mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-15 01:51:39 +03:00

Merge branch 'heap-frames' of https://github.com/github/semantic into heap-frames

This commit is contained in:
joshvera 2018-12-05 15:58:11 -05:00
commit eee533a010
10 changed files with 121 additions and 133 deletions

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@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ withFrame :: forall term address value sig m a. (
=> address
-> Evaluator term address value m a -- Not sure about this `sig` here (substituting `sig` for `effects`)
-> Evaluator term address value m a
withFrame address action = local @(address, address) (second (const address)) action
withFrame address = local @(address, address) (second (const address))
-- | Define a declaration and assign the value of an action in the current frame.
define :: forall value sig address m term. ( HasCallStack

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@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Control.Abstract.Primitive
( defineClass
, defineNamespace
, defineBuiltIn
) where
import Control.Abstract.Context
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Control.Abstract.ScopeGraph
import Control.Abstract.Value
import Data.Abstract.BaseError
import Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Abstract.Ref
import Control.Abstract.Context
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Control.Abstract.ScopeGraph
import Control.Abstract.Value
import Data.Abstract.BaseError
import Data.Abstract.Name
import Data.Abstract.Ref
import Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Span
import Prologue
import Prologue
defineBuiltIn :: forall value sig address m term. ( HasCallStack
, Member (Deref value) sig
, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) sig
, Member (Reader Span) sig
, Member (Reader (address, address)) sig
, Member (State (Heap address address value)) sig
, Member (State (ScopeGraph address)) sig
, Member (Resumable (BaseError (ScopeError address))) sig
, Member (Resumable (BaseError (HeapError address))) sig
, Member (Function term address value) sig
, Member (Allocator address) sig
, Member Fresh sig
, Ord address
, Carrier sig m
=> Declaration
-> BuiltIn
-> Evaluator term address value m (ValueRef address value)
defineBuiltIn :: ( HasCallStack
, Member (Deref value) sig
, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) sig
, Member (Reader Span) sig
, Member (Reader (address, address)) sig
, Member (State (Heap address address value)) sig
, Member (State (ScopeGraph address)) sig
, Member (Resumable (BaseError (ScopeError address))) sig
, Member (Resumable (BaseError (HeapError address))) sig
, Member (Function term address value) sig
, Member (Allocator address) sig
, Member Fresh sig
, Ord address
, Carrier sig m
=> Declaration
-> BuiltIn
-> Evaluator term address value m (ValueRef address value)
defineBuiltIn declaration value = withCurrentCallStack callStack $ do
currentScope' <- currentScope
let lexicalEdges = Map.singleton Lexical [ currentScope' ]
@ -72,9 +72,7 @@ defineClass :: ( AbstractValue term address value m
defineClass declaration superclasses body = void . define declaration $ do
currentScope' <- currentScope
superScopes <- for superclasses $ \superclass -> do
scope <- associatedScope superclass
pure scope
superScopes <- for superclasses associatedScope
let superclassEdges = (Superclass, ) <$> (fmap pure . catMaybes $ superScopes)
current = fmap (Lexical, ) . pure . pure $ currentScope'
@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ defineClass declaration superclasses body = void . define declaration $ do
putDeclarationScope declaration childScope
withScope childScope $ do
void $ body
void body
pure unit

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ putDeclarationScope decl assocScope = do
modify (ScopeGraph.insertDeclarationScope decl assocScope currentAddress)
putDeclarationSpan :: forall address sig m term value. (Ord address, Member (State (ScopeGraph address)) sig, Carrier sig m) => Declaration -> Span -> Evaluator term address value m ()
putDeclarationSpan decl = modify @(ScopeGraph address) . (ScopeGraph.insertDeclarationSpan decl)
putDeclarationSpan decl = modify @(ScopeGraph address) . ScopeGraph.insertDeclarationSpan decl
reference :: forall address sig m term value
. ( Ord address
@ -182,8 +182,7 @@ maybeLookupScopePath ::
-> Evaluator term address value m (Maybe (ScopeGraph.Path address))
maybeLookupScopePath Declaration{..} = do
currentAddress <- currentScope
scopeGraph <- get
pure (ScopeGraph.lookupScopePath unDeclaration currentAddress scopeGraph)
gets (ScopeGraph.lookupScopePath unDeclaration currentAddress)
lookupScopePath :: ( Member (Resumable (BaseError (ScopeError address))) sig
, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) sig
@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ withScope :: forall sig m address term value a. ( Carrier sig m
=> address
-> Evaluator term address value m a
-> Evaluator term address value m a
withScope scope action = local @(address, address) (first (const scope)) action
withScope scope = local @(address, address) (first (const scope))
throwScopeError :: ( Member (Resumable (BaseError (ScopeError address))) sig
, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) sig

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@ -28,10 +28,9 @@ module Control.Abstract.Value
, rvalBox
) where
import Control.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Declaration, ScopeGraph)
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Control.Abstract.Heap
import Control.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Allocator)
import Control.Abstract.ScopeGraph (Allocator, Declaration, ScopeGraph)
import Control.Effect.Carrier
import Data.Abstract.BaseError
import Data.Abstract.Module
@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ forLoop :: ( Carrier sig m
-> Evaluator term address value m value -- ^ Increment/stepper
-> Evaluator term address value m value -- ^ Body
-> Evaluator term address value m (ValueRef address value)
forLoop initial cond step body = initial *> while cond ((withLexicalScopeAndFrame body) *> step)
forLoop initial cond step body = initial *> while cond (withLexicalScopeAndFrame body *> step)
data While address value m k
= While (m value) (m value) (ValueRef address value -> k)
@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ value :: ( Member (Deref value) sig
=> ValueRef address value
-> Evaluator term address value m value
value (Rval val) = pure val
value (Rval val) = pure val
value (LvalMember slot) = deref slot
-- | Convenience function for boxing a raw value and wrapping it in an Rval

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, InstanceSigs, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, InstanceSigs #-}
module Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
( module X
, Evaluatable(..)
@ -118,10 +118,7 @@ instance HasPrelude 'Python where
instance HasPrelude 'Ruby where
definePrelude _ = do
let self = Declaration $ X.name "__self"
declare self emptySpan Nothing
slot <- lookupDeclaration self
assign slot =<< object =<< currentFrame
void $ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "puts") Print
@ -129,21 +126,33 @@ instance HasPrelude 'Ruby where
void $ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "inspect") Show
instance HasPrelude 'TypeScript where
definePrelude _ = do
let self = Declaration $ X.name "__self"
declare self emptySpan Nothing
slot <- lookupDeclaration self
assign slot =<< object =<< currentFrame
-- defineNamespace (Declaration (X.name "console")) (builtIn (X.name "log") Print)
definePrelude _ = defineSelf
-- defineNamespace (Declaration (X.name "console")) $ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "log") Print
instance HasPrelude 'JavaScript where
definePrelude _ = do
let self = Declaration $ X.name "__self"
declare self emptySpan Nothing
slot <- lookupDeclaration self
assign slot =<< object =<< currentFrame
defineNamespace (Declaration (X.name "console")) $ defineBuiltIn (Declaration $ X.name "log") Print
defineSelf :: ( AbstractValue term address value m
, Carrier sig m
, Member (State (ScopeGraph address)) sig
, Member (Resumable (BaseError (ScopeError address))) sig
, Member (Resumable (BaseError (HeapError address))) sig
, Member (Deref value) sig
, Member (Reader ModuleInfo) sig
, Member (Reader Span) sig
, Member (State (Heap address address value)) sig
, Member (Reader (address, address)) sig
, Ord address
=> Evaluator term address value m ()
defineSelf = do
let self = Declaration $ X.name "__self"
declare self emptySpan Nothing
slot <- lookupDeclaration self
assign slot =<< object =<< currentFrame
-- Effects

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@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ initFrame :: (Ord address) => scope -> address -> Map EdgeLabel (Map scope addre
initFrame scope address links slots = fillFrame address slots . newFrame scope address links
insertFrame :: Ord address => address -> Frame scope address value -> Heap scope address value -> Heap scope address value
insertFrame address frame h@Heap{..} = h { heap = (Map.insert address frame heap) }
insertFrame address frame h@Heap{..} = h { heap = Map.insert address frame heap }
fillFrame :: Ord address => address -> IntMap (Set value) -> Heap scope address value -> Heap scope address value
fillFrame address slots heap =
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ heapRestrict :: Ord address => Heap address address value -> Live address -> Hea
heapRestrict (Heap m) roots = Heap (Map.filterWithKey (\ address _ -> address `liveMember` roots) m)
isHeapEmpty :: (Eq address, Eq value) => Heap scope address value -> Bool
isHeapEmpty h@Heap{..} = (heapSize h) == 1 &&
isHeapEmpty h@Heap{..} = heapSize h == 1 &&
(toEmptyFrame <$> Map.elems heap) == [ Frame () mempty mempty ]
toEmptyFrame Frame{..} = Frame () (Map.mapKeysMonotonic (const ()) <$> links) slots

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@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ data Slot address = Slot { frameAddress :: address, position :: Position }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
-- Offsets and frame addresses in the heap should be addresses?
data Scope scopeAddress = Scope {
edges :: Map EdgeLabel [scopeAddress] -- Maybe Map EdgeLabel [Path scope]?
data Scope scopeAddress = Scope
{ edges :: Map EdgeLabel [scopeAddress] -- Maybe Map EdgeLabel [Path scope]?
, references :: Map Reference (Path scopeAddress)
, declarations :: Seq (Declaration, (Span, Maybe scopeAddress))
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ instance AbstractHole address => AbstractHole (Slot address) where
newtype Position = Position { unPosition :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
newtype ScopeGraph scope = ScopeGraph { graph :: Map scope (Scope scope) }
newtype ScopeGraph scope = ScopeGraph { unScopeGraph :: Map scope (Scope scope) }
instance Ord scope => Lower (ScopeGraph scope) where
lowerBound = ScopeGraph mempty
@ -109,91 +109,76 @@ pathPosition (EPath _ _ p) = pathPosition p
-- Returns the reference paths of a scope in a scope graph.
pathsOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map Reference (Path scope))
pathsOfScope scope = fmap references . Map.lookup scope . graph
pathsOfScope scope = fmap references . Map.lookup scope . unScopeGraph
-- Returns the declaration data of a scope in a scope graph.
ddataOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Seq (Declaration, (Span, Maybe scope)))
ddataOfScope scope = fmap declarations . Map.lookup scope . graph
ddataOfScope scope = fmap declarations . Map.lookup scope . unScopeGraph
-- Returns the edges of a scope in a scope graph.
linksOfScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Map EdgeLabel [scope])
linksOfScope scope = fmap edges . Map.lookup scope . graph
linksOfScope scope = fmap edges . Map.lookup scope . unScopeGraph
-- Lookup a scope in the scope graph.
lookupScope :: Ord scope => scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe (Scope scope)
lookupScope scope = Map.lookup scope . graph
lookupScope scope = Map.lookup scope . unScopeGraph
-- Declare a declaration with a span and an associated scope in the scope graph.
-- TODO: Return the whole value in Maybe or Either.
declare :: Ord scope => Declaration -> Span -> Maybe scope -> scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> (ScopeGraph scope, Maybe Position)
declare declaration ddata assocScope currentScope g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe (g, Nothing) $ do
declare declaration ddata assocScope currentScope g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe (g, Nothing) $ do
scope <- lookupScope currentScope g
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope currentScope g
case Seq.findIndexR (\(decl, (span, _)) -> decl == declaration && ddata == span) dataSeq of
Just index -> pure (g, Just $ Position index)
Just index -> pure (g, Just (Position index))
Nothing -> do
let newScope = scope { declarations = (declarations scope) Seq.|> (declaration, (ddata, assocScope)) }
pure $ (g { graph = Map.insert currentScope newScope graph }, Just . Position $ length (declarations newScope))
let newScope = scope { declarations = declarations scope Seq.|> (declaration, (ddata, assocScope)) }
pure (ScopeGraph (Map.insert currentScope newScope graph), Just (Position (length (declarations newScope))))
-- | Add a reference to a declaration in the scope graph.
-- Returns the original scope graph if the declaration could not be found.
reference :: Ord scope => Reference -> Declaration -> scope -> ScopeGraph scope -> ScopeGraph scope
reference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
reference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
-- Start from the current address
currentScope' <- lookupScope currentAddress g
-- Build a path up to the declaration
go currentScope' currentAddress id
go currentScope address path =
case lookupDeclaration unDeclaration address g of
Just (_, index) ->
let newScope = currentScope { references = Map.insert ref (path (DPath decl index)) (references currentScope) }
in Just (g { graph = Map.insert currentAddress newScope graph })
Nothing -> let
traverseEdges edge = do
linkMap <- linksOfScope address g
scopes <- Map.lookup edge linkMap
-- Return the first path to the declaration through the scopes.
getFirst (foldMap (First . ap (go currentScope) ((path .) . EPath edge)) scopes)
in traverseEdges Superclass <|> traverseEdges Import <|> traverseEdges Lexical
go currentScope address path
= ScopeGraph . flip (Map.insert currentAddress) graph . modifyReferences currentScope . Map.insert ref . path . DPath decl . snd <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration address g
<|> traverseEdges' Superclass <|> traverseEdges' Import <|> traverseEdges' Lexical
where traverseEdges' edge = linksOfScope address g >>= Map.lookup edge >>= traverseEdges path (go currentScope) edge
-- | Insert a reference into the given scope by constructing a resolution path to the declaration within the given scope graph.
insertImportReference :: Ord address => Reference -> Declaration -> address -> ScopeGraph address -> Scope address -> Maybe (Scope address)
insertImportReference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} scope = do
go currentAddress (EPath Import currentAddress)
insertImportReference ref decl@Declaration{..} currentAddress g scope = go currentAddress (EPath Import currentAddress)
go address path =
case lookupDeclaration unDeclaration address g of
Just (_, index) ->
Just $ scope { references = Map.insert ref (path (DPath decl index)) (references scope) }
Nothing -> traverseEdges Superclass <|> traverseEdges Export <|> traverseEdges Import <|> traverseEdges Lexical
traverseEdges edge = do
linkMap <- linksOfScope address g
scopes <- Map.lookup edge linkMap
-- Return the first path to the declaration through the scopes.
getFirst (foldMap (First . (\scope -> go scope (path . EPath edge scope))) scopes)
go address path
= modifyReferences scope . Map.insert ref . path . DPath decl . snd <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration address g
<|> traverseEdges' Superclass <|> traverseEdges' Export <|> traverseEdges' Import <|> traverseEdges' Lexical
where traverseEdges' edge = linksOfScope address g >>= Map.lookup edge >>= traverseEdges path go edge
lookupScopePath :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe (Path scopeAddress)
lookupScopePath declaration currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} = do
go currentAddress id
lookupScopePath declaration currentAddress g = go currentAddress id
go address path =
case lookupDeclaration declaration address g of
Just (_, index) -> Just $ path (DPath (Declaration declaration) index)
Nothing -> maybe Nothing (Just . path) (lookupReference declaration address g)
<|> traverseEdges Superclass <|> traverseEdges Export <|> traverseEdges Import <|> traverseEdges Lexical
traverseEdges edge = do
linkMap <- linksOfScope address g
scopes <- Map.lookup edge linkMap
getFirst (foldMap (First . (\scope -> go scope (path . EPath edge scope))) scopes)
go address path
= path . DPath (Declaration declaration) . snd <$> lookupDeclaration declaration address g
<|> path <$> lookupReference declaration address g
<|> traverseEdges' Superclass <|> traverseEdges' Export <|> traverseEdges' Import <|> traverseEdges' Lexical
where traverseEdges' edge = linksOfScope address g >>= Map.lookup edge >>= traverseEdges path go edge
modifyReferences :: Scope scopeAddress -> (Map Reference (Path scopeAddress) -> Map Reference (Path scopeAddress)) -> Scope scopeAddress
modifyReferences scope f = scope { references = f (references scope) }
traverseEdges :: Foldable t => (Path scopeAddress -> Path scopeAddress) -> (scopeAddress -> (Path scopeAddress -> Path scopeAddress) -> Maybe a) -> EdgeLabel -> t scopeAddress -> Maybe a
-- Return the first path to the declaration through the scopes.
traverseEdges path go edge = getFirst . foldMap (First . (go <*> fmap path . EPath edge))
lookupDeclaration :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe ((Declaration, (Span, Maybe scopeAddress)), Position)
lookupDeclaration declaration scope g = do
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope scope g
index <- Seq.findIndexR (((Declaration declaration) ==) . fst) dataSeq
index <- Seq.findIndexR ((Declaration declaration ==) . fst) dataSeq
(, Position index) <$> Seq.lookup index dataSeq
declarationNames :: Ord address => [EdgeLabel] -> Scope address -> ScopeGraph address -> Set Declaration
@ -204,48 +189,48 @@ declarationNames edgeLabels scope scopeGraph = localDeclarations <> edgeNames
putDeclarationScopeAtPosition :: Ord scopeAddress => scopeAddress -> Position -> Maybe scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
putDeclarationScopeAtPosition scope position assocScope g = fromMaybe g $ do
putDeclarationScopeAtPosition scope position assocScope g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
dataSeq <- ddataOfScope scope g
let seq = Seq.adjust' (\(d, (span, _)) -> (d, (span, assocScope))) (unPosition position) dataSeq
pure $ g { graph = Map.adjust (\s -> s { declarations = seq }) scope (graph g) }
pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.adjust (\s -> s { declarations = seq }) scope graph)
lookupReference :: Ord scopeAddress => Name -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> Maybe (Path scopeAddress)
lookupReference name scope g = Map.lookup (Reference name) =<< pathsOfScope scope g
insertEdge :: Ord scopeAddress => EdgeLabel -> scopeAddress -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
insertEdge label target currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
insertEdge label target currentAddress g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
currentScope' <- lookupScope currentAddress g
scopes <- maybe (Just mempty) pure (Map.lookup label (edges currentScope'))
scopes <- maybeM (Just mempty) (Map.lookup label (edges currentScope'))
let newScope = currentScope' { edges = Map.insert label (target : scopes) (edges currentScope') }
pure (g { graph = Map.insert currentAddress newScope graph })
pure (ScopeGraph (Map.insert currentAddress newScope graph))
-- | Insert associate the given associated scope into the declaration in the scope graph.
insertDeclarationScope :: Ord scopeAddress => Declaration -> scopeAddress -> scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
insertDeclarationScope decl@Declaration{..} address currentAddress g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
insertDeclarationScope decl@Declaration{..} address currentAddress g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
declScope <- pathDeclarationScope currentAddress =<< lookupScopePath unDeclaration currentAddress g
(span, position) <- (fst . snd . fst &&& unPosition . snd) <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScope g
scope <- lookupScope declScope g
pure $ g { graph = Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, Just address))) position (declarations scope) }) graph }
pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, Just address))) position (declarations scope) }) graph)
-- | Insert a declaration span into the declaration in the scope graph.
insertDeclarationSpan :: Ord scopeAddress => Declaration -> Span -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress -> ScopeGraph scopeAddress
insertDeclarationSpan decl@Declaration{..} span g@ScopeGraph{..} = fromMaybe g $ do
insertDeclarationSpan decl@Declaration{..} span g@(ScopeGraph graph) = fromMaybe g $ do
declScope <- scopeOfDeclaration decl g
(associatedScope, position) <- (snd . snd . fst &&& unPosition . snd) <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration declScope g
scope <- lookupScope declScope g
pure $ g { graph = Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, associatedScope))) position (declarations scope) }) graph }
pure $ ScopeGraph (Map.insert declScope (scope { declarations = Seq.adjust (const (decl, (span, associatedScope))) position (declarations scope) }) graph)
-- | Insert a new scope with the given address and edges into the scope graph.
newScope :: Ord address => address -> Map EdgeLabel [address] -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
newScope address edges = insertScope address (Scope edges mempty mempty)
insertScope :: Ord address => address -> Scope address -> ScopeGraph address -> ScopeGraph address
insertScope address scope g@ScopeGraph{..} = g { graph = Map.insert address scope graph }
insertScope address scope = ScopeGraph . Map.insert address scope . unScopeGraph
-- | Returns the scope of a reference in the scope graph.
scopeOfRef :: Ord scope => Reference -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
scopeOfRef ref g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
scopeOfRef ref g@(ScopeGraph graph) = go (Map.keys graph)
go (s : scopes') = fromMaybe (go scopes') $ do
pathMap <- pathsOfScope s g
@ -262,17 +247,15 @@ pathOfRef ref graph = do
-- Returns the scope the declaration was declared in.
scopeOfDeclaration :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
scopeOfDeclaration Declaration{..} g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
scopeOfDeclaration Declaration{..} g@(ScopeGraph graph) = go (Map.keys graph)
go (scope : scopes') = fromMaybe (go scopes') $ lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g >> pure (Just scope)
go [] = Nothing
go = foldr (\ scope -> (scope <$ lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g <|>)) Nothing
-- | Returns the scope associated with a declaration (the child scope if any exists).
associatedScope :: Ord scope => Declaration -> ScopeGraph scope -> Maybe scope
associatedScope Declaration{..} g@ScopeGraph{..} = go (Map.keys graph)
associatedScope Declaration{..} g@(ScopeGraph graph) = go (Map.keys graph)
go (scope : scopes') = fromMaybe (go scopes') $ snd . snd . fst <$> lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g
go [] = Nothing
go = foldr (\ scope -> ((lookupDeclaration unDeclaration scope g >>= snd . snd . fst) <|>)) Nothing
newtype Reference = Reference { unReference :: Name }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, NFData)

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@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ data Value term address
| String Text
| Symbol Text
| Regex Text
| Tuple [(Value term address)]
| Array [(Value term address)]
| Class Declaration [(Value term address)] address
| Tuple [Value term address]
| Array [Value term address]
| Class Declaration [Value term address] address
| Object address
| Namespace Name address
| KVPair (Value term address) (Value term address)
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ data ValueError term address resume where
BitwiseError :: Value term address -> ValueError term address (Value term address)
Bitwise2Error :: Value term address -> Value term address -> ValueError term address (Value term address)
KeyValueError :: Value term address -> ValueError term address (Value term address, Value term address)
ArrayError :: Value term address -> ValueError term address [(Value term address)]
ArrayError :: Value term address -> ValueError term address [Value term address]
-- Indicates that we encountered an arithmetic exception inside Haskell-native number crunching.
ArithmeticError :: ArithException -> ValueError term address (Value term address)
-- Out-of-bounds error

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@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ instance Show1 VariableDeclaration where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
instance Evaluatable VariableDeclaration where
eval _ (VariableDeclaration []) = rvalBox unit
eval eval (VariableDeclaration decs) = do
_ <- for decs $ \declaration -> do
for_ decs $ \declaration -> do
name <- maybeM (throwEvalError NoNameError) (declaredName declaration)
declare (Declaration name) emptySpan Nothing
(span, _) <- do
@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ instance Evaluatable Class where
(Just scope, Just frame) -> Just (scope, frame)
_ -> Nothing
let superclassEdges = fmap (Superclass, ) . fmap (pure . fst) . catMaybes $ superScopes
current = fmap (Lexical, ) . pure . pure $ currentScope'
let superclassEdges = (Superclass, ) . pure . fst <$> catMaybes superScopes
current = (Lexical, ) <$> pure (pure currentScope')
edges = Map.fromList (superclassEdges <> current)
childScope <- newScope edges
declare (Declaration name) span (Just childScope)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-export-lists #-}
module Language.Go.Syntax where