mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2025-01-03 21:16:12 +03:00

Leave terms in UnmappedTerm.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-10-23 23:45:22 -04:00
parent fedf85e823
commit e2d5e81f7f

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@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ rws canCompare _ [a] [b] = if canCompareTerms canCompare a b then [Thes
rws canCompare equivalent as bs
= ses (\ a b -> equivalent (term a) (term b)) (zipWith featurize [0..] as) (zipWith featurize [0..] bs)
& mapContiguous canCompare
& fmap (bimap snd snd)
& fmap (bimap term term)
type Edit syntax ann1 ann2 = These (Term syntax ann1) (Term syntax ann2)
-- A Diff paired with both its indices
type MappedDiff syntax ann1 ann2 = These (Int, Term syntax ann1) (Int, Term syntax ann2)
type MappedDiff syntax ann1 ann2 = These (UnmappedTerm syntax ann1) (UnmappedTerm syntax ann2)
type RWSEditScript syntax ann1 ann2 = [Edit syntax ann1 ann2]
@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ findNearestNeighbourTo :: (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, GAlign syntax)
-> [UnmappedTerm syntax ann2]
-> [MappedDiff syntax ann1 ann2]
findNearestNeighbourTo canCompare as bs = go as bs
where go as [] = This . (termIndex &&& term) <$> as
go [] bs = That . (termIndex &&& term) <$> bs
go [a] [b] | canCompareTerms canCompare (term a) (term b) = [These (termIndex a, term a) (termIndex b, term b)]
| otherwise = [That (termIndex b, term b), This (termIndex a, term a)]
go unmappedA@(UnmappedTerm minA _ _ : _) (termB@(UnmappedTerm j _ b) : restUnmappedB) =
fromMaybe (That (j, b) : go unmappedA restUnmappedB) $ do
where go as [] = This <$> as
go [] bs = That <$> bs
go [a] [b] | canCompareTerms canCompare (term a) (term b) = [These a b]
| otherwise = [That b, This a]
go unmappedA@(termA@(UnmappedTerm minA _ _) : _) (termB@(UnmappedTerm j _ b) : restUnmappedB) =
fromMaybe (That termB : go unmappedA restUnmappedB) $ do
-- Look up the nearest unmapped term in `unmappedA`.
foundA@(UnmappedTerm i _ a) <- nearestUnmapped (isNearAndComparableTo canCompare minA b) kdTreeA termB
-- Look up the nearest `foundA` in `unmappedB`
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ findNearestNeighbourTo canCompare as bs = go as bs
guard (j == j')
pure $!
let (deleted, _ : restUnmappedA) = span ((< i) . termIndex) unmappedA in
(This . (termIndex &&& term) <$> deleted) <> (These (i, a) (j, b) : go restUnmappedA restUnmappedB)
(This <$> deleted) <> (These termA termB : go restUnmappedA restUnmappedB)
(kdTreeA, kdTreeB) = (toKdMap as, toKdMap bs)
isNearAndComparableTo :: ComparabilityRelation syntax ann1 ann2 -> Int -> Term syntax ann2 -> UnmappedTerm syntax ann1 -> Bool
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ mapContiguous canCompare = go [] []
go as bs (first : rest) = case first of
This a -> go (a : as) bs rest
That b -> go as (b : bs) rest
These _ _ -> mapChunk as bs <> (bimap (termIndex &&& term) (termIndex &&& term) first : go [] [] rest)
mapChunk as [] = This . (termIndex &&& term) <$> reverse as
mapChunk [] bs = That . (termIndex &&& term) <$> reverse bs
These _ _ -> mapChunk as bs <> (first : go [] [] rest)
mapChunk as [] = This <$> reverse as
mapChunk [] bs = That <$> reverse bs
mapChunk as bs = findNearestNeighbourTo canCompare (reverse as) (reverse bs)