mirror of
synced 2024-12-30 10:27:45 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into diff-assignment-by-syntax
This commit is contained in:
@ -228,14 +228,28 @@ showPos :: Maybe FilePath -> Info.Pos -> ShowS
showPos path Info.Pos{..} = maybe (showParen True (showString "interactive")) showString path . showChar ':' . shows posLine . showChar ':' . shows posColumn
showPos path Info.Pos{..} = maybe (showParen True (showString "interactive")) showString path . showChar ':' . shows posLine . showChar ':' . shows posColumn
-- | Run an assignment over an AST exhaustively.
-- | Run an assignment over an AST exhaustively.
assign :: (HasField fields Info.Range, HasField fields Info.Span, HasField fields grammar, Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Traversable f, HasCallStack) => Assignment (Cofree f (Record fields)) grammar a -> Source.Source -> Cofree f (Record fields) -> Either (Error grammar) a
assign :: (HasField fields Info.Range, HasField fields Info.Span, HasField fields grammar, Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Traversable f, HasCallStack)
=> Assignment (Cofree f (Record fields)) grammar a
-> Source.Source
-> Cofree f (Record fields)
-> Either (Error grammar) a
assign = assignBy (\ (r :< _) -> Node (getField r) (getField r) (getField r))
assign = assignBy (\ (r :< _) -> Node (getField r) (getField r) (getField r))
assignBy :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack) => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> Assignment ast grammar a -> Source.Source -> ast -> Either (Error grammar) a
assignBy :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack)
assignBy toNode assignment source = fmap fst . assignAllFrom toNode assignment . makeState source . pure
=> (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar)
-> Assignment ast grammar a
-> Source.Source
-> ast
-> Either (Error grammar) a
assignBy toNode assignment source = fmap fst . assignAllFrom source toNode assignment . makeState . pure
assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack) => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> Assignment ast grammar a -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack)
assignAllFrom toNode assignment state = runAssignment toNode assignment state >>= go
=> Source.Source
-> (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar)
-> Assignment ast grammar a
-> AssignmentState ast grammar
-> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
assignAllFrom source toNode assignment state = runAssignment source toNode assignment state >>= go
go (a, state) = case stateNodes (dropAnonymous toNode state) of
go (a, state) = case stateNodes (dropAnonymous toNode state) of
[] -> Right (a, state)
[] -> Right (a, state)
@ -243,19 +257,23 @@ assignAllFrom toNode assignment state = runAssignment toNode assignment state >>
Left $ fromMaybe (Error spanStart (UnexpectedSymbol [] nodeSymbol)) (stateError state)
Left $ fromMaybe (Error spanStart (UnexpectedSymbol [] nodeSymbol)) (stateError state)
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax.
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax.
runAssignment :: forall grammar a ast. (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack) => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> Assignment ast grammar a -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
runAssignment :: forall grammar a ast. (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack)
runAssignment toNode = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
=> Source.Source
-> (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar)
-> Assignment ast grammar a
-> AssignmentState ast grammar
-> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
runAssignment source toNode = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
where run :: AssignmentF ast grammar x -> (x -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
where run :: AssignmentF ast grammar x -> (x -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
run assignment yield initialState = case (assignment, stateNodes) of
run assignment yield initialState = case (assignment, stateNodes state) of
(Location, node : _) -> yield (nodeLocation (toNode (F.project node))) state
(Location, node : _) -> yield (nodeLocation (toNode (F.project node))) state
(Location, []) -> yield (Info.Range stateOffset stateOffset :. Info.Span statePos statePos :. Nil) state
(Location, []) -> yield (Info.Range (stateOffset state) (stateOffset state) :. Info.Span (statePos state) (statePos state) :. Nil) state
(Project projection, node : _) -> yield (projection (F.project node)) state
(Project projection, node : _) -> yield (projection (F.project node)) state
(Source, node : _) -> yield (Source.sourceBytes (Source.slice (nodeByteRange (toNode (F.project node))) stateSource)) (advanceState toNode state)
(Source, node : _) -> yield (Source.sourceBytes (Source.slice (nodeByteRange (toNode (F.project node))) source)) (advanceState toNode state)
(Children childAssignment, node : _) -> do
(Children childAssignment, node : _) -> do
(a, state') <- assignAllFrom toNode childAssignment state { stateNodes = toList (F.project node) }
(a, state') <- assignAllFrom source toNode childAssignment state { stateNodes = toList (F.project node) }
yield a (advanceState toNode state' { stateNodes = stateNodes })
yield a (advanceState toNode state' { stateNodes = stateNodes state })
(Choose choices, node : _) | Node symbol _ _ <- toNode (F.project node), Just a <- IntMap.lookup (fromEnum symbol) choices -> yield a state
(Choose choices, node : _) | Node symbol _ _ <- toNode (F.project node), Just a <- IntMap.lookup (fromEnum symbol) choices -> yield a state
(Many _, []) -> yield [] state
(Many rule, _) -> uncurry yield (runMany rule state)
(Many rule, _) -> uncurry yield (runMany rule state)
-- Nullability: some rules, e.g. @pure a@ and @many a@, should match at the end of input. Either side of an alternation may be nullable, ergo Alt can match at the end of input.
-- Nullability: some rules, e.g. @pure a@ and @many a@, should match at the end of input. Either side of an alternation may be nullable, ergo Alt can match at the end of input.
(Alt a b, _) -> case yield a state of
(Alt a b, _) -> case yield a state of
@ -265,9 +283,9 @@ runAssignment toNode = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
(Catch during handler, _) -> case yield during state of
(Catch during handler, _) -> case yield during state of
Left err -> yield (handler err) state
Left err -> yield (handler err) state
Right (a, state') -> Right (a, state')
Right (a, state') -> Right (a, state')
(_, []) -> Left (Error statePos (UnexpectedEndOfInput expectedSymbols))
(_, []) -> Left (Error (statePos state) (UnexpectedEndOfInput expectedSymbols))
(_, ast:_) -> let Node symbol _ (Info.Span spanStart _) = toNode (F.project ast) in Left (Error spanStart (UnexpectedSymbol expectedSymbols symbol))
(_, ast:_) -> let Node symbol _ (Info.Span spanStart _) = toNode (F.project ast) in Left (Error spanStart (UnexpectedSymbol expectedSymbols symbol))
where state@AssignmentState{..} = case assignment of
where state = case assignment of
Choose choices | all ((== Regular) . symbolType) (choiceSymbols choices) -> dropAnonymous toNode initialState
Choose choices | all ((== Regular) . symbolType) (choiceSymbols choices) -> dropAnonymous toNode initialState
_ -> initialState
_ -> initialState
expectedSymbols = case assignment of
expectedSymbols = case assignment of
@ -275,19 +293,25 @@ runAssignment toNode = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
_ -> []
_ -> []
choiceSymbols choices = (toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices
choiceSymbols choices = (toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices
runMany :: Assignment ast grammar v -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> ([v], AssignmentState ast grammar)
runMany :: Assignment ast grammar v -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> ([v], AssignmentState ast grammar)
runMany rule state = case runAssignment toNode rule state of
runMany rule state = case runAssignment source toNode rule state of
Left e -> ([], state { stateError = Just e })
Left err -> ([], state { stateError = Just err })
Right (a, state') -> let (as, state'') = runMany rule state' in as `seq` (a : as, state'')
Right (a, state') | ((/=) `on` stateCounter) state state' ->
let (as, state'') = runMany rule state'
in as `seq` (a : as, state'')
| otherwise -> ([a], state')
{-# INLINE run #-}
{-# INLINE run #-}
dropAnonymous :: (Symbol grammar, Recursive ast) => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> AssignmentState ast grammar
dropAnonymous :: (Symbol grammar, Recursive ast) => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> AssignmentState ast grammar
dropAnonymous toNode state = state { stateNodes = dropWhile ((/= Regular) . symbolType . nodeSymbol . toNode . F.project) (stateNodes state) }
dropAnonymous toNode state = state { stateNodes = dropWhile ((/= Regular) . symbolType . nodeSymbol . toNode . F.project) (stateNodes state) }
-- | Advances the state past the current (head) node (if any), dropping it off stateNodes & its corresponding bytes off of stateSource, and updating stateOffset & statePos to its end. Exhausted 'AssignmentState's (those without any remaining nodes) are returned unchanged.
-- | Advances the state past the current (head) node (if any), dropping it off
-- stateNodes & its corresponding bytes off of source, and updating stateOffset &
-- statePos to its end. Exhausted 'AssignmentState's (those without any
-- remaining nodes) are returned unchanged.
advanceState :: Recursive ast => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> AssignmentState ast grammar
advanceState :: Recursive ast => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> AssignmentState ast grammar
advanceState toNode state@AssignmentState{..}
advanceState toNode state@AssignmentState{..}
| node : rest <- stateNodes
| node : rest <- stateNodes
, Node{..} <- toNode (F.project node) = AssignmentState (Info.end nodeByteRange) (Info.spanEnd nodeSpan) stateError stateSource rest
, Node{..} <- toNode (F.project node) = AssignmentState (Info.end nodeByteRange) (Info.spanEnd nodeSpan) stateError (succ stateCounter) rest
| otherwise = state
| otherwise = state
-- | State kept while running 'Assignment's.
-- | State kept while running 'Assignment's.
@ -295,13 +319,13 @@ data AssignmentState ast grammar = AssignmentState
{ stateOffset :: Int -- ^ The offset into the Source thus far reached, measured in bytes.
{ stateOffset :: Int -- ^ The offset into the Source thus far reached, measured in bytes.
, statePos :: Info.Pos -- ^ The (1-indexed) line/column position in the Source thus far reached.
, statePos :: Info.Pos -- ^ The (1-indexed) line/column position in the Source thus far reached.
, stateError :: Maybe (Error grammar)
, stateError :: Maybe (Error grammar)
, stateSource :: Source.Source -- ^ The remaining Source. Equal to dropping 'stateOffset' bytes off the original input Source.
, stateCounter :: Int -- ^ Always incrementing counter that tracks how many nodes have been visited.
, stateNodes :: [ast] -- ^ The remaining nodes to assign. Note that 'children' rules recur into subterms, and thus this does not necessarily reflect all of the terms remaining to be assigned in the overall algorithm, only those “in scope.”
, stateNodes :: [ast] -- ^ The remaining nodes to assign. Note that 'children' rules recur into subterms, and thus this does not necessarily reflect all of the terms remaining to be assigned in the overall algorithm, only those “in scope.”
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeState :: Source.Source -> [ast] -> AssignmentState ast grammar
makeState :: [ast] -> AssignmentState ast grammar
makeState = AssignmentState 0 (Info.Pos 1 1) Nothing
makeState = AssignmentState 0 (Info.Pos 1 1) Nothing 0
-- Instances
-- Instances
@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ declaration = classDefinition
<|> statement
<|> statement
<|> parseError
<|> parseError
declarations :: Assignment
declarations = makeTerm <$> location <*> many declaration
statement :: Assignment
statement :: Assignment
statement = assertStatement
statement = assertStatement
<|> assignment'
<|> assignment'
@ -134,6 +137,9 @@ statement = assertStatement
<|> withStatement
<|> withStatement
<|> parseError
<|> parseError
statements :: Assignment
statements = makeTerm <$> location <*> many statement
literal :: Assignment
literal :: Assignment
literal = boolean
literal = boolean
<|> concatenatedString
<|> concatenatedString
@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ literal = boolean
<|> parseError
<|> parseError
expressionStatement :: Assignment
expressionStatement :: Assignment
expressionStatement = symbol ExpressionStatement *> children declaration
expressionStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol ExpressionStatement <*> children (some declaration)
expression :: Assignment
expression :: Assignment
expression = argument
expression = argument
@ -174,6 +180,9 @@ expression = argument
<|> unaryOperator
<|> unaryOperator
<|> parseError
<|> parseError
expressions :: Assignment
expressions = makeTerm <$> location <*> many expression
argument :: Assignment
argument :: Assignment
argument = makeTerm <$> symbol ListSplatArgument <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
argument = makeTerm <$> symbol ListSplatArgument <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol DictionarySplatArgument <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol DictionarySplatArgument <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
@ -200,33 +209,33 @@ withStatement :: Assignment
withStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol WithStatement <*> children (uncurry Statement.Let . swap <$> (symbol WithItem *> children ((,) <$> identifier <*> identifier)) <*> expression)
withStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol WithStatement <*> children (uncurry Statement.Let . swap <$> (symbol WithItem *> children ((,) <$> identifier <*> identifier)) <*> expression)
forStatement :: Assignment
forStatement :: Assignment
forStatement = symbol ForStatement >>= \ loc -> children (make loc <$> (makeTerm <$> symbol Variables <*> children (many expression)) <*> expressionList <*> (makeTerm <$> location <*> many expression) <*> (optional (makeTerm <$> symbol ElseClause <*> children (many declaration))))
forStatement = symbol ForStatement >>= \ loc -> children (make loc <$> (makeTerm <$> symbol Variables <*> children (many expression)) <*> expressionList <*> expressions <*> optional (makeTerm <$> symbol ElseClause <*> children (many declaration)))
make loc variables expressionList forBody forElseClause = case forElseClause of
make loc variables expressionList forBody forElseClause = case forElseClause of
Nothing -> makeTerm loc (Statement.ForEach variables expressionList forBody)
Nothing -> makeTerm loc (Statement.ForEach variables expressionList forBody)
Just a -> makeTerm loc (Statement.Else (makeTerm loc $ Statement.ForEach variables expressionList forBody) a)
Just a -> makeTerm loc (Statement.Else (makeTerm loc $ Statement.ForEach variables expressionList forBody) a)
whileStatement :: Assignment
whileStatement :: Assignment
whileStatement = symbol WhileStatement >>= \ loc -> children (make loc <$> expression <*> (makeTerm <$> location <*> many expression) <*> (optional (makeTerm <$> symbol ElseClause <*> children (many declaration))))
whileStatement = symbol WhileStatement >>= \ loc -> children (make loc <$> expression <*> expressions <*> optional (makeTerm <$> symbol ElseClause <*> children (many declaration)))
make loc whileCondition whileBody whileElseClause = case whileElseClause of
make loc whileCondition whileBody whileElseClause = case whileElseClause of
Nothing -> makeTerm loc (Statement.While whileCondition whileBody)
Nothing -> makeTerm loc (Statement.While whileCondition whileBody)
Just a -> makeTerm loc (Statement.Else (makeTerm loc $ Statement.While whileCondition whileBody) a)
Just a -> makeTerm loc (Statement.Else (makeTerm loc $ Statement.While whileCondition whileBody) a)
tryStatement :: Assignment
tryStatement :: Assignment
tryStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol TryStatement <*> children (Statement.Try <$> expression <*> (many (expression <|> elseClause)))
tryStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol TryStatement <*> children (Statement.Try <$> expression <*> many (expression <|> elseClause))
where elseClause = makeTerm <$> symbol ElseClause <*> children (Statement.Else <$> emptyTerm <*> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (many expression)))
where elseClause = makeTerm <$> symbol ElseClause <*> children (Statement.Else <$> emptyTerm <*> (makeTerm <$> location <*> many expression))
exceptClause :: Assignment
exceptClause :: Assignment
exceptClause = makeTerm <$> symbol ExceptClause <*> children
exceptClause = makeTerm <$> symbol ExceptClause <*> children
(Statement.Catch <$> ((makeTerm <$> location <*> (uncurry Statement.Let . swap <$> ((,) <$> identifier <* symbol AnonAs <*> identifier) <*> emptyTerm))
(Statement.Catch <$> ((makeTerm <$> location <*> (uncurry Statement.Let . swap <$> ((,) <$> identifier <* symbol AnonAs <*> identifier) <*> emptyTerm))
<|> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (many identifier)))
<|> makeTerm <$> location <*> many identifier)
<*> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (many expression)))
<*> expressions)
functionDefinition :: Assignment
functionDefinition :: Assignment
functionDefinition = (symbol FunctionDefinition >>= \ loc -> children (makeFunctionDeclaration loc <$> identifier <*> (symbol Parameters *> children (many expression)) <*> (optional (symbol Type *> children expression)) <*> (makeTerm <$> location <*> many declaration)))
functionDefinition = (symbol FunctionDefinition >>= \ loc -> children (makeFunctionDeclaration loc <$> identifier <*> (symbol Parameters *> children (many expression)) <*> optional (symbol Type *> children expression) <*> declarations))
<|> (symbol AsyncFunctionDefinition >>= \ loc -> children (makeAsyncFunctionDeclaration loc <$> async' <*> identifier <*> (symbol Parameters *> children (many expression)) <*> (optional (symbol Type *> children expression)) <*> (makeTerm <$> location <*> many declaration)))
<|> (symbol AsyncFunctionDefinition >>= \ loc -> children (makeAsyncFunctionDeclaration loc <$> async' <*> identifier <*> (symbol Parameters *> children (many expression)) <*> optional (symbol Type *> children expression) <*> declarations))
<|> (symbol Lambda >>= \ loc -> children (makeFunctionDeclaration loc <$> (makeTerm <$> symbol AnonLambda <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)) <*> ((symbol LambdaParameters *> children (many expression)) <|> (pure [])) <*> (optional (symbol Type *> children expression)) <*> (makeTerm <$> location <*> many declaration)))
<|> (symbol Lambda >>= \ loc -> children (makeFunctionDeclaration loc <$> (makeTerm <$> symbol AnonLambda <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)) <*> ((symbol LambdaParameters *> children (many expression)) <|> pure []) <*> optional (symbol Type *> children expression) <*> declarations))
makeFunctionDeclaration loc functionName' functionParameters ty functionBody = makeTerm loc $ Type.Annotation (makeTerm loc $ Declaration.Function functionName' functionParameters functionBody) (maybe (makeTerm loc Syntax.Empty) identity ty)
makeFunctionDeclaration loc functionName' functionParameters ty functionBody = makeTerm loc $ Type.Annotation (makeTerm loc $ Declaration.Function functionName' functionParameters functionBody) (maybe (makeTerm loc Syntax.Empty) identity ty)
makeAsyncFunctionDeclaration loc async' functionName' functionParameters ty functionBody = makeTerm loc $ Type.Annotation (makeTerm loc $ Type.Annotation (makeTerm loc $ Declaration.Function functionName' functionParameters functionBody) (maybe (makeTerm loc Syntax.Empty) identity ty)) async'
makeAsyncFunctionDeclaration loc async' functionName' functionParameters ty functionBody = makeTerm loc $ Type.Annotation (makeTerm loc $ Type.Annotation (makeTerm loc $ Declaration.Function functionName' functionParameters functionBody) (maybe (makeTerm loc Syntax.Empty) identity ty)) async'
@ -235,7 +244,7 @@ async' :: Assignment
async' = makeTerm <$> symbol AnonAsync <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
async' = makeTerm <$> symbol AnonAsync <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
classDefinition :: Assignment
classDefinition :: Assignment
classDefinition = makeTerm <$> symbol ClassDefinition <*> children (Declaration.Class <$> identifier <*> argumentList <*> (many declaration))
classDefinition = makeTerm <$> symbol ClassDefinition <*> children (Declaration.Class <$> identifier <*> argumentList <*> many declaration)
where argumentList = symbol ArgumentList *> children (many expression)
where argumentList = symbol ArgumentList *> children (many expression)
<|> pure []
<|> pure []
@ -254,14 +263,15 @@ ellipsis = makeTerm <$> symbol Grammar.Ellipsis <*> (Language.Python.Syntax.Elli
comparisonOperator :: Assignment
comparisonOperator :: Assignment
comparisonOperator = symbol ComparisonOperator >>= \ loc -> children (expression >>= \ lexpression -> makeComparison loc lexpression)
comparisonOperator = symbol ComparisonOperator >>= \ loc -> children (expression >>= \ lexpression -> makeComparison loc lexpression)
makeComparison loc lexpression = makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonLAngle <*> (Expression.LessThan lexpression <$> expression)
makeComparison loc lexpression = makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonLAngle <*> (Expression.LessThan lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonLAngleEqual <*> (Expression.LessThanEqual lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonLAngleEqual <*> (Expression.LessThanEqual lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonRAngle <*> (Expression.GreaterThan lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonRAngle <*> (Expression.GreaterThan lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonRAngleEqual <*> (Expression.GreaterThanEqual lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonRAngleEqual <*> (Expression.GreaterThanEqual lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonEqualEqual <*> (Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonEqualEqual <*> (Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonBangEqual <*> (Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression)))
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonBangEqual <*> (Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression)))
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonNot <*> (Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Expression.Member lexpression <$> expression)))
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonLAngleRAngle <*> (Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression)))
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonIn <*> (Expression.Member lexpression <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonNot <*> (Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Expression.Member lexpression <$> expression)))
<|> makeTerm loc <$ symbol AnonIn <*> (Expression.Member lexpression <$> expression)
-- source is used here to push the cursor to the next node to enable matching against `AnonNot`
-- source is used here to push the cursor to the next node to enable matching against `AnonNot`
<|> symbol AnonIs *> source *> (symbol AnonNot *> (makeTerm loc <$> Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression)))
<|> symbol AnonIs *> source *> (symbol AnonNot *> (makeTerm loc <$> Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression)))
<|> (makeTerm loc <$> Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression))
<|> (makeTerm loc <$> Expression.Equal lexpression <$> expression))
@ -273,7 +283,7 @@ keyword :: Assignment
keyword = makeTerm <$> symbol KeywordIdentifier <*> children (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
keyword = makeTerm <$> symbol KeywordIdentifier <*> children (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
tuple :: Assignment
tuple :: Assignment
tuple = makeTerm <$> symbol Tuple <*> children (Literal.Tuple <$> (many expression))
tuple = makeTerm <$> symbol Tuple <*> children (Literal.Tuple <$> many expression)
-- TODO: Consider flattening single element lists
-- TODO: Consider flattening single element lists
expressionList :: Assignment
expressionList :: Assignment
@ -397,12 +407,12 @@ deleteStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol DeleteStatement <*> children (Expression.C
where deleteIdentifier = makeTerm <$> symbol AnonDel <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
where deleteIdentifier = makeTerm <$> symbol AnonDel <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
raiseStatement :: Assignment
raiseStatement :: Assignment
raiseStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol RaiseStatement <*> children (Statement.Throw <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> many expression))
raiseStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol RaiseStatement <*> children (Statement.Throw <$> expressions)
ifStatement :: Assignment
ifStatement :: Assignment
ifStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol IfStatement <*> children (Statement.If <$> expression <*> statement <*> (flip (foldr makeElif) <$> many elifClause <*> optionalElse))
ifStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol IfStatement <*> children (Statement.If <$> expression <*> statements <*> (flip (foldr makeElif) <$> many elifClause <*> optionalElse))
where elseClause = symbol ElseClause *> children statement
where elseClause = symbol ElseClause *> children statements
elifClause = (,) <$ symbol ElifClause <*> location <*> children (Statement.If <$> expression <*> statement)
elifClause = (,) <$ symbol ElifClause <*> location <*> children (Statement.If <$> expression <*> statements)
optionalElse = fromMaybe <$> emptyTerm <*> optional elseClause
optionalElse = fromMaybe <$> emptyTerm <*> optional elseClause
makeElif (loc, makeIf) rest = makeTerm loc (makeIf rest)
makeElif (loc, makeIf) rest = makeTerm loc (makeIf rest)
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ type Assignment = HasCallStack => Assignment.Assignment (AST Grammar) Grammar Te
-- | Assignment from AST in Ruby’s grammar onto a program in Ruby’s syntax.
-- | Assignment from AST in Ruby’s grammar onto a program in Ruby’s syntax.
assignment :: Assignment
assignment :: Assignment
assignment = makeTerm <$> symbol Program <*> children (many statement) <|> parseError
assignment = makeTerm <$> symbol Program <*> children (many expression) <|> parseError
statement :: Assignment
expression :: Assignment
statement =
expression =
<|> endBlock
<|> endBlock
<|> comment
<|> comment
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ statement =
<|> block
<|> block
<|> heredoc
<|> heredoc
<|> parseError
<|> parseError
where mk s construct = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> children ((construct .) . fromMaybe <$> emptyTerm <*> optional (symbol ArgumentList *> children statement))
where mk s construct = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> children ((construct .) . fromMaybe <$> emptyTerm <*> optional (symbol ArgumentList *> children expression))
statements :: Assignment
expressions :: Assignment
statements = makeTerm <$> location <*> many statement
expressions = makeTerm <$> location <*> many expression
identifier :: Assignment
identifier :: Assignment
identifier =
identifier =
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ literal =
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Grammar.Float <*> (Literal.Float <$> source)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Grammar.Float <*> (Literal.Float <$> source)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Grammar.Nil <*> (Literal.Null <$ source)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Grammar.Nil <*> (Literal.Null <$ source)
-- TODO: Do we want to represent the difference between .. and ...
-- TODO: Do we want to represent the difference between .. and ...
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Range <*> children (Expression.Enumeration <$> statement <*> statement <*> emptyTerm)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Range <*> children (Expression.Enumeration <$> expression <*> expression <*> emptyTerm)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Array <*> children (Literal.Array <$> many statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Array <*> children (Literal.Array <$> many expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Hash <*> children (Literal.Hash <$> many pair)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Hash <*> children (Literal.Hash <$> many pair)
-- TODO: Give subshell it's own literal and allow interpolation
-- TODO: Give subshell it's own literal and allow interpolation
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Subshell <*> (Literal.TextElement <$> source)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Subshell <*> (Literal.TextElement <$> source)
@ -174,26 +174,23 @@ keyword =
where mk s = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
where mk s = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
beginBlock :: Assignment
beginBlock :: Assignment
beginBlock = makeTerm <$> symbol BeginBlock <*> children (Statement.ScopeEntry <$> many statement)
beginBlock = makeTerm <$> symbol BeginBlock <*> children (Statement.ScopeEntry <$> many expression)
endBlock :: Assignment
endBlock :: Assignment
endBlock = makeTerm <$> symbol EndBlock <*> children (Statement.ScopeExit <$> many statement)
endBlock = makeTerm <$> symbol EndBlock <*> children (Statement.ScopeExit <$> many expression)
methodName :: Assignment
methodName = identifier <|> literal
class' :: Assignment
class' :: Assignment
class' = makeTerm <$> symbol Class <*> children (Declaration.Class <$> (identifier <|> scopeResolution) <*> (superclass <|> pure []) <*> many statement)
class' = makeTerm <$> symbol Class <*> children (Declaration.Class <$> expression <*> (superclass <|> pure []) <*> many expression)
where superclass = pure <$ symbol Superclass <*> children identifier
where superclass = pure <$ symbol Superclass <*> children expression
singletonClass :: Assignment
singletonClass :: Assignment
singletonClass = makeTerm <$> symbol SingletonClass <*> children (Declaration.Class <$> statement <*> pure [] <*> many statement)
singletonClass = makeTerm <$> symbol SingletonClass <*> children (Declaration.Class <$> expression <*> pure [] <*> many expression)
module' :: Assignment
module' :: Assignment
module' = makeTerm <$> symbol Module <*> children (Declaration.Module <$> (identifier <|> scopeResolution) <*> many statement)
module' = makeTerm <$> symbol Module <*> children (Declaration.Module <$> expression <*> many expression)
scopeResolution :: Assignment
scopeResolution :: Assignment
scopeResolution = makeTerm <$> symbol ScopeResolution <*> children (Expression.ScopeResolution <$> many statement)
scopeResolution = makeTerm <$> symbol ScopeResolution <*> children (Expression.ScopeResolution <$> many expression)
parameter :: Assignment
parameter :: Assignment
parameter =
parameter =
@ -203,79 +200,80 @@ parameter =
<|> mk KeywordParameter
<|> mk KeywordParameter
<|> mk OptionalParameter
<|> mk OptionalParameter
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol DestructuredParameter <*> children (many parameter)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol DestructuredParameter <*> children (many parameter)
<|> statement
<|> expression
<|> parseError
where mk s = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
where mk s = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
method :: Assignment
method :: Assignment
method = makeTerm <$> symbol Method <*> children (Declaration.Method <$> emptyTerm <*> methodName <*> params <*> statements)
method = makeTerm <$> symbol Method <*> children (Declaration.Method <$> emptyTerm <*> expression <*> params <*> expressions)
where params = symbol MethodParameters *> children (many parameter) <|> pure []
where params = symbol MethodParameters *> children (many parameter) <|> pure []
singletonMethod :: Assignment
singletonMethod :: Assignment
singletonMethod = makeTerm <$> symbol SingletonMethod <*> children (Declaration.Method <$> statement <*> methodName <*> params <*> statements)
singletonMethod = makeTerm <$> symbol SingletonMethod <*> children (Declaration.Method <$> expression <*> expression <*> params <*> expressions)
where params = symbol MethodParameters *> children (many parameter) <|> pure []
where params = symbol MethodParameters *> children (many parameter) <|> pure []
lambda :: Assignment
lambda :: Assignment
lambda = symbol Lambda >>= \ loc -> children $ do
lambda = symbol Lambda >>= \ loc -> children $ do
name <- makeTerm loc <$> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
name <- makeTerm loc <$> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
params <- (symbol BlockParameters <|> symbol LambdaParameters) *> children (many parameter) <|> pure []
params <- (symbol BlockParameters <|> symbol LambdaParameters) *> children (many parameter) <|> pure []
body <- statements
body <- expressions
pure $ makeTerm loc (Declaration.Function name params body)
pure $ makeTerm loc (Declaration.Function name params body)
block :: Assignment
block :: Assignment
block = makeTerm <$> symbol DoBlock <*> children (Declaration.Function <$> emptyTerm <*> params <*> statements)
block = makeTerm <$> symbol DoBlock <*> children (Declaration.Function <$> emptyTerm <*> params <*> expressions)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Block <*> children (Declaration.Function <$> emptyTerm <*> params <*> statements)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Block <*> children (Declaration.Function <$> emptyTerm <*> params <*> expressions)
where params = (symbol BlockParameters) *> children (many parameter) <|> pure []
where params = (symbol BlockParameters) *> children (many parameter) <|> pure []
comment :: Assignment
comment :: Assignment
comment = makeTerm <$> symbol Comment <*> (Comment.Comment <$> source)
comment = makeTerm <$> symbol Comment <*> (Comment.Comment <$> source)
alias :: Assignment
alias :: Assignment
alias = makeTerm <$> symbol Alias <*> children (Expression.Call <$> name <*> some methodName <*> emptyTerm)
alias = makeTerm <$> symbol Alias <*> children (Expression.Call <$> name <*> some expression <*> emptyTerm)
where name = makeTerm <$> location <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
where name = makeTerm <$> location <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
undef :: Assignment
undef :: Assignment
undef = makeTerm <$> symbol Undef <*> children (Expression.Call <$> name <*> some methodName <*> emptyTerm)
undef = makeTerm <$> symbol Undef <*> children (Expression.Call <$> name <*> some expression <*> emptyTerm)
where name = makeTerm <$> location <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
where name = makeTerm <$> location <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
if' :: Assignment
if' :: Assignment
if' =
if' =
ifElsif If
ifElsif If
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol IfModifier <*> children (flip Statement.If <$> statement <*> statement <*> emptyTerm)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol IfModifier <*> children (flip Statement.If <$> expression <*> expression <*> emptyTerm)
where ifElsif s = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> children (Statement.If <$> statement <*> statements <*> (fromMaybe <$> emptyTerm <*> optional (ifElsif Elsif <|> else')))
where ifElsif s = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> children (Statement.If <$> expression <*> expressions <*> (fromMaybe <$> emptyTerm <*> optional (ifElsif Elsif <|> else')))
else' :: Assignment
else' :: Assignment
else' = makeTerm <$> symbol Else <*> children (many statement)
else' = makeTerm <$> symbol Else <*> children (many expression)
unless :: Assignment
unless :: Assignment
unless =
unless =
makeTerm <$> symbol Unless <*> children (Statement.If <$> invert statement <*> statements <*> (fromMaybe <$> emptyTerm <*> optional else'))
makeTerm <$> symbol Unless <*> children (Statement.If <$> invert expression <*> expressions <*> (fromMaybe <$> emptyTerm <*> optional else'))
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol UnlessModifier <*> children (flip Statement.If <$> statement <*> invert statement <*> emptyTerm)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol UnlessModifier <*> children (flip Statement.If <$> expression <*> invert expression <*> emptyTerm)
while' :: Assignment
while' :: Assignment
while' =
while' =
makeTerm <$> symbol While <*> children (Statement.While <$> statement <*> statements)
makeTerm <$> symbol While <*> children (Statement.While <$> expression <*> expressions)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol WhileModifier <*> children (flip Statement.While <$> statement <*> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol WhileModifier <*> children (flip Statement.While <$> expression <*> expression)
until' :: Assignment
until' :: Assignment
until' =
until' =
makeTerm <$> symbol Until <*> children (Statement.While <$> invert statement <*> statements)
makeTerm <$> symbol Until <*> children (Statement.While <$> invert expression <*> expressions)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol UntilModifier <*> children (flip Statement.While <$> statement <*> invert statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol UntilModifier <*> children (flip Statement.While <$> expression <*> invert expression)
for :: Assignment
for :: Assignment
for = makeTerm <$> symbol For <*> children (Statement.ForEach <$> vars <*> statement <*> statements)
for = makeTerm <$> symbol For <*> children (Statement.ForEach <$> vars <*> expression <*> expressions)
where vars = makeTerm <$> location <*> some identifier
where vars = makeTerm <$> location <*> some expression
case' :: Assignment
case' :: Assignment
case' = makeTerm <$> symbol Case <*> children (Statement.Match <$> statement <*> when)
case' = makeTerm <$> symbol Case <*> children (Statement.Match <$> expression <*> when')
when = makeTerm <$> symbol When <*> children (Statement.Pattern <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> some pattern) <*> (when <|> else' <|> statements))
when' = makeTerm <$> symbol When <*> children (Statement.Pattern <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> some pattern) <*> (when' <|> else' <|> expressions))
pattern = symbol Pattern *> children ((symbol SplatArgument *> children statement) <|> statement)
pattern = symbol Pattern *> children ((symbol SplatArgument *> children expression) <|> expression)
subscript :: Assignment
subscript :: Assignment
subscript = makeTerm <$> symbol ElementReference <*> children (Expression.Subscript <$> statement <*> many argument)
subscript = makeTerm <$> symbol ElementReference <*> children (Expression.Subscript <$> expression <*> many argument)
pair :: Assignment
pair :: Assignment
pair = makeTerm <$> symbol Pair <*> children (Literal.KeyValue <$> statement <*> statement)
pair = makeTerm <$> symbol Pair <*> children (Literal.KeyValue <$> expression <*> expression)
argument :: Assignment
argument :: Assignment
argument =
argument =
@ -283,49 +281,48 @@ argument =
<|> mk HashSplatArgument
<|> mk HashSplatArgument
<|> mk BlockArgument
<|> mk BlockArgument
<|> pair
<|> pair
<|> statement
<|> expression
where mk s = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
where mk s = makeTerm <$> symbol s <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)
methodCall :: Assignment
methodCall :: Assignment
methodCall = makeTerm <$> symbol MethodCall <*> children (Expression.Call <$> name <*> args <*> (block <|> emptyTerm))
methodCall = makeTerm <$> symbol MethodCall <*> children (Expression.Call <$> expression <*> args <*> (block <|> emptyTerm))
name = identifier <|> scopeResolution <|> call
args = (symbol ArgumentList <|> symbol ArgumentListWithParens) *> children (many argument) <|> pure []
args = (symbol ArgumentList <|> symbol ArgumentListWithParens) *> children (many argument) <|> pure []
call :: Assignment
call :: Assignment
call = makeTerm <$> symbol Call <*> children (Expression.MemberAccess <$> statement <*> statement)
call = makeTerm <$> symbol Call <*> children (Expression.MemberAccess <$> expression <*> expression)
rescue :: Assignment
rescue :: Assignment
rescue = rescue'
rescue = rescue'
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol RescueModifier <*> children (Statement.Try <$> statement <*> many (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Statement.Catch <$> statement <*> emptyTerm)))
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol RescueModifier <*> children (Statement.Try <$> expression <*> many (makeTerm <$> location <*> (Statement.Catch <$> expression <*> emptyTerm)))
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Ensure <*> children (Statement.Finally <$> statements)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Ensure <*> children (Statement.Finally <$> expressions)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Else <*> children (Statement.Else <$> emptyTerm <*> statements)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol Else <*> children (Statement.Else <$> emptyTerm <*> expressions)
rescue' = makeTerm <$> symbol Rescue <*> children (Statement.Catch <$> exceptions <*> (rescue' <|> statements))
rescue' = makeTerm <$> symbol Rescue <*> children (Statement.Catch <$> exceptions <*> (rescue' <|> expressions))
exceptions = makeTerm <$> location <*> many ex
exceptions = makeTerm <$> location <*> many ex
ex = makeTerm <$> symbol Exceptions <*> children (many identifier)
ex = makeTerm <$> symbol Exceptions <*> children (many expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol ExceptionVariable <*> children (many identifier)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol ExceptionVariable <*> children (many expression)
begin :: Assignment
begin :: Assignment
begin = makeTerm <$> symbol Begin <*> children (Statement.Try <$> statements <*> many rescue)
begin = makeTerm <$> symbol Begin <*> children (Statement.Try <$> expressions <*> many rescue)
assignment' :: Assignment
assignment' :: Assignment
= makeTerm <$> symbol Assignment <*> children (Statement.Assignment <$> lhs <*> rhs)
= makeTerm <$> symbol Assignment <*> children (Statement.Assignment <$> lhs <*> rhs)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol OperatorAssignment <*> children (lhs >>= \ var -> Statement.Assignment var <$>
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol OperatorAssignment <*> children (lhs >>= \ var -> Statement.Assignment var <$>
(makeTerm <$> symbol AnonPlusEqual <*> (Expression.Plus var <$> statement)
(makeTerm <$> symbol AnonPlusEqual <*> (Expression.Plus var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonMinusEqual <*> (Expression.Minus var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonMinusEqual <*> (Expression.Minus var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonStarEqual <*> (Expression.Times var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonStarEqual <*> (Expression.Times var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonStarStarEqual <*> (Expression.Power var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonStarStarEqual <*> (Expression.Power var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonSlashEqual <*> (Expression.DividedBy var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonSlashEqual <*> (Expression.DividedBy var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonPipePipeEqual <*> (Expression.And var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonPipePipeEqual <*> (Expression.And var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonPipeEqual <*> (Expression.BOr var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonPipeEqual <*> (Expression.BOr var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonAmpersandAmpersandEqual <*> (Expression.And var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonAmpersandAmpersandEqual <*> (Expression.And var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonAmpersandEqual <*> (Expression.BAnd var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonAmpersandEqual <*> (Expression.BAnd var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonPercentEqual <*> (Expression.Modulo var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonPercentEqual <*> (Expression.Modulo var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonRAngleRAngleEqual <*> (Expression.RShift var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonRAngleRAngleEqual <*> (Expression.RShift var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonLAngleLAngleEqual <*> (Expression.LShift var <$> statement)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonLAngleLAngleEqual <*> (Expression.LShift var <$> expression)
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonCaretEqual <*> (Expression.BXOr var <$> statement)))
<|> makeTerm <$> symbol AnonCaretEqual <*> (Expression.BXOr var <$> expression)))
lhs = makeTerm <$> symbol LeftAssignmentList <*> children (many expr) <|> expr
lhs = makeTerm <$> symbol LeftAssignmentList <*> children (many expr) <|> expr
rhs = makeTerm <$> symbol RightAssignmentList <*> children (many expr) <|> expr
rhs = makeTerm <$> symbol RightAssignmentList <*> children (many expr) <|> expr
@ -336,15 +333,15 @@ assignment'
unary :: Assignment
unary :: Assignment
unary = symbol Unary >>= \ location ->
unary = symbol Unary >>= \ location ->
makeTerm location . Expression.Complement <$> children ( symbol AnonTilde *> statement )
makeTerm location . Expression.Complement <$> children ( symbol AnonTilde *> expression )
<|> makeTerm location . Expression.Not <$> children ( symbol AnonBang *> statement )
<|> makeTerm location . Expression.Not <$> children ( symbol AnonBang *> expression )
<|> makeTerm location . Expression.Not <$> children ( symbol AnonNot *> statement )
<|> makeTerm location . Expression.Not <$> children ( symbol AnonNot *> expression )
<|> makeTerm location <$> children (Expression.Call <$> (makeTerm <$> symbol AnonDefinedQuestion <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)) <*> some statement <*> emptyTerm)
<|> makeTerm location <$> children (Expression.Call <$> (makeTerm <$> symbol AnonDefinedQuestion <*> (Syntax.Identifier <$> source)) <*> some expression <*> emptyTerm)
<|> children ( symbol AnonPlus *> statement )
<|> children ( symbol AnonPlus *> expression )
<|> makeTerm location . Expression.Negate <$> children identifier -- Unary minus (e.g. `-a`). HiddenUnaryMinus nodes are hidden, so we can't match on the symbol.
<|> makeTerm location . Expression.Negate <$> children expression -- Unary minus (e.g. `-a`). HiddenUnaryMinus nodes are hidden, so we can't match on the symbol.
binary :: Assignment
binary :: Assignment
binary = symbol Binary >>= \ loc -> children $ statement >>= \ lexpression -> go loc lexpression
binary = symbol Binary >>= \ loc -> children $ expression >>= \ lexpression -> go loc lexpression
go loc lexpression
go loc lexpression
= mk AnonAnd Expression.And
= mk AnonAnd Expression.And
@ -375,14 +372,14 @@ binary = symbol Binary >>= \ loc -> children $ statement >>= \ lexpression -> go
<|> mk AnonSlash Expression.DividedBy
<|> mk AnonSlash Expression.DividedBy
<|> mk AnonPercent Expression.Modulo
<|> mk AnonPercent Expression.Modulo
<|> mk AnonStarStar Expression.Power
<|> mk AnonStarStar Expression.Power
where mk s constr = makeTerm loc <$> (symbol s *> (constr lexpression <$> statement))
where mk s constr = makeTerm loc <$> (symbol s *> (constr lexpression <$> expression))
mkNot s constr = makeTerm loc <$ symbol s <*> (Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (constr lexpression <$> statement)))
mkNot s constr = makeTerm loc <$ symbol s <*> (Expression.Not <$> (makeTerm <$> location <*> (constr lexpression <$> expression)))
conditional :: Assignment
conditional :: Assignment
conditional = makeTerm <$> symbol Conditional <*> children (Statement.If <$> statement <*> statement <*> statement)
conditional = makeTerm <$> symbol Conditional <*> children (Statement.If <$> expression <*> expression <*> expression)
emptyStatement :: Assignment
emptyStatement :: Assignment
emptyStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol EmptyStatement <*> pure Syntax.Empty
emptyStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol EmptyStatement <*> (Syntax.Empty <$ source <|> pure Syntax.Empty)
-- Helper functions
-- Helper functions
@ -13,107 +13,200 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = do
spec = do
describe "Applicative" $
describe "Applicative" $
it "matches in sequence" $
it "matches in sequence" $
runAssignment headF ((,) <$> red <*> red) (makeState "helloworld" [node Red 0 5 [], node Red 5 10 []])
fst <$> runAssignment "helloworld" headF ((,) <$> red <*> red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 [], node Red 5 10 []])
Right ((Out "hello", Out "world"), AssignmentState 10 (Info.Pos 1 11) Nothing "helloworld" [])
Right (Out "hello", Out "world")
describe "Alternative" $ do
describe "Alternative" $ do
it "attempts multiple alternatives" $
it "attempts multiple alternatives" $
runAssignment headF (green <|> red) (makeState "hello" [node Red 0 5 []])
fst <$> runAssignment "hello" headF (green <|> red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 []])
Right (Out "hello", AssignmentState 5 (Info.Pos 1 6) Nothing "hello" [])
Right (Out "hello")
it "matches repetitions" $
it "matches repetitions" $
let s = "colourless green ideas sleep furiously"
let s = "colourless green ideas sleep furiously"
w = words s
w = words s
(_, nodes) = foldl (\ (i, prev) word -> (i + B.length word + 1, prev <> [node Red i (i + B.length word) []])) (0, []) w in
(_, nodes) = foldl (\ (i, prev) word -> (i + B.length word + 1, prev <> [node Red i (i + B.length word) []])) (0, []) w in
runAssignment headF (many red) (makeState (fromBytes s) nodes)
fst <$> runAssignment (fromBytes s) headF (many red) (makeState nodes)
Right (Out <$> w, AssignmentState (B.length s)
Right (Out <$> w)
(Info.Pos 1 (succ (B.length s)))
(Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 39) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red])))
(fromBytes s)
it "matches one-or-more repetitions against one or more input nodes" $
it "matches one-or-more repetitions against one or more input nodes" $
runAssignment headF (some red) (makeState "hello" [node Red 0 5 []])
fst <$> runAssignment "hello" headF (some red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 []])
Right ([Out "hello"], AssignmentState 5
Right [Out "hello"]
(Info.Pos 1 6)
(Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 6) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red])))
describe "symbol" $ do
describe "symbol" $ do
it "matches nodes with the same symbol" $
it "matches nodes with the same symbol" $
fst <$> runAssignment headF red (makeState "hello" [node Red 0 5 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "hello")
fst <$> runAssignment "hello" headF red (makeState [node Red 0 5 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "hello")
it "does not advance past the current node" $
it "does not advance past the current node" $
let initialState = makeState "hi" [ node Red 0 2 [] ] in
let initialState = makeState [ node Red 0 2 [] ] in
snd <$> runAssignment headF (symbol Red) initialState `shouldBe` Right initialState
snd <$> runAssignment "hi" headF (symbol Red) initialState `shouldBe` Right initialState
describe "without catchError" $ do
it "assignment returns UnexpectedSymbol" $
runAssignment "A" headF
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Red] Green))
it "assignment returns UnexpectedEndOfInput" $
runAssignment "A" headF
(symbol Green *> children (some red))
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red]))
describe "catchError" $ do
it "handler that always matches" $
fst <$> runAssignment "A" headF
(red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source))
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Right (OutError "A")
it "handler that matches" $
fst <$> runAssignment "A" headF
(red `catchError` const green)
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Right (Out "A")
it "handler that doesn't match produces error" $
runAssignment "A" headF
(red `catchError` const blue)
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Blue] Green))
describe "in many" $ do
it "handler that always matches" $
fst <$> runAssignment "PG" headF
(symbol Palette *> children (
many (red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source))
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Right [OutError "G"]
it "handler that matches" $
fst <$> runAssignment "PG" headF
(symbol Palette *> children ( many (red `catchError` const green) ))
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Right [Out "G"]
it "handler that doesn't match produces error" $
runAssignment "PG" headF
(symbol Palette *> children ( many (red `catchError` const blue) ))
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 2) (UnexpectedSymbol [Blue] Green))
it "handler that always matches with apply consumes and then errors" $
runAssignment "PG" headF
(symbol Palette *> children (
(,) <$> many (red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source)) <*> green
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Green]))
it "handler that doesn't match with apply" $
fst <$> runAssignment "PG" headF
(symbol Palette *> children (
(,) <$> many (red `catchError` const blue) <*> green
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Right ([], Out "G")
describe "many" $ do
it "takes ones and only one zero width repetition" $
fst <$> runAssignment "PGG" headF
(symbol Palette *> children ( many (green <|> pure (Out "always")) ))
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 [], node Green 2 3 []]])
Right [Out "G", Out "G", Out "always"]
describe "source" $ do
describe "source" $ do
it "produces the node’s source" $
it "produces the node’s source" $
assignBy headF source "hi" (node Red 0 2 []) `shouldBe` Right "hi"
assignBy headF source "hi" (node Red 0 2 []) `shouldBe` Right "hi"
it "advances past the current node" $
it "advances past the current node" $
snd <$> runAssignment headF source (makeState "hi" [ node Red 0 2 [] ]) `shouldBe` Right (AssignmentState 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) Nothing "hi" [])
snd <$> runAssignment "hi" headF source (makeState [ node Red 0 2 [] ])
Right (AssignmentState 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) Nothing 1 [])
describe "children" $ do
describe "children" $ do
it "advances past the current node" $
it "advances past the current node" $
snd <$> runAssignment headF (children (pure (Out ""))) (makeState "a" [node Red 0 1 []]) `shouldBe` Right (AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing "a" [])
snd <$> runAssignment "a" headF (children (pure (Out ""))) (makeState [node Red 0 1 []])
Right (AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing 1 [])
it "matches if its subrule matches" $
it "matches if its subrule matches" $
() <$ runAssignment headF (children red) (makeState "a" [node Blue 0 1 [node Red 0 1 []]]) `shouldBe` Right ()
() <$ runAssignment "a" headF (children red) (makeState [node Blue 0 1 [node Red 0 1 []]])
Right ()
it "does not match if its subrule does not match" $
it "does not match if its subrule does not match" $
runAssignment headF (children red) (makeState "a" [node Blue 0 1 [node Green 0 1 []]]) `shouldBe` Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Red] Green))
runAssignment "a" headF (children red) (makeState [node Blue 0 1 [node Green 0 1 []]])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Red] Green))
it "matches nested children" $
it "matches nested children" $
runAssignment headF
fst <$> runAssignment "1" headF
(symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source)))
(symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source)))
(makeState "1" [ node Red 0 1 [ node Green 0 1 [ node Blue 0 1 [] ] ] ])
(makeState [ node Red 0 1 [ node Green 0 1 [ node Blue 0 1 [] ] ] ])
Right ("1", AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing "1" [])
Right "1"
it "continues after children" $
it "continues after children" $
runAssignment headF
fst <$> runAssignment "BC" headF
(many (symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> source)
(many (symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> source)
<|> symbol Blue *> source))
<|> symbol Blue *> source))
(makeState "BC" [ node Red 0 1 [ node Green 0 1 [] ]
(makeState [ node Red 0 1 [ node Green 0 1 [] ]
, node Blue 1 2 [] ])
, node Blue 1 2 [] ])
Right (["B", "C"], AssignmentState 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) (Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red, Blue]))) "BC" [])
Right ["B", "C"]
it "matches multiple nested children" $
it "matches multiple nested children" $
runAssignment headF
fst <$> runAssignment "12" headF
(symbol Red *> children (many (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source))))
(symbol Red *> children (many (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source))))
(makeState "12" [ node Red 0 2 [ node Green 0 1 [ node Blue 0 1 [] ]
(makeState [ node Red 0 2 [ node Green 0 1 [ node Blue 0 1 [] ]
, node Green 1 2 [ node Blue 1 2 [] ] ] ])
, node Green 1 2 [ node Blue 1 2 [] ] ] ])
Right (["1", "2"], AssignmentState 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) (Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Green]))) "12" [])
Right ["1", "2"]
describe "runAssignment" $ do
describe "runAssignment" $ do
it "drops anonymous nodes before matching symbols" $
it "drops anonymous nodes before matching symbols" $
runAssignment headF red (makeState "magenta red" [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "red", AssignmentState 11 (Info.Pos 1 12) Nothing "magenta red" [])
fst <$> runAssignment "magenta red" headF red (makeState [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []])
Right (Out "red")
it "does not drop anonymous nodes after matching" $
it "does not drop anonymous nodes after matching" $
runAssignment headF red (makeState "red magenta" [node Red 0 3 [], node Magenta 4 11 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "red", AssignmentState 3 (Info.Pos 1 4) Nothing "red magenta" [node Magenta 4 11 []])
stateNodes . snd <$> runAssignment "red magenta" headF red (makeState [node Red 0 3 [], node Magenta 4 11 []])
Right [node Magenta 4 11 []]
it "does not drop anonymous nodes when requested" $
it "does not drop anonymous nodes when requested" $
runAssignment headF ((,) <$> magenta <*> red) (makeState "magenta red" [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []]) `shouldBe` Right ((Out "magenta", Out "red"), AssignmentState 11 (Info.Pos 1 12) Nothing "magenta red" [])
fst <$> runAssignment "magenta red" headF ((,) <$> magenta <*> red) (makeState [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []])
Right (Out "magenta", Out "red")
node :: symbol -> Int -> Int -> [AST symbol] -> AST symbol
node :: symbol -> Int -> Int -> [AST symbol] -> AST symbol
node symbol start end children = cofree $ Node symbol (Range start end) (Info.Span (Info.Pos 1 (succ start)) (Info.Pos 1 (succ end))) :< children
node symbol start end children = cofree $ Node symbol (Range start end) (Info.Span (Info.Pos 1 (succ start)) (Info.Pos 1 (succ end))) :< children
data Grammar = Red | Green | Blue | Magenta
data Grammar = Palette | Red | Green | Blue | Magenta
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
instance Symbol Grammar where
instance Symbol Grammar where
symbolType Magenta = Anonymous
symbolType Magenta = Anonymous
symbolType _ = Regular
symbolType _ = Regular
data Out = Out ByteString
data Out = Out ByteString | OutError ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
red :: Assignment (AST Grammar) Grammar Out
red :: Assignment (AST Grammar) Grammar Out
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
if a:
if a:
elif d:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user