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Merge pull request #1553 from github/decompose-monad-evaluator

Decompose MonadEvaluator
This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2018-03-13 10:25:56 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit cdd7a3e6b3
6 changed files with 80 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ type CacheFor term value = Cache (LocationFor value) term value
newtype Caching m term value (effects :: [* -> *]) a = Caching (m term value effects a)
deriving (Alternative, Applicative, Functor, Effectful, Monad, MonadFail, MonadFresh, MonadNonDet)
deriving instance MonadEnvironment value (m term value effects) => MonadEnvironment value (Caching m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadStore value (m term value effects) => MonadStore value (Caching m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadModuleTable term value (m term value effects) => MonadModuleTable term value (Caching m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadEvaluator term value (m term value effects) => MonadEvaluator term value (Caching m term value effects)
-- | Functionality used to perform caching analysis. This is not exported, and exists primarily for organizational reasons.

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@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ import Prologue
newtype DeadCode m term value (effects :: [* -> *]) a = DeadCode (m term value effects a)
deriving (Alternative, Applicative, Functor, Effectful, Monad, MonadFail, MonadFresh, MonadNonDet)
deriving instance MonadEnvironment value (m term value effects) => MonadEnvironment value (DeadCode m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadStore value (m term value effects) => MonadStore value (DeadCode m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadModuleTable term value (m term value effects) => MonadModuleTable term value (DeadCode m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadEvaluator term value (m term value effects) => MonadEvaluator term value (DeadCode m term value effects)
-- | A set of “dead” (unreachable) terms.

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Effect.Fresh
import Control.Monad.Effect.NonDet
import Control.Monad.Effect.Reader
import Control.Monad.Effect.State
import Data.Abstract.Configuration
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.Abstract.ModuleTable
import Data.Abstract.Value
@ -77,22 +78,27 @@ type EvaluatingEffects term value
, State (ModuleTable (EnvironmentFor value)) -- Cache of evaluated modules
instance Members (EvaluatingEffects term value) effects => MonadEvaluator term value (Evaluating term value effects) where
instance Members '[Reader (EnvironmentFor value), State (EnvironmentFor value)] effects => MonadEnvironment value (Evaluating term value effects) where
getGlobalEnv = raise get
putGlobalEnv = raise . put
askLocalEnv = raise ask
localEnv f a = raise (local f (lower a))
instance Member (State (StoreFor value)) effects => MonadStore value (Evaluating term value effects) where
getStore = raise get
putStore = raise . put
instance Members '[Reader (ModuleTable term), State (ModuleTable (EnvironmentFor value))] effects => MonadModuleTable term value (Evaluating term value effects) where
getModuleTable = raise get
modifyModuleTable f = raise (modify f)
putModuleTable = raise . put
askModuleTable = raise ask
localModuleTable f a = raise (local f (lower a))
instance Members (EvaluatingEffects term value) effects => MonadEvaluator term value (Evaluating term value effects) where
getConfiguration term = Configuration term mempty <$> askLocalEnv <*> getStore
instance ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, Members (EvaluatingEffects term value) effects

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@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ import Prologue
newtype Tracing (trace :: * -> *) m term value (effects :: [* -> *]) a = Tracing (m term value effects a)
deriving (Alternative, Applicative, Functor, Effectful, Monad, MonadFail, MonadFresh, MonadNonDet)
deriving instance MonadEnvironment value (m term value effects) => MonadEnvironment value (Tracing trace m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadStore value (m term value effects) => MonadStore value (Tracing trace m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadModuleTable term value (m term value effects) => MonadModuleTable term value (Tracing trace m term value effects)
deriving instance MonadEvaluator term value (m term value effects) => MonadEvaluator term value (Tracing trace m term value effects)
instance ( Corecursive term

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class (Monad m, Ord l, l ~ LocationFor value, Reducer value (Cell l value)) => M
-- The term is expected to contain one and only one free 'Name', meaning that care should be taken to apply this only to e.g. identifiers.
lookupOrAlloc :: ( FreeVariables term
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
, MonadEvaluator term value m
, MonadStore value m
, Semigroup (CellFor value)
=> term
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ lookupOrAlloc term = let [name] = toList (freeVariables term) in
-- | Look up or allocate an address for a 'Name' & assign it a given value, returning the 'Name' paired with the address.
lookupOrAlloc' :: ( Semigroup (CellFor value)
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
, MonadEvaluator term value m
, MonadStore value m
=> Name
-> value
@ -49,21 +49,11 @@ lookupOrAlloc' name v env = do
assign a v
pure (name, a)
-- | Write a value to the given 'Address' in the 'Store'.
assign :: ( Ord (LocationFor value)
, MonadEvaluator term value m
, Reducer value (CellFor value)
=> Address (LocationFor value) value
-> value
-> m ()
assign address = modifyStore . storeInsert address
-- Instances
-- | 'Precise' locations are always 'alloc'ated a fresh 'Address', and 'deref'erence to the 'Latest' value written.
instance (Monad m, LocationFor value ~ Precise, MonadEvaluator term value m) => MonadAddressable Precise value m where
instance (MonadFail m, LocationFor value ~ Precise, MonadStore value m) => MonadAddressable Precise value m where
deref = maybe uninitializedAddress (pure . unLatest) <=< flip fmap getStore . storeLookup
-- | Fail with a message denoting an uninitialized address (i.e. one which was 'alloc'ated, but never 'assign'ed a value before being 'deref'erenced).
@ -74,7 +64,7 @@ instance (Monad m, LocationFor value ~ Precise, MonadEvaluator term value m) =>
-- | 'Monovariant' locations 'alloc'ate one 'Address' per unique variable name, and 'deref'erence once per stored value, nondeterministically.
instance (Alternative m, Monad m, LocationFor value ~ Monovariant, MonadEvaluator term value m, Ord value) => MonadAddressable Monovariant value m where
instance (Alternative m, LocationFor value ~ Monovariant, MonadStore value m, Ord value) => MonadAddressable Monovariant value m where
deref = asum . maybe [] (map pure . toList) <=< flip fmap getStore . storeLookup
alloc = pure . Address . Monovariant

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@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods, FunctionalDependencies #-}
module Control.Abstract.Evaluator where
module Control.Abstract.Evaluator
( MonadEvaluator(..)
, MonadEnvironment(..)
, modifyGlobalEnv
, MonadStore(..)
, modifyStore
, assign
, MonadModuleTable(..)
, modifyModuleTable
) where
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Configuration
import Data.Abstract.Live
import Data.Abstract.ModuleTable
import Data.Abstract.Store
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
@ -14,7 +25,17 @@ import Prologue
-- - environments binding names to addresses
-- - a heap mapping addresses to (possibly sets of) values
-- - tables of modules available for import
class MonadFail m => MonadEvaluator term value m | m -> term, m -> value where
class ( MonadEnvironment value m
, MonadFail m
, MonadModuleTable term value m
, MonadStore value m
=> MonadEvaluator term value m | m -> term, m -> value where
-- | Get the current 'Configuration' with a passed-in term.
getConfiguration :: Ord (LocationFor value) => term -> m (ConfigurationFor term value)
-- | A 'Monad' abstracting local and global environments.
class Monad m => MonadEnvironment value m | m -> value where
-- | Retrieve the global environment.
getGlobalEnv :: m (EnvironmentFor value)
-- | Set the global environment
@ -25,33 +46,51 @@ class MonadFail m => MonadEvaluator term value m | m -> term, m -> value where
-- | Run an action with a locally-modified environment.
localEnv :: (EnvironmentFor value -> EnvironmentFor value) -> m a -> m a
-- | Update the global environment.
modifyGlobalEnv :: MonadEvaluator term value m => (EnvironmentFor value -> EnvironmentFor value) -> m ()
modifyGlobalEnv f = do
env <- getGlobalEnv
putGlobalEnv $! f env
-- | A 'Monad' abstracting a heap of values.
class Monad m => MonadStore value m | m -> value where
-- | Retrieve the heap.
getStore :: m (StoreFor value)
-- | Set the heap.
putStore :: StoreFor value -> m ()
-- | Update the heap.
modifyStore :: MonadStore value m => (StoreFor value -> StoreFor value) -> m ()
modifyStore f = do
s <- getStore
putStore $! f s
-- | Write a value to the given 'Address' in the 'Store'.
assign :: ( Ord (LocationFor value)
, MonadStore value m
, Reducer value (CellFor value)
=> Address (LocationFor value) value
-> value
-> m ()
assign address = modifyStore . storeInsert address
-- | A 'Monad' abstracting tables of modules available for import.
class Monad m => MonadModuleTable term value m | m -> term, m -> value where
-- | Retrieve the table of evaluated modules.
getModuleTable :: m (ModuleTable (EnvironmentFor value))
-- | Update the table of evaluated modules.
modifyModuleTable :: (ModuleTable (EnvironmentFor value) -> ModuleTable (EnvironmentFor value)) -> m ()
-- | Set the table of evaluated modules.
putModuleTable :: ModuleTable (EnvironmentFor value) -> m ()
-- | Retrieve the table of unevaluated modules.
askModuleTable :: m (ModuleTable term)
-- | Run an action with a locally-modified table of unevaluated modules.
localModuleTable :: (ModuleTable term -> ModuleTable term) -> m a -> m a
-- | Retrieve the current root set.
askRoots :: Ord (LocationFor value) => m (Live (LocationFor value) value)
askRoots = pure mempty
-- | Get the current 'Configuration' with a passed-in term.
getConfiguration :: Ord (LocationFor value) => term -> m (Configuration (LocationFor value) term value)
getConfiguration term = Configuration term <$> askRoots <*> askLocalEnv <*> getStore
-- | Update the global environment.
modifyGlobalEnv :: MonadEvaluator term value m => (EnvironmentFor value -> EnvironmentFor value) -> m ()
modifyGlobalEnv f = getGlobalEnv >>= putGlobalEnv . f
-- | Update the heap.
modifyStore :: MonadEvaluator term value m => (StoreFor value -> StoreFor value) -> m ()
modifyStore f = getStore >>= putStore . f
-- | Update the evaluated module table.
modifyModuleTable :: MonadModuleTable term value m => (ModuleTable (EnvironmentFor value) -> ModuleTable (EnvironmentFor value)) -> m ()
modifyModuleTable f = do
table <- getModuleTable
putModuleTable $! f table