mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-20 21:31:48 +03:00

Set a declaration's scope on assignment

This commit is contained in:
joshvera 2018-09-14 15:12:29 -04:00
parent d19b861cbe
commit ce2263d5e5
5 changed files with 104 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ module Control.Abstract.ScopeGraph
, Reference(..)
, EdgeLabel(..)
, currentScope
, withScope
, associatedScope
, putDeclarationScope
) where
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator hiding (Local)
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Name
import Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Declaration (..), EdgeLabel, Reference, ScopeGraph)
@ -23,33 +26,49 @@ import Prologue
data ScopeEnv address (m :: * -> *) a where
Lookup :: Reference -> ScopeEnv address m (Maybe address)
Declare :: Declaration -> Span -> ScopeEnv address m ()
Declare :: Declaration -> Span -> Maybe address -> ScopeEnv address m ()
PutDeclarationScope :: Declaration -> address -> ScopeEnv address m ()
Reference :: Reference -> Declaration -> ScopeEnv address m ()
Create :: Map EdgeLabel [address] -> m a -> ScopeEnv address m a
NewScope :: Map EdgeLabel [address] -> ScopeEnv address m address
CurrentScope :: ScopeEnv address m (Maybe address)
Local :: address -> m a -> ScopeEnv address m a
AssociatedScope :: Declaration -> ScopeEnv address m (Maybe address)
lookup :: forall address value effects. Member (ScopeEnv address) effects => Reference -> Evaluator address value effects (Maybe address)
lookup = send . Lookup @address
declare :: forall address value effects. Member (ScopeEnv address) effects => Declaration -> Span -> Evaluator address value effects ()
declare = (send .) . Declare @address
declare :: forall address value effects. Member (ScopeEnv address) effects => Declaration -> Span -> Maybe address -> Evaluator address value effects ()
declare = ((send .) .) . Declare @address
putDeclarationScope :: forall address value effects. Member (ScopeEnv address) effects => Declaration -> address -> Evaluator address value effects ()
putDeclarationScope = (send .) . PutDeclarationScope @address
reference :: forall address value effects. Member (ScopeEnv address) effects => Reference -> Declaration -> Evaluator address value effects ()
reference = (send .) . Reference @address
newScope :: forall address value effects m a. (Effectful m, Member (ScopeEnv address) effects) => Map EdgeLabel [address] -> m effects a -> Evaluator address value effects a
newScope map action= send (Create map (lowerEff action))
newScope :: forall address value effects. (Member (ScopeEnv address) effects) => Map EdgeLabel [address] -> Evaluator address value effects address
newScope map = send (NewScope map)
currentScope :: forall address value effects. Member (ScopeEnv address) effects => Evaluator address value effects (Maybe address)
currentScope = send CurrentScope
associatedScope :: forall address value effects. Member (ScopeEnv address) effects => Declaration -> Evaluator address value effects (Maybe address)
associatedScope = send . AssociatedScope
withScope :: forall address value effects m a. (Effectful (m address value), Member (ScopeEnv address) effects) => address -> m address value effects a -> m address value effects a
withScope scope action = send (Local scope (lowerEff action))
instance PureEffect (ScopeEnv address)
instance Effect (ScopeEnv address) where
handleState c dist (Request (Lookup ref) k) = Request (Lookup ref) (dist . (<$ c) . k)
handleState c dist (Request (Declare decl ddata) k) = Request (Declare decl ddata) (dist . (<$ c) . k)
handleState c dist (Request (Declare decl span assocScope) k) = Request (Declare decl span assocScope) (dist . (<$ c) . k)
handleState c dist (Request (PutDeclarationScope decl assocScope) k) = Request (PutDeclarationScope decl assocScope) (dist . (<$ c) . k)
handleState c dist (Request (Reference ref decl) k) = Request (Reference ref decl) (dist . (<$ c) . k)
handleState c dist (Request (Create edges action) k) = Request (Create edges (dist (action <$ c))) (dist . fmap k)
handleState c dist (Request (NewScope edges) k) = Request (NewScope edges) (dist . (<$ c) . k)
handleState c dist (Request CurrentScope k) = Request CurrentScope (dist . (<$ c) . k)
handleState c dist (Request (AssociatedScope decl) k) = Request (AssociatedScope decl) (dist . (<$ c) . k)
handleState c dist (Request (Local scope action) k) = Request (Local scope (dist (action <$ c))) (dist . fmap k)
runScopeEnv :: (Ord address, Effects effects, Member Fresh effects, Member (Allocator address) effects)
=> Evaluator address value (ScopeEnv address ': effects) a
@ -61,15 +80,19 @@ handleScopeEnv :: forall address value effects a. (Ord address, Member Fresh eff
-> Evaluator address value (State (ScopeGraph address) ': effects) a
handleScopeEnv = \case
Lookup ref -> ScopeGraph.scopeOfRef ref <$> get
Declare decl ddata -> modify @(ScopeGraph address) (ScopeGraph.declare decl ddata)
Declare decl span scope -> modify @(ScopeGraph address) (ScopeGraph.declare decl span scope)
PutDeclarationScope decl scope -> modify @(ScopeGraph address) (ScopeGraph.insertDeclarationScope decl scope)
Reference ref decl -> modify @(ScopeGraph address) (ScopeGraph.reference ref decl)
Create edges action -> do
NewScope edges -> do
-- Take the edges and construct a new scope, update the current scope to the new scope
currentScope' <- ScopeGraph.currentScope <$> get
name <- gensym
address <- alloc name
modify @(ScopeGraph address) (ScopeGraph.create address edges)
value <- reinterpret handleScopeEnv (raiseEff action)
modify @(ScopeGraph address) (\g -> g { ScopeGraph.currentScope = currentScope' })
pure value
address <$ modify @(ScopeGraph address) (ScopeGraph.newScope address edges)
CurrentScope -> ScopeGraph.currentScope <$> get
AssociatedScope decl -> ScopeGraph.associatedScope decl <$> get
Local scope action -> do
prevScope <- ScopeGraph.currentScope <$> get
modify @(ScopeGraph address) (\g -> g { ScopeGraph.currentScope = Just scope })
value <- reinterpret handleScopeEnv (raiseEff action)
modify @(ScopeGraph address) (\g -> g { ScopeGraph.currentScope = prevScope })
pure value

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@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ module Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph
, declare
, emptyGraph
, reference
, create
, newScope
, associatedScope
, insertDeclarationScope
) where
import Data.Abstract.Live
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ import Prologue
data Scope scopeAddress = Scope {
edges :: Map EdgeLabel [scopeAddress] -- Maybe Map EdgeLabel [Path scope]?
, references :: Map Reference (Path scopeAddress)
, declarations :: Map Declaration Span
, declarations :: Map Declaration (Span, Maybe scopeAddress)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ pathDeclaration (EPath _ _ p) = pathDeclaration p
pathsOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map Reference (Path scope))
pathsOfScope scope = fmap references . Map.lookup scope . graph
ddataOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map Declaration Span)
ddataOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map Declaration (Span, Maybe scope))
ddataOfScope scope = fmap declarations . Map.lookup scope . graph
linksOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map EdgeLabel [scope])
@ -68,11 +70,11 @@ linksOfScope scope = fmap edges . Map.lookup scope . graph
lookupScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Scope scope)
lookupScope scope = Map.lookup scope . graph
declare :: Ord scope => Declaration -> Span -> ScopeGraph scope -> ScopeGraph scope
declare declaration ddata g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
declare :: Ord scope => Declaration -> Span -> Maybe scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> ScopeGraph scope
declare declaration ddata assocScope g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
scopeKey <- currentScope
scope <- lookupScope scopeKey g
let newScope = scope { declarations = Map.insert declaration ddata (declarations scope) }
let newScope = scope { declarations = Map.insert declaration (ddata, assocScope) (declarations scope) }
pure $ g { graph = (Map.insert scopeKey newScope graph) }
reference :: Ord scope => Reference -> Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> ScopeGraph scope
@ -97,8 +99,15 @@ reference ref declaration g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
getFirst (foldMap (First . ap (go currentAddress currentScope) ((path .) . EPath edge)) scopes)
in traverseEdges I <|> traverseEdges P
create :: Ord address => address -> Map EdgeLabel [address] -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
create address edges g@ScopeGraph{..} = g { graph = Map.insert address newScope graph, currentScope = Just address }
insertDeclarationScope :: Ord address => Declaration -> address -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
insertDeclarationScope decl address g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
declScope <- scopeOfDeclaration decl g
scope <- lookupScope declScope g
(span, _) <- Map.lookup decl (declarations scope)
pure $ g { graph = Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Map.insert decl (span, Just address) (declarations scope) }) graph }
newScope :: Ord address => address -> Map EdgeLabel [address] -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
newScope address edges g@ScopeGraph{..} = g { graph = Map.insert address newScope graph }
newScope = Scope edges mempty mempty
@ -117,6 +126,7 @@ pathOfRef ref graph = do
pathsMap <- pathsOfScope scope graph
Map.lookup ref pathsMap
-- Returns the scope the declaration was declared in.
scopeOfDeclaration :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
scopeOfDeclaration declaration g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
@ -126,6 +136,15 @@ scopeOfDeclaration declaration g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
pure (Just s)
go [] = Nothing
associatedScope :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
associatedScope declaration g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
go (s : scopes') = fromMaybe (go scopes') $ do
ddataMap <- ddataOfScope s g
(_, assocScope) <- Map.lookup declaration ddataMap
pure assocScope
go [] = Nothing
newtype Reference = Reference Name
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

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@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ instance Evaluatable VariableDeclaration where
subtermSpan <- get @Span
pure (subtermSpan, ref)
declare (Declaration name) span
declare (Declaration name) span Nothing -- TODO is it true that variable declarations never have an associated scope?
address valueRef
rvalBox =<< tuple addresses
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ instance Evaluatable PublicFieldDefinition where
eval PublicFieldDefinition{..} = do
span <- ask @Span
propertyName <- maybeM (throwEvalError NoNameError) (declaredName (subterm publicFieldPropertyName))
declare (Declaration propertyName) span
declare (Declaration propertyName) span Nothing
rvalBox unit
@ -207,12 +207,12 @@ instance Evaluatable Class where
eval Class{..} = do
name <- maybeM (throwEvalError NoNameError) (declaredName (subterm classIdentifier))
span <- ask @Span
-- Add the class to the current scope.
declare (Declaration name) span
-- Run the action within the class's scope.
currentScope' <- currentScope
let edges = maybe mempty (Map.singleton P . pure) currentScope'
newScope edges $ do
childScope <- newScope edges
declare (Declaration name) span (Just childScope)
withScope childScope $ do
supers <- traverse subtermAddress classSuperclasses
(_, addr) <- letrec name $ do
void $ subtermValue classBody

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-export-lists #-}
module Data.Syntax.Expression where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Control.Abstract.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable hiding (Member)
import Data.Abstract.Number (liftIntegralFrac, liftReal, liftedExponent, liftedFloorDiv)
import Data.Bits
@ -432,7 +434,17 @@ instance Show1 MemberAccess where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable MemberAccess where
eval (MemberAccess obj propName) = do
name <- maybeM (throwEvalError NoNameError) (declaredName (subterm obj))
reference (Reference name) (Declaration name)
childScope <- associatedScope (Declaration name)
ptr <- subtermAddress obj
case childScope of
Just childScope -> withScope childScope $ reference (Reference propName) (Declaration propName)
Nothing ->
-- TODO: Throw an ReferenceError because we can't find the associated child scope for `obj`.
pure ()
pure $! LvalMember ptr propName
-- | Subscript (e.g a[1])
@ -523,7 +535,11 @@ instance Evaluatable Await where
-- | An object constructor call in Javascript, Java, etc.
newtype New a = New { newSubject :: [a] }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, Named1, Message1)
deriving (Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, Named1, Message1)
instance Declarations1 New where
liftDeclaredName _ (New []) = Nothing
liftDeclaredName declaredName (New (subject : _)) = declaredName subject
instance Eq1 New where liftEq = genericLiftEq
instance Ord1 New where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
@ -531,7 +547,9 @@ instance Show1 New where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- TODO: Implement Eval instance for New
instance Evaluatable New where
eval (New a) =
eval (New [subject]) = do
name <- maybeM (throwEvalError NoNameError) (declaredName (subterm subject))
reference (Reference name) (Declaration name)
-- TODO: Traverse subterms and instantiate frames from the corresponding scope
rvalBox unit

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@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ instance Evaluatable Statements where
eval (Statements xs) = do
currentScope' <- currentScope
let edges = maybe mempty (Map.singleton P . pure) currentScope'
newScope edges $ maybe (rvalBox unit) (runApp . foldMap1 (App . subtermRef)) (nonEmpty xs)
scope <- newScope edges
withScope scope $ maybe (rvalBox unit) (runApp . foldMap1 (App . subtermRef)) (nonEmpty xs)
instance Tokenize Statements where
tokenize = imperative
@ -141,8 +142,17 @@ instance Evaluatable Assignment where
rhs <- subtermAddress assignmentValue
case lhs of
LvalLocal nam -> do
bind nam rhs
LvalLocal name -> do
case (declaredName (subterm assignmentValue)) of
Just rhsName -> do
assocScope <- associatedScope (Declaration rhsName)
let edges = maybe mempty (Map.singleton I . pure) assocScope
objectScope <- newScope edges
putDeclarationScope (Declaration name) objectScope
Nothing ->
-- The rhs wasn't assigned to a reference/declaration.
pure ()
bind name rhs
LvalMember _ _ ->
-- we don't yet support mutable object properties:
pure ()