mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 14:21:31 +03:00
Rework import graph output construction
This commit is contained in:
@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ library
, Semantic.Util
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
, aeson
, aeson-pretty
, ansi-terminal
, array
, async
@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Rendering.Imports
( renderModuleTerms
, renderToImports
( renderToImports
, ModuleSummary(..)
) where
import Analysis.Declaration
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Record
import Data.Output
import Data.Span
import Data.Term
import GHC.Generics
@ -18,24 +22,33 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Rendering.TOC (termTableOfContentsBy, declaration, getDeclaration, toCategoryName)
-- | Render terms to final JSON structure.
renderModuleTerms :: [Value] -> Map.Map T.Text Value
renderModuleTerms = Map.singleton "modules" . toJSON
newtype ModuleSummary = ModuleSummary (Map.Map T.Text Module) deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Render a 'Term' to a list of symbols (See 'Symbol').
renderToImports :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span, Foldable f, Functor f) => Blob -> Term f (Record fields) -> [Value]
renderToImports blob term = toJSON <$> (termToModules blob term)
instance Monoid ModuleSummary where
mempty = ModuleSummary mempty
mappend (ModuleSummary m1) (ModuleSummary m2) = ModuleSummary (Map.unionWith (<>) m1 m2)
instance Output ModuleSummary where
toOutput = toStrict . (<> "\n") . encodePretty' defConfig { confCompare = compare, confIndent = Spaces 2 }
instance ToJSON ModuleSummary where
toJSON (ModuleSummary m) = object [ "modules" .= m ]
renderToImports :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span, Foldable f, Functor f) => Blob -> Term f (Record fields) -> ModuleSummary
renderToImports blob term = ModuleSummary $ toMap (termToModules blob term)
toMap xs = Map.fromList (moduleToTuple <$> xs)
moduleToTuple m@Module{..} = (moduleName, m)
termToModules :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span, Foldable f, Functor f) => Blob -> Term f (Record fields) -> [Module]
termToModules blob@Blob{..} term = case mapMaybe (moduleSummary blob declarations) declarations of
[] -> [makeModule defaultModuleName blob declarations]
modules -> modules
xs -> xs
declarations = termTableOfContentsBy declaration term
defaultModuleName = T.pack (takeBaseName blobPath)
makeModule :: (HasField fields Span, HasField fields (Maybe Declaration)) => T.Text -> Blob -> [Record fields] -> Module
makeModule name Blob{..} ds = Module name (T.pack blobPath) (T.pack . show <$> blobLanguage) (mapMaybe importSummary ds) (mapMaybe declarationSummary ds) (mapMaybe referenceSummary ds)
makeModule name Blob{..} ds = Module name [(T.pack blobPath)] (T.pack . show <$> blobLanguage) (mapMaybe importSummary ds) (mapMaybe declarationSummary ds) (mapMaybe referenceSummary ds)
moduleSummary :: (HasField fields (Maybe Declaration), HasField fields Span) => Blob -> [Record fields] -> Record fields -> Maybe Module
moduleSummary blob declarations record = case getDeclaration record of
@ -65,16 +78,20 @@ referenceSummary record = case getDeclaration record of
data Module = Module
{ moduleName :: T.Text
, modulePath :: T.Text
, modulePaths :: [T.Text]
, moduleLanguage :: Maybe T.Text
, moduleImports :: [SymbolImport]
, moduleDeclarations :: [SymbolDeclaration]
, moduleReferences :: [SymbolReference]
} deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
instance Monoid Module where
mempty = mempty
mappend (Module n1 p1 l1 i1 d1 r1) (Module _ p2 _ i2 d2 r2) = Module n1 (p1 <> p2) l1 (i1 <> i2) (d1 <> d2) (r1 <> r2)
instance ToJSON Module where
toJSON Module{..} = object [ "name" .= moduleName
, "path" .= modulePath
, "paths" .= modulePaths
, "langauge" .= moduleLanguage
, "imports" .= moduleImports
, "declarations" .= moduleDeclarations
@ -90,7 +107,7 @@ data SymbolDeclaration = SymbolDeclaration
instance ToJSON SymbolDeclaration where
toJSON SymbolDeclaration{..} = object [ "name" .= declarationName
, "kind" .= declarationKind
, "span" .= declarationSpan
-- , "span" .= declarationSpan
data SymbolImport = SymbolImport
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Rendering.Renderer
, renderToCTerm
, renderSymbolTerms
, renderToSymbols
, renderModuleTerms
, ModuleSummary(..)
, renderToImports
, renderToTags
, renderDOTDiff
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ data TermRenderer output where
-- | Render to a list of symbols.
SymbolsTermRenderer :: SymbolFields -> TermRenderer [Value]
-- | Render to a list of modules that represent the import graph.
ImportsTermRenderer :: TermRenderer [Value]
ImportsTermRenderer :: TermRenderer ModuleSummary
-- | Render to a 'ByteString' formatted as a DOT description of the term.
DOTTermRenderer :: TermRenderer ByteString
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ parseBlobs :: Output output => TermRenderer output -> [Blob] -> Task ByteString
parseBlobs renderer blobs = toOutput' <$> distributeFoldMap (parseBlob renderer) blobs
where toOutput' = case renderer of
JSONTermRenderer -> toOutput . renderJSONTerms
ImportsTermRenderer -> toOutput . renderModuleTerms
SymbolsTermRenderer _ -> toOutput . renderSymbolTerms
_ -> toOutput
Reference in New Issue
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