mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 19:55:34 +03:00
Revert "Rename resolve to resolvePaths."
This reverts commit 6c2cd2a6c9a56956b6d6bae61510939b21f25080.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Control.Abstract.Modules
( ModuleResult
, lookupModule
, resolvePaths
, resolve
, listModulesInDir
, require
, load
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ lookupModule :: (Member (Modules address value) sig, Carrier sig m) => ModulePat
lookupModule = sendModules . flip Lookup ret
-- | Resolve a list of module paths to a possible module table entry.
resolvePaths :: (Member (Modules address value) sig, Carrier sig m) => [FilePath] -> Evaluator term address value m (Maybe ModulePath)
resolvePaths = sendModules . flip ResolvePaths ret
resolve :: (Member (Modules address value) sig, Carrier sig m) => [FilePath] -> Evaluator term address value m (Maybe ModulePath)
resolve = sendModules . flip Resolve ret
listModulesInDir :: (Member (Modules address value) sig, Carrier sig m) => FilePath -> Evaluator term address value m [ModulePath]
listModulesInDir = sendModules . flip List ret
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ load path = sendModules (Load path ret)
data Modules address value (m :: * -> *) k
= Load ModulePath (ModuleResult address value -> k)
| Lookup ModulePath (Maybe (ModuleResult address value) -> k)
| ResolvePaths [FilePath] (Maybe ModulePath -> k)
| List FilePath ([ModulePath] -> k)
= Load ModulePath (ModuleResult address value -> k)
| Lookup ModulePath (Maybe (ModuleResult address value) -> k)
| Resolve [FilePath] (Maybe ModulePath -> k)
| List FilePath ([ModulePath] -> k)
deriving (Functor)
instance HFunctor (Modules address value) where
@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ instance ( Member (Reader (ModuleTable (NonEmpty (Module (ModuleResult address v
=> Carrier (Modules address value :+: sig) (ModulesC address value m) where
ret = ModulesC . const . ret
eff op = ModulesC (\ paths -> handleSum (eff . handleReader paths runModulesC) (\case
Load name k -> askModuleTable >>= maybeM (throwLoadError (ModuleNotFoundError name)) . fmap (runMerging . foldMap1 (Merging . moduleBody)) . ModuleTable.lookup name >>= flip runModulesC paths . k
Lookup path k -> askModuleTable >>= flip runModulesC paths . k . fmap (runMerging . foldMap1 (Merging . moduleBody)) . ModuleTable.lookup path
ResolvePaths names k -> runModulesC (k (find (`Set.member` paths) names)) paths
List dir k -> runModulesC (k (filter ((dir ==) . takeDirectory) (toList paths))) paths) op)
Load name k -> askModuleTable >>= maybeM (throwLoadError (ModuleNotFoundError name)) . fmap (runMerging . foldMap1 (Merging . moduleBody)) . ModuleTable.lookup name >>= flip runModulesC paths . k
Lookup path k -> askModuleTable >>= flip runModulesC paths . k . fmap (runMerging . foldMap1 (Merging . moduleBody)) . ModuleTable.lookup path
Resolve names k -> runModulesC (k (find (`Set.member` paths) names)) paths
List dir k -> runModulesC (k (filter ((dir ==) . takeDirectory) (toList paths))) paths) op)
askModuleTable :: (Member (Reader (ModuleTable (NonEmpty (Module (ModuleResult address value))))) sig, Carrier sig m) => m (ModuleTable (NonEmpty (Module (ModuleResult address value))))
askModuleTable = ask
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Control.Abstract hiding (Load)
import Control.Abstract.Context as X
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator as X hiding (LoopControl(..), Return(..), catchLoopControl, runLoopControl, catchReturn, runReturn)
import Control.Abstract.Modules as X (Modules, ModuleResult, ResolutionError(..), load, lookupModule, listModulesInDir, require, resolvePaths, throwResolutionError)
import Control.Abstract.Modules as X (Modules, ModuleResult, ResolutionError(..), load, lookupModule, listModulesInDir, require, resolve, throwResolutionError)
import Control.Abstract.Value as X hiding (Boolean(..), Function(..), While(..))
import Data.Abstract.BaseError as X
import Data.Abstract.Declarations as X
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ resolvePHPName :: ( Member (Modules address value) sig
=> T.Text
-> Evaluator term address value m ModulePath
resolvePHPName n = do
modulePath <- resolvePaths [name]
modulePath <- resolve [name]
maybeM (throwResolutionError $ NotFoundError name [name] Language.PHP) modulePath
where name = toName n
toName = T.unpack . dropRelativePrefix . stripQuotes
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ resolvePythonModules q = do
let searchPaths = [ path </> "__init__.py"
, path <.> ".py"
modulePath <- resolvePaths searchPaths
modulePath <- resolve searchPaths
maybeM (throwResolutionError $ NotFoundError path searchPaths Language.Python) modulePath
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ resolveRubyName :: ( Member (Modules address value) sig
resolveRubyName name = do
let name' = cleanNameOrPath name
let paths = [name' <.> "rb"]
modulePath <- resolvePaths paths
modulePath <- resolve paths
maybeM (throwResolutionError $ NotFoundError name' paths Language.Ruby) modulePath
-- load "/root/src/file.rb"
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ resolveRubyPath :: ( Member (Modules address value) sig
-> Evaluator term address value m M.ModulePath
resolveRubyPath path = do
let name' = cleanNameOrPath path
modulePath <- resolvePaths [name']
modulePath <- resolve [name']
maybeM (throwResolutionError $ NotFoundError name' [name'] Language.Ruby) modulePath
cleanNameOrPath :: Text -> String
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ resolveModule path' exts = do
<> maybe mempty (:[]) packageDotJSON
<> (((path </> "index") <.>) <$> exts)
trace ("searching in " <> show searchPaths)
maybe (Left searchPaths) Right <$> resolvePaths searchPaths
maybe (Left searchPaths) Right <$> resolve searchPaths
typescriptExtensions :: [String]
typescriptExtensions = ["ts", "tsx", "d.ts"]
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