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synced 2025-01-09 00:56:32 +03:00
Leave out the symbolic interpreter for now
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Analysis.Abstract.Symbolic where
import Abstract.Interpreter
import Abstract.Primitive
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Effect
import Control.Monad.Effect.State
import Control.Monad.Effect.Store
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Functor.Classes
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Term
import Data.Union
data Sym t a = Sym t | V a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
sym :: (Num a, Num t) => (forall n . Num n => n -> n) -> Sym t a -> Sym t a
sym f (Sym t) = Sym (f t)
sym f (V a) = V (f a)
sym2 :: Applicative f => (a -> a -> f a) -> (a -> t) -> (t -> t -> t) -> Sym t a -> Sym t a -> f (Sym t a)
sym2 f _ _ (V a) (V b) = V <$> f a b
sym2 _ _ g (Sym a) (Sym b) = pure (Sym (g a b))
sym2 f num g a (V b) = sym2 f num g a (Sym (num b))
sym2 f num g (V a) b = sym2 f num g (Sym (num a)) b
evSymbolic :: (Eval' t (Eff fs (v (Sym t a))) -> Eval' t (Eff fs (v (Sym t a))))
-> Eval' t (Eff fs (v (Sym t a)))
-> Eval' t (Eff fs (v (Sym t a)))
evSymbolic ev0 ev e = ev0 ev e
data PathExpression t = E t | NotE t
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype PathCondition t = PathCondition { unPathCondition :: Set.Set (PathExpression t) }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
refine :: (Ord t, MonadPathCondition t m) => PathExpression t -> m ()
refine = modifyPathCondition . pathConditionInsert
pathConditionMember :: Ord t => PathExpression t -> PathCondition t -> Bool
pathConditionMember = (. unPathCondition) . Set.member
pathConditionInsert :: Ord t => PathExpression t -> PathCondition t -> PathCondition t
pathConditionInsert = ((PathCondition .) . (. unPathCondition)) . Set.insert
class Monad m => MonadPathCondition t m where
getPathCondition :: m (PathCondition t)
putPathCondition :: PathCondition t -> m ()
instance (State (PathCondition t) :< fs) => MonadPathCondition t (Eff fs) where
getPathCondition = get
putPathCondition = put
modifyPathCondition :: MonadPathCondition t m => (PathCondition t -> PathCondition t) -> m ()
modifyPathCondition f = getPathCondition >>= putPathCondition . f
instance ( Alternative m
, MonadFail m
, MonadPrim Prim m
, MonadPathCondition (Term (Union fs)) m
, Apply Eq1 fs
, Apply Ord1 fs
, Binary :< fs
, Unary :< fs
, Primitive :< fs
) => MonadPrim (Sym (Term (Union fs)) Prim) m where
delta1 o a = case o of
Negate -> pure (negate a)
Abs -> pure (abs a)
Signum -> pure (signum a)
Not -> case a of
Sym t -> pure (Sym (not' t))
V a -> V <$> delta1 Not a
delta2 o a b = case o of
Plus -> pure (a + b)
Minus -> pure (a - b)
Times -> pure (a * b)
DividedBy -> isZero b >>= flip when divisionByZero >> sym2 (delta2 DividedBy) prim div' a b
Quotient -> isZero b >>= flip when divisionByZero >> sym2 (delta2 Quotient) prim quot' a b
Remainder -> isZero b >>= flip when divisionByZero >> sym2 (delta2 Remainder) prim rem' a b
Modulus -> isZero b >>= flip when divisionByZero >> sym2 (delta2 Modulus) prim mod' a b
And -> sym2 (delta2 And) prim and' a b
Or -> sym2 (delta2 Or) prim or' a b
Eq -> sym2 (delta2 Eq) prim eq a b
Lt -> sym2 (delta2 Lt) prim lt a b
LtE -> sym2 (delta2 LtE) prim lte a b
Gt -> sym2 (delta2 Gt) prim gt a b
GtE -> sym2 (delta2 GtE) prim gte a b
truthy (V a) = truthy a
truthy (Sym e) = do
phi <- getPathCondition
if E e `pathConditionMember` phi then
return True
else if NotE e `pathConditionMember` phi then
return False
(refine (E e) >> return True)
<|> (refine (NotE e) >> return False)
instance (Binary :< fs, Unary :< fs, Primitive :< fs) => Num (Sym (Term (Union fs)) Prim) where
fromInteger = V . fromInteger
signum (V a) = V (signum a)
signum (Sym t) = Sym (signum t)
abs (V a) = V (abs a)
abs (Sym t) = Sym (abs t)
negate (V a) = V (negate a)
negate (Sym t) = Sym (negate t)
V a + V b = V ( a + b)
Sym a + V b = Sym ( a + prim b)
V a + Sym b = Sym (prim a + b)
Sym a + Sym b = Sym ( a + b)
V a - V b = V ( a - b)
Sym a - V b = Sym ( a - prim b)
V a - Sym b = Sym (prim a - b)
Sym a - Sym b = Sym ( a - b)
V a * V b = V ( a * b)
Sym a * V b = Sym ( a * prim b)
V a * Sym b = Sym (prim a * b)
Sym a * Sym b = Sym ( a * b)
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