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Merge pull request #1688 from github/matching

Introduce tree-automata DSL for filtering and matching ASTs.
This commit is contained in:
Josh Vera 2018-03-28 11:56:08 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit c27633534a
7 changed files with 200 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ library
, Control.Abstract.Addressable
, Control.Abstract.Analysis
, Control.Abstract.Evaluator
, Control.Abstract.Matching
, Control.Abstract.Value
-- Control flow
, Control.Effect
@ -233,6 +234,7 @@ test-suite test
, Diffing.Algorithm.SES.Spec
, Diffing.Interpreter.Spec
, Integration.Spec
, Matching.Go.Spec
, Rendering.Imports.Spec
, Rendering.TOC.Spec
, Semantic.Spec

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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
module Control.Abstract.Matching
( Matcher
, TermMatcher
, target
, ensure
, match
, matchM
, narrow
, narrow'
, succeeds
, fails
, runMatcher
) where
import Data.Algebra
import Prologue
import Data.Term
-- | A @Matcher t a@ is a tree automaton that matches some 'Recursive' and 'Corecursive' type @t@, yielding values of type @a@.
-- Matching operations are implicitly recursive: when you run a 'Matcher', it is applied bottom-up.
-- If a matching operation returns a value, it is assumed to have succeeded. You use the 'guard', 'narrow', and 'ensure'
-- functions to control whether a given datum is matched. The @t@ datum matched by a matcher is immutable; future APIs will
-- provide the ability to rewrite and change these data.
data Matcher t a where
-- TODO: Choice is inflexible and slow. A Union over fs can be queried for its index, and we can build a jump table over that.
-- We can copy NonDet to have fair conjunction or disjunction.
Choice :: Matcher t a -> Matcher t a -> Matcher t a
Target :: Matcher t t
Empty :: Matcher t a
-- We could have implemented this by changing the semantics of how Then is interpreted, but that would make Then and Sequence inconsistent.
Match :: (t -> Maybe u) -> Matcher u a -> Matcher t a
Pure :: a -> Matcher t a
Then :: Matcher t b -> (b -> Matcher t a) -> Matcher t a
-- | A convenience alias for matchers that both target and return 'Term' values.
type TermMatcher fs ann = Matcher (Term (Union fs) ann) (Term (Union fs) ann)
instance Functor (Matcher t) where
fmap = liftA
instance Applicative (Matcher t) where
pure = Pure
-- We can add a Sequence constructor to optimize this when we need.
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative (Matcher t) where
empty = Empty
(<|>) = Choice
instance Monad (Matcher t) where
(>>=) = Then
-- | This matcher always succeeds.
succeeds :: Matcher t ()
succeeds = guard True
-- | This matcher always fails.
fails :: Matcher t ()
fails = guard False
-- | 'target' extracts the 't' that a given 'Matcher' is operating upon.
-- Similar to a reader monad's 'ask' function.
target :: Matcher t t
target = Target
-- | 'ensure' succeeds iff the provided predicate function returns true when applied to the matcher's 'target'.
ensure :: (t -> Bool) -> Matcher t ()
ensure f = target >>= \c -> guard (f c)
-- | 'matchm' takes a modification function and a new matcher action the target parameter of which
-- is the result of the modification function. If the modification function returns 'Just' when
-- applied to the current 'target', the given matcher is executed with the result of that 'Just'
-- as the new target; if 'Nothing' is returned, the action fails.
matchM :: (t -> Maybe u) -> Matcher u a -> Matcher t a
matchM = Match
-- | 'match' is a more specific version of 'matchM' optimized for targeting union types. If the target
-- can be projected to the type expected by the modification function, the provided matcher action will
-- execute. An example:
-- @
-- integerMatcher :: (Lit.Integer :< fs) => Matcher (Term (Union fs) ann) ByteString
-- integerMatcher = match Lit.integerContent target
-- @
-- @integerMatcher@ accepts any union type that contains an integer literal, and only succeeds if the
-- target in question is actually an integer literal.
match :: (f :< fs)
=> (f (Term (Union fs) ann) -> b)
-> Matcher b a
-> Matcher (Term (Union fs) ann) a
match f = Match (fmap f . prj . termOut)
-- | @narrow'@ attempts to project a union-type target to a more specific type.
narrow' :: (f :< fs) => Matcher (Term (Union fs) ann) (Maybe (f (Term (Union fs) ann)))
narrow' = fmap (prj . termOut) Target
-- | 'narrow' behaves as @narrow'@, but fails if the target cannot be thus projected.
narrow :: (f :< fs) => Matcher (Term (Union fs) ann) (f (Term (Union fs) ann))
narrow = narrow' >>= foldMapA pure
-- | The entry point for executing matchers.
-- The Alternative parameter should be specialized by the calling context. If you want a single
-- result, specialize it to 'Maybe'; if you want a list of all terms and subterms matched by the
-- provided 'Matcher' action, specialize it to '[]'.
runMatcher :: (Alternative m, Monad m, Corecursive t, Recursive t, Foldable (Base t))
=> Matcher t a
-> t
-> m a
runMatcher m = para (paraMatcher m)
paraMatcher :: (Alternative m, Monad m, Corecursive t, Foldable (Base t)) => Matcher t a -> RAlgebra (Base t) t (m a)
paraMatcher m t = interp (embedTerm t) m <|> foldMapA snd t
-- Simple interpreter.
interp :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => t -> Matcher t a -> m a
interp t (Choice a b) = interp t a <|> interp t b
interp t Target = pure t
interp t (Match f m) = foldMapA (`interp` m) (f t)
interp _ (Pure a) = pure a
interp _ Empty = empty
interp t (Then m f) = interp t m >>= interp t . f

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@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Algebra
( FAlgebra
, RAlgebra
, OpenFAlgebra
, OpenRAlgebra
, Subterm(..)
, SubtermAlgebra
, embedSubterm
, foldSubterms
, fToR
, fToOpenR
, rToOpenR
, openFToOpenR
) where
( FAlgebra
, RAlgebra
, OpenFAlgebra
, OpenRAlgebra
, Subterm(..)
, SubtermAlgebra
, embedSubterm
, embedTerm
, foldSubterms
, fToR
, fToOpenR
, rToOpenR
, openFToOpenR
) where
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Functor.Classes.Generic as X
@ -65,6 +66,10 @@ type SubtermAlgebra f t a = f (Subterm t a) -> a
foldSubterms :: Recursive t => SubtermAlgebra (Base t) t a -> t -> a
foldSubterms algebra = go where go = algebra . fmap (Subterm <*> go) . project
-- | Extract a term from the carrier tuple associated with a paramorphism. See also 'embedSubterm'.
embedTerm :: Corecursive t => Base t (t, a) -> t
embedTerm e = embed (fst <$> e)
-- | Extract a term from said term's 'Base' functor populated with 'Subterm' fields.
embedSubterm :: Corecursive t => Base t (Subterm t a) -> t
embedSubterm e = embed (subterm <$> e)

test/Matching/Go/Spec.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Matching.Go.Spec (spec) where
import Control.Abstract.Matching
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Syntax.Declaration as Decl
import qualified Data.Syntax.Literal as Lit
import qualified Data.Syntax.Statement as Stmt
import Data.Union
import SpecHelpers
-- This gets the ByteString contents of all integers
integerMatcher :: (Lit.Integer :< fs) => Matcher (Term (Union fs) ann) ByteString
integerMatcher = match Lit.integerContent target
-- This matches all for-loops with its index variable new variable bound to 0,
-- e.g. `for i := 0; i < 10; i++`
loopMatcher :: ( Stmt.For :< fs
, Stmt.Assignment :< fs
, Lit.Integer :< fs)
=> TermMatcher fs ann
loopMatcher = target <* go where
go = match Stmt.forBefore $
match Stmt.assignmentValue $
match Lit.integerContent $
ensure (== "0")
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "matching/go" $ do
it "extracts integers" $ do
parsed <- moduleBody <$> parseFile goParser Nothing "test/fixtures/go/matching/integers.go"
let matched = runMatcher integerMatcher parsed
sort matched `shouldBe` ["1", "2", "3"]
it "counts for loops" $ do
parsed <- moduleBody <$> parseFile goParser Nothing "test/fixtures/go/matching/for.go"
let matched = runMatcher @[] loopMatcher parsed
length matched `shouldBe` 2

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import qualified Diffing.Algorithm.RWS.Spec
import qualified Diffing.Algorithm.SES.Spec
import qualified Diffing.Interpreter.Spec
import qualified Integration.Spec
import qualified Matching.Go.Spec
import qualified Rendering.TOC.Spec
import qualified Rendering.Imports.Spec
import qualified Semantic.Spec
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ main = hspec $ do
describe "Diffing.Algorithm.RWS" Diffing.Algorithm.RWS.Spec.spec
describe "Diffing.Algorithm.SES" Diffing.Algorithm.SES.Spec.spec
describe "Diffing.Interpreter" Diffing.Interpreter.Spec.spec
describe "Matching" Matching.Go.Spec.spec
describe "Rendering.TOC" Rendering.TOC.Spec.spec
describe "Rendering.Imports" Rendering.Imports.Spec.spec
describe "Semantic" Semantic.Spec.spec

test/fixtures/go/matching/for.go vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package main
func merle() {
for ii := 0; ii < 10; ii+=1 {
for jj := 0; jj < 10; jj+=1 {
print(ii + jj)

test/fixtures/go/matching/integers.go vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package main
func taako() {
return 1 + 2 + 3