mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 01:42:43 +03:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into classes
This commit is contained in:
@ -181,16 +181,16 @@ library
, tree-sitter-ruby
, tree-sitter-typescript
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: DeriveFoldable
, DeriveFunctor
, DeriveGeneric
, DeriveTraversable
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, OverloadedStrings
, RecordWildCards
, StrictData
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -O -j
default-extensions: DeriveFoldable
, DeriveFunctor
, DeriveGeneric
, DeriveTraversable
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, OverloadedStrings
, RecordWildCards
, StrictData
ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints -fno-warn-name-shadowing -O -j
ghc-prof-options: -fprof-auto
executable semantic
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ newtype CallGraph = CallGraph { unCallGraph :: G.Graph Name }
deriving (Eq, Graph, Show)
-- | Build the 'CallGraph' for a 'Term' recursively.
buildCallGraph :: (CallGraphAlgebra syntax, Foldable syntax, FreeVariables1 syntax, Functor syntax) => Term syntax ann -> Set Name -> CallGraph
buildCallGraph :: (CallGraphAlgebra syntax, FreeVariables1 syntax, Functor syntax) => Term syntax ann -> Set Name -> CallGraph
buildCallGraph = foldSubterms callGraphAlgebra
@ -91,10 +91,12 @@ type family CallGraphAlgebraStrategy syntax where
CallGraphAlgebraStrategy (TermF f a) = 'Custom
CallGraphAlgebraStrategy a = 'Default
instance Semigroup CallGraph where
(<>) = overlay
instance Monoid CallGraph where
mempty = empty
mappend = overlay
mappend = (<>)
instance Ord CallGraph where
compare (CallGraph G.Empty) (CallGraph G.Empty) = EQ
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ newtype CyclomaticComplexity = CyclomaticComplexity Int
-- If you’re getting errors about missing a 'CustomHasCyclomaticComplexity' instance for your syntax type, you probably forgot step 1.
-- If you’re getting 'Nothing' for your syntax node at runtime, you probably forgot step 2.
cyclomaticComplexityAlgebra :: (Foldable syntax, HasCyclomaticComplexity syntax) => TermF syntax ann CyclomaticComplexity -> CyclomaticComplexity
cyclomaticComplexityAlgebra :: HasCyclomaticComplexity syntax => TermF syntax ann CyclomaticComplexity -> CyclomaticComplexity
cyclomaticComplexityAlgebra (In _ syntax) = toCyclomaticComplexity syntax
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, InstanceSigs, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} -- For HasCallStack
-- | Assignment of AST onto some other structure (typically terms).
-- Parsing yields an AST represented as a Rose tree labelled with symbols in the language’s grammar and source locations (byte Range and Span). An Assignment represents a (partial) map from AST nodes onto some other structure; in essence, it’s a parser that operates over trees. (For our purposes, this structure is typically Terms annotated with source locations.) Assignments are able to match based on symbol, sequence, and hierarchy; thus, in @x = y@, both @x@ and @y@ might have the same symbol, @Identifier@, the left can be assigned to a variable declaration, while the right can be assigned to a variable reference.
@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ instance (Enum grammar, Eq1 ast, Ix grammar) => Semigroup (Assignment ast gramma
instance (Enum grammar, Eq1 ast, Ix grammar) => Monoid (Assignment ast grammar a) where
mempty = empty
mappend = (<|>)
mappend = (<>)
instance (Enum grammar, Eq1 ast, Ix grammar) => Alternative (Assignment ast grammar) where
empty :: HasCallStack => Assignment ast grammar a
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Assigning.Assignment.Table
, lookup
) where
import Prologue hiding (toList)
import Prologue
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ data Table i a = Table { tableAddresses :: [i], tableBranches :: IntMap a }
singleton :: Enum i => i -> a -> Table i a
singleton i a = Table [i] (IntMap.singleton (fromEnum i) a)
fromListWith :: (Enum i, Ord i) => (a -> a -> a) -> [(i, a)] -> Table i a
fromListWith :: Enum i => (a -> a -> a) -> [(i, a)] -> Table i a
fromListWith with assocs = Table (toEnum <$> IntSet.toList (IntSet.fromList (fromEnum . fst <$> assocs))) (IntMap.fromListWith with (first fromEnum <$> assocs))
toPairs :: Enum i => Table i a -> [(i, a)]
@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ lookup :: Enum i => i -> Table i a -> Maybe a
lookup i = IntMap.lookup (fromEnum i) . tableBranches
instance (Enum i, Monoid a) => Semigroup (Table i a) where
(Table i1 b1) <> (Table i2 b2) = Table (i1 `mappend` i2) (IntMap.unionWith mappend b1 b2)
instance (Enum i, Monoid a) => Monoid (Table i a) where
mempty = Table mempty mempty
mappend (Table i1 b1) (Table i2 b2) = Table (i1 `mappend` i2) (IntMap.unionWith mappend b1 b2)
mappend = (<>)
instance (Enum i, Show i) => Show1 (Table i) where
liftShowsPrec spA slA d t = showsBinaryWith showsPrec (const (liftShowList spA slA)) "Table" d (tableAddresses t) (toPairs t)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} -- For runAnalysis
module Control.Abstract.Analysis
( MonadAnalysis(..)
, evaluateTerm
@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ doWhile body cond = loop $ \ continue -> body *> do
instance ( Monad m
, MonadAddressable location Value m
, MonadAnalysis term Value m
, Show location
=> MonadValue Value m where
@ -265,6 +264,8 @@ instance (Alternative m, MonadEnvironment Type m, MonadFail m, MonadFresh m, Mon
objectEnvironment _ = pure mempty
asString _ = fail "Must evaluate to Value to use asString"
ifthenelse cond if' else' = unify cond Bool *> (if' <|> else')
liftNumeric _ Type.Float = pure Type.Float
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ liveMember :: Ord l => Address l v -> Live l v -> Bool
liveMember addr = Set.member addr . unLive
-- | Decompose a 'Live' set into a pair of one member address and the remaining set, or 'Nothing' if empty.
liveSplit :: Ord l => Live l v -> Maybe (Address l v, Live l v)
liveSplit :: Live l v -> Maybe (Address l v, Live l v)
liveSplit = fmap (second Live) . Set.minView . unLive
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
module Data.Patch
( Patch(..)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Data.Range
( Range(..)
, emptyRange
, rangeLength
, offsetRange
, intersectsRange
@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import Data.JSON.Fields
data Range = Range { start :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, end :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int }
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
emptyRange :: Range
emptyRange = Range 0 0
-- | Return the length of the range.
rangeLength :: Range -> Int
rangeLength range = end range - start range
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ totalRange = Range 0 . B.length . sourceBytes
totalSpan :: Source -> Span
totalSpan source = Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos (length ranges) (succ (end lastRange - start lastRange)))
where ranges = sourceLineRanges source
Just lastRange = getLast (foldMap (Last . Just) ranges)
lastRange = fromMaybe emptyRange (getLast (foldMap (Last . Just) ranges))
-- En/decoding
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ rangeToSpan source (Range rangeStart rangeEnd) = Span startPos endPos
firstLine = length before
(before, rest) = span ((< rangeStart) . end) (sourceLineRanges source)
(lineRanges, _) = span ((<= rangeEnd) . start) rest
Just firstRange = getFirst (foldMap (First . Just) lineRanges)
Just lastRange = getLast (foldMap (Last . Just) lineRanges)
firstRange = fromMaybe emptyRange (getFirst (foldMap (First . Just) lineRanges))
lastRange = fromMaybe firstRange (getLast (foldMap (Last . Just) lineRanges))
-- Instances
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ data SplitPatch a
deriving (Foldable, Eq, Functor, Show, Traversable)
-- | Get the range of a SplitDiff.
getRange :: Functor f => HasField fields Range => SplitDiff f (Record fields) -> Range
getRange :: HasField fields Range => SplitDiff f (Record fields) -> Range
getRange diff = getField $ case diff of
Free annotated -> termFAnnotation annotated
Pure patch -> termAnnotation (splitTerm patch)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, GADTs, TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} -- For HasCallStack
module Data.Syntax where
import Control.Monad.Fail
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DefaultSignatures, GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} -- FIXME
module Diffing.Algorithm where
import Prologue
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, RankNTypes, TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} -- FIXME
module Diffing.Algorithm.RWS
( rws
, Options(..)
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ defaultP = 0
defaultQ = 3
toKdMap :: Functor syntax => [(Int, Term syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields)))] -> KdMap.KdMap Double FeatureVector (Int, Term syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields)))
toKdMap :: [(Int, Term syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields)))] -> KdMap.KdMap Double FeatureVector (Int, Term syntax (Record (FeatureVector ': fields)))
toKdMap = KdMap.build unFV . fmap (rhead . termAnnotation . snd &&& id)
-- | A `Gram` is a fixed-size view of some portion of a tree, consisting of a `stem` of _p_ labels for parent nodes, and a `base` of _q_ labels of sibling nodes. Collectively, the bag of `Gram`s for each node of a tree (e.g. as computed by `pqGrams`) form a summary of the tree.
@ -134,8 +135,7 @@ pqGramDecorator getLabel p q = cata algebra
gram label = Gram (padToSize p []) (padToSize q (pure (Just label)))
assignParentAndSiblingLabels functor label = (`evalState` (replicate (q `div` 2) Nothing <> siblingLabels functor)) (for functor (assignLabels label))
assignLabels :: Functor f
=> label
assignLabels :: label
-> Term f (Record (Gram label ': fields))
-> State [Maybe label] (Term f (Record (Gram label ': fields)))
assignLabels label (Term.Term (In (gram :. rest) functor)) = do
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Diffing.Algorithm
import Diffing.Algorithm.RWS
-- | Diff two à la carte terms recursively.
diffTerms :: (Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, GAlign syntax, Show1 syntax, Traversable syntax)
diffTerms :: (Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, GAlign syntax, Show1 syntax, Traversable syntax)
=> Term syntax (Record fields1)
-> Term syntax (Record fields2)
-> Diff syntax (Record fields1) (Record fields2)
@ -598,8 +598,7 @@ infixTerm :: Assignment
infixTerm = infixContext comment
-- | Match a series of terms or comments until a delimiter is matched
manyTermsTill :: Show b
=> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar Term
manyTermsTill :: Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar Term
-> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar b
-> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar [Term]
manyTermsTill step end = manyTill (step <|> comment) end
@ -6,17 +6,18 @@ module Language.Markdown.Assignment
, Language.Markdown.Assignment.Term
) where
import Prologue
import Assigning.Assignment hiding (Assignment, Error)
import qualified Assigning.Assignment as Assignment
import qualified CMarkGFM
import Data.Record
import Data.Syntax (makeTerm)
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import Data.Term as Term (Term(..), TermF(..), termFAnnotation, termFOut, termIn)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Parsing.CMark as Grammar (Grammar(..))
import Prologue
import qualified Assigning.Assignment as Assignment
import qualified CMarkGFM
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Language.Markdown.Syntax as Markup
type Syntax =
@ -72,21 +73,30 @@ paragraph :: Assignment
paragraph = makeTerm <$> symbol Paragraph <*> children (Markup.Paragraph <$> many inlineElement)
list :: Assignment
list = termIn <$> symbol List <*> ((\ (CMarkGFM.LIST CMarkGFM.ListAttributes{..}) -> case listType of
CMarkGFM.BULLET_LIST -> inj . Markup.UnorderedList
CMarkGFM.ORDERED_LIST -> inj . Markup.OrderedList) . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode <*> children (many item))
list = termIn <$> symbol List <*> (makeList . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode <*> children (many item))
makeList (CMarkGFM.LIST CMarkGFM.ListAttributes{..}) = case listType of
CMarkGFM.BULLET_LIST -> inj . Markup.UnorderedList
CMarkGFM.ORDERED_LIST -> inj . Markup.OrderedList
makeList _ = inj . Markup.UnorderedList
item :: Assignment
item = makeTerm <$> symbol Item <*> children (many blockElement)
heading :: Assignment
heading = makeTerm <$> symbol Heading <*> ((\ (CMarkGFM.HEADING level) -> Markup.Heading level) . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode <*> children (many inlineElement) <*> manyTill blockElement (void (symbol Heading) <|> eof))
heading = makeTerm <$> symbol Heading <*> (makeHeading . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode <*> children (many inlineElement) <*> manyTill blockElement (void (symbol Heading) <|> eof))
makeHeading (CMarkGFM.HEADING level) = Markup.Heading level
makeHeading _ = Markup.Heading 0
blockQuote :: Assignment
blockQuote = makeTerm <$> symbol BlockQuote <*> children (Markup.BlockQuote <$> many blockElement)
codeBlock :: Assignment
codeBlock = makeTerm <$> symbol CodeBlock <*> ((\ (CMarkGFM.CODE_BLOCK language _) -> Markup.Code (nullText language)) . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode <*> source)
codeBlock = makeTerm <$> symbol CodeBlock <*> (makeCode . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode <*> source)
makeCode (CMarkGFM.CODE_BLOCK language _) = Markup.Code (nullText language)
makeCode _ = Markup.Code Nothing
thematicBreak :: Assignment
thematicBreak = makeTerm <$> token ThematicBreak <*> pure Markup.ThematicBreak
@ -135,10 +145,16 @@ htmlInline :: Assignment
htmlInline = makeTerm <$> symbol HTMLInline <*> (Markup.HTMLBlock <$> source)
link :: Assignment
link = makeTerm <$> symbol Link <*> ((\ (CMarkGFM.LINK url title) -> Markup.Link (encodeUtf8 url) (nullText title)) . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode) <* advance
link = makeTerm <$> symbol Link <*> (makeLink . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode) <* advance
makeLink (CMarkGFM.LINK url title) = Markup.Link (encodeUtf8 url) (nullText title)
makeLink _ = Markup.Link B.empty Nothing
image :: Assignment
image = makeTerm <$> symbol Image <*> ((\ (CMarkGFM.IMAGE url title) -> Markup.Image (encodeUtf8 url) (nullText title)) . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode) <* advance
image = makeTerm <$> symbol Image <*> (makeImage . termFAnnotation . termFOut <$> currentNode) <* advance
makeImage (CMarkGFM.IMAGE url title) = Markup.Image (encodeUtf8 url) (nullText title)
makeImage _ = Markup.Image B.empty Nothing
code :: Assignment
code = makeTerm <$> symbol Code <*> (Markup.Code Nothing <$> source)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, RankNTypes, TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} -- For HasCallStack
module Language.Python.Assignment
( assignment
, Syntax
@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ chainl1Term :: Assignment -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar (Term -> Term -> T
chainl1Term expr op = postContextualize (comment <|> symbol AnonLambda *> empty) expr `chainl1` op
-- | Match a series of terms or comments until a delimiter is matched.
manyTermsTill :: Show b => Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar Term -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar b -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar [Term]
manyTermsTill :: Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar Term -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar b -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar [Term]
manyTermsTill step end = manyTill (step <|> comment) end
-- | Match infix terms separated by any of a list of operators, assigning any comments following each operand.
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ term :: Assignment -> Assignment
term term = contextualize comment term <|> makeTerm1 <$> (Syntax.Context <$> some1 comment <*> emptyTerm)
-- | Match a series of terms or comments until a delimiter is matched.
manyTermsTill :: Show b => Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar Term -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar b -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar [Term]
manyTermsTill :: Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar Term -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar b -> Assignment.Assignment [] Grammar [Term]
manyTermsTill step end = manyTill (step <|> comment) end
-- | Match infix terms separated by any of a list of operators, assigning any comments following each operand.
@ -22,9 +22,12 @@ import Rendering.TOC (termTableOfContentsBy, declaration, getDeclaration, toCate
newtype ImportSummary = ImportSummary (Map.Map T.Text Module) deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Semigroup ImportSummary where
(<>) (ImportSummary m1) (ImportSummary m2) = ImportSummary (Map.unionWith mappend m1 m2)
instance Monoid ImportSummary where
mempty = ImportSummary mempty
mappend (ImportSummary m1) (ImportSummary m2) = ImportSummary (Map.unionWith mappend m1 m2)
mappend = (<>)
instance Output ImportSummary where
toOutput = toStrict . (<> "\n") . encode
@ -87,9 +90,12 @@ data Module = Module
, moduleCalls :: [CallExpression]
} deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
instance Semigroup Module where
(<>) (Module n1 p1 l1 i1 d1 r1) (Module _ p2 _ i2 d2 r2) = Module n1 (p1 <> p2) l1 (i1 <> i2) (d1 <> d2) (r1 <> r2)
instance Monoid Module where
mempty = mempty
mappend (Module n1 p1 l1 i1 d1 r1) (Module _ p2 _ i2 d2 r2) = Module n1 (p1 <> p2) l1 (i1 <> i2) (d1 <> d2) (r1 <> r2)
mappend = (<>)
instance ToJSON Module where
toJSON Module{..} = object
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ renderSExpressionDiff diff = cata printDiffF diff 0 <> "\n"
renderSExpressionTerm :: (ConstrainAll Show fields, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => Term syntax (Record fields) -> ByteString
renderSExpressionTerm term = cata (\ term n -> nl n <> replicate (2 * n) ' ' <> printTermF term n) term 0 <> "\n"
printDiffF :: (ConstrainAll Show fields, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => DiffF syntax (Record fields) (Record fields) (Int -> ByteString) -> Int -> ByteString
printDiffF :: (ConstrainAll Show fields, Foldable syntax) => DiffF syntax (Record fields) (Record fields) (Int -> ByteString) -> Int -> ByteString
printDiffF diff n = case diff of
Patch (Delete term) -> nl n <> pad (n - 1) <> "{-" <> printTermF term n <> "-}"
Patch (Insert term) -> nl n <> pad (n - 1) <> "{+" <> printTermF term n <> "+}"
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ printDiffF diff n = case diff of
<> nl (n + 1) <> pad (n - 1) <> "->" <> printTermF term2 n <> " }"
Merge (In (_, ann) syntax) -> nl n <> pad n <> "(" <> showAnnotation ann <> foldMap (\ d -> d (n + 1)) syntax <> ")"
printTermF :: (ConstrainAll Show fields, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => TermF syntax (Record fields) (Int -> ByteString) -> Int -> ByteString
printTermF :: (ConstrainAll Show fields, Foldable syntax) => TermF syntax (Record fields) (Int -> ByteString) -> Int -> ByteString
printTermF (In annotation syntax) n = "(" <> showAnnotation annotation <> foldMap (\t -> t (n + 1)) syntax <> ")"
nl :: Int -> ByteString
@ -37,9 +37,12 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
data Summaries = Summaries { changes, errors :: !(Map.Map T.Text [Value]) }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Semigroup Summaries where
(<>) (Summaries c1 e1) (Summaries c2 e2) = Summaries (Map.unionWith (<>) c1 c2) (Map.unionWith (<>) e1 e2)
instance Monoid Summaries where
mempty = Summaries mempty mempty
mappend (Summaries c1 e1) (Summaries c2 e2) = Summaries (Map.unionWith (<>) c1 c2) (Map.unionWith (<>) e1 e2)
mappend = (<>)
instance Output Summaries where
toOutput = toStrict . (<> "\n") . encode
@ -118,8 +121,7 @@ newtype DedupeKey = DedupeKey (Maybe T.Text, Maybe T.Text) deriving (Eq, Ord)
dedupe :: forall fields. HasField fields (Maybe Declaration) => [Entry (Record fields)] -> [Entry (Record fields)]
dedupe = let tuples = sortOn fst . Map.elems . snd . foldl' go (0, Map.empty) in (fmap . fmap) snd tuples
go :: HasField fields (Maybe Declaration)
=> (Int, Map.Map DedupeKey (Int, Entry (Record fields)))
go :: (Int, Map.Map DedupeKey (Int, Entry (Record fields)))
-> Entry (Record fields)
-> (Int, Map.Map DedupeKey (Int, Entry (Record fields)))
go (index, m) x | Just (_, similar) <- Map.lookup (dedupeKey x) m
@ -94,26 +94,29 @@ file :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Blob
file path = fromJust <$> IO.readFile path (languageForFilePath path)
-- Diff helpers
diffWithParser :: (HasField fields Data.Span.Span,
HasField fields Range,
Eq1 syntax, Show1 syntax,
Traversable syntax, Functor syntax,
Foldable syntax, Diffable syntax,
GAlign syntax, HasDeclaration syntax)
Parser (Term syntax (Record fields))
-> BlobPair
-> Task (Diff syntax (Record (Maybe Declaration ': fields)) (Record (Maybe Declaration ': fields)))
diffWithParser ::
( HasField fields Data.Span.Span
, HasField fields Range
, Eq1 syntax
, Show1 syntax
, Traversable syntax
, Diffable syntax
, GAlign syntax
, HasDeclaration syntax
=> Parser (Term syntax (Record fields))
-> BlobPair
-> Task (Diff syntax (Record (Maybe Declaration ': fields)) (Record (Maybe Declaration ': fields)))
diffWithParser parser = run (\ blob -> parse parser blob >>= decorate (declarationAlgebra blob))
run parse blobs = bidistributeFor (runJoin blobs) parse parse >>= diffTermPair diffTerms
diffBlobWithParser :: (HasField fields Data.Span.Span,
HasField fields Range,
Eq1 syntax, Show1 syntax,
Traversable syntax, Functor syntax,
Foldable syntax, Diffable syntax,
GAlign syntax, HasDeclaration syntax)
diffBlobWithParser ::
( HasField fields Data.Span.Span
, HasField fields Range
, Traversable syntax
, HasDeclaration syntax
=> Parser (Term syntax (Record fields))
-> Blob
-> Task (Term syntax (Record (Maybe Declaration : fields)))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user