mirror of
synced 2024-11-28 10:15:55 +03:00
Merge pull request #1445 from github/existential-syntax-without-the-fire
Existential syntax (without the 🔥)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Syntax.Algebra
module Data.Syntax.Algebra
( FAlgebra
( FAlgebra
, RAlgebra
, RAlgebra
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ constructorNameAndConstantFields :: Show1 f => TermF f a b -> ByteString
constructorNameAndConstantFields (In _ f) = pack (liftShowsPrec (const (const id)) (const id) 0 f "")
constructorNameAndConstantFields (In _ f) = pack (liftShowsPrec (const (const id)) (const id) 0 f "")
-- | Compute a 'ConstructorLabel' label for a 'Union' of syntax 'Term's.
-- | Compute a 'ConstructorLabel' label for a 'Union' of syntax 'Term's.
constructorLabel :: Apply ConstructorName fs => TermF (Union fs) a b -> ConstructorLabel
constructorLabel :: ConstructorName syntax => TermF syntax a b -> ConstructorLabel
constructorLabel (In _ u) = ConstructorLabel $ pack (apply (Proxy :: Proxy ConstructorName) constructorName u)
constructorLabel (In _ s) = ConstructorLabel $ pack (constructorName s)
newtype ConstructorLabel = ConstructorLabel ByteString
newtype ConstructorLabel = ConstructorLabel ByteString
@ -121,11 +121,40 @@ instance ToJSONFields ConstructorLabel where
toJSONFields (ConstructorLabel s) = [ "category" .= decodeUtf8 s ]
toJSONFields (ConstructorLabel s) = [ "category" .= decodeUtf8 s ]
class ConstructorName f where
-- | A typeclass to retrieve the name of the data constructor for a value.
constructorName :: f a -> String
-- This typeclass employs the Advanced Overlap techniques designed by Oleg Kiselyov & Simon Peyton Jones: https://wiki.haskell.org/GHC/AdvancedOverlap; see also src/Renderer/TOC.hs for discussion of the details of the mechanism.
class ConstructorName syntax where
constructorName :: syntax a -> String
instance (Generic1 f, GConstructorName (Rep1 f)) => ConstructorName f where
instance (ConstructorNameStrategy syntax ~ strategy, ConstructorNameWithStrategy strategy syntax) => ConstructorName syntax where
constructorName = gconstructorName . from1
constructorName = constructorNameWithStrategy (Proxy :: Proxy strategy)
class CustomConstructorName syntax where
customConstructorName :: syntax a -> String
instance Apply ConstructorName fs => CustomConstructorName (Union fs) where
customConstructorName = apply (Proxy :: Proxy ConstructorName) constructorName
instance CustomConstructorName [] where
customConstructorName [] = "[]"
customConstructorName _ = ""
data Strategy = Default | Custom
type family ConstructorNameStrategy syntax where
ConstructorNameStrategy (Union _) = 'Custom
ConstructorNameStrategy [] = 'Custom
ConstructorNameStrategy syntax = 'Default
class ConstructorNameWithStrategy (strategy :: Strategy) syntax where
constructorNameWithStrategy :: proxy strategy -> syntax a -> String
instance (Generic1 syntax, GConstructorName (Rep1 syntax)) => ConstructorNameWithStrategy 'Default syntax where
constructorNameWithStrategy _ = gconstructorName . from1
instance CustomConstructorName syntax => ConstructorNameWithStrategy 'Custom syntax where
constructorNameWithStrategy _ = customConstructorName
class GConstructorName f where
class GConstructorName f where
@ -139,6 +168,4 @@ instance (GConstructorName f, GConstructorName g) => GConstructorName (f :+: g)
gconstructorName (R1 r) = gconstructorName r
gconstructorName (R1 r) = gconstructorName r
instance Constructor c => GConstructorName (M1 C c f) where
instance Constructor c => GConstructorName (M1 C c f) where
gconstructorName x = case conName x of
gconstructorName = conName
":" -> ""
n -> n
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Parser
( Parser(..)
( Parser(..)
, SomeParser(..)
, SomeParser(..)
, someParser
, someParser
, ApplyAll
-- Syntax parsers
-- Syntax parsers
, syntaxParserForLanguage
, syntaxParserForLanguage
-- À la carte parsers
-- À la carte parsers
@ -53,30 +54,30 @@ data Parser term where
MarkdownParser :: Parser (Term (TermF [] CMarkGFM.NodeType) (Node Markdown.Grammar))
MarkdownParser :: Parser (Term (TermF [] CMarkGFM.NodeType) (Node Markdown.Grammar))
-- | Apply all of a list of typeclasses to all of a list of functors using 'Apply'. Used by 'someParser' to constrain all of the language-specific syntax types to the typeclasses in question.
-- | Apply all of a list of typeclasses to all of a list of functors using 'Apply'. Used by 'someParser' to constrain all of the language-specific syntax types to the typeclasses in question.
type family ApplyAll (typeclasses :: [(* -> *) -> Constraint]) (functors :: [* -> *]) :: Constraint where
type family ApplyAll (typeclasses :: [(* -> *) -> Constraint]) (syntax :: * -> *) :: Constraint where
ApplyAll (typeclass ': typeclasses) functors = (Apply typeclass functors, ApplyAll typeclasses functors)
ApplyAll (typeclass ': typeclasses) syntax = (typeclass syntax, ApplyAll typeclasses syntax)
ApplyAll '[] functors = ()
ApplyAll '[] syntax = ()
-- | A parser for some specific language, producing 'Term's whose syntax satisfies a list of typeclass constraints.
-- | A parser for some specific language, producing 'Term's whose syntax satisfies a list of typeclass constraints.
-- This enables us to abstract over the details of the specific syntax types in cases where we can describe all the requirements on the syntax with a list of typeclasses.
-- This enables us to abstract over the details of the specific syntax types in cases where we can describe all the requirements on the syntax with a list of typeclasses.
data SomeParser typeclasses where
data SomeParser typeclasses ann where
SomeParser :: ApplyAll typeclasses fs => { unSomeParser :: Parser (Term (Union fs) (Record Location)) } -> SomeParser typeclasses
SomeParser :: ApplyAll typeclasses syntax => Parser (Term syntax ann) -> SomeParser typeclasses ann
-- | Construct a 'SomeParser' given a proxy for a list of typeclasses and the 'Language' to be parsed, all of which must be satisfied by all of the types in the syntaxes of our supported languages.
-- | Construct a 'SomeParser' given a proxy for a list of typeclasses and the 'Language' to be parsed, all of which must be satisfied by all of the types in the syntaxes of our supported languages.
-- This can be used to perform operations uniformly over terms produced by blobs with different 'Language's, and which therefore have different types in general. For example, given some 'Blob', we can parse and 'show' the parsed & assigned 'Term' like so:
-- This can be used to perform operations uniformly over terms produced by blobs with different 'Language's, and which therefore have different types in general. For example, given some 'Blob', we can parse and 'show' the parsed & assigned 'Term' like so:
-- > case someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[Show1]) (blobLanguage language) of { Just (SomeParser parser) -> runTask (parse parser blob) >>= putStrLn . show ; _ -> return () }
-- > case someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[Show1]) (blobLanguage language) of { Just (SomeParser parser) -> runTask (parse parser blob) >>= putStrLn . show ; _ -> return () }
someParser :: ( ApplyAll typeclasses JSON.Syntax
someParser :: ( ApplyAll typeclasses (Union JSON.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses Markdown.Syntax
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Union Markdown.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses Python.Syntax
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Union Python.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses Ruby.Syntax
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Union Ruby.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses TypeScript.Syntax
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Union TypeScript.Syntax)
=> proxy typeclasses -- ^ A proxy for the list of typeclasses required, e.g. @(Proxy :: Proxy '[Show1])@.
=> proxy typeclasses -- ^ A proxy for the list of typeclasses required, e.g. @(Proxy :: Proxy '[Show1])@.
-> Language -- ^ The 'Language' to select.
-> Language -- ^ The 'Language' to select.
-> Maybe (SomeParser typeclasses) -- ^ 'Maybe' a 'SomeParser' abstracting the syntax type to be produced.
-> Maybe (SomeParser typeclasses (Record Location)) -- ^ 'Maybe' a 'SomeParser' abstracting the syntax type to be produced.
someParser _ Go = Nothing
someParser _ Go = Nothing
someParser _ JavaScript = Just (SomeParser typescriptParser)
someParser _ JavaScript = Just (SomeParser typescriptParser)
someParser _ JSON = Just (SomeParser jsonParser)
someParser _ JSON = Just (SomeParser jsonParser)
@ -9,16 +9,17 @@ module Semantic
import Algorithm (Diffable)
import Algorithm (Diffable)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad ((>=>), guard)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Data.Align.Generic
import Data.Align.Generic
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Blob
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Diff
import Data.Diff
import Data.Functor.Both as Both
import Data.Functor.Both as Both
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.JSON.Fields
import Data.Output
import Data.Output
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Record
import Data.Record
import Data.Syntax.Algebra
import Data.Syntax.Algebra
import Data.Term
import Data.Term
@ -45,32 +46,22 @@ parseBlobs renderer = fmap toOutput . distributeFoldMap (parseBlob renderer) . f
-- | A task to parse a 'Blob' and render the resulting 'Term'.
-- | A task to parse a 'Blob' and render the resulting 'Term'.
parseBlob :: TermRenderer output -> Blob -> Task output
parseBlob :: TermRenderer output -> Blob -> Task output
parseBlob renderer blob@Blob{..} = case (renderer, blobLanguage) of
parseBlob renderer blob@Blob{..}
(ToCTermRenderer, lang)
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- blobLanguage >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[ConstructorName, HasDeclaration, Foldable, Functor, ToJSONFields1])
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- lang >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[HasDeclaration, Foldable, Functor]) ->
= parse parser blob >>= case renderer of
parse parser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToCTerm blob)
ToCTermRenderer -> decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >=> render (renderToCTerm blob)
| Just syntaxParser <- lang >>= syntaxParserForLanguage ->
JSONTermRenderer -> decorate constructorLabel >=> render (renderJSONTerm blob)
parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToCTerm blob)
SExpressionTermRenderer -> decorate constructorLabel . (Nil <$) >=> render renderSExpressionTerm
TagsTermRenderer -> decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >=> render (renderToTags blob)
(JSONTermRenderer, lang)
| Just parser <- blobLanguage >>= syntaxParserForLanguage
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- lang >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[ConstructorName, Foldable, Functor]) ->
= parse parser blob >>= case renderer of
parse parser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
ToCTermRenderer -> decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob) >=> render (renderToCTerm blob)
| Just syntaxParser <- lang >>= syntaxParserForLanguage ->
JSONTermRenderer -> decorate syntaxIdentifierAlgebra >=> render (renderJSONTerm blob)
parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate syntaxIdentifierAlgebra >>= render (renderJSONTerm blob)
SExpressionTermRenderer -> render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepCategory
TagsTermRenderer -> decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob) >=> render (renderToTags blob)
(SExpressionTermRenderer, lang)
| otherwise = throwError (SomeException (NoParserForLanguage blobPath blobLanguage))
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- lang >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[ConstructorName, Foldable, Functor]) ->
parse parser blob >>= decorate constructorLabel . (Nil <$) >>= render renderSExpressionTerm
| Just syntaxParser <- lang >>= syntaxParserForLanguage ->
parse syntaxParser blob >>= render renderSExpressionTerm . fmap keepCategory
(TagsTermRenderer, lang)
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- lang >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[HasDeclaration, Foldable, Functor]) ->
parse parser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToTags blob)
| Just syntaxParser <- lang >>= syntaxParserForLanguage ->
parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob) >>= render (renderToTags blob)
_ -> throwError (SomeException (NoParserForLanguage blobPath blobLanguage))
data NoParserForLanguage = NoParserForLanguage FilePath (Maybe Language.Language)
data NoParserForLanguage = NoParserForLanguage FilePath (Maybe Language.Language)
deriving (Eq, Exception, Ord, Show, Typeable)
deriving (Eq, Exception, Ord, Show, Typeable)
@ -81,52 +72,45 @@ diffBlobPairs renderer = fmap toOutput . distributeFoldMap (diffBlobPair rendere
-- | A task to parse a pair of 'Blob's, diff them, and render the 'Diff'.
-- | A task to parse a pair of 'Blob's, diff them, and render the 'Diff'.
diffBlobPair :: DiffRenderer output -> Both Blob -> Task output
diffBlobPair :: DiffRenderer output -> Both Blob -> Task output
diffBlobPair renderer blobs = case (renderer, effectiveLanguage) of
diffBlobPair renderer blobs
(OldToCDiffRenderer, lang)
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- effectiveLanguage >>= qualify >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[ConstructorName, Diffable, Eq1, GAlign, HasDeclaration, Show1, ToJSONFields1, Traversable])
| elem lang $ fmap Just [
= case renderer of
OldToCDiffRenderer -> run (\ blob -> parse parser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob)) diffTerms renderToCDiff
ToCDiffRenderer -> run (\ blob -> parse parser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob)) diffTerms renderToCDiff
JSONDiffRenderer -> run ( parse parser) diffTerms renderJSONDiff
SExpressionDiffRenderer -> run ( parse parser >=> decorate constructorLabel . (Nil <$)) diffTerms (const renderSExpressionDiff)
, Just (SomeParser parser) <- lang >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[Diffable, Eq1, Foldable, Functor, GAlign, HasDeclaration, Show1, Traversable]) ->
run (\ blob -> parse parser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob)) diffTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
| Just syntaxParser <- lang >>= syntaxParserForLanguage ->
run (\ blob -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
(ToCDiffRenderer, lang)
| Just parser <- effectiveLanguage >>= syntaxParserForLanguage
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- lang >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[Diffable, Eq1, Foldable, Functor, GAlign, HasDeclaration, Show1, Traversable]) ->
= case renderer of
run (\ blob -> parse parser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob)) diffTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
OldToCDiffRenderer -> run (\ blob -> parse parser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms renderToCDiff
| Just syntaxParser <- lang >>= syntaxParserForLanguage ->
ToCDiffRenderer -> run (\ blob -> parse parser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms renderToCDiff
run (\ blob -> parse syntaxParser blob >>= decorate (syntaxDeclarationAlgebra blob)) diffSyntaxTerms (renderToCDiff blobs)
JSONDiffRenderer -> run ( parse parser >=> decorate syntaxIdentifierAlgebra) diffSyntaxTerms renderJSONDiff
SExpressionDiffRenderer -> run ( parse parser >=> pure . fmap keepCategory) diffSyntaxTerms (const renderSExpressionDiff)
(JSONDiffRenderer, lang)
| otherwise = throwError (SomeException (NoParserForLanguage effectivePath effectiveLanguage))
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- lang >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[Diffable, Eq1, Foldable, Functor, GAlign, Show1, Traversable]) ->
run (parse parser) diffTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
| Just syntaxParser <- lang >>= syntaxParserForLanguage ->
run (decorate syntaxIdentifierAlgebra <=< parse syntaxParser) diffSyntaxTerms (renderJSONDiff blobs)
(SExpressionDiffRenderer, lang)
| Just (SomeParser parser) <- lang >>= someParser (Proxy :: Proxy '[ConstructorName, Diffable, Eq1, Foldable, Functor, GAlign, Show1, Traversable]) ->
run (decorate constructorLabel . (Nil <$) <=< parse parser) diffTerms renderSExpressionDiff
| Just syntaxParser <- lang >>= syntaxParserForLanguage ->
run (fmap (fmap keepCategory) . parse syntaxParser) diffSyntaxTerms renderSExpressionDiff
_ -> throwError (SomeException (NoParserForLanguage effectivePath effectiveLanguage))
where (effectivePath, effectiveLanguage) = case runJoin blobs of
where (effectivePath, effectiveLanguage) = case runJoin blobs of
(Blob { blobLanguage = Just lang, blobPath = path }, _) -> (path, Just lang)
(Blob { blobLanguage = Just lang, blobPath = path }, _) -> (path, Just lang)
(_, Blob { blobLanguage = Just lang, blobPath = path }) -> (path, Just lang)
(_, Blob { blobLanguage = Just lang, blobPath = path }) -> (path, Just lang)
(Blob { blobPath = path }, _) -> (path, Nothing)
(Blob { blobPath = path }, _) -> (path, Nothing)
run :: (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => (Blob -> Task (Term syntax ann)) -> (Term syntax ann -> Term syntax ann -> Diff syntax ann ann) -> (Diff syntax ann ann -> output) -> Task output
qualify language | OldToCDiffRenderer <- renderer = guard (language `elem` aLaCarteLanguages) *> Just language
| otherwise = Just language
= [ Language.JSX
, Language.JavaScript
, Language.Markdown
, Language.Python
, Language.Ruby
, Language.TypeScript
run :: (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => (Blob -> Task (Term syntax ann)) -> (Term syntax ann -> Term syntax ann -> Diff syntax ann ann) -> (Both Blob -> Diff syntax ann ann -> output) -> Task output
run parse diff renderer = do
run parse diff renderer = do
terms <- distributeFor blobs parse
terms <- distributeFor blobs parse
time "diff" languageTag $ do
time "diff" languageTag $ do
diff <- runBothWith (diffTermPair blobs diff) terms
diff <- runBothWith (diffTermPair blobs diff) terms
writeStat (Stat.count "diff.nodes" (bilength diff) languageTag)
writeStat (Stat.count "diff.nodes" (bilength diff) languageTag)
render renderer diff
render (renderer blobs) diff
showLanguage = pure . (,) "language" . show
showLanguage = pure . (,) "language" . show
languageTag = let (a, b) = runJoin blobs
languageTag = let (a, b) = runJoin blobs
Reference in New Issue
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