mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 14:21:31 +03:00
Store the environment in the linker instead of an Interface.Value
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type Evaluating v
, State (EnvironmentFor v) -- Global (imperative) environment
, Reader (EnvironmentFor v) -- Local environment (e.g. binding over a closure)
, Reader (Linker (Evaluator v)) -- Linker effects
, State (Linker v) -- Cache of evaluated modules
, State (Linker (EnvironmentFor v)) -- Cache of evaluated modules
newtype Evaluator v = Evaluator { runEvaluator :: Eff (Evaluating v) v }
@ -37,19 +37,20 @@ newtype Evaluator v = Evaluator { runEvaluator :: Eff (Evaluating v) v }
-- | Require/import another term/file and return an Effect.
-- Looks up the term's name in the cache of evaluated modules first, returns a value if found, otherwise loads/evaluates the module.
require :: forall v es. (Members (Evaluating v) es) => ModuleName -> Eff es v
require name = get @(Linker v) >>= maybe (load name) pure . linkerLookup name
require :: forall v es. (Members (Evaluating v) es, AbstractEnvironmentFor v) => ModuleName -> Eff es (EnvironmentFor v)
require name = get @(Linker (EnvironmentFor v)) >>= maybe (load name) pure . linkerLookup name
-- | Load another term/file and return an Effect.
-- Always loads/evaluates.
load :: forall v es. (Members (Evaluating v) es) => ModuleName -> Eff es v
load :: forall v es. (Members (Evaluating v) es, AbstractEnvironmentFor v) => ModuleName -> Eff es (EnvironmentFor v)
load name = ask @(Linker (Evaluator v)) >>= maybe notFound evalAndCache . linkerLookup name
where notFound = fail ("cannot find " <> show name)
evalAndCache e = do
v <- raiseEmbedded (runEvaluator e)
modify @(Linker v) (linkerInsert name v)
pure v
let env = environment v
modify @(Linker (EnvironmentFor v)) (linkerInsert name env)
pure env
-- | Evaluate a term to a value.
evaluate :: forall v term.
@ -87,6 +87,15 @@ type family LocationFor value :: * where
LocationFor Type.Type = Monovariant
type AbstractEnvironmentFor v = AbstractEnvironment (LocationFor v) v
class AbstractEnvironment l v | v -> l where
environment :: v -> EnvironmentFor v
instance AbstractEnvironment l (Value l t) where
environment v
| Just (Interface _ env) <- prj v = env
| otherwise = mempty
-- | Extract the value back out of a cell.
class CellValue l v where
val :: Cell l v -> v
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import Diffing.Algorithm
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
import qualified Data.Abstract.Type as Type
import qualified Data.Abstract.Value as Value
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Function a = Function { functionContext :: ![a], functionName :: !a, functionParameters :: ![a], functionBody :: !a }
@ -280,39 +279,38 @@ instance Eq1 Import2 where liftEq = genericLiftEq
instance Ord1 Import2 where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Import2 where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance ( Semigroup (Cell l (Value l t))
, Members (Evaluating (Value l t)) es
, Addressable l es
, Evaluatable es t (Value l t) (Base t)
instance ( Members (Evaluating v) es
, Evaluatable es t v (Base t)
, Recursive t
, FreeVariables t
, AbstractValue v
, AbstractEnvironmentFor v
=> Evaluatable es t (Value l t) Import2 where
=> Evaluatable es t v Import2 where
eval (Import2 from alias xs) = do
-- Capture current global environment
env <- get @(EnvironmentFor (Value l t))
env <- get @(EnvironmentFor v)
-- Evaluate the import, the interface value we get back will contain an
-- environment but evaluating will have also have potentially updated the
-- global environment.
interface <- require @(Value l t) (qualifiedName (subterm from))
(Interface _ modEnv) <- maybe (fail "expected an interface") pure (prj interface :: Maybe (Interface l t))
-- TODO: We may or may not want to clear the globalEnv before requiring.
put @(EnvironmentFor v) mempty
-- Evaluate the import to get it's environment.
-- (Evaluating will have also have potentially updated the global environment).
importedEnv <- require @v (qualifiedName (subterm from))
-- Restore previous global environment, adding the imported env
let symbols = Map.fromList xs
let prefix = qualifiedName (subterm alias) <> "."
env' <- Map.foldrWithKey (\k v rest -> do
if Map.null symbols
-- Copy over all symbols in the environment under their qualified names.
then envInsert (prefix <> k) v <$> rest
else case Map.lookup k symbols of
Just symAlias -> envInsert symAlias v <$> rest
Nothing -> rest
) (pure env) (unEnvironment modEnv)
-- Only copy over specified symbols, possibly aliasing them.
else maybe rest (\symAlias -> envInsert symAlias v <$> rest) (Map.lookup k symbols)
) (pure env) (unEnvironment importedEnv)
modify (const env')
pure interface
instance Member Fail es => Evaluatable es t Type.Type Import2
pure unit
-- | A wildcard import
@ -325,9 +323,13 @@ instance Show1 WildcardImport where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance ( Members (Evaluating v) es
, FreeVariables t
, AbstractEnvironmentFor v
, AbstractValue v
=> Evaluatable es t v WildcardImport where
eval (WildcardImport from _) = require @v (qualifiedName (subterm from))
eval (WildcardImport from _) = put @(EnvironmentFor v) mempty
>> require @v (qualifiedName (subterm from))
>> pure unit
-- | An imported symbol
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