfo syntax = pure $! cofree ((range :. categoryForCProductionName name :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
withDefaultInfo syntax = pure $! cofree ((range :. category :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
categoryForCProductionName :: Text -> Category
categoryForCProductionName name = Other name
categoryForCProductionName = Other

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@ -13,134 +13,123 @@ import SourceSpan (unionSourceSpansFrom)
:: Source Char -- ^ The source that the term occurs within.
-> SourceSpan -- ^ The span that the term occupies.
-> Text -- ^ The name of the production for this node.
-> Category -- ^ The nodes Category.
-> Range -- ^ The character range that the term occupies.
-> [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ All child nodes (included unnamed productions) of the term as 'IO'. Only use this if you need it.
-> IO (SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan]) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children _ = case name of
"return_statement" -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Return children
"source_file" -> case Prologue.break (\node -> category (extract node) == Other "package_clause") children of
termConstructor source sourceSpan category range children _ = pure $! case category of
Return -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Return children
Module -> case Prologue.break (\node -> Info.category (extract node) == Other "package_clause") children of
(comments, packageName : rest) -> case unwrap packageName of
S.Indexed [id] -> do
module' <- withCategory Module (S.Module id rest)
withCategory Program (S.Indexed (comments <> [module']))
S.Indexed [id] ->
let module' = withCategory Module (S.Module id rest)
in withCategory Program (S.Indexed (comments <> [module']))
_ -> withRanges range Error children (S.Error children)
_ -> withRanges range Error children (S.Error children)
"import_declaration" -> toImports children
"function_declaration" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
Other "import_declaration" -> toImports children
Function -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[id, params, block] -> S.Function id (toList $ unwrap params) (toList $ unwrap block)
rest -> S.Error rest
"for_statement" ->
For ->
withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[body] | category (extract body) == Other "block" ->
[body] | Info.category (extract body) == Other "block" ->
S.For [] (toList $ unwrap body)
[forClause, body] | category (extract forClause) == Other "for_clause" ->
[forClause, body] | Info.category (extract forClause) == Other "for_clause" ->
S.For (toList $ unwrap forClause) (toList $ unwrap body)
[rangeClause, body] | category (extract rangeClause) == Other "range_clause" ->
[rangeClause, body] | Info.category (extract rangeClause) == Other "range_clause" ->
S.For (toList $ unwrap rangeClause) (toList $ unwrap body)
other -> S.Error other
"type_declaration" -> toTypeDecls children
"type_spec" -> toTypeDecl children
"struct_type" -> toStructTy children
"field_declaration" -> toFieldDecl children
"expression_switch_statement" ->
TypeDecl -> toTypeDecl children
StructTy -> toStructTy children
FieldDecl -> toFieldDecl children
Switch ->
case Prologue.break isCaseClause children of
(clauses, cases) -> do
clauses' <- case clauses of
[] -> pure Nothing
clauses'' -> Just <$> (withCategory ExpressionStatements (S.Indexed clauses''))
cases' <- sequenceA $ toCase <$> cases
withDefaultInfo $ S.Switch clauses' cases'
(clauses, cases) -> withDefaultInfo $ case clauses of
[id] -> S.Switch (Just id) cases -- type_switch_statement
[] -> S.Switch Nothing (toCase <$> cases)
_ -> S.Switch (Just (withCategory ExpressionStatements (S.Indexed clauses))) (toCase <$> cases)
isCaseClause = (== Other "expression_case_clause") . category . extract
isCaseClause = (== Case) . Info.category . extract
toCase clause = case toList (unwrap clause) of
clause' : rest -> case toList (unwrap clause') of
[clause''] -> withCategory Case $ S.Case clause'' rest
[] -> withCategory DefaultCase $ S.DefaultCase rest
rest -> withCategory Error $ S.Error rest
[] -> withCategory Error $ S.Error [clause]
"parameter_declaration" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
ParameterDecl -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[param, ty] -> S.ParameterDecl (Just ty) param
[param] -> S.ParameterDecl Nothing param
_ -> S.Error children
"assignment_statement" -> toVarAssignment children
"type_switch_statement" ->
case Prologue.break isCaseClause children of
(clauses, cases) ->
withDefaultInfo $ case clauses of
[id] -> S.Switch (Just id) cases
_ -> S.Error children
where isCaseClause = (== Case) . category . extract
"select_statement" -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Select (toCommunicationCase =<< children)
Assignment -> toVarAssignment children
Select -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Select (toCommunicationCase =<< children)
where toCommunicationCase = toList . unwrap
"go_statement" -> withDefaultInfo $ toExpression S.Go children
"defer_statement" -> withDefaultInfo $ toExpression S.Defer children
"selector_expression" -> withDefaultInfo $ toSubscriptAccess children
"index_expression" -> withDefaultInfo $ toSubscriptAccess children
"slice_expression" -> sliceToSubscriptAccess children
"composite_literal" -> toLiteral children
"type_assertion_expression" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
Go -> withDefaultInfo $ toExpression S.Go children
Defer -> withDefaultInfo $ toExpression S.Defer children
SubscriptAccess -> withDefaultInfo $ toSubscriptAccess children
IndexExpression -> withDefaultInfo $ toSubscriptAccess children
Slice -> sliceToSubscriptAccess children
Other "composite_literal" -> toLiteral children
TypeAssertion -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[a, b] -> S.TypeAssertion a b
rest -> S.Error rest
"type_conversion_expression" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
TypeConversion -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[a, b] -> S.TypeConversion a b
rest -> S.Error rest
-- TODO: Handle multiple var specs
"var_declaration" -> toVarDecls children
"var_spec" -> toVarAssignment children
"short_var_declaration" -> toVarAssignment children
"if_statement" -> toIfStatement children
"call_expression" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
Other "var_declaration" -> toVarDecls children
VarAssignment -> toVarAssignment children
VarDecl -> toVarAssignment children
If -> toIfStatement children
FunctionCall -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[id] -> S.FunctionCall id []
id : rest -> S.FunctionCall id rest
rest -> S.Error rest
"const_declaration" -> toConsts children
"const_spec" -> toVarAssignment children
"func_literal" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
Other "const_declaration" -> toConsts children
AnonymousFunction -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[params, _, body] -> case toList (unwrap params) of
[params'] -> S.AnonymousFunction (toList $ unwrap params') (toList $ unwrap body)
rest -> S.Error rest
rest -> S.Error rest
"pointer_type" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
PointerTy -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[ty] -> S.Ty ty
rest -> S.Error rest
"channel_type" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
ChannelTy -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[ty] -> S.Ty ty
rest -> S.Error rest
"send_statement" -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
Send -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[channel, expr] -> S.Send channel expr
rest -> S.Error rest
"unary_expression" -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Operator children
"function_type" -> do
params <- withRanges range Params children $ S.Indexed children
withDefaultInfo $ S.Ty params
"inc_statement" -> do
Operator -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Operator children
FunctionTy ->
let params = withRanges range Params children $ S.Indexed children
in withDefaultInfo $ S.Ty params
IncrementStatement ->
withDefaultInfo $ S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
"dec_statement" -> do
DecrementStatement ->
withDefaultInfo $ S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
"qualified_identifier" -> do
QualifiedIdentifier ->
withDefaultInfo $ S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
"break_statement" -> toBreak children
"continue_statement" -> toContinue children
"keyed_element" -> toPair children
"method_declaration" -> toMethod children
Break -> toBreak children
Continue -> toContinue children
Pair -> toPair children
Method -> toMethod children
_ -> withDefaultInfo $ case children of
[] -> S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
_ -> S.Indexed children
toMethod = \case
[params, name, fun] -> withDefaultInfo (S.Method name Nothing (toList $ unwrap params) (toList $ unwrap fun))
[params, name, outParams, fun] -> do
[params, name, outParams, fun] ->
let params' = toList (unwrap params)
outParams' = toList (unwrap outParams)
allParams = params' <> outParams'
withDefaultInfo (S.Method name Nothing allParams (toList $ unwrap fun))
[params, name, outParams, ty, fun] -> do
in withDefaultInfo (S.Method name Nothing allParams (toList $ unwrap fun))
[params, name, outParams, ty, fun] ->
let params' = toList (unwrap params)
outParams' = toList (unwrap outParams)
allParams = params' <> outParams'
withDefaultInfo (S.Method name (Just ty) allParams (toList $ unwrap fun))
in withDefaultInfo (S.Method name (Just ty) allParams (toList $ unwrap fun))
rest -> withCategory Error (S.Error rest)
toPair = \case
[key, value] -> withDefaultInfo (S.Pair key value)
@ -154,12 +143,11 @@ termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children _ = case name of
[] -> withDefaultInfo (S.Continue Nothing)
rest -> withCategory Error (S.Error rest)
toStructTy children = do
fields <- withRanges range FieldDeclarations children (S.Indexed children)
withDefaultInfo (S.Ty fields)
toStructTy children =
withDefaultInfo (S.Ty (withRanges range FieldDeclarations children (S.Indexed children)))
toLiteral = \case
children@[ty, _] -> case category (extract ty) of
children@[ty, _] -> case Info.category (extract ty) of
ArrayTy -> toImplicitArray children
DictionaryTy -> toMap children
SliceTy -> sliceToSubscriptAccess children
@ -177,22 +165,19 @@ termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children _ = case name of
[ty, values] -> withCategory Struct (S.Struct (Just ty) (toList $ unwrap values))
rest -> withRanges range Error rest $ S.Error rest
toFieldDecl = \case
[idList, ty] -> do
ident' <- toIdent (toList $ unwrap idList)
case category (extract ty) of
StringLiteral -> withCategory FieldDecl (S.FieldDecl ident' Nothing (Just ty))
_ -> withCategory FieldDecl (S.FieldDecl ident' (Just ty) Nothing)
[idList] -> do
ident' <- toIdent (toList $ unwrap idList)
withCategory FieldDecl (S.FieldDecl ident' Nothing Nothing)
[idList, ty, tag] -> do
ident' <- toIdent (toList $ unwrap idList)
withCategory FieldDecl (S.FieldDecl ident' (Just ty) (Just tag))
[idList, ty] ->
case Info.category (extract ty) of
StringLiteral -> withCategory FieldDecl (S.FieldDecl (toIdent (toList (unwrap idList))) Nothing (Just ty))
_ -> withCategory FieldDecl (S.FieldDecl (toIdent (toList (unwrap idList))) (Just ty) Nothing)
[idList] ->
withCategory FieldDecl (S.FieldDecl (toIdent (toList (unwrap idList))) Nothing Nothing)
[idList, ty, tag] ->
withCategory FieldDecl (S.FieldDecl (toIdent (toList (unwrap idList))) (Just ty) (Just tag))
rest -> withRanges range Error rest (S.Error rest)
toIdent = \case
[ident] -> pure ident
[ident] -> ident
rest -> withRanges range Error rest (S.Error rest)
@ -203,50 +188,47 @@ termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children _ = case name of
[a, b] -> S.SubscriptAccess a b
rest -> S.Error rest
sliceToSubscriptAccess = \case
a : rest -> do
sliceElement <- withRanges range Element rest $ S.Fixed rest
withCategory Slice (S.SubscriptAccess a sliceElement)
a : rest ->
let sliceElement = withRanges range Element rest $ S.Fixed rest
in withCategory Slice (S.SubscriptAccess a sliceElement)
rest -> withRanges range Error rest $ S.Error rest
toIfStatement children = case Prologue.break ((Other "block" ==) . category . extract) children of
(clauses, blocks) -> do
clauses' <- withRanges range ExpressionStatements clauses (S.Indexed clauses)
let blocks' = foldMap (toList . unwrap) blocks
withDefaultInfo (S.If clauses' blocks')
toTypeDecls types = withDefaultInfo $ S.Indexed types
toIfStatement children = case Prologue.break ((Other "block" ==) . Info.category . extract) children of
(clauses, blocks) ->
let clauses' = withRanges range ExpressionStatements clauses (S.Indexed clauses)
blocks' = foldMap (toList . unwrap) blocks
in withDefaultInfo (S.If clauses' blocks')
toTypeDecl = \case
[identifier, ty] -> withDefaultInfo $ S.TypeDecl identifier ty
rest -> withRanges range Error rest $ S.Error rest
toImports imports = do
imports' <- mapM toImport imports
withDefaultInfo $ S.Indexed (mconcat imports')
toImports imports =
withDefaultInfo $ S.Indexed (imports >>= toImport)
toImport i = case toList (unwrap i) of
[importName] -> sequenceA [ withCategory Import (S.Import importName []) ]
rest@(_:_) -> sequenceA [ withRanges range Error rest (S.Error rest)]
[] -> pure []
[importName] -> [ withCategory Import (S.Import importName []) ]
rest@(_:_) -> [ withRanges range Error rest (S.Error rest)]
[] -> []
toVarDecls children = withDefaultInfo (S.Indexed children)
toConsts constSpecs = withDefaultInfo (S.Indexed constSpecs)
toVarAssignment = \case
[idList, ty] | category (extract ty) == Identifier -> do
[idList, ty] | Info.category (extract ty) == Identifier ->
let ids = toList (unwrap idList)
idList' <- mapM (\id -> withRanges range VarDecl [id] (S.VarDecl id (Just ty))) ids
withRanges range ExpressionStatements idList' (S.Indexed idList')
[idList, expressionList] | category (extract expressionList) == Other "expression_list" -> do
assignments' <- sequenceA $ zipWith (\id expr ->
withCategory VarAssignment $ S.VarAssignment id expr)
(toList $ unwrap idList) (toList $ unwrap expressionList)
withRanges range ExpressionStatements assignments' (S.Indexed assignments')
[idList, _, expressionList] -> do
assignments' <- sequenceA $ zipWith (\id expr ->
withCategory VarAssignment $ S.VarAssignment id expr) (toList $ unwrap idList) (toList $ unwrap expressionList)
withRanges range ExpressionStatements assignments' (S.Indexed assignments')
idList' = (\id -> withRanges range VarDecl [id] (S.VarDecl id (Just ty))) <$> ids
in withRanges range ExpressionStatements idList' (S.Indexed idList')
[idList, expressionList] | Info.category (extract expressionList) == Other "expression_list" ->
let assignments' = zipWith (\id expr ->
withCategory VarAssignment $ S.VarAssignment id expr)
(toList $ unwrap idList) (toList $ unwrap expressionList)
in withRanges range ExpressionStatements assignments' (S.Indexed assignments')
[idList, _, expressionList] ->
let assignments' = zipWith (\id expr ->
withCategory VarAssignment $ S.VarAssignment id expr) (toList $ unwrap idList) (toList $ unwrap expressionList)
in withRanges range ExpressionStatements assignments' (S.Indexed assignments')
[idList] -> withDefaultInfo (S.Indexed [idList])
rest -> withRanges range Error rest (S.Error rest)
@ -254,12 +236,12 @@ termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children _ = case name of
let ranges' = getField . extract <$> terms
sourceSpans' = getField . extract <$> terms
pure $! cofree ((unionRangesFrom originalRange ranges' :. category' :. unionSourceSpansFrom sourceSpan sourceSpans' :. Nil) :< syntax)
cofree ((unionRangesFrom originalRange ranges' :. category' :. unionSourceSpansFrom sourceSpan sourceSpans' :. Nil) :< syntax)
withCategory category syntax =
pure $! cofree ((range :. category :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
cofree ((range :. category :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
withDefaultInfo = withCategory (categoryForGoName name)
withDefaultInfo = withCategory category
categoryForGoName :: Text -> Category
categoryForGoName = \case
@ -287,6 +269,7 @@ categoryForGoName = \case
"for_statement" -> For
"expression_switch_statement" -> Switch
"type_switch_statement" -> Switch
"expression_case_clause" -> Case
"type_case_clause" -> Case
"select_statement" -> Select
"communication_case" -> Case
@ -302,7 +285,6 @@ categoryForGoName = \case
"parameter_declaration" -> ParameterDecl
"expression_case" -> Case
"type_spec" -> TypeDecl
"type_declaration" -> TypeDecl
"field_declaration" -> FieldDecl
"pointer_type" -> PointerTy
"slice_type" -> SliceTy

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@ -9,120 +9,104 @@ import Language
import qualified Syntax as S
import Term
operators :: [Text]
operators = [ "op", "bool_op", "math_op", "delete_op", "type_op", "void_op", "rel_op", "bitwise_op" ]
functions :: [Text]
functions = [ "arrow_function", "generator_function", "function" ]
forStatements :: [Text]
forStatements = [ "for_statement", "for_of_statement", "for_in_statement", "trailing_for_statement", "trailing_for_of_statement", "trailing_for_in_statement" ]
operators :: [Category]
operators = [ Operator, BooleanOperator, MathOperator, RelationalOperator, BitwiseOperator ]
:: Source Char -- ^ The source that the term occurs within.
-> SourceSpan -- ^ The span that the term occupies.
-> Text -- ^ The name of the production for this node.
-> Category -- ^ The nodes Category.
-> Range -- ^ The character range that the term occupies.
-> [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ All child nodes (included unnamed productions) of the term as 'IO'. Only use this if you need it.
-> IO (SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan]) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children allChildren
| name == "ERROR" = withDefaultInfo (S.Error children)
| name `elem` operators = do
termConstructor source sourceSpan category range children allChildren
| category == Error = withDefaultInfo (S.Error children)
| category `elem` operators = do
allChildren' <- allChildren
withDefaultInfo $ S.Operator allChildren'
| otherwise = withDefaultInfo $ case (name, children) of
("return_statement", _) -> S.Return children
("trailing_return_statement", _) -> S.Return children
("assignment", [ identifier, value ]) -> S.Assignment identifier value
("assignment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("math_assignment", [ identifier, value ]) -> S.OperatorAssignment identifier value
("math_assignment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("member_access", [ base, property ]) -> S.MemberAccess base property
("member_access", _ ) -> S.Error children
("subscript_access", [ base, element ]) -> S.SubscriptAccess base element
("subscript_access", _ ) -> S.Error children
("comma_op", [ a, b ]) -> case unwrap b of
| otherwise = withDefaultInfo $ case (category, children) of
(Return, _) -> S.Return children
(Assignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> S.Assignment identifier value
(Assignment, _ ) -> S.Error children
(MathAssignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> S.OperatorAssignment identifier value
(MathAssignment, _ ) -> S.Error children
(MemberAccess, [ base, property ]) -> S.MemberAccess base property
(MemberAccess, _ ) -> S.Error children
(SubscriptAccess, [ base, element ]) -> S.SubscriptAccess base element
(SubscriptAccess, _ ) -> S.Error children
(CommaOperator, [ a, b ]) -> case unwrap b of
S.Indexed rest -> S.Indexed $ a : rest
_ -> S.Indexed children
("comma_op", _ ) -> S.Error children
("function_call", _) -> case children of
member : args | category (extract member) == MemberAccess -> case toList (unwrap member) of
(CommaOperator, _ ) -> S.Error children
(FunctionCall, _) -> case children of
member : args | Info.category (extract member) == MemberAccess -> case toList (unwrap member) of
[target, method] -> S.MethodCall target method (toList . unwrap =<< args)
_ -> S.Error children
function : args -> S.FunctionCall function (toList . unwrap =<< args)
_ -> S.Error children
("ternary", condition : cases) -> S.Ternary condition cases
("ternary", _ ) -> S.Error children
("var_assignment", [ x, y ]) -> S.VarAssignment x y
("var_assignment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("var_declaration", _) -> S.Indexed $ toVarDecl <$> children
("trailing_var_declaration", _) -> S.Indexed $ toVarDecl <$> children
("switch_statement", expr : rest) -> S.Switch (Just expr) rest
("switch_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("case", [ expr, body ]) -> S.Case expr [body]
("case", _ ) -> S.Error children
("object", _) -> S.Object Nothing $ foldMap toTuple children
("pair", _) -> S.Fixed children
("comment", _) -> S.Comment . toText $ slice range source
("if_statement", expr : rest ) -> S.If expr rest
("trailing_if_statement", expr : rest ) -> S.If expr rest
("if_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("trailing_if_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("while_statement", expr : rest ) -> S.While expr rest
("trailing_while_statement", expr : rest ) -> S.While expr rest
("while_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("trailing_while_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("do_statement", [ expr, body ]) -> S.DoWhile expr body
("trailing_do_statement", [ expr, body ]) -> S.DoWhile expr body
("do_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("trailing_do_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("throw_statement", [ expr ]) -> S.Throw expr
("trailing_throw_statement", [ expr ]) -> S.Throw expr
("throw_statment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("trailing_throw_statment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("new_expression", [ expr ]) -> S.Constructor expr
("new_expression", _ ) -> S.Error children
("try_statement", _) -> case children of
(Ternary, condition : cases) -> S.Ternary condition cases
(Ternary, _ ) -> S.Error children
(VarAssignment, [ x, y ]) -> S.VarAssignment x y
(VarAssignment, _ ) -> S.Error children
(VarDecl, _) -> S.Indexed $ toVarDecl <$> children
(Switch, expr : rest) -> S.Switch (Just expr) rest
(Switch, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Case, [ expr, body ]) -> S.Case expr [body]
(Case, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Object, _) -> S.Object Nothing $ foldMap toTuple children
(Pair, _) -> S.Fixed children
(Comment, _) -> S.Comment . toText $ slice range source
(If, expr : rest ) -> S.If expr rest
(If, _ ) -> S.Error children
(While, expr : rest ) -> S.While expr rest
(While, _ ) -> S.Error children
(DoWhile, [ expr, body ]) -> S.DoWhile expr body
(DoWhile, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Throw, [ expr ]) -> S.Throw expr
(Throw, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Constructor, [ expr ]) -> S.Constructor expr
(Constructor, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Try, _) -> case children of
[ body ] -> S.Try [body] [] Nothing Nothing
[ body, catch ] | Catch <- category (extract catch) -> S.Try [body] [catch] Nothing Nothing
[ body, finally ] | Finally <- category (extract finally) -> S.Try [body] [] Nothing (Just finally)
[ body, catch ] | Catch <- Info.category (extract catch) -> S.Try [body] [catch] Nothing Nothing
[ body, finally ] | Finally <- Info.category (extract finally) -> S.Try [body] [] Nothing (Just finally)
[ body, catch, finally ]
| Catch <- category (extract catch)
, Finally <- category (extract finally) -> S.Try [body] [catch] Nothing (Just finally)
| Catch <- Info.category (extract catch)
, Finally <- Info.category (extract finally) -> S.Try [body] [catch] Nothing (Just finally)
_ -> S.Error children
("array", _) -> S.Array Nothing children
("method_definition", [ identifier, params, exprs ]) -> S.Method identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap params)) (toList (unwrap exprs))
("method_definition", [ identifier, exprs ]) -> S.Method identifier Nothing [] (toList (unwrap exprs))
("method_definition", _ ) -> S.Error children
("class", [ identifier, superclass, definitions ]) -> S.Class identifier (Just superclass) (toList (unwrap definitions))
("class", [ identifier, definitions ]) -> S.Class identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap definitions))
("class", _ ) -> S.Error children
("import_statement", [ statements, identifier ] ) -> S.Import identifier (toList (unwrap statements))
("import_statement", [ identifier ] ) -> S.Import identifier []
("import_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("export_statement", [ statements, identifier] ) -> S.Export (Just identifier) (toList (unwrap statements))
("export_statement", [ statements ] ) -> case unwrap statements of
(ArrayLiteral, _) -> S.Array Nothing children
(Method, [ identifier, params, exprs ]) -> S.Method identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap params)) (toList (unwrap exprs))
(Method, [ identifier, exprs ]) -> S.Method identifier Nothing [] (toList (unwrap exprs))
(Method, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Class, [ identifier, superclass, definitions ]) -> S.Class identifier (Just superclass) (toList (unwrap definitions))
(Class, [ identifier, definitions ]) -> S.Class identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap definitions))
(Class, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Import, [ statements, identifier ] ) -> S.Import identifier (toList (unwrap statements))
(Import, [ identifier ] ) -> S.Import identifier []
(Import, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Export, [ statements, identifier] ) -> S.Export (Just identifier) (toList (unwrap statements))
(Export, [ statements ] ) -> case unwrap statements of
S.Indexed _ -> S.Export Nothing (toList (unwrap statements))
_ -> S.Export (Just statements) []
("export_statement", _ ) -> S.Error children
("break_statement", [ expr ] ) -> S.Break (Just expr)
("yield_statement", _ ) -> S.Yield children
_ | name `elem` forStatements -> case unsnoc children of
Just (exprs, body) -> S.For exprs [body]
_ -> S.Error children
_ | name `elem` functions -> case children of
[ body ] -> S.AnonymousFunction [] [body]
[ params, body ] -> S.AnonymousFunction (toList (unwrap params)) [body]
[ id, params, body ] -> S.Function id (toList (unwrap params)) [body]
_ -> S.Error children
(Export, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Break, [ expr ] ) -> S.Break (Just expr)
(Yield, _ ) -> S.Yield children
(For, _) -> case unsnoc children of
Just (exprs, body) -> S.For exprs [body]
_ -> S.Error children
(Function, _) -> case children of
[ body ] -> S.AnonymousFunction [] [body]
[ params, body ] -> S.AnonymousFunction (toList (unwrap params)) [body]
[ id, params, body ] -> S.Function id (toList (unwrap params)) [body]
_ -> S.Error children
(_, []) -> S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
_ -> S.Indexed children
withDefaultInfo syntax =
pure $! case syntax of
S.MethodCall{} -> cofree ((range :. MethodCall :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
_ -> cofree ((range :. categoryForJavaScriptProductionName name :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
_ -> cofree ((range :. category :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
categoryForJavaScriptProductionName :: Text -> Category
categoryForJavaScriptProductionName name = case name of

View File

@ -10,136 +10,124 @@ import Language
import qualified Syntax as S
import Term
operators :: [Text]
operators = ["binary", "unary", "range", "scope_resolution"]
operators :: [Category]
operators = [ Binary, Unary, RangeExpression, ScopeOperator ]
:: Source Char -- ^ The source that the term occurs within.
-> SourceSpan -- ^ The span that the term occupies.
-> Text -- ^ The name of the production for this node.
-> Category -- ^ The nodes Category.
-> Range -- ^ The character range that the term occupies.
-> [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ The child nodes of the term.
-> IO [ SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan] ] -- ^ All child nodes (included unnamed productions) of the term as 'IO'. Only use this if you need it.
-> IO (SyntaxTerm Text '[Range, Category, SourceSpan]) -- ^ The resulting term, in IO.
termConstructor source sourceSpan name range children allChildren
| name == "ERROR" = withDefaultInfo (S.Error children)
| name == "unless_modifier" = case children of
[ lhs, rhs ] -> do
condition <- withRecord (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate) (S.Negate rhs)
withDefaultInfo $ S.If condition [lhs]
_ -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Error children
| name == "unless" = case children of
( expr : rest ) -> do
condition <- withRecord (setCategory (extract expr) Negate) (S.Negate expr)
withDefaultInfo $ S.If condition rest
_ -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Error children
| name == "until_modifier" = case children of
[ lhs, rhs ] -> do
condition <- withRecord (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate) (S.Negate rhs)
withDefaultInfo $ S.While condition [lhs]
_ -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Error children
| name == "until" = case children of
( expr : rest ) -> do
condition <- withRecord (setCategory (extract expr) Negate) (S.Negate expr)
withDefaultInfo $ S.While condition rest
_ -> withDefaultInfo $ S.Error children
| name `elem` operators = do
termConstructor source sourceSpan category range children allChildren
| category == Error = pure $! withDefaultInfo (S.Error children)
| category `elem` operators = do
allChildren' <- allChildren
withDefaultInfo $ S.Operator allChildren'
| otherwise = withDefaultInfo $ case (name, children) of
("argument_pair", [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
("argument_pair", _ ) -> S.Error children
("keyword_parameter", [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
-- NB: ("keyword_parameter", k) is a required keyword parameter, e.g:.
pure $! withDefaultInfo $ S.Operator allChildren'
| otherwise = pure . withDefaultInfo $ case (category, children) of
(ArgumentPair, [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
(ArgumentPair, _ ) -> S.Error children
(KeywordParameter, [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
-- NB: ("keyword_parameter", k) is a required keyword parameter, e.g.:
-- def foo(name:); end
-- Let it fall through to generate an Indexed syntax.
("optional_parameter", [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
("optional_parameter", _ ) -> S.Error children
("array", _ ) -> S.Array Nothing children
("assignment", [ identifier, value ]) -> S.Assignment identifier value
("assignment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("begin", _ ) -> case partition (\x -> category (extract x) == Rescue) children of
(rescues, rest) -> case partition (\x -> category (extract x) == Ensure || category (extract x) == Else) rest of
(OptionalParameter, [ k, v ] ) -> S.Pair k v
(OptionalParameter, _ ) -> S.Error children
(ArrayLiteral, _ ) -> S.Array Nothing children
(Assignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> S.Assignment identifier value
(Assignment, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Begin, _ ) -> case partition (\x -> Info.category (extract x) == Rescue) children of
(rescues, rest) -> case partition (\x -> Info.category (extract x) == Ensure || Info.category (extract x) == Else) rest of
(ensureElse, body) -> case ensureElse of
[ elseBlock, ensure ]
| Else <- category (extract elseBlock)
, Ensure <- category (extract ensure) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) (Just ensure)
| Else <- Info.category (extract elseBlock)
, Ensure <- Info.category (extract ensure) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) (Just ensure)
[ ensure, elseBlock ]
| Ensure <- category (extract ensure)
, Else <- category (extract elseBlock) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) (Just ensure)
[ elseBlock ] | Else <- category (extract elseBlock) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) Nothing
[ ensure ] | Ensure <- category (extract ensure) -> S.Try body rescues Nothing (Just ensure)
| Ensure <- Info.category (extract ensure)
, Else <- Info.category (extract elseBlock) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) (Just ensure)
[ elseBlock ] | Else <- Info.category (extract elseBlock) -> S.Try body rescues (Just elseBlock) Nothing
[ ensure ] | Ensure <- Info.category (extract ensure) -> S.Try body rescues Nothing (Just ensure)
_ -> S.Try body rescues Nothing Nothing
("case", expr : body ) -> S.Switch (Just expr) body
("case", _ ) -> S.Error children
("when", condition : body ) -> S.Case condition body
("when", _ ) -> S.Error children
("class", constant : rest ) -> case rest of
( superclass : body ) | Superclass <- category (extract superclass) -> S.Class constant (Just superclass) body
(Case, expr : body ) -> S.Switch (Just expr) body
(Case, _ ) -> S.Error children
(When, condition : body ) -> S.Case condition body
(When, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Class, constant : rest ) -> case rest of
( superclass : body ) | Superclass <- Info.category (extract superclass) -> S.Class constant (Just superclass) body
_ -> S.Class constant Nothing rest
("class", _ ) -> S.Error children
("singleton_class", identifier : rest ) -> S.Class identifier Nothing rest
("singleton_class", _ ) -> S.Error children
("comment", _ ) -> S.Comment . toText $ slice range source
("conditional", condition : cases) -> S.Ternary condition cases
("conditional", _ ) -> S.Error children
("constant", _ ) -> S.Fixed children
("method_call", _ ) -> case children of
member : args | MemberAccess <- category (extract member) -> case toList (unwrap member) of
(Class, _ ) -> S.Error children
(SingletonClass, identifier : rest ) -> S.Class identifier Nothing rest
(SingletonClass, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Comment, _ ) -> S.Comment . toText $ slice range source
(Ternary, condition : cases) -> S.Ternary condition cases
(Ternary, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Constant, _ ) -> S.Fixed children
(MethodCall, _ ) -> case children of
member : args | MemberAccess <- Info.category (extract member) -> case toList (unwrap member) of
[target, method] -> S.MethodCall target method (toList . unwrap =<< args)
_ -> S.Error children
function : args -> S.FunctionCall function (toList . unwrap =<< args)
_ -> S.Error children
("lambda", _) -> case children of
(Other "lambda", _) -> case children of
[ body ] -> S.AnonymousFunction [] [body]
( params : body ) -> S.AnonymousFunction (toList (unwrap params)) body
_ -> S.Error children
("hash", _ ) -> S.Object Nothing $ foldMap toTuple children
("if_modifier", [ lhs, condition ]) -> S.If condition [lhs]
("if_modifier", _ ) -> S.Error children
("if", condition : body ) -> S.If condition body
("if", _ ) -> S.Error children
("elsif", condition : body ) -> S.If condition body
("elsif", _ ) -> S.Error children
("element_reference", [ base, element ]) -> S.SubscriptAccess base element
("element_reference", _ ) -> S.Error children
("for", lhs : expr : rest ) -> S.For [lhs, expr] rest
("for", _ ) -> S.Error children
("operator_assignment", [ identifier, value ]) -> S.OperatorAssignment identifier value
("operator_assignment", _ ) -> S.Error children
("call", [ base, property ]) -> S.MemberAccess base property
("call", _ ) -> S.Error children
("method", _ ) -> case children of
identifier : params : body | Params <- category (extract params) -> S.Method identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap params)) body
(Object, _ ) -> S.Object Nothing $ foldMap toTuple children
(Modifier If, [ lhs, condition ]) -> S.If condition [lhs]
(Modifier If, _) -> S.Error children
(If, condition : body ) -> S.If condition body
(If, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Modifier Unless, [lhs, rhs]) -> S.If (withRecord (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate) (S.Negate rhs)) [lhs]
(Modifier Unless, _) -> S.Error children
(Unless, expr : rest) -> S.If (withRecord (setCategory (extract expr) Negate) (S.Negate expr)) rest
(Unless, _) -> S.Error children
(Modifier Until, [ lhs, rhs ]) -> S.While (withRecord (setCategory (extract rhs) Negate) (S.Negate rhs)) [lhs]
(Modifier Until, _) -> S.Error children
(Until, expr : rest) -> S.While (withRecord (setCategory (extract expr) Negate) (S.Negate expr)) rest
(Until, _) -> S.Error children
(Elsif, condition : body ) -> S.If condition body
(Elsif, _ ) -> S.Error children
(SubscriptAccess, [ base, element ]) -> S.SubscriptAccess base element
(SubscriptAccess, _ ) -> S.Error children
(For, lhs : expr : rest ) -> S.For [lhs, expr] rest
(For, _ ) -> S.Error children
(OperatorAssignment, [ identifier, value ]) -> S.OperatorAssignment identifier value
(OperatorAssignment, _ ) -> S.Error children
(MemberAccess, [ base, property ]) -> S.MemberAccess base property
(MemberAccess, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Method, _ ) -> case children of
identifier : params : body | Params <- Info.category (extract params) -> S.Method identifier Nothing (toList (unwrap params)) body
identifier : body -> S.Method identifier Nothing [] body
_ -> S.Error children
("module", constant : body ) -> S.Module constant body
("module", _ ) -> S.Error children
("rescue", _ ) -> case children of
(Module, constant : body ) -> S.Module constant body
(Module, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Modifier Rescue, [lhs, rhs] ) -> S.Rescue [lhs] [rhs]
(Modifier Rescue, _) -> S.Error children
(Rescue, _ ) -> case children of
exceptions : exceptionVar : rest
| RescueArgs <- category (extract exceptions)
, RescuedException <- category (extract exceptionVar) -> S.Rescue (toList (unwrap exceptions) <> [exceptionVar]) rest
exceptionVar : rest | RescuedException <- category (extract exceptionVar) -> S.Rescue [exceptionVar] rest
exceptions : body | RescueArgs <- category (extract exceptions) -> S.Rescue (toList (unwrap exceptions)) body
| RescueArgs <- Info.category (extract exceptions)
, RescuedException <- Info.category (extract exceptionVar) -> S.Rescue (toList (unwrap exceptions) <> [exceptionVar]) rest
exceptionVar : rest | RescuedException <- Info.category (extract exceptionVar) -> S.Rescue [exceptionVar] rest
exceptions : body | RescueArgs <- Info.category (extract exceptions) -> S.Rescue (toList (unwrap exceptions)) body
body -> S.Rescue [] body
("rescue_modifier", [lhs, rhs] ) -> S.Rescue [lhs] [rhs]
("rescue_modifier", _ ) -> S.Error children
("return", _ ) -> S.Return children
("while_modifier", [ lhs, condition ]) -> S.While condition [lhs]
("while_modifier", _ ) -> S.Error children
("while", expr : rest ) -> S.While expr rest
("while", _ ) -> S.Error children
("yield", _ ) -> S.Yield children
_ | name `elem` ["begin_block", "end_block"] -> S.BlockStatement children
(Return, _ ) -> S.Return children
(Modifier While, [ lhs, condition ]) -> S.While condition [lhs]
(Modifier While, _) -> S.Error children
(While, expr : rest ) -> S.While expr rest
(While, _ ) -> S.Error children
(Yield, _ ) -> S.Yield children
_ | category `elem` [ BeginBlock, EndBlock ] -> S.BlockStatement children
(_, []) -> S.Leaf . toText $ slice range source
_ -> S.Indexed children
withRecord record syntax = pure $! cofree (record :< syntax)
withRecord record syntax = cofree (record :< syntax)
withCategory category syntax =
pure $! cofree ((range :. category :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
cofree ((range :. category :. sourceSpan :. Nil) :< syntax)
withDefaultInfo syntax = case syntax of
S.MethodCall{} -> withCategory MethodCall syntax
_ -> withCategory (categoryForRubyName name) syntax
_ -> withCategory category syntax
categoryForRubyName :: Text -> Category
categoryForRubyName = \case
@ -173,7 +161,7 @@ categoryForRubyName = \case
"hash_splat_parameter" -> HashSplatParameter
"hash" -> Object
"identifier" -> Identifier
"if_modifier" -> If
"if_modifier" -> Modifier If
"if" -> If
"instance_variable" -> Identifier
"integer" -> IntegerLiteral
@ -189,7 +177,7 @@ categoryForRubyName = \case
"program" -> Program
"range" -> RangeExpression
"regex" -> Regex
"rescue_modifier" -> RescueModifier
"rescue_modifier" -> Modifier Rescue
"rescue" -> Rescue
"return" -> Return
"scope_resolution" -> ScopeOperator
@ -202,12 +190,12 @@ categoryForRubyName = \case
"symbol" -> SymbolLiteral
"true" -> Boolean
"unary" -> Unary
"unless_modifier" -> Unless
"unless_modifier" -> Modifier Unless
"unless" -> Unless
"until_modifier" -> Until
"until_modifier" -> Modifier Until
"until" -> Until
"when" -> When
"while_modifier" -> While
"while_modifier" -> Modifier While
"while" -> While
"yield" -> Yield
s -> Other s

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- Disabling deprecation warnings due to pattern match against RescueModifier.
module Renderer.Split (split) where
import Alignment
@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ styleName category = "category-" <> case category of
C.IndexExpression -> "index_expression"
C.FieldDeclarations -> "field_declarations"
C.RuneLiteral -> "rune_literal"
C.Modifier c -> styleName c <> "_modifier"
-- | Pick the class name for a split patch.
splitPatchToClassName :: SplitPatch a -> AttributeValue

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ documentToTerm language document SourceBlob{..} = alloca $ \ root -> do
-- Without it, we may not evaluate the value until after weve exited
-- the scope that `node` was allocated within, meaning `alloca` will
-- free it & other stack data may overwrite it.
range `seq` sourceSpan `seq` termConstructor source sourceSpan (toS name) range children allChildren
range `seq` sourceSpan `seq` termConstructor source sourceSpan (categoryForLanguageProductionName language (toS name)) range children allChildren
getChild node n out = ts_node_p_named_child node n out >> toTerm out
{-# INLINE getChild #-}
getUnnamedChild node n out = ts_node_p_child node n out >> toTerm out
@ -68,3 +68,11 @@ documentToTerm language document SourceBlob{..} = alloca $ \ root -> do
Ruby -> Ruby.termConstructor
_ -> Language.termConstructor
isNonEmpty child = category (extract child) /= Empty
categoryForLanguageProductionName :: Language -> Text -> Category
categoryForLanguageProductionName = \case
JavaScript -> JS.categoryForJavaScriptProductionName
C -> C.categoryForCProductionName
Ruby -> Ruby.categoryForRubyName
Language.Go -> Go.categoryForGoName
_ -> Other