mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-30 10:27:45 +03:00

diffBlobPairs takes a decorator to apply.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-05-10 15:21:35 -04:00
parent 6a07e1ca29
commit bba39a5524
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ import System.FilePath
-- - Easy to consume this interface from other application (e.g a cmdline or web server app).
-- | Diff a list of SourceBlob pairs to produce ByteString output using the specified renderer.
diffBlobPairs :: (Monoid output, StringConv output ByteString) => DiffRenderer DefaultFields output -> [Both SourceBlob] -> IO ByteString
diffBlobPairs renderer blobs = do
diffBlobPairs :: (Monoid output, StringConv output ByteString, HasField fields Category, NFData (Record fields)) => (Source -> Term (Syntax Text) (Record DefaultFields) -> Term (Syntax Text) (Record fields)) -> DiffRenderer fields output -> [Both SourceBlob] -> IO ByteString
diffBlobPairs decorator renderer blobs = do
diffs <- Async.mapConcurrently go blobs
let diffs' = diffs >>= \ (blobs, diff) -> (,) blobs <$> toList diff
toS <$> renderConcurrently (resolveDiffRenderer renderer) (diffs' `using` parTraversable (parTuple2 r0 rdeepseq))
go blobPair = do
diff <- diffBlobPair identity blobPair
diff <- diffBlobPair decorator blobPair
pure (blobPair, diff)
-- | Diff a pair of SourceBlobs.

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ runDiff DiffArguments{..} = do
blobs <- runCommand $ case diffMode of
DiffPaths a b -> pure <$> traverse readFile (both a b)
DiffCommits sha1 sha2 paths -> readFilesAtSHAs gitDir alternateObjectDirs paths (both sha1 sha2)
Semantic.diffBlobPairs diffRenderer blobs
Semantic.diffBlobPairs identity diffRenderer blobs
runParse :: ParseArguments -> IO ByteString
runParse ParseArguments{..} = do