mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-20 21:31:48 +03:00

Merge branch 'master' into factor-abstract-value-as-value-effects

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2018-12-18 16:03:40 -05:00
commit d26c2a5180
2 changed files with 17 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -47,13 +47,12 @@ data Slot address = Slot { frameAddress :: address, position :: Position }
data Relation = Default | Instance
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
data Info scopeAddress = Info {
dataDeclaration :: Declaration
, dataRelation :: Relation
, dataSpan :: Span
, dataAssociatedScope :: Maybe scopeAddress
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
data Info scopeAddress = Info
{ infoDeclaration :: Declaration
, infoRelation :: Relation
, infoSpan :: Span
, infoAssociatedScope :: Maybe scopeAddress
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
-- Offsets and frame addresses in the heap should be addresses?
data Scope address = Scope
@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ linksOfScope scope = fmap edges . Map.lookup scope . unScopeGraph
relationsOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> Relation -> ScopeGraph scope -> [ Info scope ]
relationsOfScope scope relation g = fromMaybe mempty $ do
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope scope g
pure . toList $ Seq.filter (\Info{..} -> dataRelation == relation) dataSeq
pure . toList $ Seq.filter (\Info{..} -> infoRelation == relation) dataSeq
-- Lookup a scope in the scope graph.
lookupScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Scope scope)
@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ declare decl rel declSpan assocScope currentScope g = fromMaybe (g, Nothing) $ d
scope <- lookupScope currentScope g
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope currentScope g
case Seq.findIndexR (\Info{..} -> decl == dataDeclaration && declSpan == dataSpan && rel == dataRelation) dataSeq of
case Seq.findIndexR (\Info{..} -> decl == infoDeclaration && declSpan == infoSpan && rel == infoRelation) dataSeq of
Just index -> pure (g, Just (Position index))
Nothing -> do
let newScope = scope { declarations = declarations scope Seq.|> Info decl rel declSpan assocScope }
@ -188,20 +187,20 @@ insertReference ref path scope = scope { references = Map.insert ref path (refer
lookupDeclaration :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe (Info scopeAddress, Position)
lookupDeclaration name scope g = do
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope scope g
index <- Seq.findIndexR (\Info{..} -> Declaration name == dataDeclaration) dataSeq
index <- Seq.findIndexR (\Info{..} -> Declaration name == infoDeclaration) dataSeq
(, Position index) <$> Seq.lookup index dataSeq
declarationNames :: Ord address => [EdgeLabel] -> Scope address -> ScopeGraph address -> Set Declaration
declarationNames edgeLabels scope scopeGraph = localDeclarations <> edgeNames
where addresses = join (Map.elems $ Map.restrictKeys (edges scope) (Set.fromList edgeLabels))
edgeNames = flip foldMap addresses $ \address -> maybe mempty (flip (declarationNames edgeLabels) scopeGraph) (lookupScope address scopeGraph)
localDeclarations = Set.fromList . toList . fmap dataDeclaration $ declarations scope
localDeclarations = Set.fromList . toList . fmap infoDeclaration $ declarations scope
putDeclarationScopeAtPosition :: Ord scopeAddress => scopeAddress -> Position -> Maybe scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
putDeclarationScopeAtPosition scope position assocScope g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope scope g
let seq = Seq.adjust' (\Info{..} -> Info { dataAssociatedScope = assocScope, .. }) (unPosition position) dataSeq
let seq = Seq.adjust' (\Info{..} -> Info { infoAssociatedScope = assocScope, .. }) (unPosition position) dataSeq
pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.adjust (\s -> s { declarations = seq }) scope graph)
lookupReference :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe (Path scopeAddress)
@ -221,16 +220,16 @@ insertDeclarationScope :: Ord scopeAddress => Declaration -> scopeAddress -> sco
insertDeclarationScope Declaration{..} associatedScopeAddress scopeAddress g = fromMaybe g $ do
declScopeAddress <- pathDeclarationScope scopeAddress =<< lookupScopePath unDeclaration scopeAddress g
scope <- lookupScope declScopeAddress g
(declData, position) <- second unPosition <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScopeAddress g
pure $ insertScope declScopeAddress (scope { declarations = Seq.update position (declData { dataAssociatedScope = Just associatedScopeAddress }) (declarations scope) }) g
(declInfo, position) <- second unPosition <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScopeAddress g
pure $ insertScope declScopeAddress (scope { declarations = Seq.update position (declInfo { infoAssociatedScope = Just associatedScopeAddress }) (declarations scope) }) g
-- | Insert a declaration span into the declaration in the scope graph.
insertDeclarationSpan :: Ord scopeAddress => Declaration -> Span -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
insertDeclarationSpan decl@Declaration{..} span g = fromMaybe g $ do
declScopeAddress <- scopeOfDeclaration decl g
(declData, position) <- second unPosition <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScopeAddress g
(declInfo, position) <- second unPosition <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScopeAddress g
scope <- lookupScope declScopeAddress g
pure $ insertScope declScopeAddress (scope { declarations = Seq.update position (declData { dataSpan = span }) (declarations scope) }) g
pure $ insertScope declScopeAddress (scope { declarations = Seq.update position (declInfo { infoSpan = span }) (declarations scope) }) g
-- | Insert a new scope with the given address and edges into the scope graph.
newScope :: Ord address => address -> Map EdgeLabel [address] -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
@ -267,7 +266,7 @@ associatedScope :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
associatedScope Declaration{..} g@(ScopeGraph graph) = go (Map.keys graph)
go = foldr lookupAssociatedScope Nothing
lookupAssociatedScope scope = ((lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g >>= dataAssociatedScope . fst) <|>)
lookupAssociatedScope scope = ((lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g >>= infoAssociatedScope . fst) <|>)
newtype Reference = Reference { unReference :: Name }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, NFData)

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@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ instance Evaluatable New where
void . withScopeAndFrame objectFrame $ do
for_ instanceMembers $ \Info{..} -> do
declare dataDeclaration Default dataSpan dataAssociatedScope
declare infoDeclaration Default infoSpan infoAssociatedScope
-- TODO: This is a typescript specific name and we should allow languages to customize it.
let constructorName = Name.name "constructor"