mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-22 06:11:49 +03:00

Little bit of cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Clem 2017-07-27 12:56:04 -07:00
parent 4e8cc13b54
commit e4aa0ec264

View File

@ -185,9 +185,7 @@ runTaskWithOptions options task = do
result <- run options logQueue task
atomically (closeTMQueue logQueue)
wait logging
case result of
Left err -> die err
Right output -> pure output
either die pure result
where logSink options queue = do
message <- atomically (readTMQueue queue)
case message of
@ -224,18 +222,13 @@ runTaskWithOptions options task = do
runParser :: Options -> Parser term -> Blob -> Task (Either String term)
runParser options parser blob@Blob{..} = case parser of
ASTParser language -> do
start <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
let !res = liftIO (Right <$> parseToAST language blob)
end <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
writeLog Info "parse" [ ("path", blobPath)
, ("language", maybe "" show blobLanguage)
, ("time", show (Time.diffUTCTime end start)) ]
ASTParser language -> logTiming "ts ast parse" $ liftIO $ (Right <$> parseToAST language blob) `catchError` \ e -> pure (Left (displayException e))
AssignmentParser parser by assignment -> do
res <- runParser options parser blob
case res of
Left err -> pure $ Left err -- Should never happen right now b/c ASTParser always returns Right ...
Left err -> do
writeLog Error (showBlob blob <> " failed parsing") []
pure $ Left err
Right ast -> do
start <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
let !assigned = Assignment.assignBy by blobSource assignment ast
@ -254,11 +247,20 @@ runParser options parser blob@Blob{..} = case parser of
, ("language", maybe "" show blobLanguage)
, ("time", show (Time.diffUTCTime end start)) ]
pure $ Right term
TreeSitterParser tslanguage -> liftIO $ Right <$> treeSitterParser tslanguage blob
MarkdownParser -> pure $ Right (cmarkParser blobSource)
LineByLineParser -> pure $ Right (lineByLineParser blobSource)
TreeSitterParser tslanguage -> logTiming "ts parse" $ liftIO (Right <$> treeSitterParser tslanguage blob)
MarkdownParser -> logTiming "cmark parse" $ pure (Right (cmarkParser blobSource))
LineByLineParser -> logTiming "line-by-line parse" $ pure (Right (lineByLineParser blobSource))
showBlob Blob{..} = blobPath <> ":" <> maybe "" show blobLanguage
logTiming :: String -> Task a -> Task a
logTiming msg f = do
start <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
let !res = f
end <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
writeLog Info msg [ ("path", blobPath)
, ("language", maybe "" show blobLanguage)
, ("time", show (Time.diffUTCTime end start)) ]
hasErrors :: (Syntax.Error :< fs, Foldable (Union fs), Functor (Union fs)) => Term (Union fs) (Record Assignment.Location) -> Bool
hasErrors = cata $ \ (_ :< syntax) -> case syntax of
_ | Just err <- prj syntax -> const True (err :: Syntax.Error Bool)