mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-27 00:44:57 +03:00

rename and prune

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Thomson 2018-11-05 16:56:49 -05:00
parent 15f5319252
commit bdc5db555b
6 changed files with 39 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -8,22 +8,19 @@ module Control.Matching
, target
, purely
, ensure
, succeeds
, fails
-- | Predicate filtering
, match
, refine
, only
-- | Projecting terms and sums
, narrow
, narrowF
, need
, (.>>)
, enter
-- | Useful matchers
, mhead
, mjust
-- | Running matchers
, matchRecursively
, matchOne
, match
-- | Reexports from Control.Category
, (>>>)
, (<<<)
@ -86,15 +83,7 @@ instance Category Matcher where
instance Arrow Matcher where
(***) = Split
arr = purely
-- | This matcher always succeeds.
succeeds :: Matcher t ()
succeeds = guard True
-- | This matcher always fails.
fails :: Matcher t ()
fails = guard False
arr f = fmap f target
-- | 'target' extracts the 't' that a given 'Matcher' is operating upon.
-- Similar to a reader monad's 'ask' function. This is an alias for 'id'
@ -102,14 +91,15 @@ target :: Matcher t t
target = id
-- | 'ensure' succeeds iff the provided predicate function returns true when applied to the matcher's 'target'.
ensure :: (t -> Bool) -> Matcher t ()
ensure f = target >>= \c -> guard (f c)
-- If it succeeds, it returns the matcher's 'target'.
ensure :: (t -> Bool) -> Matcher t t
ensure f = target >>= \c -> c <$ guard (f c)
-- | Promote a pure function to a 'Matcher'.
-- | Promote a pure function to a 'Matcher'. An alias for 'arr'.
purely :: (a -> b) -> Matcher a b
purely f = fmap f target
purely = arr
-- | 'match' takes a modification function and a new matcher action
-- | 'refine' takes a modification function and a new matcher action
-- the target parameter of which is the result of the modification
-- function. If the modification function returns 'Just' when applied
-- to the current 'target', the given matcher is executed with the
@ -117,37 +107,26 @@ purely f = fmap f target
-- the action fails.
-- This is the lowest-level combinator for applying a predicate function
-- to a matcher. In practice, you'll generally use the 'need' and '.>>'
-- to a matcher. In practice, you'll generally use the 'enter' and 'narrow'
-- combinators to iterate on recursive 'Term' values.
match :: (t -> Maybe u) -> Matcher u a -> Matcher t a
match = Match
refine :: (t -> Maybe u) -> Matcher u a -> Matcher t a
refine = Match
-- | An alias for the common pattern of @match f id@.
only :: (t -> Maybe u) -> Matcher t u
only f = Match f Target
-- | The 'need' combinator is the primary interface for creating
-- | The 'enter' combinator is the primary interface for creating
-- matchers that 'project' their internal 'Term' values into some
-- constituent type. Given a function from a constituent type @f@
-- @need p@ succeeds if the provided term can be projected into
-- an @f@, then applies the @p@ function.
need :: ( f :< fs
, term ~ Term (Sum fs) ann
enter :: ( f :< fs
, term ~ Term (Sum fs) ann
=> (f term -> b)
-> Matcher term b
need f = Match (fmap f . projectTerm) target
-- | An alias for @need f >>>@. Allows you to avoid repeated
-- calls to 'need' in long chains of projection and composition.
-- Similar to '^>>' from Control.Arrow, except the call to 'projectTerm'
-- is implicit.
infixr 0 .>>
(.>>) :: (f :< fs, term ~ Term (Sum fs) ann)
=> (f term -> b)
-> Matcher b c
-> Matcher term c
f .>> a = need f >>> a
enter f = Match (fmap f . projectTerm) target
-- | 'narrow' projects the given 'Term' of 'Sum's into a constituent member
-- of that 'Sum', failing if the target cannot be thus projected.
@ -190,16 +169,16 @@ matchRecursively :: (Alternative m, Monad m, Corecursive t, Recursive t, Foldabl
matchRecursively m = para (paraMatcher m)
paraMatcher :: (Alternative m, Monad m, Corecursive t, Foldable (Base t)) => Matcher t a -> RAlgebra (Base t) t (m a)
paraMatcher m t = matchOne (embedTerm t) m <|> foldMapA snd t
paraMatcher m t = match (embedTerm t) m <|> foldMapA snd t
-- | Run one step of a 'Matcher' computation. Look at 'matchRecursively' if you want something
-- that folds over subterms.
matchOne :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => t -> Matcher t a -> m a
matchOne t (Choice a b) = matchOne t a <|> matchOne t b
matchOne t Target = pure t
matchOne t (Match f m) = foldMapA (`matchOne` m) (f t)
matchOne t (Comp g f) = matchOne t f >>= \x -> matchOne x g
matchOne _ (Pure a) = pure a
matchOne _ Empty = empty
matchOne t (Then m f) = matchOne t m >>= matchOne t . f
matchOne t (Split f g) = matchOne t id >>= \(a, b) -> (,) <$> matchOne a f <*> matchOne b g
match :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => t -> Matcher t a -> m a
match t (Choice a b) = match t a <|> match t b
match t Target = pure t
match t (Match f m) = foldMapA (`match` m) (f t)
match t (Comp g f) = match t f >>= \x -> match x g
match _ (Pure a) = pure a
match _ Empty = empty
match t (Then m f) = match t m >>= match t . f
match t (Split f g) = match t id >>= \(a, b) -> (,) <$> match a f <*> match b g

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ import Data.Profunctor
import qualified Data.Sum as Sum hiding (apply)
import Data.Text (pack)
import Control.Matching (Matcher, matchOne)
import Control.Matching (Matcher, match)
import Data.History as History
import Data.Term
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ promote = Promote
-- | Promote a 'Matcher' to a 'Rule'.
fromMatcher :: Matcher from to -> Rule env from to
fromMatcher m = target >>= \t -> maybeM (fail "fromMatcher") (matchOne t m)
fromMatcher m = target >>= \t -> maybeM (fail "fromMatcher") (match t m)
-- | Promote a Rule from a recursive functor to one over terms, operating
-- leaf-to-root in the style of 'Data.Functor.Foldable.para'.

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@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ kvMatcher :: forall fs term .
) =>
Text -> Matcher term (Literal.KeyValue term)
kvMatcher name = narrow <* matchKey where
matchKey = Literal.key
.>> need Literal.textElementContent
matchKey = enter Literal.key
>>> enter Literal.textElementContent
>>> ensure (== name)
changeKV :: ( Apply Functor syntax

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@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ onTrees = do
-- Matches only "hi" string literals.
isHi :: ( Literal.TextElement :< fs
) => Matcher (Term (Sum fs) History) Text
isHi = need Literal.textElementContent
isHi = enter Literal.textElementContent
>>> ensure (== "\"hi\"")
*> id
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "rewriting" $ do

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import SpecHelpers
-- This gets the Text contents of all integers
integerMatcher :: (Lit.Integer :< fs) => Matcher (Term (Sum fs) ann) Text
integerMatcher = need Lit.integerContent
integerMatcher = enter Lit.integerContent
-- This matches all for-loops with its index variable new variable bound to 0,
-- e.g. `for i := 0; i < 10; i++`
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ loopMatcher :: ( Stmt.For :< fs
, Lit.Integer :< fs)
=> TermMatcher fs ann
loopMatcher = target <* go where
go = Stmt.forBefore
.>> Stmt.assignmentValue
.>> need Lit.integerContent
go = enter Stmt.forBefore
>>> enter Stmt.assignmentValue
>>> enter Lit.integerContent
>>> ensure (== "0")

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@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ docstringMatcher :: ( Decl.Function :< fs
, term ~ Term (Sum fs) ann
) => Matcher term (TermF Decl.Function ann term)
docstringMatcher =
narrowF <* (Decl.functionBody
.>> narrow @[]
narrowF <* (enter Decl.functionBody
>>> narrow @[]
>>> mhead
>>> narrow @Lit.TextElement
>>> ensure Lit.isTripleQuoted)