mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-30 02:14:20 +03:00

Make currentScope optional so we can have empty graphs

This commit is contained in:
joshvera 2018-09-13 17:41:58 -04:00
parent f902cac04f
commit cc994b0af9

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph
, emptyGraph
, reference
, create
, currentScope
) where
import Data.Abstract.Live
@ -36,10 +35,10 @@ data Scope scopeAddress = Scope {
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data ScopeGraph scope = ScopeGraph { unScopeGraph :: (Map scope (Scope scope), scope) }
data ScopeGraph scope = ScopeGraph { graph :: Map scope (Scope scope), currentScope :: Maybe scope }
emptyGraph :: scope -> ScopeGraph scope
emptyGraph scope = ScopeGraph (Map.singleton scope (Scope mempty mempty mempty), scope)
emptyGraph :: Ord scope => ScopeGraph scope
emptyGraph = ScopeGraph mempty Nothing
deriving instance Eq address => Eq (ScopeGraph address)
deriving instance Show address => Show (ScopeGraph address)
@ -58,65 +57,58 @@ pathDeclaration (DPath d) = d
pathDeclaration (EPath _ _ p) = pathDeclaration p
pathsOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map Reference (Path scope))
pathsOfScope scope = fmap references . Map.lookup scope . fst . unScopeGraph
pathsOfScope scope = fmap references . Map.lookup scope . graph
ddataOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map Declaration Span)
ddataOfScope scope = fmap declarations . Map.lookup scope . fst . unScopeGraph
ddataOfScope scope = fmap declarations . Map.lookup scope . graph
linksOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map EdgeLabel [scope])
linksOfScope scope = fmap edges . Map.lookup scope . fst . unScopeGraph
linksOfScope scope = fmap edges . Map.lookup scope . graph
lookupScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Scope scope)
lookupScope scope = Map.lookup scope . fst . unScopeGraph
currentScope :: ScopeGraph scope -> scope
currentScope = snd . unScopeGraph
scopeGraph :: ScopeGraph scope -> Map scope (Scope scope)
scopeGraph = fst . unScopeGraph
lookupScope scope = Map.lookup scope . graph
declare :: Ord scope => Declaration -> Span -> ScopeGraph scope -> ScopeGraph scope
declare declaration ddata graph = let scopeKey = currentScope graph
in case lookupScope scopeKey graph of
Just scope -> let newScope = scope { declarations = Map.insert declaration ddata (declarations scope) }
in graph { unScopeGraph = (Map.insert scopeKey newScope (fst $ unScopeGraph graph), scopeKey) }
Nothing -> graph
declare declaration ddata g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
scopeKey <- currentScope
scope <- lookupScope scopeKey g
let newScope = scope { declarations = Map.insert declaration ddata (declarations scope) }
pure $ g { graph = (Map.insert scopeKey newScope graph) }
reference :: Ord scope => Reference -> Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> ScopeGraph scope
reference ref declaration graph = let
currentAddress = currentScope graph
declDataOfScope address = do
dataMap <- ddataOfScope address graph
Map.lookup declaration dataMap
go currentScope address path =
case declDataOfScope address of
Just ddata ->
let newScope = currentScope { references = Map.insert ref (path (DPath declaration)) (references currentScope) }
in Just (graph { unScopeGraph = (Map.insert currentAddress newScope (scopeGraph graph), currentAddress) })
Nothing -> let
traverseEdges edge = do
linkMap <- linksOfScope address graph
scopes <- Map.lookup edge linkMap
-- Return the first path to the declaration through the scopes.
getFirst (foldMap (First . ap (go currentScope) ((path .) . EPath edge)) scopes)
in traverseEdges P <|> traverseEdges I
in case lookupScope currentAddress graph of
Just currentScope -> fromMaybe graph (go currentScope currentAddress id)
Nothing -> graph
reference ref declaration g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
currentAddress <- currentScope
currentScope' <- lookupScope currentAddress g
go currentAddress currentScope' currentAddress id
declDataOfScope address = do
dataMap <- ddataOfScope address g
Map.lookup declaration dataMap
go currentAddress currentScope address path =
case declDataOfScope address of
Just ddata ->
let newScope = currentScope { references = Map.insert ref (path (DPath declaration)) (references currentScope) }
in Just (g { graph = Map.insert currentAddress newScope graph })
Nothing -> let
traverseEdges edge = do
linkMap <- linksOfScope address g
scopes <- Map.lookup edge linkMap
-- Return the first path to the declaration through the scopes.
getFirst (foldMap (First . ap (go currentAddress currentScope) ((path .) . EPath edge)) scopes)
in traverseEdges P <|> traverseEdges I
create :: Ord address => address -> Map EdgeLabel [address] -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
create address edges graph = graph { unScopeGraph = (Map.insert address newScope (scopeGraph graph), address) }
create address edges g@ScopeGraph{..} = g { graph = Map.insert address newScope graph, currentScope = Just address }
newScope = Scope edges mempty mempty
scopeOfRef :: Ord scope => Reference -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
scopeOfRef ref graph = go . Map.keys . fst $ unScopeGraph graph
scopeOfRef ref g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
go (s : scopes') = case pathsOfScope s graph of
Just pathMap -> case Map.lookup ref pathMap of
Just _ -> Just s
Nothing -> go scopes'
Nothing -> go scopes'
go (s : scopes') = fromMaybe (go scopes') $ do
pathMap <- pathsOfScope s g
_ <- Map.lookup ref pathMap
pure (Just s)
go [] = Nothing
pathOfRef :: (Ord scope) => Reference -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Path scope)
@ -126,13 +118,12 @@ pathOfRef ref graph = do
Map.lookup ref pathsMap
scopeOfDeclaration :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
scopeOfDeclaration declaration graph = go . Map.keys . fst $ unScopeGraph graph
scopeOfDeclaration declaration g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
go (s : scopes') = case ddataOfScope s graph of
Just ddataMap -> case Map.lookup declaration ddataMap of
Just _ -> Just s
Nothing -> go scopes'
Nothing -> go scopes'
go (s : scopes') = fromMaybe (go scopes') $ do
ddataMap <- ddataOfScope s g
_ <- Map.lookup declaration ddataMap
pure (Just s)
go [] = Nothing
newtype Reference = Reference Name