mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 21:47:07 +03:00
Merge pull request #1764 from github/lazy-parse
Read and evaluate projects in Task
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ assignmentExample lang = case lang of
"Markdown" -> mk "md" "markdown"
"JSON" -> mk "json" "json"
_ -> mk "" ""
where mk fileExtension parser = putStrLn ("example: fmap (() <$) . runTask . parse " ++ parser ++ "Parser =<< Semantic.Util.file \"example." ++ fileExtension ++ "\"") >> return ("import Parsing.Parser\nimport Semantic.Task\nimport Semantic.Util")
where mk fileExtension parser = putStrLn ("example: fmap (() <$) . runTask . parse " ++ parser ++ "Parser =<< Semantic.Util.blob \"example." ++ fileExtension ++ "\"") >> return ("import Parsing.Parser\nimport Semantic.Task\nimport Semantic.Util")
:undef assignment
:def assignment assignmentExample
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ library
, Data.Diff
, Data.Empty
, Data.Error
, Data.File
, Data.Functor.Both
, Data.Functor.Classes.Generic
, Data.JSON.Fields
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
, variable
, evaluateTerm
, evaluateModule
, evaluateModules
, evaluatePackage
, evaluatePackageBody
, throwLoadError
@ -252,12 +251,6 @@ evaluateModule :: MonadEvaluatable location term value m
-> m value
evaluateModule m = analyzeModule (subtermValue . moduleBody) (fmap (Subterm <*> evaluateTerm) m)
-- | Evaluate with a list of modules in scope, taking the head module as the entry point.
evaluateModules :: MonadEvaluatable location term value m
=> [Module term]
-> m value
evaluateModules = fmap Prelude.head . evaluatePackageBody . Package.fromModules
-- | Evaluate a given package.
evaluatePackage :: ( Effectful m
, Member (Reader (SomeOrigin term)) effects
@ -271,11 +264,16 @@ evaluatePackage p = pushOrigin (packageOrigin p) (evaluatePackageBody (packageBo
evaluatePackageBody :: MonadEvaluatable location term value m
=> PackageBody term
-> m [value]
evaluatePackageBody body = localModuleTable (<> packageModules body)
(traverse evaluateEntryPoint (ModuleTable.toPairs (packageEntryPoints body)))
where evaluateEntryPoint (m, sym) = do
evaluatePackageBody body = withPrelude (packagePrelude body) $
localModuleTable (<> packageModules body) (traverse evaluateEntryPoint (ModuleTable.toPairs (packageEntryPoints body)))
evaluateEntryPoint (m, sym) = do
(_, v) <- require m
maybe (pure v) ((`call` []) <=< variable) sym
withPrelude Nothing a = a
withPrelude (Just prelude) a = do
preludeEnv <- evaluateModule prelude *> getEnv
withDefaultEnvironment preludeEnv a
-- | Push a 'SomeOrigin' onto the stack. This should be used to contextualize execution with information about the originating term, module, or package.
pushOrigin :: ( Effectful m
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ newtype Version = Version { versionString :: String }
data PackageBody term = PackageBody
{ packageModules :: ModuleTable [Module term]
, packagePrelude :: Maybe (Module term)
, packageEntryPoints :: ModuleTable (Maybe Name)
deriving (Eq, Functor, Ord, Show)
@ -30,11 +31,12 @@ data Package term = Package
deriving (Eq, Functor, Ord, Show)
fromModules :: [Module term] -> PackageBody term
fromModules [] = PackageBody mempty mempty
fromModules (m:ms) = fromModulesWithEntryPoint (m : ms) (modulePath (moduleInfo m))
fromModulesWithEntryPoint :: [Module term] -> FilePath -> PackageBody term
fromModulesWithEntryPoint ms path = PackageBody (ModuleTable.fromModules ms) entryPoints
where entryPoints = ModuleTable.singleton path Nothing
fromModules :: PackageName -> Maybe Version -> Maybe (Module term) -> [Module term] -> Package term
fromModules name version prelude = Package (PackageInfo name version) . go prelude
go :: Maybe (Module term) -> [Module term] -> PackageBody term
go p [] = PackageBody mempty p mempty
go p (m:ms) = PackageBody (ModuleTable.fromModules (m : ms)) p entryPoints
entryPoints = ModuleTable.singleton path Nothing
path = modulePath (moduleInfo m)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Data.File where
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (pack)
import Data.Language
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Prologue
import System.FilePath.Posix
data File = File
{ filePath :: FilePath
, fileLanguage :: Maybe Language
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
file :: FilePath -> File
file path = File path (languageForFilePath path)
where languageForFilePath = languageForType . takeExtension
data Project = Project
{ projectEntryPoints :: NonEmpty File
, projectRootDir :: FilePath
, projectFiles :: [File]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
projectAllFiles :: Project -> [File]
projectAllFiles Project{..} = NonEmpty.toList projectEntryPoints <> projectFiles
projectName :: Project -> ByteString
projectName = BC.pack . dropExtensions . takeFileName . projectRootDir
projectLanguage :: Project -> Maybe Language
projectLanguage = fileLanguage. projectEntryPoint
projectEntryPoint :: Project -> File
projectEntryPoint = NonEmpty.head . projectEntryPoints
projectExtensions :: Project -> [String]
projectExtensions = extensionsForLanguage . projectLanguage
@ -32,3 +32,14 @@ languageForType mediaType = case mediaType of
".php" -> Just PHP
".phpt" -> Just PHP
_ -> Nothing
extensionsForLanguage :: Maybe Language -> [String]
extensionsForLanguage Nothing = []
extensionsForLanguage (Just language) = case language of
Go -> ["go"]
JavaScript -> ["js"]
PHP -> ["php"]
Python -> ["py"]
Ruby -> ["rb"]
TypeScript -> ["ts", "tsx", "d.tsx"]
_ -> []
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Data.Language
import Data.Record
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import Data.Term
import Data.File
import Foreign.Ptr
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TypeLevel
import qualified Language.Go.Assignment as Go
@ -54,8 +55,7 @@ data SomeAnalysisParser typeclasses ann where
SomeAnalysisParser :: ( Member Syntax.Identifier fs
, ApplyAll' typeclasses fs)
=> Parser (Term (Union fs) ann) -- ^ A parser.
-> [String] -- ^ List of valid file extensions to be used for module resolution.
-> Maybe String -- ^ Maybe path to prelude.
-> Maybe File -- ^ Maybe path to prelude.
-> SomeAnalysisParser typeclasses ann
-- | A parser for some specific language, producing 'Term's whose syntax satisfies a list of typeclass constraints.
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ someAnalysisParser :: ( ApplyAll' typeclasses Go.Syntax
=> proxy typeclasses -- ^ A proxy for the list of typeclasses required, e.g. @(Proxy :: Proxy '[Show1])@.
-> Language -- ^ The 'Language' to select.
-> SomeAnalysisParser typeclasses (Record Location) -- ^ A 'SomeAnalysisParser abstracting the syntax type to be produced.
someAnalysisParser _ Go = SomeAnalysisParser goParser ["go"] Nothing
someAnalysisParser _ JavaScript = SomeAnalysisParser typescriptParser ["js"] Nothing
someAnalysisParser _ PHP = SomeAnalysisParser phpParser ["php"] Nothing
someAnalysisParser _ Python = SomeAnalysisParser pythonParser ["py"] (Just (TypeLevel.symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (PreludePath Python.Term))))
someAnalysisParser _ Ruby = SomeAnalysisParser rubyParser ["rb"] (Just (TypeLevel.symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (PreludePath Ruby.Term))))
someAnalysisParser _ TypeScript = SomeAnalysisParser typescriptParser ["ts", "tsx", "d.tsx"] Nothing
someAnalysisParser _ Go = SomeAnalysisParser goParser Nothing
someAnalysisParser _ JavaScript = SomeAnalysisParser typescriptParser Nothing
someAnalysisParser _ PHP = SomeAnalysisParser phpParser Nothing
someAnalysisParser _ Python = SomeAnalysisParser pythonParser $ Just (File (TypeLevel.symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (PreludePath Python.Term))) (Just Python))
someAnalysisParser _ Ruby = SomeAnalysisParser rubyParser $ Just (File (TypeLevel.symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (PreludePath Ruby.Term))) (Just Ruby))
someAnalysisParser _ TypeScript = SomeAnalysisParser typescriptParser Nothing
someAnalysisParser _ l = error $ "Analysis not supported for: " <> show l
@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ module Semantic.CLI
, runParse
) where
import Data.Language
import Data.File
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List.Split (splitWhen)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Development.GitRev
@ -28,14 +29,14 @@ import Text.Read
main :: IO ()
main = customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) arguments >>= uncurry Task.runTaskWithOptions
runDiff :: SomeRenderer DiffRenderer -> Either Handle [Both (FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Task.TaskEff ByteString
runDiff :: SomeRenderer DiffRenderer -> Either Handle [Both File] -> Task.TaskEff ByteString
runDiff (SomeRenderer diffRenderer) = Semantic.diffBlobPairs diffRenderer <=< Task.readBlobPairs
runParse :: SomeRenderer TermRenderer -> Either Handle [(FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Task.TaskEff ByteString
runParse :: SomeRenderer TermRenderer -> Either Handle [File] -> Task.TaskEff ByteString
runParse (SomeRenderer parseTreeRenderer) = Semantic.parseBlobs parseTreeRenderer <=< Task.readBlobs
runGraph :: SomeRenderer GraphRenderer -> Maybe FilePath -> (FilePath, Maybe Language) -> Task.TaskEff ByteString
runGraph (SomeRenderer r) rootDir = Semantic.graph rootDir r <=< Task.readBlob
runGraph :: SomeRenderer GraphRenderer -> Maybe FilePath -> NonEmpty File -> Task.TaskEff ByteString
runGraph (SomeRenderer r) dir = Semantic.graph r <=< Task.readProject dir
-- | A parser for the application's command-line arguments.
@ -89,14 +90,14 @@ arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> ((,) <$> optionsParser <*> argumentsPar
renderer <- flag (SomeRenderer DOTGraphRenderer) (SomeRenderer DOTGraphRenderer) (long "dot" <> help "Output in DOT graph format (default)")
<|> flag' (SomeRenderer JSONGraphRenderer) (long "json" <> help "Output JSON graph")
rootDir <- optional (strOption (long "root" <> help "Root directory of project. Optional, defaults to entry file's directory." <> metavar "DIRECTORY"))
entryPoint <- argument filePathReader (metavar "ENTRY_FILE")
pure $ runGraph renderer rootDir entryPoint
entryPoints <- NonEmpty.some1 (argument filePathReader (metavar "FILES..." <> help "Entry point(s)"))
pure $ runGraph renderer rootDir entryPoints
filePathReader = eitherReader parseFilePath
parseFilePath arg = case splitWhen (== ':') arg of
[a, b] | Just lang <- readMaybe a -> Right (b, Just lang)
| Just lang <- readMaybe b -> Right (a, Just lang)
[path] -> Right (path, languageForFilePath path)
[a, b] | Just lang <- readMaybe a -> Right (File b (Just lang))
| Just lang <- readMaybe b -> Right (File a (Just lang))
[path] -> Right (File path (languageForFilePath path))
_ -> Left ("cannot parse `" <> arg <> "`\nexpecting LANGUAGE:FILE or just FILE")
optionsReader options = eitherReader $ \ str -> maybe (Left ("expected one of: " <> intercalate ", " (fmap fst options))) (Right . snd) (find ((== str) . fst) options)
@ -4,40 +4,94 @@ module Semantic.Graph where
import qualified Analysis.Abstract.ImportGraph as Abstract
import qualified Data.Abstract.Evaluatable as Analysis
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import qualified Data.Abstract.ModuleTable as ModuleTable
import Data.Abstract.Package
import Data.Blob
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (pack)
import Data.Abstract.Package as Package
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.File
import Data.Term
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import Data.Abstract.Value (Value)
import Data.Abstract.Located
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Analysis.Abstract.BadAddresses
import Analysis.Abstract.BadModuleResolutions
import Analysis.Abstract.BadValues
import Analysis.Abstract.BadVariables
import Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating
import Analysis.Abstract.Quiet
import Data.Output
import Parsing.Parser
import Prologue hiding (MonadError (..))
import Rendering.Renderer
import Semantic.IO (Files, NoLanguageForBlob (..))
import Semantic.Task
import System.FilePath.Posix
graph :: (Members '[Distribute WrappedTask, Files, Task, Exc SomeException, Telemetry] effs)
=> Maybe FilePath
-> GraphRenderer output
-> Blob
=> GraphRenderer output
-> Project
-> Eff effs ByteString
graph maybeRootDir renderer Blob{..}
| Just (SomeAnalysisParser parser exts preludePath) <- someAnalysisParser
(Proxy :: Proxy '[ Analysis.Evaluatable, Analysis.Declarations1, FreeVariables1, Functor, Eq1, Ord1, Show1 ]) <$> blobLanguage = do
let rootDir = fromMaybe (takeDirectory blobPath) maybeRootDir
paths <- filter (/= blobPath) <$> listFiles rootDir exts
prelude <- traverse (parseModule parser Nothing) preludePath
let name = packageName blobPath
package <- parsePackage name parser rootDir (blobPath : paths)
let modulePaths = intercalate "," $ ModuleTable.keys (packageModules (packageBody package))
writeLog Info ("Package " <> show name <> " loaded") [("paths", modulePaths)]
graphImports prelude package >>= case renderer of
graph renderer project
| Just (SomeAnalysisParser parser prelude) <- someAnalysisParser
(Proxy :: Proxy '[ Analysis.Evaluatable, Analysis.Declarations1, FreeVariables1, Functor, Eq1, Ord1, Show1 ]) <$> projectLanguage project = do
parsePackage parser prelude project >>= graphImports >>= case renderer of
JSONGraphRenderer -> pure . toOutput
DOTGraphRenderer -> pure . Abstract.renderImportGraph
| otherwise = throwError (SomeException (NoLanguageForBlob blobPath))
| otherwise = throwError (SomeException (NoLanguageForBlob (filePath (projectEntryPoint project))))
where packageName = name . BC.pack . dropExtensions . takeFileName
-- | Parse a list of files into a 'Package'.
parsePackage :: Members '[Distribute WrappedTask, Files, Task] effs
=> Parser term -- ^ A parser.
-> Maybe File -- ^ Prelude (optional).
-> Project -- ^ Project to parse into a package.
-> Eff effs (Package term)
parsePackage parser preludeFile project@Project{..} = do
prelude <- traverse (parseModule parser Nothing) preludeFile
Package.fromModules n Nothing prelude <$> parseModules parser project
n = name (projectName project)
-- | Parse all files in a project into 'Module's.
parseModules :: Members '[Distribute WrappedTask, Files, Task] effs => Parser term -> Project -> Eff effs [Module term]
parseModules parser project@Project{..} = distributeFor allFiles (WrapTask . parseModule parser (Just projectRootDir))
where allFiles = projectAllFiles project
-- | Parse a file into a 'Module'.
parseModule :: Members '[Files, Task] effs => Parser term -> Maybe FilePath -> File -> Eff effs (Module term)
parseModule parser rootDir file = do
blob <- readBlob file
moduleForBlob rootDir blob <$> parse parser blob
type ImportGraphAnalysis term effects value =
(BadAddresses (BadModuleResolutions (BadVariables (BadValues (Quietly (Evaluating (Located Precise term) term (Value (Located Precise term))))))))
-- | Render the import graph for a given 'Package'.
graphImports :: (
Show ann
, Ord ann
, Apply Analysis.Declarations1 syntax
, Apply Analysis.Evaluatable syntax
, Apply FreeVariables1 syntax
, Apply Functor syntax
, Apply Ord1 syntax
, Apply Eq1 syntax
, Apply Show1 syntax
, Member Syntax.Identifier syntax
, Members '[Exc SomeException, Task] effs
, term ~ Term (Union syntax) ann
=> Package term -> Eff effs Abstract.ImportGraph
graphImports package = analyze (Analysis.SomeAnalysis (Analysis.evaluatePackage package `asAnalysisForTypeOfPackage` package)) >>= extractGraph
asAnalysisForTypeOfPackage :: ImportGraphAnalysis term effs value
-> Package term
-> ImportGraphAnalysis term effs value
asAnalysisForTypeOfPackage = const
extractGraph result = case result of
(Right (Right (Right (Right (Right (Right (Right (Right ((((_, graph), _), _), _)))))))), _) -> pure $! graph
_ -> throwError (toException (Exc.ErrorCall ("graphImports: import graph rendering failed " <> show result)))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveDataTypeable, DuplicateRecordFields, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveDataTypeable, DuplicateRecordFields, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Semantic.IO
( readFile
, readFilePair
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ module Semantic.IO
, readBlobsFromDir
, languageForFilePath
, NoLanguageForBlob(..)
, listFiles
, readBlob
, readProject
, readBlobs
, readBlobPairs
, writeToOutput
@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Blob as Blob
import Data.Bool
import Data.File
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Language
import Data.Source
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Prologue hiding (MonadError (..), fail)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
@ -41,16 +43,16 @@ import System.IO (Handle)
import Text.Read
-- | Read a utf8-encoded file to a 'Blob'.
readFile :: forall m. MonadIO m => FilePath -> Maybe Language -> m (Maybe Blob.Blob)
readFile "/dev/null" _ = pure Nothing
readFile path language = do
readFile :: forall m. MonadIO m => File -> m (Maybe Blob.Blob)
readFile (File "/dev/null" _) = pure Nothing
readFile (File path language) = do
raw <- liftIO (Just <$> B.readFile path)
pure $ Blob.sourceBlob path language . fromBytes <$> raw
readFilePair :: forall m. MonadIO m => (FilePath, Maybe Language) -> (FilePath, Maybe Language) -> m Blob.BlobPair
readFilePair :: forall m. MonadIO m => File -> File -> m Blob.BlobPair
readFilePair a b = do
before <- uncurry readFile a
after <- uncurry readFile b
before <- readFile a
after <- readFile b
case (before, after) of
(Just a, Nothing) -> pure (Join (This a))
(Nothing, Just b) -> pure (Join (That b))
@ -77,19 +79,30 @@ readBlobsFromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m [Blob.Blob]
readBlobsFromHandle = fmap toBlobs . readFromHandle
where toBlobs BlobParse{..} = fmap toBlob blobs
readBlobFromPath :: MonadIO m => (FilePath, Maybe Language) -> m Blob.Blob
readBlobFromPath :: MonadIO m => File -> m Blob.Blob
readBlobFromPath file = do
maybeFile <- uncurry readFile file
maybeFile <- readFile file
maybe (fail ("cannot read '" <> show file <> "', file not found or language not supported.")) pure maybeFile
readBlobsFromPaths :: MonadIO m => [(FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> m [Blob.Blob]
readBlobsFromPaths files = catMaybes <$> traverse (uncurry readFile) files
readBlobsFromPaths :: MonadIO m => [File] -> m [Blob.Blob]
readBlobsFromPaths files = catMaybes <$> traverse readFile files
readProjectFromPaths :: MonadIO m => Maybe FilePath -> NonEmpty File -> m Project
readProjectFromPaths root files = do
paths <- liftIO $ filter (/= entryPointPath) <$> fmap fold (globDir (compile . mappend "**/*." <$> exts) rootDir)
pure $ Project files rootDir (toFile <$> paths)
toFile path = File path (languageForFilePath path)
exts = extensionsForLanguage (fileLanguage entryPoint)
entryPoint = NonEmpty.head files
entryPointPath = filePath entryPoint
rootDir = fromMaybe (takeDirectory entryPointPath) root
readBlobsFromDir :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m [Blob.Blob]
readBlobsFromDir path = do
paths <- liftIO (globDir1 (compile "[^vendor]**/*[.rb|.js|.tsx|.go|.py]") path)
let paths' = catMaybes $ fmap (\p -> (p,) . Just <$> languageForFilePath p) paths
blobs <- traverse (uncurry readFile) paths'
let paths' = catMaybes $ fmap (\p -> File p . Just <$> languageForFilePath p) paths
blobs <- traverse readFile paths'
pure (catMaybes blobs)
readFromHandle :: (FromJSON a, MonadIO m) => Handle -> m a
@ -136,20 +149,20 @@ instance FromJSON BlobPair where
newtype NoLanguageForBlob = NoLanguageForBlob FilePath
deriving (Eq, Exception, Ord, Show, Typeable)
listFiles :: Member Files effs => FilePath -> [String] -> Eff effs [FilePath]
listFiles dir exts = send (ListFiles dir exts)
readBlob :: Member Files effs => (FilePath, Maybe Language) -> Eff effs Blob.Blob
readBlob :: Member Files effs => File -> Eff effs Blob.Blob
readBlob = send . ReadBlob
-- | A task which reads a list of 'Blob's from a 'Handle' or a list of 'FilePath's optionally paired with 'Language's.
readBlobs :: Member Files effs => Either Handle [(FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Eff effs [Blob.Blob]
readBlobs :: Member Files effs => Either Handle [File] -> Eff effs [Blob.Blob]
readBlobs = send . ReadBlobs
-- | A task which reads a list of pairs of 'Blob's from a 'Handle' or a list of pairs of 'FilePath's optionally paired with 'Language's.
readBlobPairs :: Member Files effs => Either Handle [Both (FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Eff effs [Blob.BlobPair]
readBlobPairs :: Member Files effs => Either Handle [Both File] -> Eff effs [Blob.BlobPair]
readBlobPairs = send . ReadBlobPairs
readProject :: Member Files effs => Maybe FilePath -> NonEmpty File -> Eff effs Project
readProject dir files = send (ReadProject dir files)
-- | A task which writes a 'B.ByteString' to a 'Handle' or a 'FilePath'.
writeToOutput :: Member Files effs => Either Handle FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Eff effs ()
writeToOutput path = send . WriteToOutput path
@ -157,23 +170,21 @@ writeToOutput path = send . WriteToOutput path
-- | An effect to read/write 'Blob.Blob's from 'Handle's or 'FilePath's.
data Files out where
ReadBlob :: (FilePath, Maybe Language) -> Files Blob.Blob
ListFiles :: FilePath -> [String] -> Files [FilePath]
ReadBlobs :: Either Handle [(FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Files [Blob.Blob]
ReadBlobPairs :: Either Handle [Both (FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Files [Blob.BlobPair]
ReadBlob :: File -> Files Blob.Blob
ReadBlobs :: Either Handle [File] -> Files [Blob.Blob]
ReadBlobPairs :: Either Handle [Both File] -> Files [Blob.BlobPair]
ReadProject :: Maybe FilePath -> NonEmpty File -> Files Project
WriteToOutput :: Either Handle FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Files ()
-- | Run a 'Files' effect in 'IO'.
runFiles :: Members '[Exc SomeException, IO] effs => Eff (Files ': effs) a -> Eff effs a
runFiles = interpret $ \ files -> case files of
ReadBlob path -> rethrowing (readBlobFromPath path)
ListFiles directory exts -> liftIO $ fmap fold (globDir (compile . mappend "**/*." <$> exts) directory)
ReadBlobs (Left handle) -> rethrowing (readBlobsFromHandle handle)
ReadBlobs (Right paths@[(path, Nothing)]) -> rethrowing (isDirectory path >>= bool (readBlobsFromPaths paths) (readBlobsFromDir path))
ReadBlobs (Right paths@[File path Nothing]) -> rethrowing (isDirectory path >>= bool (readBlobsFromPaths paths) (readBlobsFromDir path))
ReadBlobs (Right paths) -> rethrowing (readBlobsFromPaths paths)
ReadBlobPairs source -> rethrowing (either readBlobPairsFromHandle (traverse (runBothWith readFilePair)) source)
ReadProject dir files -> rethrowing (readProjectFromPaths dir files)
WriteToOutput destination contents -> liftIO (either B.hPutStr B.writeFile destination contents)
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ module Semantic.Task
, RAlgebra
, Differ
-- * I/O
, IO.listFiles
, IO.readBlob
, IO.readBlobs
, IO.readBlobPairs
, IO.readProject
, IO.writeToOutput
-- * Telemetry
, writeLog
@ -18,14 +18,10 @@ module Semantic.Task
, time
-- * High-level flow
, parse
, parseModule
, parseModules
, parsePackage
, analyze
, decorate
, diff
, render
, graphImports
-- * Concurrency
, distribute
, distributeFor
@ -47,29 +43,14 @@ module Semantic.Task
, Telemetry
) where
import Analysis.Abstract.BadAddresses
import Analysis.Abstract.BadModuleResolutions
import Analysis.Abstract.BadValues
import Analysis.Abstract.BadVariables
import Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating
import qualified Analysis.Abstract.ImportGraph as Abstract
import Analysis.Abstract.Quiet
import Analysis.Decorator (decoratorWithAlgebra)
import qualified Assigning.Assignment as Assignment
import qualified Control.Abstract.Analysis as Analysis
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Effect.Exception
import Control.Monad.Effect.Internal as Eff hiding (run)
import Control.Monad.Effect.Reader
import Control.Monad.Effect.Run as Run
import Data.Abstract.Address
import qualified Data.Abstract.Evaluatable as Analysis
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Located
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.Abstract.Package as Package
import Data.Abstract.Value (Value)
import Data.Blob
import Data.Diff
import qualified Data.Error as Error
@ -106,21 +87,6 @@ type Renderer i o = i -> o
parse :: Member Task effs => Parser term -> Blob -> Eff effs term
parse parser = send . Parse parser
-- | Parse a file into a 'Module'.
parseModule :: Members '[IO.Files, Task] effs => Parser term -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> Eff effs (Module term)
parseModule parser rootDir path = do
blob <- head <$> IO.readBlobs (Right [(path, IO.languageForFilePath path)])
moduleForBlob rootDir blob <$> parse parser blob
-- | Parse a list of files into 'Module's.
parseModules :: Members '[IO.Files, Task] effs => Parser term -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Eff effs [Module term]
parseModules parser rootDir = traverse (parseModule parser (Just rootDir))
-- | Parse a list of files into a 'Package'.
parsePackage :: Members '[IO.Files, Task] effs => PackageName -> Parser term -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Eff effs (Package term)
parsePackage name parser rootDir paths = Package (PackageInfo name Nothing) . Package.fromModules <$> parseModules parser rootDir paths
-- | A task running some 'Analysis.MonadAnalysis' to completion.
analyze :: Member Task effs => Analysis.SomeAnalysis m result -> Eff effs result
analyze = send . Analyze
@ -137,45 +103,6 @@ diff differ term1 term2 = send (Semantic.Task.Diff differ term1 term2)
render :: Member Task effs => Renderer input output -> input -> Eff effs output
render renderer = send . Render renderer
type ImportGraphAnalysis term effects value =
(BadAddresses (BadModuleResolutions (BadVariables (BadValues (Quietly (Evaluating (Located Precise term) term (Value (Located Precise term))))))))
-- | Render the import graph for a given 'Package'.
graphImports :: (
Show ann
, Ord ann
, Apply Analysis.Declarations1 syntax
, Apply Analysis.Evaluatable syntax
, Apply FreeVariables1 syntax
, Apply Functor syntax
, Apply Ord1 syntax
, Apply Eq1 syntax
, Apply Show1 syntax
, Member Syntax.Identifier syntax
, Members '[Exc SomeException, Task] effs
, term ~ Term (Union syntax) ann
=> Maybe (Module term) -> Package term -> Eff effs Abstract.ImportGraph
graphImports prelude package = analyze (Analysis.SomeAnalysis (withPrelude prelude (Analysis.evaluatePackage package `asAnalysisForTypeOfPackage` package))) >>= extractGraph
asAnalysisForTypeOfPackage :: ImportGraphAnalysis term effs value
-> Package term
-> ImportGraphAnalysis term effs value
asAnalysisForTypeOfPackage = const
extractGraph result = case result of
(Right (Right (Right (Right (Right (Right (Right (Right ((((_, graph), _), _), _)))))))), _) -> pure $! graph
_ -> throwError (toException (Exc.ErrorCall ("graphImports: import graph rendering failed " <> show result)))
withPrelude Nothing a = a
withPrelude (Just prelude) a = do
preludeEnv <- Analysis.evaluateModule prelude *> Analysis.getEnv
Analysis.withDefaultEnvironment preludeEnv a
-- | Execute a 'Task' with the 'defaultOptions', yielding its result value in 'IO'.
-- > runTask = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions
@ -3,139 +3,69 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
module Semantic.Util where
import Analysis.Abstract.BadVariables
import Analysis.Abstract.BadModuleResolutions
import Analysis.Abstract.BadValues
import Analysis.Abstract.Caching
import Analysis.Abstract.Quiet
import Analysis.Abstract.Dead
import Analysis.Abstract.BadVariables
import Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating as X
import Analysis.Abstract.ImportGraph
import Analysis.Abstract.Tracing
import Analysis.Abstract.Quiet
import Analysis.Declaration
import Control.Abstract.Analysis
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable hiding (head)
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.Abstract.Located
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.Abstract.Package as Package
import Data.Abstract.Type
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Data.Blob
import Data.Diff
import Data.File
import qualified Data.Language as Language
import Data.Range
import Data.Record
import Data.Span
import Data.Term
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Diffing.Interpreter
import System.FilePath.Glob
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TypeLevel
import Language.Preluded
import Parsing.Parser
import Prologue
import Semantic.Diff (diffTermPair)
import Semantic.Graph
import Semantic.IO as IO
import Semantic.Task
import qualified Semantic.Task as Task
import System.FilePath.Posix
import qualified Language.Go.Assignment as Go
import qualified Language.PHP.Assignment as PHP
import qualified Language.Python.Assignment as Python
import qualified Language.Ruby.Assignment as Ruby
import qualified Language.TypeScript.Assignment as TypeScript
-- Ruby
evalRubyProject = runEvaluatingWithPrelude rubyParser ["rb"]
evalRubyFile path = runEvaluating <$> (withPrelude <$> parsePrelude rubyParser <*> (evaluateModule <$> parseFile rubyParser Nothing path))
evalRubyProjectGraph path = runAnalysis @(ImportGraphing (BadModuleResolutions (BadVariables (BadValues (Quietly (Evaluating (Located Precise Ruby.Term) Ruby.Term (Value (Located Precise Ruby.Term)))))))) <$> (withPrelude <$> parsePrelude rubyParser <*> (evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject rubyParser ["rb"] path))
evalRubyImportGraph paths = runAnalysis @(ImportGraphing (Evaluating (Located Precise Ruby.Term) Ruby.Term (Value (Located Precise Ruby.Term)))) . evaluateModules <$> parseFiles rubyParser (dropFileName (head paths)) paths
evalRubyBadVariables paths = runAnalysis @(BadVariables (Evaluating Precise Ruby.Term (Value Precise))) . evaluateModules <$> parseFiles rubyParser (dropFileName (head paths)) paths
-- Go
evalGoProject path = runEvaluating . evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject goParser ["go"] path
evalGoFile path = runEvaluating . evaluateModule <$> parseFile goParser Nothing path
typecheckGoFile path = runAnalysis @(Caching (Evaluating Monovariant Go.Term Type)) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile goParser Nothing path
-- Python
evalPythonProject = runEvaluatingWithPrelude pythonParser ["py"]
evalPythonFile path = runEvaluating <$> (withPrelude <$> parsePrelude pythonParser <*> (evaluateModule <$> parseFile pythonParser Nothing path))
evalPythonProjectGraph path = runAnalysis @(ImportGraphing (BadModuleResolutions (BadVariables (BadValues (Quietly (Evaluating (Located Precise Python.Term) Python.Term (Value (Located Precise Python.Term)))))))) <$> (withPrelude <$> parsePrelude pythonParser <*> (evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject pythonParser ["py"] path))
typecheckPythonFile path = runAnalysis @(Caching (Evaluating Monovariant Python.Term Type)) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile pythonParser Nothing path
tracePythonFile path = runAnalysis @(Tracing [] (Evaluating Precise Python.Term (Value Precise))) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile pythonParser Nothing path
evalDeadTracePythonFile path = runAnalysis @(DeadCode (Tracing [] (Evaluating Precise Python.Term (Value Precise)))) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile pythonParser Nothing path
-- PHP
evalPHPProject path = runEvaluating . evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject phpParser ["php"] path
evalPHPFile path = runEvaluating . evaluateModule <$> parseFile phpParser Nothing path
-- TypeScript
evalTypeScriptProject path = runEvaluating . evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject typescriptParser ["ts", "tsx"] path
evalTypeScriptFile path = runEvaluating . evaluateModule <$> parseFile typescriptParser Nothing path
typecheckTypeScriptFile path = runAnalysis @(Caching (Evaluating Monovariant TypeScript.Term Type)) . evaluateModule <$> parseFile typescriptParser Nothing path
-- JavaScript
evalJavaScriptProject path = runAnalysis @(EvaluatingWithHoles TypeScript.Term) . evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject typescriptParser ["js"] path
runEvaluatingWithPrelude parser exts path = runEvaluating <$> (withPrelude <$> parsePrelude parser <*> (evaluatePackageBody <$> parseProject parser exts path))
-- type TestEvaluating term = Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise)
type JustEvaluating term = Evaluating (Located Precise term) term (Value (Located Precise term))
type EvaluatingWithHoles term = BadModuleResolutions (BadVariables (BadValues (Quietly (Evaluating (Located Precise term) term (Value (Located Precise term))))))
type ImportGraphingWithHoles term = ImportGraphing (EvaluatingWithHoles term)
evalGoProject path = runAnalysis @(JustEvaluating Go.Term) <$> evaluateProject goParser Nothing path
evalRubyProject path = runAnalysis @(JustEvaluating Ruby.Term) <$> evaluateProject rubyParser rubyPrelude path
evalPHPProject path = runAnalysis @(JustEvaluating PHP.Term) <$> evaluateProject phpParser Nothing path
evalPythonProject path = runAnalysis @(JustEvaluating Python.Term) <$> evaluateProject pythonParser pythonPrelude path
evalTypeScriptProject path = runAnalysis @(EvaluatingWithHoles TypeScript.Term) <$> evaluateProject typescriptParser Nothing path
-- TODO: Remove this by exporting EvaluatingEffects
runEvaluating :: forall term effects a.
( Effects Precise term (Value Precise) (Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects) ~ effects
, Corecursive term
, Recursive term )
=> Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise) effects a
-> Final effects a
runEvaluating = runAnalysis @(Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise))
rubyPrelude = Just $ File (TypeLevel.symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (PreludePath Ruby.Term))) (Just Language.Ruby)
pythonPrelude = Just $ File (TypeLevel.symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (PreludePath Python.Term))) (Just Language.Python)
parsePrelude :: forall term. TypeLevel.KnownSymbol (PreludePath term) => Parser term -> IO (Module term)
parsePrelude parser = do
let preludePath = TypeLevel.symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (PreludePath term))
parseFile parser Nothing preludePath
parseProject :: Parser term
-> [Prelude.String]
-> FilePath
-> IO (PackageBody term)
parseProject parser exts entryPoint = do
let rootDir = takeDirectory entryPoint
paths <- getPaths exts rootDir
modules <- parseFiles parser rootDir paths
pure $ fromModulesWithEntryPoint modules (takeFileName entryPoint)
withPrelude prelude a = do
preludeEnv <- evaluateModule prelude *> getEnv
withDefaultEnvironment preludeEnv a
getPaths exts = fmap fold . globDir (compile . mappend "**/*." <$> exts)
-- Evaluate a project, starting at a single entrypoint.
evaluateProject parser prelude path = evaluatePackage <$> runTask (readProject Nothing (file path :| []) >>= parsePackage parser prelude)
-- Read and parse a file.
parseFile :: Parser term -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Module term)
parseFile parser rootDir path = runTask $ do
blob <- file path
moduleForBlob rootDir blob <$> parse parser blob
parseFiles :: Parser term -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [Module term]
parseFiles parser rootDir = traverse (parseFile parser (Just rootDir))
parsePackage :: PackageName -> Parser term -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO (Package term)
parsePackage name parser rootDir = runTask . Task.parsePackage name parser rootDir
parseFile :: Parser term -> FilePath -> IO term
parseFile parser = runTask . (parse parser <=< readBlob . file)
-- Read a file from the filesystem into a Blob.
file :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Blob
file path = fromJust <$> IO.readFile path (languageForFilePath path)
blob :: FilePath -> IO Blob
blob = runTask . readBlob . file
-- Diff helpers
diffWithParser :: ( HasField fields Data.Span.Span
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Analysis.Go.Spec (spec) where
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable (EvalError(..), runAnalysis)
import qualified Language.Go.Assignment as Go
import SpecHelpers
@ -28,3 +31,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/go/analysis/"
evaluate entry = evalGoProject (fixtures <> entry)
evalGoProject path = runAnalysis @(TestEvaluating Go.Term) <$> evaluateProject goParser Nothing path
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Analysis.PHP.Spec (spec) where
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable (EvalError(..), runAnalysis)
import qualified Language.PHP.Assignment as PHP
import SpecHelpers
@ -32,3 +35,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/php/analysis/"
evaluate entry = evalPHPProject (fixtures <> entry)
evalPHPProject path = runAnalysis @(TestEvaluating PHP.Term) <$> evaluateProject phpParser Nothing path
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Analysis.Python.Spec (spec) where
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable (EvalError(..), runAnalysis)
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Data.Map
import qualified Language.Python.Assignment as Python
import SpecHelpers
@ -48,3 +50,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
addr = Address . Precise
fixtures = "test/fixtures/python/analysis/"
evaluate entry = evalPythonProject (fixtures <> entry)
evalPythonProject path = runAnalysis @(TestEvaluating Python.Term) <$> evaluateProject pythonParser pythonPrelude path
@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
module Analysis.Ruby.Spec (spec) where
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable (EvalError(..))
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.Abstract.Value as Value
import Data.Abstract.Number as Number
import Control.Monad.Effect (SomeExc(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Map
import Data.Map.Monoidal as Map
import qualified Language.Ruby.Assignment as Ruby
import SpecHelpers
@ -62,3 +63,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
addr = Address . Precise
fixtures = "test/fixtures/ruby/analysis/"
evaluate entry = evalRubyProject (fixtures <> entry)
evalRubyProject path = runAnalysis @(TestEvaluating Ruby.Term) <$> evaluateProject rubyParser rubyPrelude path
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Analysis.TypeScript.Spec (spec) where
import SpecHelpers
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import qualified Language.TypeScript.Assignment as TypeScript
import Data.Abstract.Value as Value
import Data.Abstract.Number as Number
import SpecHelpers
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "evaluates TypeScript" $ do
@ -40,3 +42,4 @@ spec = parallel $ do
fixtures = "test/fixtures/typescript/analysis/"
evaluate entry = evalTypeScriptProject (fixtures <> entry)
evalTypeScriptProject path = runAnalysis @(TestEvaluating TypeScript.Term) <$> evaluateProject typescriptParser Nothing path
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ loopMatcher = target <* go where
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "matching/go" $ do
it "extracts integers" $ do
parsed <- moduleBody <$> parseFile goParser Nothing "test/fixtures/go/matching/integers.go"
parsed <- parseFile goParser "test/fixtures/go/matching/integers.go"
let matched = runMatcher integerMatcher parsed
sort matched `shouldBe` ["1", "2", "3"]
it "counts for loops" $ do
parsed <- moduleBody <$> parseFile goParser Nothing "test/fixtures/go/matching/for.go"
parsed <- parseFile goParser "test/fixtures/go/matching/for.go"
let matched = runMatcher @[] loopMatcher parsed
length matched `shouldBe` 2
@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ spec = parallel $ do
when (actual /= expected) $ print actual
actual `shouldBe` expected
parseFixtures :: [(SomeRenderer TermRenderer, Either Handle [(FilePath, Maybe Language)], ByteString)]
parseFixtures :: [(SomeRenderer TermRenderer, Either Handle [File], ByteString)]
parseFixtures =
[ (SomeRenderer SExpressionTermRenderer, pathMode, sExpressionParseTreeOutput)
, (SomeRenderer JSONTermRenderer, pathMode, jsonParseTreeOutput)
, (SomeRenderer JSONTermRenderer, pathMode', jsonParseTreeOutput')
, (SomeRenderer JSONTermRenderer, Right [], emptyJsonParseTreeOutput)
, (SomeRenderer (SymbolsTermRenderer defaultSymbolFields), Right [("test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb", Just Ruby)], symbolsOutput)
, (SomeRenderer TagsTermRenderer, Right [("test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb", Just Ruby)], tagsOutput)
, (SomeRenderer (SymbolsTermRenderer defaultSymbolFields), Right [File "test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb" (Just Ruby)], symbolsOutput)
, (SomeRenderer TagsTermRenderer, Right [File "test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb" (Just Ruby)], tagsOutput)
where pathMode = Right [("test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/and-or.A.rb", Just Ruby)]
pathMode' = Right [("test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/and-or.A.rb", Just Ruby), ("test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/and-or.B.rb", Just Ruby)]
where pathMode = Right [File "test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/and-or.A.rb" (Just Ruby)]
pathMode' = Right [File "test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/and-or.A.rb" (Just Ruby), File "test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/and-or.B.rb" (Just Ruby)]
sExpressionParseTreeOutput = "(Program\n (LowAnd\n (Send\n (Identifier))\n (Send\n (Identifier))))\n"
jsonParseTreeOutput = "{\"trees\":[{\"path\":\"test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/and-or.A.rb\",\"programNode\":{\"category\":\"Program\",\"children\":[{\"category\":\"LowAnd\",\"children\":[{\"category\":\"Send\",\"children\":[{\"category\":\"Identifier\",\"children\":[],\"name\":\"foo\",\"sourceRange\":[0,3],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[1,4]}}],\"sourceRange\":[0,3],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[1,4]}},{\"category\":\"Send\",\"children\":[{\"category\":\"Identifier\",\"children\":[],\"name\":\"bar\",\"sourceRange\":[8,11],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,9],\"end\":[1,12]}}],\"sourceRange\":[8,11],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,9],\"end\":[1,12]}}],\"sourceRange\":[0,11],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[1,12]}}],\"sourceRange\":[0,12],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[2,1]}},\"language\":\"Ruby\"}]}\n"
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ parseFixtures =
tagsOutput = "[{\"span\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[2,4]},\"path\":\"test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb\",\"kind\":\"Method\",\"symbol\":\"foo\",\"line\":\"def foo\",\"language\":\"Ruby\"}]\n"
diffFixtures :: [(SomeRenderer DiffRenderer, Either Handle [Both (FilePath, Maybe Language)], ByteString)]
diffFixtures :: [(SomeRenderer DiffRenderer, Either Handle [Both File], ByteString)]
diffFixtures =
[ (SomeRenderer JSONDiffRenderer, pathMode, jsonOutput)
, (SomeRenderer SExpressionDiffRenderer, pathMode, sExpressionOutput)
, (SomeRenderer ToCDiffRenderer, pathMode, tocOutput)
where pathMode = Right [both ("test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb", Just Ruby) ("test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.B.rb", Just Ruby)]
where pathMode = Right [both (File "test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb" (Just Ruby)) (File "test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.B.rb" (Just Ruby))]
jsonOutput = "{\"diffs\":[{\"diff\":{\"merge\":{\"after\":{\"category\":\"Program\",\"sourceRange\":[0,21],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[4,1]}},\"children\":[{\"merge\":{\"after\":{\"category\":\"Method\",\"sourceRange\":[0,20],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[3,4]}},\"children\":[{\"merge\":{\"after\":{\"category\":\"Empty\",\"sourceRange\":[0,0],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[1,1]}},\"children\":[],\"before\":{\"category\":\"Empty\",\"sourceRange\":[0,0],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[1,1]}}}},{\"patch\":{\"replace\":[{\"category\":\"Identifier\",\"children\":[],\"name\":\"foo\",\"sourceRange\":[4,7],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,5],\"end\":[1,8]}},{\"category\":\"Identifier\",\"children\":[],\"name\":\"bar\",\"sourceRange\":[4,7],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,5],\"end\":[1,8]}}]}},{\"patch\":{\"insert\":{\"category\":\"Identifier\",\"children\":[],\"name\":\"a\",\"sourceRange\":[8,9],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,9],\"end\":[1,10]}}}},{\"merge\":{\"after\":{\"category\":\"\",\"sourceRange\":[13,16],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[2,3],\"end\":[2,6]}},\"children\":[{\"patch\":{\"insert\":{\"category\":\"Send\",\"children\":[{\"patch\":{\"insert\":{\"category\":\"Identifier\",\"children\":[],\"name\":\"baz\",\"sourceRange\":[13,16],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[2,3],\"end\":[2,6]}}}}],\"sourceRange\":[13,16],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[2,3],\"end\":[2,6]}}}}],\"before\":{\"category\":\"[]\",\"sourceRange\":[8,11],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[2,1],\"end\":[2,4]}}}}],\"before\":{\"category\":\"Method\",\"sourceRange\":[0,11],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[2,4]}}}}],\"before\":{\"category\":\"Program\",\"sourceRange\":[0,12],\"sourceSpan\":{\"start\":[1,1],\"end\":[3,1]}}}},\"stat\":{\"replace\":[{\"path\":\"test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb\",\"language\":\"Ruby\"},{\"path\":\"test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.B.rb\",\"language\":\"Ruby\"}],\"path\":\"test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.A.rb -> test/fixtures/ruby/corpus/method-declaration.B.rb\"}}]}\n"
sExpressionOutput = "(Program\n (Method\n (Empty)\n { (Identifier)\n ->(Identifier) }\n {+(Identifier)+}\n (\n {+(Send\n {+(Identifier)+})+})))\n"
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "readFile" $ do
it "returns a blob for extant files" $ do
Just blob <- readFile "semantic.cabal" Nothing
Just blob <- readFile (File "semantic.cabal" Nothing)
blobPath blob `shouldBe` "semantic.cabal"
it "throws for absent files" $ do
readFile "this file should not exist" Nothing `shouldThrow` anyIOException
readFile (File "this file should not exist" Nothing) `shouldThrow` anyIOException
describe "readBlobPairsFromHandle" $ do
let a = sourceBlob "method.rb" (Just Ruby) "def foo; end"
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module SpecHelpers (
, ns
, verbatim
, Verbatim(..)
, TestEvaluating
, ) where
import Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating as X (EvaluatingState(..))
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables as X hiding (dropExtension)
import Data.Abstract.Heap as X
import Data.Abstract.ModuleTable as X hiding (lookup)
import Data.Blob as X
import Data.File as X
import Data.Functor.Listable as X
import Data.Language as X
import Data.Output as X
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ import Test.LeanCheck as X
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Semantic.IO as IO
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Analysis.Abstract.Evaluating
-- | Returns an s-expression formatted diff for the specified FilePath pair.
diffFilePaths :: Both FilePath -> IO ByteString
@ -55,16 +58,18 @@ diffFilePaths paths = readFilePair paths >>= runTask . diffBlobPair SExpressionD
-- | Returns an s-expression parse tree for the specified FilePath.
parseFilePath :: FilePath -> IO ByteString
parseFilePath path = (fromJust <$> IO.readFile path (IO.languageForFilePath path)) >>= runTask . parseBlob SExpressionTermRenderer
parseFilePath path = (fromJust <$> IO.readFile (file path)) >>= runTask . parseBlob SExpressionTermRenderer
-- | Read two files to a BlobPair.
readFilePair :: Both FilePath -> IO BlobPair
readFilePair paths = let paths' = fmap (\p -> (p, IO.languageForFilePath p)) paths in
readFilePair paths = let paths' = fmap file paths in
runBothWith IO.readFilePair paths'
readFileVerbatim :: FilePath -> IO Verbatim
readFileVerbatim = fmap verbatim . B.readFile
type TestEvaluating term = Evaluating Precise term (Value Precise)
ns n = Just . Latest . Just . injValue . Namespace n
addr = Address . Precise
Reference in New Issue
Block a user