mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 16:02:43 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into gitmon-support
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ library
, Renderer.TOC
, SemanticDiff
, SES.Myers
, Source
, SourceSpan
, SplitDiff
@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ test-suite test
, InterpreterSpec
, PatchOutputSpec
, RangeSpec
, SES.Myers.Spec
, SourceSpec
, TermSpec
, TOCSpec
@ -189,6 +191,12 @@ test-suite test
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude, RecordWildCards
setup-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
, Cabal
, directory
, process
source-repository head
type: git
location: https://github.com/github/semantic-diff
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Diff
import Info
import Patch
import Prologue as P
import qualified SES
import SES
import System.Random.Mersenne.Pure64
import Term (Term, TermF)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type Label f fields label = forall b. TermF f (Record fields) b -> label
-- This implementation is based on the paper [_RWS-Diff—Flexible and Efficient Change Detection in Hierarchical Data_](https://github.com/github/semantic-diff/files/325837/RWS-Diff.Flexible.and.Efficient.Change.Detection.in.Hierarchical.Data.pdf).
rws :: forall f fields.
(GAlign f, Traversable f, Eq1 f, HasField fields Category, HasField fields (Maybe FeatureVector))
=> SES.Cost (Term f (Record fields)) -- ^ A function computes a constant-time approximation to the edit distance between two terms.
=> (These (Term f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)) -> Int) -- ^ A function computes a constant-time approximation to the edit distance between two terms.
-> (Term f (Record fields) -> Term f (Record fields) -> Bool) -- ^ A relation determining whether two terms can be compared.
-> [Term f (Record fields)] -- ^ The list of old terms.
-> [Term f (Record fields)] -- ^ The list of new terms.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ rws editDistance canCompare as bs
minimumTermIndex = pred . maybe 0 getMin . getOption . foldMap (Option . Just . Min . termIndex)
sesDiffs = SES.ses (gliftEq (==) `on` fmap category) cost as bs
sesDiffs = ses (gliftEq (==) `on` fmap category) as bs
(featurizedAs, featurizedBs, _, _, countersAndDiffs, allDiffs) =
foldl' (\(as, bs, counterA, counterB, diffs, allDiffs) diff -> case diff of
@ -151,8 +151,6 @@ rws editDistance canCompare as bs
((termIndex &&& This . term) <$> unmappedA)
cost = these (const 1) (const 1) (const (const 0))
kdas = KdTree.build (elems . feature) featurizedAs
kdbs = KdTree.build (elems . feature) featurizedBs
@ -1,53 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
module SES where
module SES
( Comparable
, Myers.ses
) where
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.These
import Prologue
import qualified SES.Myers as Myers
-- | Edit constructor for two terms, if comparable. Otherwise returns Nothing.
type Comparable term = term -> term -> Bool
-- | A function that computes the cost of an edit.
type Cost term = These term term -> Int
-- | Find the shortest edit script (diff) between two terms given a function to compute the cost.
ses :: Comparable term -> Cost term -> [term] -> [term] -> [These term term]
ses canCompare cost as bs = runST $ do
array <- newArray ((0, 0), (length bs, length as)) Nothing
editScript <- diffAt array canCompare cost (0, 0) as bs
pure $ fst <$> editScript
-- | Find the shortest edit script between two terms at a given vertex in the edit graph.
diffAt :: STArray s (Int, Int) (Maybe [(These term term, Int)]) -> Comparable term -> Cost term -> (Int, Int) -> [term] -> [term] -> ST s [(These term term, Int)]
diffAt array canCompare cost (i, j) as bs
| (a : as') <- as, (b : bs') <- bs = do
maybeDiff <- readArray array (i, j)
case maybeDiff of
Just diffs -> pure diffs
Nothing -> do
down <- recur (i, succ j) as' bs
right <- recur (succ i, j) as bs'
nomination <- best <$> if canCompare a b
then do
diagonal <- recur (succ i, succ j) as' bs'
pure [ delete a down, insert b right, consWithCost cost (These a b) diagonal ]
else pure [ delete a down, insert b right ]
writeArray array (i, j) (Just nomination)
pure nomination
| null as = pure $ foldr insert [] bs
| null bs = pure $ foldr delete [] as
| otherwise = pure []
delete = consWithCost cost . This
insert = consWithCost cost . That
costOf [] = 0
costOf ((_, c) : _) = c
best = minimumBy (comparing costOf)
recur = diffAt array canCompare cost
-- | Prepend an edit script and the cumulative cost onto the edit script.
consWithCost :: Cost term -> These term term -> [(These term term, Int)] -> [(These term term, Int)]
consWithCost cost edit rest = (edit, cost edit + maybe 0 snd (fst <$> uncons rest)) : rest
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ImplicitParams, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module SES.Myers
( MyersF(..)
, EditScript
, Step(..)
, Myers
, EditGraph(..)
, Distance(..)
, Diagonal(..)
, Endpoint(..)
, ses
, runMyers
, runMyersSteps
, lcs
, editDistance
, MyersState(..)
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Free.Freer
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import Data.Ix
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.String
import Data.These
import GHC.Show hiding (show)
import GHC.Stack
import Prologue hiding (for, State, error)
import qualified Prologue
import Text.Show (showListWith)
-- | Operations in Myers’ algorithm.
data MyersF a b result where
SES :: MyersF a b (EditScript a b)
LCS :: MyersF a b [(a, b)]
EditDistance :: MyersF a b Int
SearchUpToD :: Distance -> MyersF a b (Maybe (EditScript a b, Distance))
SearchAlongK :: Distance -> Diagonal -> MyersF a b (Maybe (EditScript a b, Distance))
MoveFromAdjacent :: Distance -> Diagonal -> MyersF a b (Endpoint a b)
MoveDownFrom :: Endpoint a b -> MyersF a b (Endpoint a b)
MoveRightFrom :: Endpoint a b -> MyersF a b (Endpoint a b)
SlideFrom :: Endpoint a b -> MyersF a b (Endpoint a b)
GetK :: Diagonal -> MyersF a b (Endpoint a b)
SetK :: Diagonal -> Endpoint a b -> MyersF a b ()
-- | An edit script, i.e. a sequence of changes/copies of elements.
type EditScript a b = [These a b]
-- | Steps in the execution of Myers’ algorithm, i.e. the sum of MyersF and State.
data Step a b result where
M :: HasCallStack => MyersF a b c -> Step a b c
S :: State (MyersState a b) c -> Step a b c
type Myers a b = Freer (Step a b)
-- | Notionally the cartesian product of two sequences, represented as a simple wrapper around those arrays holding those sequences’ elements for O(1) lookups.
data EditGraph a b = EditGraph { as :: !(Array.Array Int a), bs :: !(Array.Array Int b) }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Construct an edit graph from Foldable sequences.
makeEditGraph :: (Foldable t, Foldable u) => t a -> u b -> EditGraph a b
makeEditGraph as bs = EditGraph (Array.listArray (0, pred (length as)) (toList as)) (Array.listArray (0, pred (length bs)) (toList bs))
-- | An edit distance, i.e. a cardinal number of changes.
newtype Distance = Distance { unDistance :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A diagonal in the edit graph of lists of lengths n and m, numbered from -m to n.
newtype Diagonal = Diagonal { unDiagonal :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ix, Ord, Show)
-- | The endpoint of a path through the edit graph, represented as the x/y indices and the script of edits made to get to that point.
data Endpoint a b = Endpoint { x :: !Int, y :: !Int, script :: !(EditScript a b) }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- API
-- | Compute the shortest edit script using Myers’ algorithm.
ses :: (HasCallStack, Foldable t, Foldable u) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> t a -> u b -> EditScript a b
ses eq as bs = runMyers eq (makeEditGraph as bs) (M SES `Then` return)
-- Evaluation
-- | Fully evaluate an operation in Myers’ algorithm given a comparator function and an edit graph.
runMyers :: forall a b c. HasCallStack => (a -> b -> Bool) -> EditGraph a b -> Myers a b c -> c
runMyers eq graph step = evalState (go step) (emptyStateForGraph graph)
where go :: forall c. Myers a b c -> Prologue.State (MyersState a b) c
go = iterFreerA algebra
algebra :: forall c x. Step a b x -> (x -> Prologue.State (MyersState a b) c) -> Prologue.State (MyersState a b) c
algebra step cont = case step of
M m -> go (decompose' m) >>= cont
S Get -> get >>= cont
S (Put s) -> put s >>= cont
decompose' :: forall c. MyersF a b c -> Myers a b c
decompose' = decompose eq graph
-- | Fully evaluate an operation in Myers’ algorithm given a comparator function and an edit graph, returning a list of states and next steps.
runMyersSteps :: HasCallStack => (a -> b -> Bool) -> EditGraph a b -> Myers a b c -> [(MyersState a b, Myers a b c)]
runMyersSteps eq graph = go (emptyStateForGraph graph)
where go state step = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in prefix state step $ case runMyersStep eq graph state step of
Left result -> [ (state, return result) ]
Right next -> uncurry go next
prefix state step = case step of
Then (M _) _ -> ((state, step) :)
_ -> identity
-- | Evaluate one step in Myers’ algorithm given a comparator function and an edit graph, returning Either the final result, or the next state and step.
runMyersStep :: HasCallStack => (a -> b -> Bool) -> EditGraph a b -> MyersState a b -> Myers a b c -> Either c (MyersState a b, Myers a b c)
runMyersStep eq graph state step = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in case step of
Return a -> Left a
Then step cont -> case step of
M myers -> Right (state, decompose eq graph myers >>= cont)
S Get -> Right (state, cont state)
S (Put state') -> Right (state', cont ())
-- | Decompose an operation in Myers’ algorithm into its continuation.
-- Dispatches to the per-operation run… functions which implement the meat of the algorithm.
decompose :: HasCallStack => (a -> b -> Bool) -> EditGraph a b -> MyersF a b c -> Myers a b c
decompose eq graph myers = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in case myers of
SES -> runSES graph
LCS -> runLCS graph
EditDistance -> runEditDistance graph
SearchUpToD d -> runSearchUpToD graph d
SearchAlongK d k -> runSearchAlongK graph d k
MoveFromAdjacent d k -> runMoveFromAdjacent graph d k
MoveDownFrom e -> runMoveDownFrom graph e
MoveRightFrom e -> runMoveRightFrom graph e
GetK k -> runGetK graph k
SetK k x -> runSetK graph k x
SlideFrom from -> runSlideFrom eq graph from
{-# INLINE decompose #-}
-- | Compute the shortest edit script (diff) of an edit graph.
runSES :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Myers a b (EditScript a b)
runSES (EditGraph as bs)
| null bs = return (This <$> toList as)
| null as = return (That <$> toList bs)
| otherwise = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
result <- for [0..(length as + length bs)] (searchUpToD . Distance)
case result of
Just (script, _) -> return (reverse script)
_ -> fail "no shortest edit script found in edit graph (this is a bug in SES.Myers)."
-- | Compute the longest common subsequence of an edit graph.
runLCS :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Myers a b [(a, b)]
runLCS (EditGraph as bs)
| null as || null bs = return []
| otherwise = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
result <- M SES `Then` return
return (catMaybes (these (const Nothing) (const Nothing) ((Just .) . (,)) <$> result))
-- | Compute the edit distance of an edit graph.
runEditDistance :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Myers a b Int
runEditDistance _ = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in length . filter (these (const True) (const True) (const (const False))) <$> (M SES `Then` return)
-- | Search an edit graph for the shortest edit script up to a given proposed edit distance, building on the results of previous searches.
runSearchUpToD :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Distance -> Myers a b (Maybe (EditScript a b, Distance))
runSearchUpToD (EditGraph as bs) (Distance d) = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in
for [ k | k <- [negate d, negate d + 2 .. d], inRange (negate m, n) k ] (searchAlongK (Distance d) . Diagonal)
where (n, m) = (length as, length bs)
-- | Search an edit graph for the shortest edit script along a specific diagonal.
runSearchAlongK :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Distance -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Maybe (EditScript a b, Distance))
runSearchAlongK (EditGraph as bs) d k = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
Endpoint x y script <- moveFromAdjacent d k
if x >= length as && y >= length bs then
return (Just (script, d))
return Nothing
-- | Move onto a given diagonal from one of its in-bounds adjacent diagonals (if any), and slide down any diagonal edges eagerly.
runMoveFromAdjacent :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Distance -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
runMoveFromAdjacent (EditGraph as bs) (Distance d) (Diagonal k) = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
let (n, m) = (length as, length bs)
from <- if d == 0 || k < negate m || k > n then
-- The top-left corner, or otherwise out-of-bounds.
return (Endpoint 0 0 [])
else if k == negate d || k == negate m then
-- The lower/left extent of the search region or edit graph, whichever is smaller.
getK (Diagonal (succ k)) >>= moveDownFrom
else if k /= d && k /= n then do
-- Somewhere in the interior of the search region and edit graph.
prev <- getK (Diagonal (pred k))
next <- getK (Diagonal (succ k))
if x prev < x next then
moveDownFrom next
moveRightFrom prev
-- The upper/right extent of the search region or edit graph, whichever is smaller.
getK (Diagonal (pred k)) >>= moveRightFrom
endpoint <- slideFrom from
setK (Diagonal k) endpoint
return endpoint
-- | Move downward from a given vertex, inserting the element for the corresponding row.
runMoveDownFrom :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Endpoint a b -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
runMoveDownFrom (EditGraph _ bs) (Endpoint x y script) = return (Endpoint x (succ y) (if y < length bs then That (bs ! y) : script else script))
-- | Move rightward from a given vertex, deleting the element for the corresponding column.
runMoveRightFrom :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Endpoint a b -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
runMoveRightFrom (EditGraph as _) (Endpoint x y script) = return (Endpoint (succ x) y (if x < length as then This (as ! x) : script else script))
-- | Return the maximum extent reached and path taken along a given diagonal.
runGetK :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
runGetK graph k = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
v <- checkK graph k
let (x, script) = v ! k in return (Endpoint x (x - unDiagonal k) script)
-- | Update the maximum extent reached and path taken along a given diagonal.
runSetK :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Diagonal -> Endpoint a b -> Myers a b ()
runSetK graph k (Endpoint x _ script) = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
v <- checkK graph k
put (MyersState (v Array.// [(k, (x, script))]))
-- | Slide down any diagonal edges from a given vertex.
runSlideFrom :: HasCallStack => (a -> b -> Bool) -> EditGraph a b -> Endpoint a b -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
runSlideFrom eq (EditGraph as bs) (Endpoint x y script)
| x >= 0, x < length as
, y >= 0, y < length bs
, a <- as ! x
, b <- bs ! y
, a `eq` b = slideFrom (Endpoint (succ x) (succ y) (These a b : script))
| otherwise = return (Endpoint x y script)
-- Smart constructors
-- | Compute the longest common subsequence.
lcs :: HasCallStack => Myers a b [(a, b)]
lcs = M LCS `Then` return
-- | Compute the edit distance.
editDistance :: HasCallStack => Myers a b Int
editDistance = M EditDistance `Then` return
-- | Search an edit graph for the shortest edit script up to a given proposed edit distance, building on the results of previous searches.
searchUpToD :: HasCallStack => Distance -> Myers a b (Maybe (EditScript a b, Distance))
searchUpToD distance = M (SearchUpToD distance) `Then` return
-- | Search an edit graph for the shortest edit script along a specific diagonal.
searchAlongK :: HasCallStack => Distance -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Maybe (EditScript a b, Distance))
searchAlongK d k = M (SearchAlongK d k) `Then` return
-- | Move onto a given diagonal from one of its in-bounds adjacent diagonals (if any), and slide down any diagonal edges eagerly.
moveFromAdjacent :: HasCallStack => Distance -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
moveFromAdjacent d k = M (MoveFromAdjacent d k) `Then` return
-- | Move downward from a given vertex, inserting the element for the corresponding row.
moveDownFrom :: HasCallStack => Endpoint a b -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
moveDownFrom e = M (MoveDownFrom e) `Then` return
-- | Move rightward from a given vertex, deleting the element for the corresponding column.
moveRightFrom :: HasCallStack => Endpoint a b -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
moveRightFrom e = M (MoveRightFrom e) `Then` return
-- | Return the maximum extent reached and path taken along a given diagonal.
getK :: HasCallStack => Diagonal -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
getK diagonal = M (GetK diagonal) `Then` return
-- | Update the maximum extent reached and path taken along a given diagonal.
setK :: HasCallStack => Diagonal -> Endpoint a b -> Myers a b ()
setK diagonal x = M (SetK diagonal x) `Then` return
-- | Slide down any diagonal edges from a given vertex.
slideFrom :: HasCallStack => Endpoint a b -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
slideFrom from = M (SlideFrom from) `Then` return
-- Implementation details
-- | The state stored by Myers’ algorithm; an array of m + n + 1 values indicating the maximum x-index reached and path taken along each diagonal.
newtype MyersState a b = MyersState { unMyersState :: Array.Array Diagonal (Int, EditScript a b) }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | State effect used in Myers.
data State s a where
Get :: State s s
Put :: s -> State s ()
-- | Compute the empty state of length m + n + 1 for a given edit graph.
emptyStateForGraph :: EditGraph a b -> MyersState a b
emptyStateForGraph (EditGraph as bs) = let (n, m) = (length as, length bs) in
MyersState (Array.listArray (Diagonal (negate m), Diagonal n) (repeat (0, [])))
-- | Evaluate some function for each value in a list until one returns a value or the list is exhausted.
for :: [a] -> (a -> Myers c d (Maybe b)) -> Myers c d (Maybe b)
for all run = foldr (\ a b -> (<|>) <$> run a <*> b) (return Nothing) all
-- | Throw a failure. Used to indicate an error in the implementation of Myers’ algorithm.
fail :: (HasCallStack, Monad m) => String -> m a
fail s = let ?callStack = fromCallSiteList (filter ((/= "M") . fst) (getCallStack callStack)) in
throw (MyersException s callStack)
-- | Bounds-checked indexing of arrays, preserving the call stack.
(!) :: (HasCallStack, Ix i, Show i) => Array.Array i a -> i -> a
v ! i | inRange (Array.bounds v) i = v Array.! i
| otherwise = let ?callStack = fromCallSiteList (filter ((/= "M") . fst) (getCallStack callStack)) in
throw (MyersException ("index " <> show i <> " out of bounds") callStack)
-- | Check that a given diagonal is in-bounds for the edit graph, returning the actual index to use and the state array.
checkK :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Array.Array Diagonal (Int, EditScript a b))
checkK _ k = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
v <- gets unMyersState
unless (inRange (Array.bounds v) k) $ fail ("diagonal " <> show k <> " outside state bounds " <> show (Array.bounds v))
return v
-- | Lifted showing of arrays.
liftShowsVector :: Show i => (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Array.Array i a -> ShowS
liftShowsVector sp sl d = liftShowsPrec sp sl d . toList
-- | Lifted showing of operations in Myers’ algorithm.
liftShowsMyersF :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> Int -> MyersF a b c -> ShowS
liftShowsMyersF sp1 sp2 d m = case m of
SES -> showString "SES"
LCS -> showString "LCS"
EditDistance -> showString "EditDistance"
SearchUpToD distance -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "SearchUpToD" d distance
SearchAlongK distance diagonal -> showsBinaryWith showsPrec showsPrec "SearchAlongK" d distance diagonal
MoveFromAdjacent distance diagonal -> showsBinaryWith showsPrec showsPrec "MoveFromAdjacent" d distance diagonal
MoveDownFrom endpoint -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsEndpoint sp1 sp2) "MoveDownFrom" d endpoint
MoveRightFrom endpoint -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsEndpoint sp1 sp2) "MoveRightFrom" d endpoint
GetK diagonal -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "GetK" d diagonal
SetK diagonal v -> showsBinaryWith showsPrec (liftShowsEndpoint sp1 sp2) "SetK" d diagonal v
SlideFrom endpoint -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsEndpoint sp1 sp2) "SlideFrom" d endpoint
-- | Lifted showing of ternary constructors.
showsTernaryWith :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> (Int -> c -> ShowS) -> String -> Int -> a -> b -> c -> ShowS
showsTernaryWith sp1 sp2 sp3 name d x y z = showParen (d > 10) $
showString name . showChar ' ' . sp1 11 x . showChar ' ' . sp2 11 y . showChar ' ' . sp3 11 z
-- | Lifted showing of State.
liftShowsState :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> Int -> State a b -> ShowS
liftShowsState sp d state = case state of
Get -> showString "Get"
Put s -> showsUnaryWith sp "Put" d s
-- | Lift value/list showing functions into a showing function for steps in Myers’ algorithm.
liftShowsStep :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> ([b] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Step a b c -> ShowS
liftShowsStep sp1 sl1 sp2 sl2 d step = case step of
M m -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsMyersF sp1 sp2) "M" d m
S s -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsState (liftShowsPrec2 sp1 sl1 sp2 sl2)) "S" d s
-- | Lifted showing of These.
liftShowsThese :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> Int -> These a b -> ShowS
liftShowsThese sa sb d t = case t of
This a -> showsUnaryWith sa "This" d a
That b -> showsUnaryWith sb "That" d b
These a b -> showsBinaryWith sa sb "These" d a b
-- | Lifted showing of edit scripts.
liftShowsEditScript :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> Int -> EditScript a b -> ShowS
liftShowsEditScript sa sb _ = showListWith (liftShowsThese sa sb 0)
-- | Lifted showing of edit graph endpoints.
liftShowsEndpoint :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> Int -> Endpoint a b -> ShowS
liftShowsEndpoint sp1 sp2 d (Endpoint x y script) = showsTernaryWith showsPrec showsPrec (liftShowsEditScript sp1 sp2) "Endpoint" d x y script
-- | Exceptions in Myers’ algorithm, along with a description and call stack.
data MyersException = MyersException String CallStack
deriving (Typeable)
-- Instances
instance MonadState (MyersState a b) (Myers a b) where
get = S Get `Then` return
put a = S (Put a) `Then` return
instance Show2 MyersState where
liftShowsPrec2 sp1 _ sp2 _ d (MyersState v) = showsUnaryWith showsStateVector "MyersState" d v
where showsStateVector = showsWith liftShowsVector (showsWith liftShowsPrec (liftShowsEditScript sp1 sp2))
showsWith g f = g f (showListWith (f 0))
instance Show s => Show1 (State s) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = liftShowsState showsPrec
instance Show s => Show (State s a) where
showsPrec = liftShowsPrec (const (const identity)) (const identity)
instance Show2 EditGraph where
liftShowsPrec2 sp1 sl1 sp2 sl2 d (EditGraph as bs) = showsBinaryWith (liftShowsVector sp1 sl1) (liftShowsVector sp2 sl2) "EditGraph" d as bs
instance Show2 Endpoint where
liftShowsPrec2 sp1 _ sp2 _ = liftShowsEndpoint sp1 sp2
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show1 (MyersF a b) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = liftShowsMyersF showsPrec showsPrec
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (MyersF a b c) where
showsPrec = liftShowsMyersF showsPrec showsPrec
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show1 (Step a b) where
liftShowsPrec _ _ = liftShowsStep showsPrec showList showsPrec showList
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Step a b c) where
showsPrec = liftShowsStep showsPrec showList showsPrec showList
instance Exception MyersException
instance Show MyersException where
showsPrec _ (MyersException s c) = showString "Exception: " . showString s . showChar '\n' . showString (prettyCallStack c)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module SES.Myers.Spec where
import Data.These
import Prologue
import SES.Myers
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.LeanCheck
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "ses" $ do
prop "returns equal lists in These" $
\ as -> (ses (==) as as :: EditScript Char Char) `shouldBe` zipWith These as as
prop "returns deletions in This" $
\ as -> (ses (==) as [] :: EditScript Char Char) `shouldBe` fmap This as
prop "returns insertions in That" $
\ bs -> (ses (==) [] bs :: EditScript Char Char) `shouldBe` fmap That bs
prop "returns all elements individually for disjoint inputs" $
\ as bs -> length (ses (==) ((,) 0 <$> as :: [(Int, Char)]) ((,) 1 <$> bs :: [(Int, Char)])) `shouldBe` length as + length bs
prop "is lossless w.r.t. both input elements & ordering" $
\ as bs -> foldr (\ each (as, bs) -> these (flip (,) bs. (:as)) ((,) as . (:bs)) (\ a b -> (a:as, b:bs)) each) ([], []) (ses (==) as bs :: EditScript Char Char) `shouldBe` (as, bs)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import qualified GitmonClientSpec
import qualified InterpreterSpec
import qualified PatchOutputSpec
import qualified RangeSpec
import qualified SES.Myers.Spec
import qualified SourceSpec
import qualified TermSpec
import qualified TOCSpec
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ main = do
describe "Interpreter" InterpreterSpec.spec
describe "PatchOutput" PatchOutputSpec.spec
describe "Range" RangeSpec.spec
describe "SES.Myers" SES.Myers.Spec.spec
describe "Source" SourceSpec.spec
describe "Term" TermSpec.spec
describe "TOC" TOCSpec.spec
@ -36,4 +38,4 @@ main = do
describe "ParseCommand" ParseCommandSpec.spec
describe "Integration" IntegrationSpec.spec
hspec $ describe "GitmonClient" GitmonClientSpec.spec
hspec $ describe "GitmonClient" GitmonClientSpec.spec
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
{ (IntegerLiteral)
->(IntegerLiteral) })
@ -14,4 +13,7 @@
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 825bdfaf9488a1be49f8f5d3921cdcd22b7a46cb
Subproject commit c70bc6dafcbdc572082c46345e6425508ceaf43f
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