mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-29 18:06:14 +03:00

Add a DOC type which constructs Doc.

Following Wadler.
This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2015-09-28 17:06:52 -04:00
parent 0c8303f27b
commit d3b27cfba4
4 changed files with 150 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -20,15 +20,13 @@ public enum Diff: Comparable, CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomDocConvertible
public var doc: Doc {
public var doc: DOC {
switch self {
case .Empty:
return .Empty
case let .Patch(a, b):
return .Horizontal([
.Wrap(.Text("{-"), Doc(a), .Text("-}")),
.Wrap(.Text("{+"), Doc(b), .Text("+}"))
return .bracket("{-", DOC(a), "-}")
<> .bracket("{+", DOC(b), "+}")
case let .Copy(a):
return a.doc

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@ -1,40 +1,148 @@
public enum Doc: CustomStringConvertible, Equatable {
case Empty
case Text(String)
case Horizontal([Doc])
case Vertical([Doc])
indirect case Wrap(Doc, Doc, Doc)
indirect case Join(Doc, [Doc])
public init<T>(_ value: T) {
self = (value as? CustomDocConvertible)?.doc ?? .Text(String(value))
indirect case Text(String, Doc)
indirect case Line(Int, Doc)
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .Empty:
return ""
case let .Text(s):
return s
case let .Horizontal(a):
return a.lazy.map { String($0) }.joinWithSeparator("")
case let .Vertical(a):
return a.lazy.map { String($0) }.joinWithSeparator("\n")
case let .Wrap(open, body, close):
return "\(String(open))\(String(body))\(String(close))"
case let .Join(separator, elements):
return elements.map { String($0) }.joinWithSeparator(String(separator))
case let .Text(s, doc):
return s + doc.description
case let .Line(n, doc):
return "\n" + String(count: n, repeatedValue: " " as Character) + doc.description
public enum DOC {
case Empty
indirect case Concat(DOC, DOC)
indirect case Union(DOC, DOC)
case Text(String)
indirect case Nest(Int, DOC)
case Line
public init<T>(_ value: T) {
self = (value as? CustomDocConvertible)?.doc ?? .Text(String(value))
public static func group(doc: DOC) -> DOC {
return Union(doc.flattened, doc)
public static func bracket(l: String, _ x: DOC, _ r: String) -> DOC {
return group(Concat(Text(l), Concat(Nest(2, Concat(Line, x)), Concat(Line, Text(r)))))
public static func folddoc<C: CollectionType where C.Generator.Element == DOC>(docs: C, combine: (DOC, DOC) -> DOC) -> DOC {
func fold(docs: Stream<DOC>) -> DOC {
switch docs {
case .Nil:
return .Empty
case let .Cons(x, rest) where rest.value.isEmpty:
return x
case let .Cons(x, rest):
return combine(x, fold(rest.value))
return fold(Stream(sequence: docs))
public static func spread<C: CollectionType where C.Generator.Element == DOC>(docs: C) -> DOC {
return folddoc(docs, combine: <+>)
public static func stack<C: CollectionType where C.Generator.Element == DOC>(docs: C) -> DOC {
return folddoc(docs, combine: </>)
public static func join<C: CollectionType where C.Generator.Element == DOC>(separator: String, _ docs: C) -> DOC {
return folddoc(docs) {
$0 <> Text(separator) <+> $1
public var flattened: DOC {
switch self {
case .Empty, .Text:
return self
case let .Concat(a, b):
return .Concat(a.flattened, b.flattened)
case let .Union(a, _):
return a.flattened
case let .Nest(_, doc):
return doc.flattened
case .Line:
return .Text(" ")
func best(w: Int, _ k: Int, _ x: DOC) -> Doc {
return be(w, k, Stream<(Int, DOC)>.pure((0, x)))
func be(w: Int, _ k: Int, _ z: Stream<(Int, DOC)>) -> Doc {
switch z {
case .Nil:
return .Empty
case let .Cons((_, .Empty), z):
return be(w, k, z.value)
case let .Cons((i, .Concat(x, y)), z):
return be(w, k, .Cons((i, x), Memo(evaluated: .Cons((i, y), z))))
case let .Cons((i, .Nest(j, x)), z):
return be(w, k, .Cons((i + j, x), z))
case let .Cons((_, .Text(s)), z):
return .Text(s, be(w, k + Int(s.characters.count), z.value))
case let .Cons((i, .Line), z):
return .Line(i, be(w, i, z.value))
case let .Cons((i, .Union(x, y)), z):
return better(w, k, be(w, k, .Cons((i, x), z)), be(w, k, .Cons((i, y), z)))
func better(w: Int, _ k: Int, _ x: Doc, _ y: Doc) -> Doc {
return fits(w - k, x)
? x
: y
func fits(w: Int, _ x: Doc) -> Bool {
guard w >= 0 else { return false }
switch x {
case .Empty, .Line:
return true
case let .Text(s, x):
return fits(w - Int(s.characters.count), x)
public protocol CustomDocConvertible: CustomStringConvertible {
var doc: Doc { get }
var doc: DOC { get }
extension CustomDocConvertible {
private func pretty(w: Int) -> String {
return best(w, 0, doc).description
public var description: String {
return doc.description
return pretty(70)
public func <> (left: DOC, right: DOC) -> DOC {
return .Concat(left, right)
public func <+> (left: DOC, right: DOC) -> DOC {
return left <> .Text(" ") <> right
public func </> (left: DOC, right: DOC) -> DOC {
return left <> .Line <> right

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@ -46,16 +46,10 @@ public func == (left: Doc, right: Doc) -> Bool {
switch (left, right) {
case (.Empty, .Empty):
return true
case let (.Text(a), .Text(b)):
return a == b
case let (.Horizontal(a), .Horizontal(b)):
return a == b
case let (.Vertical(a), .Vertical(b)):
return a == b
case let (.Wrap(a1, b1, c1), .Wrap(a2, b2, c2)):
return a1 == a2 && b1 == b2 && c1 == c2
case let (.Join(s1, e1), .Join(s2, e2)):
return s1 == s2 && e1 == e2
case let (.Text(a, x), .Text(b, y)):
return a == b && x == y
case let (.Line(i, x), .Line(j, y)):
return i == j && x == y
return false

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public enum Term: CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomDocConvertible, CustomStri
public var doc: Doc {
public var doc: DOC {
switch self {
case .Empty:
return .Empty
@ -182,31 +182,31 @@ public enum Syntax<Payload>: CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomDocConvertible
public var doc: Doc {
public var doc: DOC {
switch self {
case let .Apply(f, vs):
return .Horizontal([
.Wrap(.Text("("), .Join(.Text(", "), vs.map(Doc.init)), .Text(")"))
return .spread([
.bracket("(", .join(", ", vs.map(DOC.init)), ")")
case let .Abstract(parameters, body):
return .Horizontal([
return .folddoc([
.Join(.Text(", "), parameters.map(Doc.init)),
.join(", ", parameters.map(DOC.init)),
], combine: <>)
case let .Assign(n, v):
return .Horizontal([ .Text(n), .Text("="), Doc(v) ])
return .spread([ .Text(n), .Text("="), DOC(v) ])
case let .Variable(n):
return .Text(n)
case let .Literal(s):
return .Text(s)
case let .Group(n, vs):
return .Horizontal([
.Wrap(.Text("{"), .Vertical(vs.map(Doc.init)), .Text("}"))
return .folddoc([
.bracket("{", .stack(vs.map(DOC.init)), "}")
], combine: <>)