mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-27 00:44:57 +03:00

Rename subsourceslice.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2015-12-23 23:25:00 -05:00
parent 55d3ed38a4
commit e4225faa20
2 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ makeSource = Source . Vector.fromList
unSource :: Source a -> [a]
unSource (Source vector) = Vector.toList vector
subsource :: Range -> Source a -> Source a
subsource range (Source vector) = Source $ Vector.slice (start range) (end range - start range) vector
slice :: Range -> Source a -> Source a
slice range (Source vector) = Source $ Vector.slice (start range) (end range - start range) vector
toString :: Source Char -> String
toString = unSource

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@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ newtype Renderable a = Renderable (Source Char, a)
instance ToMarkup f => ToMarkup (Renderable (Info, Syntax a (f, Range))) where
toMarkup (Renderable (source, (Info range categories, syntax))) = classifyMarkup categories $ case syntax of
Leaf _ -> span . string . toString $ subsource range source
Leaf _ -> span . string . toString $ slice range source
Indexed children -> ul . mconcat $ contentElements children
Fixed children -> ul . mconcat $ contentElements children
Keyed children -> dl . mconcat $ contentElements children
where markupForSeparatorAndChild :: ToMarkup f => ([Markup], Int) -> (f, Range) -> ([Markup], Int)
markupForSeparatorAndChild (rows, previous) child = (rows ++ [ string (toString $ subsource (Range previous $ start $ snd child) source), toMarkup $ fst child ], end $ snd child)
markupForSeparatorAndChild (rows, previous) child = (rows ++ [ string (toString $ slice (Range previous $ start $ snd child) source), toMarkup $ fst child ], end $ snd child)
contentElements children = let (elements, previous) = foldl markupForSeparatorAndChild ([], start range) children in
elements ++ [ string . toString $ subsource (Range previous $ end range) source ]
elements ++ [ string . toString $ slice (Range previous $ end range) source ]
instance ToMarkup (Renderable (Term a Info)) where
toMarkup (Renderable (source, term)) = fst $ cata (\ info@(Info range _) syntax -> (toMarkup $ Renderable (source, (info, syntax)), range)) term
@ -162,5 +162,5 @@ actualLines source = case Source.break (== '\n') source of
-- | Compute the line ranges within a given range of a string.
actualLineRanges :: Range -> Source Char -> [Range]
actualLineRanges range = drop 1 . scanl toRange (Range (start range) (start range)) . actualLines . subsource range
actualLineRanges range = drop 1 . scanl toRange (Range (start range) (start range)) . actualLines . slice range
where toRange previous string = Range (end previous) $ end previous + length string