mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-04 13:34:31 +03:00

Merge pull request #301 from github/smarter-kinds

[semantic-python] Compile as (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Thomson 2019-10-02 11:18:12 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit b7912b94cf
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 90 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, DefaultSignatures, DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric, DerivingStrategies,
DerivingVia, DisambiguateRecordFields, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
LambdaCase, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedLists, OverloadedStrings, PatternSynonyms, ScopedTypeVariables,
StandaloneDeriving, TypeApplications, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
KindSignatures, LambdaCase, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedLists, OverloadedStrings, PatternSynonyms,
ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TypeApplications, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Language.Python.Core
( compile
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ type CoreSyntax sig t = ( Member Core sig
, Foldable t
class Compile py where
class Compile (py :: * -> *) where
-- FIXME: rather than failing the compilation process entirely
-- with MonadFail, we should emit core that represents failure
compileCC :: ( CoreSyntax syn t
@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ class Compile py where
, Carrier sig m
, MonadFail m
=> py
=> py Span
-> m (t Name)
-> m (t Name)
default compileCC :: (MonadFail m, Show py) => py -> m (t Name) -> m (t Name)
default compileCC :: (MonadFail m, Show (py Span)) => py Span -> m (t Name) -> m (t Name)
compileCC a _ = defaultCompile a
-- | TODO: This is not right, it should be a reference to a Preluded
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ compile :: ( Compile py
, Carrier sig m
, MonadFail m
=> py -> m (t Name)
=> py Span
-> m (t Name)
compile t = compileCC t (pure none)
locFromTSSpan :: SourcePath -> Source.Span -> Loc
@ -104,7 +105,10 @@ locate :: ( HasField "ann" syntax Span
, CoreSyntax syn t
, Member (Reader SourcePath) sig
, Carrier sig m
) => syntax -> t a -> m (t a)
=> syntax
-> t a
-> m (t a)
locate syn item = do
fp <- ask @SourcePath
pure (Core.annAt (locFromTSSpan fp (getField @"ann" syn)) item)
@ -112,15 +116,15 @@ locate syn item = do
defaultCompile :: (MonadFail m, Show py) => py -> m (t Name)
defaultCompile t = fail $ "compilation unimplemented for " <> show t
newtype CompileSum py = CompileSum py
newtype CompileSum py a = CompileSum (py a)
instance (Generic py, GCompileSum (Rep py)) => Compile (CompileSum py) where
compileCC (CompileSum a) cc = gcompileCCSum (from a) cc
instance (Generic1 py, GCompileSum (Rep1 py)) => Compile (CompileSum py) where
compileCC (CompileSum a) cc = gcompileCCSum (from1 a) cc
deriving via CompileSum ((l :+: r) Span) instance (Compile (l Span), Compile (r Span)) => Compile ((l :+: r) Span)
deriving via CompileSum (l :+: r) instance (Compile l, Compile r) => Compile (l :+: r)
instance Compile (Py.AssertStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.Attribute Span)
instance Compile Py.AssertStatement
instance Compile Py.Attribute
-- Assignment compilation. Assignments are an uneasy hybrid of expressions
-- (since they appear to have values, i.e. `a = b = c`) and statements (because
@ -132,8 +136,8 @@ instance Compile (Py.Attribute Span)
-- @
-- The tree structure that we get out of tree-sitter is not particulary conducive to expressing
-- this naturally, so we engage in a small desugaring step so that we can turn a list [a, b, c]
-- into a sequenced Core expression using >>>= and a left fold. (It's a left fold that has
-- information—specifically the LHS to assign—flowing through it rightward.)
-- into a sequenced Core expression using >>>= and a fold through which information—specifically
-- the LHS to assign—flows.
-- RHS represents the right-hand-side of an assignment that we get out of tree-sitter.
-- Desugared is the "terminal" node in a sequence of assignments, i.e. given a = b = c,
@ -176,7 +180,7 @@ collapseDesugared (Located loc n) cont rem =
let assigning = fmap (Core.annAt loc . ((Name.named' n :<- rem) >>>=))
in assigning (local (def n) (cont (pure n))) -- gotta call local here to record this assignment
instance Compile (Py.Assignment Span) where
instance Compile Py.Assignment where
compileCC it@Py.Assignment
{ left = SingleIdentifier name
, right = Just rhs
@ -190,53 +194,53 @@ instance Compile (Py.Assignment Span) where
-- End assignment compilation
instance Compile (Py.AugmentedAssignment Span)
instance Compile (Py.Await Span)
instance Compile (Py.BinaryOperator Span)
instance Compile Py.AugmentedAssignment
instance Compile Py.Await
instance Compile Py.BinaryOperator
instance Compile (Py.Block Span) where
instance Compile Py.Block where
compileCC it@Py.Block{ Py.extraChildren = body} cc = locate it =<< foldr compileCC cc body
instance Compile (Py.BooleanOperator Span)
instance Compile (Py.BreakStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.Call Span)
instance Compile (Py.ClassDefinition Span)
instance Compile (Py.ComparisonOperator Span)
instance Compile Py.BooleanOperator
instance Compile Py.BreakStatement
instance Compile Py.Call
instance Compile Py.ClassDefinition
instance Compile Py.ComparisonOperator
deriving via CompileSum (Py.CompoundStatement Span) instance Compile (Py.CompoundStatement Span)
deriving via CompileSum Py.CompoundStatement instance Compile Py.CompoundStatement
instance Compile (Py.ConcatenatedString Span)
instance Compile (Py.ConditionalExpression Span)
instance Compile (Py.ContinueStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.DecoratedDefinition Span)
instance Compile (Py.DeleteStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.Dictionary Span)
instance Compile (Py.DictionaryComprehension Span)
instance Compile (Py.Ellipsis Span)
instance Compile (Py.ExecStatement Span)
instance Compile Py.ConcatenatedString
instance Compile Py.ConditionalExpression
instance Compile Py.ContinueStatement
instance Compile Py.DecoratedDefinition
instance Compile Py.DeleteStatement
instance Compile Py.Dictionary
instance Compile Py.DictionaryComprehension
instance Compile Py.Ellipsis
instance Compile Py.ExecStatement
deriving via CompileSum (Py.Expression Span) instance Compile (Py.Expression Span)
deriving via CompileSum Py.Expression instance Compile Py.Expression
instance Compile (Py.ExpressionStatement Span) where
instance Compile Py.ExpressionStatement where
compileCC it@Py.ExpressionStatement
{ Py.extraChildren = children
} cc = do
foldr compileCC cc children >>= locate it
instance Compile (Py.ExpressionList Span) where
instance Compile Py.ExpressionList where
compileCC it@Py.ExpressionList { Py.extraChildren = [child] } cc
= compileCC child cc >>= locate it
compileCC Py.ExpressionList { Py.extraChildren = items } _
= fail ("unimplemented: ExpressionList of length " <> show items)
instance Compile (Py.False Span) where
instance Compile Py.False where
compileCC it _ = locate it $ bool False
instance Compile (Py.Float Span)
instance Compile (Py.ForStatement Span)
instance Compile Py.Float
instance Compile Py.ForStatement
instance Compile (Py.FunctionDefinition Span) where
instance Compile Py.FunctionDefinition where
compileCC it@Py.FunctionDefinition
{ name = Py.Identifier _ann1 name
, parameters = Py.Parameters _ann2 parameters
@ -256,14 +260,14 @@ instance Compile (Py.FunctionDefinition Span) where
unimplemented x = fail $ "unimplemented: " <> show x
assigning item f = (Name.named' name :<- item) >>>= f
instance Compile (Py.FutureImportStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.GeneratorExpression Span)
instance Compile (Py.GlobalStatement Span)
instance Compile Py.FutureImportStatement
instance Compile Py.GeneratorExpression
instance Compile Py.GlobalStatement
instance Compile (Py.Identifier Span) where
instance Compile Py.Identifier where
compileCC Py.Identifier { bytes } _ = pure (pure bytes)
instance Compile (Py.IfStatement Span) where
instance Compile Py.IfStatement where
compileCC it@Py.IfStatement{ condition, consequence, alternative} cc =
locate it =<< (if' <$> compile condition <*> compileCC consequence cc <*> foldr clause cc alternative)
where clause (R1 Py.ElseClause{ body }) _ = compileCC body cc
@ -271,14 +275,14 @@ instance Compile (Py.IfStatement Span) where
if' <$> compile condition <*> compileCC consequence cc <*> rest
instance Compile (Py.ImportFromStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.ImportStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.Integer Span)
instance Compile (Py.Lambda Span)
instance Compile (Py.List Span)
instance Compile (Py.ListComprehension Span)
instance Compile Py.ImportFromStatement
instance Compile Py.ImportStatement
instance Compile Py.Integer
instance Compile Py.Lambda
instance Compile Py.List
instance Compile Py.ListComprehension
instance Compile (Py.Module Span) where
instance Compile Py.Module where
compileCC it@Py.Module { Py.extraChildren = stmts } _cc = do
-- This action gets passed to compileCC, which means it is the
-- final action taken after the compiling fold finishes. It takes
@ -291,65 +295,68 @@ instance Compile (Py.Module Span) where
pure . record . fmap buildName $ bindings
foldr compileCC buildRecord stmts >>= locate it
instance Compile (Py.NamedExpression Span)
instance Compile (Py.None Span)
instance Compile (Py.NonlocalStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.NotOperator Span)
instance Compile (Py.ParenthesizedExpression Span)
instance Compile Py.NamedExpression
instance Compile Py.None
instance Compile Py.NonlocalStatement
instance Compile Py.NotOperator
instance Compile Py.ParenthesizedExpression
instance Compile (Py.PassStatement Span) where
instance Compile Py.PassStatement where
compileCC it@Py.PassStatement {} _ = locate it $ Core.unit
deriving via CompileSum (Py.PrimaryExpression Span) instance Compile (Py.PrimaryExpression Span)
deriving via CompileSum Py.PrimaryExpression instance Compile Py.PrimaryExpression
instance Compile (Py.PrintStatement Span)
instance Compile Py.PrintStatement
instance Compile (Py.ReturnStatement Span) where
instance Compile Py.ReturnStatement where
compileCC it@Py.ReturnStatement { Py.extraChildren = vals } _ = case vals of
Nothing -> locate it $ none
Just Py.ExpressionList { extraChildren = [val] } -> compile val >>= locate it
Just Py.ExpressionList { extraChildren = vals } -> fail ("unimplemented: return statement returning " <> show (length vals) <> " values")
instance Compile (Py.RaiseStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.Set Span)
instance Compile (Py.SetComprehension Span)
instance Compile Py.RaiseStatement
instance Compile Py.Set
instance Compile Py.SetComprehension
deriving via CompileSum (Py.SimpleStatement Span) instance Compile (Py.SimpleStatement Span)
deriving via CompileSum Py.SimpleStatement instance Compile Py.SimpleStatement
instance Compile (Py.String Span)
instance Compile (Py.Subscript Span)
instance Compile Py.String
instance Compile Py.Subscript
instance Compile (Py.True Span) where
instance Compile Py.True where
compileCC it _ = locate it $ bool True
instance Compile (Py.TryStatement Span)
instance Compile Py.TryStatement
instance Compile (Py.Tuple Span) where
instance Compile Py.Tuple where
compileCC it@Py.Tuple { Py.extraChildren = [] } _ = locate it unit
compileCC it _
= fail ("Unimplemented: non-empty tuple " <> show it)
instance Compile (Py.UnaryOperator Span)
instance Compile (Py.WhileStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.WithStatement Span)
instance Compile (Py.Yield Span)
instance Compile Py.UnaryOperator
instance Compile Py.WhileStatement
instance Compile Py.WithStatement
instance Compile Py.Yield
class GCompileSum f where
class GCompileSum (f :: * -> *) where
gcompileCCSum :: ( CoreSyntax syn t
, Member (Reader SourcePath) sig
, Member (Reader Bindings) sig
, Carrier sig m
, MonadFail m
) => f a -> m (t Name) -> m (t Name)
=> f Span
-> m (t Name)
-> m (t Name)
instance GCompileSum f => GCompileSum (M1 D d f) where
instance GCompileSum f => GCompileSum (M1 t d f) where
gcompileCCSum (M1 f) = gcompileCCSum f
instance (GCompileSum l, GCompileSum r) => GCompileSum (l :+: r) where
gcompileCCSum (L1 l) = gcompileCCSum l
gcompileCCSum (R1 r) = gcompileCCSum r
instance Compile t => GCompileSum (M1 C c (M1 S s (K1 R t))) where
gcompileCCSum (M1 (M1 (K1 t))) = compileCC t
instance Compile t => GCompileSum (Rec1 t) where
gcompileCCSum (Rec1 t) = compileCC t

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import qualified Data.Core.Parser as Core.Parser
import qualified Data.Core.Pretty as Core.Pretty
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import System.Process
import qualified Text.Trifecta as Trifecta

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ instance ToJSON1 Named where
-- The correct thing to do here is to manually munge the bytestring
-- together as a builder, but we don't even hit this code path,
-- so it will do for now.
liftToEncoding f _ (Named name a) = f a
liftToEncoding f _ (Named _name a) = f a
instance ToJSON2 Incr where
liftToJSON2 f _ g _ = \case

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import Data.String (fromString)
import GHC.Stack
import qualified Language.Python.Core as Py
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import qualified Source.Span as Source (Span)
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Stream
import qualified Streaming.Process
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ fixtureTestTreeForFile fp = HUnit.testCaseSteps (Path.toString fp) $ \step -> wi
. runFail
. runReader (fromString @Py.SourcePath . Path.toString $ fp)
. runReader @Py.Bindings mempty
. Py.compile @(TSP.Module Source.Span) @_ @(Term (Ann :+: Core))
. Py.compile @TSP.Module @_ @(Term (Ann :+: Core))
<$> result
for_ directives $ \directive -> do