mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-22 14:21:31 +03:00

Define Task using Eff.

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Rob Rix 2018-04-03 16:07:38 -04:00
parent be84d40302
commit c31e523473
2 changed files with 57 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Semantic
, diffTermPair
) where
import Prologue
import Prologue hiding (MonadError(..))
import Analysis.ConstructorName (ConstructorName, constructorLabel)
import Analysis.IdentifierName (IdentifierName, identifierLabel)
import Analysis.Declaration (HasDeclaration, declarationAlgebra)

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Semantic.Task
( Task
, Level(..)
@ -25,12 +26,15 @@ module Semantic.Task
, logfmtFormatter
, runTask
, runTaskWithOptions
, throwError
) where
import Analysis.Decorator (decoratorWithAlgebra)
import qualified Assigning.Assignment as Assignment
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Monad.Free.Freer
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Control.Monad.Effect.Exception
import Control.Monad.Effect.Internal as Eff
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Blob
@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ import Data.Term
import Parsing.CMark
import Parsing.Parser
import Parsing.TreeSitter
import Prologue
import Prologue hiding (MonadError(..))
import qualified Semantic.IO as IO
import Semantic.Log
import Semantic.Queue
@ -68,15 +72,8 @@ data TaskF output where
Distribute :: Traversable t => t (Task output) -> TaskF (t output)
Bidistribute :: Bitraversable t => t (Task output1) (Task output2) -> TaskF (t output1 output2)
-- | For MonadIO.
LiftIO :: IO a -> TaskF a
-- | For MonadError.
Throw :: SomeException -> TaskF a
Catch :: Task a -> (SomeException -> Task a) -> TaskF a
-- | A high-level task producing some result, e.g. parsing, diffing, rendering. 'Task's can also specify explicit concurrency via 'distribute', 'distributeFor', and 'distributeFoldMap'
type Task = Freer TaskF
type Task = Eff '[TaskF, Exc SomeException, IO]
-- | A function to compute the 'Diff' for a pair of 'Term's with arbitrary syntax functor & annotation types.
type Differ syntax ann1 ann2 = Term syntax ann1 -> Term syntax ann2 -> Diff syntax ann1 ann2
@ -86,55 +83,55 @@ type Renderer i o = i -> o
-- | A 'Task' which reads a list of 'Blob's from a 'Handle' or a list of 'FilePath's optionally paired with 'Language's.
readBlobs :: Either Handle [(FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Task [Blob]
readBlobs from = ReadBlobs from `Then` return
readBlobs = send . ReadBlobs
-- | A 'Task' which reads a list of pairs of 'Blob's from a 'Handle' or a list of pairs of 'FilePath's optionally paired with 'Language's.
readBlobPairs :: Either Handle [Both (FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Task [BlobPair]
readBlobPairs from = ReadBlobPairs from `Then` return
readBlobPairs = send . ReadBlobPairs
-- | A 'Task' which writes a 'B.ByteString' to a 'Handle' or a 'FilePath'.
writeToOutput :: Either Handle FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Task ()
writeToOutput path contents = WriteToOutput path contents `Then` return
writeToOutput path = send . WriteToOutput path
-- | A 'Task' which logs a message at a specific log level to stderr.
writeLog :: Level -> String -> [(String, String)] -> Task ()
writeLog level message pairs = WriteLog level message pairs `Then` return
writeLog level message = send . WriteLog level message
-- | A 'Task' which writes a stat.
writeStat :: Stat -> Task ()
writeStat stat = WriteStat stat `Then` return
writeStat = send . WriteStat
-- | A 'Task' which measures and stats the timing of another 'Task'.
time :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Task output -> Task output
time statName tags task = Time statName tags task `Then` return
time statName tags = send . Time statName tags
-- | A 'Task' which parses a 'Blob' with the given 'Parser'.
parse :: Parser term -> Blob -> Task term
parse parser blob = Parse parser blob `Then` return
parse parser = send . Parse parser
-- | A 'Task' which decorates a 'Term' with values computed using the supplied 'RAlgebra' function.
decorate :: Functor f => RAlgebra (TermF f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)) field -> Term f (Record fields) -> Task (Term f (Record (field ': fields)))
decorate algebra term = Decorate algebra term `Then` return
decorate algebra = send . Decorate algebra
-- | A 'Task' which diffs a pair of terms using the supplied 'Differ' function.
diff :: Differ syntax ann1 ann2 -> Term syntax ann1 -> Term syntax ann2 -> Task (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)
diff differ term1 term2 = Semantic.Task.Diff differ term1 term2 `Then` return
diff differ term1 term2 = send (Semantic.Task.Diff differ term1 term2)
-- | A 'Task' which renders some input using the supplied 'Renderer' function.
render :: Renderer input output -> input -> Task output
render renderer input = Render renderer input `Then` return
render renderer = send . Render renderer
-- | Distribute a 'Traversable' container of 'Task's over the available cores (i.e. execute them concurrently), collecting their results.
-- This is a concurrent analogue of 'sequenceA'.
distribute :: Traversable t => t (Task output) -> Task (t output)
distribute tasks = Distribute tasks `Then` return
distribute = send . Distribute
-- | Distribute a 'Bitraversable' container of 'Task's over the available cores (i.e. execute them concurrently), collecting their results.
-- This is a concurrent analogue of 'bisequenceA'.
bidistribute :: Bitraversable t => t (Task output1) (Task output2) -> Task (t output1 output2)
bidistribute tasks = Bidistribute tasks `Then` return
bidistribute = send . Bidistribute
-- | Distribute the application of a function to each element of a 'Traversable' container of inputs over the available cores (i.e. perform the function concurrently for each element), collecting the results.
@ -181,31 +178,26 @@ runTaskWithOptions options task = do
-> AsyncQueue Stat StatsClient
-> Task a
-> IO (Either SomeException a)
run options logger statter = go
run options logger statter = run'
go :: Task a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
go = iterFreerA (\ yield task -> case task of
ReadBlobs (Left handle) -> (IO.readBlobsFromHandle handle >>= yield) `catchError` (pure . Left . toException)
ReadBlobs (Right paths@[(path, Nothing)]) -> (IO.isDirectory path >>= bool (IO.readBlobsFromPaths paths) (IO.readBlobsFromDir path) >>= yield) `catchError` (pure . Left . toException)
ReadBlobs (Right paths) -> (IO.readBlobsFromPaths paths >>= yield) `catchError` (pure . Left . toException)
ReadBlobPairs source -> (either IO.readBlobPairsFromHandle (traverse (runBothWith IO.readFilePair)) source >>= yield) `catchError` (pure . Left . toException)
WriteToOutput destination contents -> either B.hPutStr B.writeFile destination contents >>= yield
run' :: Task a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
run' = runM . runError . go
go :: Task a -> Eff '[Exc SomeException, IO] a
go = relay pure (\ task yield -> case task of
ReadBlobs (Left handle) -> rethrowing (IO.readBlobsFromHandle handle) >>= yield
ReadBlobs (Right paths@[(path, Nothing)]) -> rethrowing (IO.isDirectory path >>= bool (IO.readBlobsFromPaths paths) (IO.readBlobsFromDir path)) >>= yield
ReadBlobs (Right paths) -> rethrowing (IO.readBlobsFromPaths paths) >>= yield
ReadBlobPairs source -> rethrowing (either IO.readBlobPairsFromHandle (traverse (runBothWith IO.readFilePair)) source) >>= yield
WriteToOutput destination contents -> liftIO (either B.hPutStr B.writeFile destination contents) >>= yield
WriteLog level message pairs -> queueLogMessage logger level message pairs >>= yield
WriteStat stat -> queue statter stat >>= yield
Time statName tags task -> withTiming (queue statter) statName tags (go task) >>= either (pure . Left) yield
Parse parser blob -> go (runParser options blob parser) >>= either (pure . Left) yield
WriteStat stat -> liftIO (queue statter stat) >>= yield
Time statName tags task -> withTiming (liftIO . queue statter) statName tags (go task) >>= yield
Parse parser blob -> go (runParser options blob parser) >>= yield
Decorate algebra term -> pure (decoratorWithAlgebra algebra term) >>= yield
Semantic.Task.Diff differ term1 term2 -> pure (differ term1 term2) >>= yield
Render renderer input -> pure (renderer input) >>= yield
Distribute tasks -> Async.mapConcurrently go tasks >>= either (pure . Left) yield . sequenceA . withStrategy (parTraversable (parTraversable rseq))
Bidistribute tasks -> Async.runConcurrently (bitraverse (Async.Concurrently . go) (Async.Concurrently . go) tasks) >>= either (pure . Left) yield . bisequenceA . withStrategy (parBitraversable (parTraversable rseq) (parTraversable rseq))
LiftIO action -> action >>= yield
Throw err -> pure (Left err)
Catch during handler -> do
result <- go during
case result of
Left err -> go (handler err) >>= either (pure . Left) yield
Right a -> yield a) . fmap Right
Distribute tasks -> liftIO (Async.mapConcurrently run' tasks) >>= either throwError yield . sequenceA . withStrategy (parTraversable (parTraversable rseq))
Bidistribute tasks -> liftIO (Async.runConcurrently (bitraverse (Async.Concurrently . run') (Async.Concurrently . run') tasks)) >>= either throwError yield . bisequenceA . withStrategy (parBitraversable (parTraversable rseq) (parTraversable rseq)))
parBitraversable :: Bitraversable t => Strategy a -> Strategy b -> Strategy (t a b)
parBitraversable strat1 strat2 = bitraverse (rparWith strat1) (rparWith strat2)
@ -217,12 +209,12 @@ runParser Options{..} blob@Blob{..} = go
go parser = case parser of
ASTParser language ->
time "parse.tree_sitter_ast_parse" languageTag $
liftIO ((Right <$> parseToAST language blob) `catchError` (pure . Left . toException)) >>= either throwError pure
rethrowing (parseToAST language blob)
AssignmentParser parser assignment -> do
ast <- go parser `catchError` \ err -> do
ast <- go parser `catchError` \ (SomeException err) -> do
writeStat (Stat.increment "parse.parse_failures" languageTag)
writeLog Error "failed parsing" (("task", "parse") : blobFields)
throwError err
throwError (toException err)
time "parse.assign" languageTag $
case Assignment.assign blobSource assignment ast of
Left err -> do
@ -250,11 +242,23 @@ runParser Options{..} blob@Blob{..} = go
_ | Just err@Syntax.Error{} <- prj syntax -> [Syntax.unError (getField a) err]
_ -> fold syntax
instance MonadIO Task where
liftIO action = LiftIO action `Then` return
instance MonadError SomeException Task where
throwError error = Throw error `Then` return
catchError during handler = Catch during handler `Then` return
catchDynE :: ( Exc.Exception e
, Member IO r
=> Eff r a
-> (e -> Eff r a)
-> Eff r a
catchDynE m handler = interpose pure (\ m yield -> send (Exc.try m) >>= either handler yield) m
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Avoid return" :: String) #-}
rethrowing :: ( Member (Exc SomeException) r
, Member IO r
=> IO a
-> Eff r a
rethrowing m = liftIO m `catchDynE` throwError . toException @SomeException
infixl 1 `catchDynE`
instance Member IO effs => MonadIO (Eff effs) where
liftIO = send