mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-22 14:21:31 +03:00

Collapse down to a couple of linker strategies

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Clem 2018-02-26 15:50:05 -08:00
parent 16a4341505
commit d370863c41
3 changed files with 161 additions and 215 deletions

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@ -24,217 +24,186 @@ import System.FilePath.Posix
import Data.Union
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Debug.Trace
-- -- | The effects necessary for concrete interpretation.
-- --
-- -- NOTE: Uses a memoizing linker strategy.
-- type Evaluating t v
-- = '[ Fail
-- , State (Store (LocationFor v) v)
-- , State (EnvironmentFor v) -- Global (imperative) environment
-- , Reader (EnvironmentFor v) -- Local environment (e.g. binding over a closure)
-- , State (Linker t v)
-- ]
-- -- | Require/import another file and return an Effect.
-- require :: forall v term es.
-- ( Member Fail es
-- , Member (State (Linker term v)) es
-- , Evaluatable es term v (Base term)
-- , Recursive term
-- , FreeVariables term)
-- => term -> Eff es v
-- require term = do
-- let [name'] = toList (freeVariables term)
-- let name = BC.unpack name'
-- linker <- get @(Linker term v)
-- maybe (evalModule linker name) pure (linkerLookupValue name linker)
-- where
-- evalModule linker name = case linkerLookupTerm name linker of
-- Just m -> do
-- v <- step @v m
-- modify @(Linker term v) (linkerInsert name v)
-- pure v
-- _ -> fail ("cannot find " <> show name)
-- -- | Evaluate a term to a value.
-- evaluate :: forall v term.
-- ( Ord v
-- , Ord (LocationFor v)
-- , Evaluatable (Evaluating term v) term v (Base term)
-- , Recursive term
-- )
-- => term
-- -> Final (Evaluating term v) v
-- evaluate = run @(Evaluating term v) . fix (const step)
-- -- | Evaluate terms and an entry point to a value.
-- evaluates :: forall v term.
-- ( Ord v
-- , Ord (LocationFor v)
-- , Evaluatable (Evaluating term v) term v (Base term)
-- , Recursive term
-- )
-- => [(Blob, term)] -- List of (blob, term) pairs that make up the program to be evaluated
-- -> (Blob, term) -- Entrypoint
-- -> Final (Evaluating term v) v
-- evaluates pairs = run @(Evaluating term v) . fix go
-- where
-- go _ (Blob{..}, t) = do
-- put (Linker @term @v Map.empty (Map.fromList (fmap toPathActionPair pairs)))
-- step @v t
-- toPathActionPair (Blob{..}, t) = (dropExtensions blobPath, t)
-- -- | The effects necessary for concrete interpretation.
-- --
-- -- NOTE: Uses a lazy, non-memoized linker strategy where Effects are stored in the linker and run each time they are needed.
-- type Evaluating v
-- = '[ Fail
-- , State (Store (LocationFor v) v)
-- , State (EnvironmentFor v) -- Global (imperative) environment
-- , Reader (EnvironmentFor v) -- Local environment (e.g. binding over a closure)
-- , Reader (Linker (Evaluator v))
-- ]
-- newtype Evaluator v = Evaluator { runEvaluator :: Eff (Evaluating v) v }
-- -- | Require/import another file and return an Effect.
-- require :: forall v term es.
-- ( Members (Evaluating v) es
-- , FreeVariables term
-- )
-- => term -> Eff es v
-- require term = do
-- let [name'] = toList (freeVariables term)
-- let name = BC.unpack name'
-- linker <- ask @(Linker (Evaluator v))
-- maybe (fail ("cannot find " <> show name)) (raiseEmbedded . runEvaluator) (linkerLookup name linker)
-- -- | Evaluate a term to a value.
-- evaluate :: forall v term.
-- ( Ord v
-- , Ord (LocationFor v)
-- , Evaluatable (Evaluating v) term v (Base term)
-- , Recursive term
-- )
-- => term
-- -> Final (Evaluating v) v
-- evaluate = run @(Evaluating v) . fix (const step)
-- -- | Evaluate terms and an entry point to a value.
-- evaluates :: forall v term.
-- ( Ord v
-- , Ord (LocationFor v)
-- , Evaluatable (Evaluating v) term v (Base term)
-- , Recursive term
-- )
-- => [(Blob, term)] -- List of (blob, term) pairs that make up the program to be evaluated
-- -> (Blob, term) -- Entrypoint
-- -> Final (Evaluating v) v
-- evaluates pairs = run @(Evaluating v) . fix go
-- where
-- go _ (Blob{..}, t) = local (const (Linker (Map.fromList (map toPathActionPair pairs)))) (step @v t)
-- toPathActionPair (Blob{..}, t) = (dropExtensions blobPath, Evaluator (step @v t))
-- | The effects necessary for concrete interpretation.
-- NOTE: Uses a memoizing linker strategy.
type Evaluating t v
type Evaluating v
= '[ Fail
, State (Store (LocationFor v) v)
, State (EnvironmentFor v) -- Global (imperative) environment
, Reader (EnvironmentFor v) -- Local environment (e.g. binding over a closure)
, State (Linker t v)
, Reader (Linker (Evaluator v))
, State (Linker v)
-- | Require/import another file and return an Effect.
newtype Evaluator v = Evaluator { runEvaluator :: Eff (Evaluating v) v }
-- | Require/import another term/file and return an Effect.
-- Looks up the term's name in the cache of evaluated modules first, returns a value if found, otherwise loads/evaluates the module.
require :: forall v term es.
( Member Fail es
, Member (State (Linker term v)) es
, Evaluatable es term v (Base term)
, Recursive term
, FreeVariables term)
( Members (Evaluating v) es
, FreeVariables term
=> term -> Eff es v
require term = do
let [name'] = toList (freeVariables term)
let name = BC.unpack name'
linker <- get @(Linker term v)
maybe (evalModule linker name) (trace ("require:" <> name) pure) (linkerLookupValue name linker)
evalModule linker name = case linkerLookupTerm name linker of
Just m -> do
v <- step @v m
modify @(Linker term v) (linkerInsert name v)
trace ("require[eval]:" <> name) (pure v)
_ -> fail ("cannot find " <> show name)
require term = get @(Linker v) >>= maybe (load term) pure . linkerLookup name
where name = moduleName term
-- | Load another term/file and return an Effect.
-- Always loads/evaluates.
load :: forall v term es.
( Members (Evaluating v) es
, FreeVariables term
=> term -> Eff es v
load term = ask @(Linker (Evaluator v)) >>= maybe (fail ("cannot find " <> show name)) evalAndCache . linkerLookup name
where name = moduleName term
evalAndCache e = do
v <- raiseEmbedded (runEvaluator e)
modify @(Linker v) (linkerInsert name v)
pure v
-- | Get a module name from a term (expects single free variables).
moduleName :: FreeVariables term => term -> Prelude.String
moduleName term = let [n] = toList (freeVariables term) in BC.unpack n
-- | Evaluate a term to a value.
evaluate :: forall v term.
( Ord v
, Ord (LocationFor v)
, Evaluatable (Evaluating term v) term v (Base term)
, Evaluatable (Evaluating v) term v (Base term)
, Recursive term
=> term
-> Final (Evaluating term v) v
evaluate = run @(Evaluating term v) . fix (const step)
-> Final (Evaluating v) v
evaluate = run @(Evaluating v) . fix (const step)
-- | Evaluate terms and an entry point to a value.
evaluates :: forall v term.
( Ord v
, Ord (LocationFor v)
, Evaluatable (Evaluating term v) term v (Base term)
, Evaluatable (Evaluating v) term v (Base term)
, Recursive term
=> [(Blob, term)] -- List of (blob, term) pairs that make up the program to be evaluated
-> (Blob, term) -- Entrypoint
-> Final (Evaluating term v) v
evaluates pairs = run @(Evaluating term v) . fix go
-> Final (Evaluating v) v
evaluates pairs = run @(Evaluating v) . fix go
go _ (Blob{..}, t) = do
put (Linker @term @v Map.empty (Map.fromList (fmap toPathActionPair pairs)))
trace ("step[entryPoint]: " <> show blobPath) (step @v t)
toPathActionPair (Blob{..}, t) = (dropExtensions blobPath, t)
-- | The effects necessary for concrete interpretation.
-- NOTE: Uses a preload linker strategy.
type Evaluating' v
= '[ Fail
, State (Store (LocationFor v) v)
, State (EnvironmentFor v) -- Global (imperative) environment
, Reader (EnvironmentFor v) -- Local environment (e.g. binding over a closure)
, Reader (Linker' v)
-- | Require/import another file and return an Effect.
require' :: forall v term es.
( Member Fail es
, Member (Reader (Linker' v)) es
, FreeVariables term
=> term -> Eff es v
require' term = do
let [name'] = toList (freeVariables term)
let name = BC.unpack name'
linker <- ask
maybe (fail ("cannot find " <> show name)) pure (linkerLookup name linker)
-- | Evaluate a term to a value.
evaluate' :: forall v term.
( Ord v
, Ord (LocationFor v)
, Evaluatable (Evaluating' v) term v (Base term)
, Recursive term
=> term
-> Final (Evaluating' v) v
evaluate' = run @(Evaluating' v) . fix (const step)
-- | Evaluate terms and an entry point to a value.
evaluates' :: forall v term.
( Ord v
, Ord (LocationFor v)
, Evaluatable (Evaluating' v) term v (Base term)
, Recursive term
=> [(Blob, term)] -- List of (blob, term) pairs that make up the program to be evaluated
-> (Blob, term) -- Entrypoint
-> Final (Evaluating' v) v
evaluates' pairs = run @(Evaluating' v) . fix go
go _ (Blob{..}, t) = do
modules <- for pairs $ \(Blob{..}, t) -> do
v <- trace ("step: " <> show blobPath) $ step @v t
pure (dropExtensions blobPath, v)
local (const (Linker' (Map.fromList modules))) (trace ("step: " <> show blobPath) (step @v t))
-- | The effects necessary for concrete interpretation.
-- NOTE: Uses a lazy, non-memoized linker strategy where Effects are stored in the linker and run each time they are needed.
type Evaluating'' v
= '[ Fail
, State (Store (LocationFor v) v)
, State (EnvironmentFor v) -- Global (imperative) environment
, Reader (EnvironmentFor v) -- Local environment (e.g. binding over a closure)
, Reader (Linker' (Evaluator v))
newtype Evaluator v = Evaluator { runEvaluator :: Eff (Evaluating'' v) v }
-- | Require/import another file and return an Effect.
require'' :: forall v term es.
( Members (Evaluating'' v) es
, FreeVariables term
=> term -> Eff es v
require'' term = do
let [name'] = toList (freeVariables term)
let name = BC.unpack name'
linker <- trace ("require: " <> show name) $ ask @(Linker' (Evaluator v))
maybe (fail ("cannot find " <> show name)) (raiseEmbedded . runEvaluator) (linkerLookup name linker)
-- | Evaluate a term to a value.
evaluate'' :: forall v term.
( Ord v
, Ord (LocationFor v)
, Evaluatable (Evaluating'' v) term v (Base term)
, Recursive term
=> term
-> Final (Evaluating'' v) v
evaluate'' = run @(Evaluating'' v) . fix (const step)
-- | Evaluate terms and an entry point to a value.
evaluates'' :: forall v term.
( Ord v
, Ord (LocationFor v)
, Evaluatable (Evaluating'' v) term v (Base term)
, Recursive term
=> [(Blob, term)] -- List of (blob, term) pairs that make up the program to be evaluated
-> (Blob, term) -- Entrypoint
-> Final (Evaluating'' v) v
evaluates'' pairs = run @(Evaluating'' v) . fix go
go _ (Blob{..}, t) = local (const (Linker' (Map.fromList (map toPathActionPair pairs)))) (trace ("step: " <> show blobPath) (step @v t))
go _ (Blob{..}, t) = local (const (Linker (Map.fromList (map toPathActionPair pairs)))) (step @v t)
toPathActionPair (Blob{..}, t) = (dropExtensions blobPath, Evaluator (step @v t))
-- | The effects necessary for concrete interpretation.
-- NOTE: Allows for both the concepts of requiring and loading.
-- * require - evaluates the specified term and memoizes the resulting value (and environment), future calls to require the same file do not re-evaluate.
-- * load - always evaluates the specified term.
type Evaluating''' v
= '[ Fail
, State (Store (LocationFor v) v)
, State (EnvironmentFor v) -- Global (imperative) environment
, Reader (EnvironmentFor v) -- Local environment (e.g. binding over a closure)
, State (Module (Evaluator' v) v)
newtype Evaluator' v = Evaluator' { unEvaluator' :: Eff (Evaluating''' v) v }
-- | Load another file and return an Effect.
load :: forall v term es.
( Members (Evaluating''' v) es
, FreeVariables term
=> term -> Eff es v
load term = do
let name = moduleName term
module' <- get @(Module (Evaluator' v) v)
maybe (fail ("cannot find " <> show name)) (raiseEmbedded . unEvaluator' . Prelude.fst) (moduleLookup name module')
-- | Require/import another file and return an Effect.
require''' :: forall v term es.
( Members (Evaluating''' v) es
, FreeVariables term
=> term -> Eff es v
require''' term = do
let name = moduleName term
module' <- get @(Module (Evaluator' v) v)
case moduleLookup name module' of
Just (m, Nothing) -> do
v <- raiseEmbedded (unEvaluator' m)
modify @(Module (Evaluator' v) v) (moduleInsert name v)
pure v
Just (_, Just v) -> pure v
_ -> fail ("cannot find " <> show name)
moduleName :: FreeVariables term => term -> Prelude.String
moduleName term = let [name'] = toList (freeVariables term) in BC.unpack name'

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Data.Abstract.Linker where
import Data.Semigroup
@ -6,34 +6,11 @@ import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.Map as Map
newtype Module e v = Module { unModule :: Map.Map FilePath (e, Maybe v) }
moduleLookup :: FilePath -> Module e v -> Maybe (e, Maybe v)
moduleLookup k = Map.lookup k . unModule
moduleInsert :: FilePath -> v -> Module e v -> Module e v
moduleInsert k v Module{..} = Module $ Map.update (\(x, _) -> Just (x, Just v)) k unModule
data Linker t a = Linker { linkerValues :: Map.Map FilePath a, linkerTerms :: Map.Map FilePath t }
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Ord, Semigroup, Show, Traversable)
instance Monoid (Linker t a) where
mempty = Linker Map.empty Map.empty
mappend (Linker v1 t1) (Linker v2 t2) = Linker (Map.union v1 v2) (Map.union t1 t2)
linkerLookupValue :: FilePath -> Linker t a -> Maybe a
linkerLookupValue k = Map.lookup k . linkerValues
linkerLookupTerm :: FilePath -> Linker t a -> Maybe t
linkerLookupTerm k = Map.lookup k . linkerTerms
linkerInsert :: FilePath -> a -> Linker t a -> Linker t a
linkerInsert k v Linker{..} = Linker (Map.insert k v linkerValues) (Map.delete k linkerTerms)
newtype Linker' a = Linker' { unLinker :: Map.Map FilePath a }
newtype Linker a = Linker { unLinker :: Map.Map FilePath a }
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic1, Monoid, Ord, Semigroup, Show, Traversable)
linkerLookup :: FilePath -> Linker' a -> Maybe a
linkerLookup :: FilePath -> Linker a -> Maybe a
linkerLookup k = Map.lookup k . unLinker
linkerInsert :: FilePath -> a -> Linker a -> Linker a
linkerInsert k v Linker{..} = Linker (Map.insert k v unLinker)

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@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ instance Show1 Import where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance ( Show l
, Show t
, Members (Evaluating t (Value l t)) es
, Members (Evaluating (Value l t)) es
, Evaluatable es t (Value l t) (Base t)
, Recursive t
, FreeVariables t