mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:15:01 +03:00
Change Rule to RuleM and PureRule to Rule.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
-- | This module provides 'Rule', a monadic DSL that abstracts the
-- details of rewriting a given datum into another type in some
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
-- details of exception handling.
module Control.Rewriting
( -- * Rule types
, RewriteM
, Rule
, Rewrite
, PureRule
, PureRewrite
, TransformFailed (..)
-- * Reexports from Control.Arrow
, (>>>)
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ module Control.Rewriting
, modified
, markRefactored
-- * Running rules
, applyEff
, applyPure
, rewrite
, rewriteM
, runE
) where
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ import Control.Abstract.Matching (Matcher, stepMatcher)
import Data.History as History
import Data.Term
-- | The fundamental type of rewriting rules. You can think of a @Rule
-- env m from to@ as @env -> from -> m (Maybe to)@; in other words, a
-- | The fundamental type of rewriting rules. You can think of a
-- @RuleM env m from to@ as @env -> from -> m (Maybe to)@; in other words, a
-- Kleisli arrow with an immutable environment, supporting failure as
-- well as arbitrary effects in a monadic context. However, Rule
-- encompasses both 'cata' and 'para', so you can use them to fold
@ -89,92 +89,90 @@ import Data.Term
-- | Unlike KURE, a 'Rule' is a functor, applicative, monad, &c. with
-- no regard to its inner monad parameter.
data Rule env (m :: * -> *) from to where
Then :: Rule env m from a -> (a -> Rule env m from b) -> Rule env m from b
Dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Rule env m b c -> Rule env m a d
Stop :: String -> Rule env m from to
Alt :: Rule env m from to -> Rule env m from to -> Rule env m from to
Pass :: Rule env m a a
Comp :: Rule env m b c -> Rule env m a b -> Rule env m a c
Split :: Rule env m from to -> Rule env m from' to' -> Rule env m (from, from') (to, to')
Fanin :: Rule env m from to -> Rule env m from' to -> Rule env m (Either from from') to
data RuleM env (m :: * -> *) from to where
Then :: RuleM env m from a -> (a -> RuleM env m from b) -> RuleM env m from b
Dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> RuleM env m b c -> RuleM env m a d
Stop :: String -> RuleM env m from to
Alt :: RuleM env m from to -> RuleM env m from to -> RuleM env m from to
Pass :: RuleM env m a a
Comp :: RuleM env m b c -> RuleM env m a b -> RuleM env m a c
Split :: RuleM env m from to -> RuleM env m from' to' -> RuleM env m (from, from') (to, to')
Fanin :: RuleM env m from to -> RuleM env m from' to -> RuleM env m (Either from from') to
Context :: Rule env m from env
Local :: (env' -> env) -> Rule env m from to -> Rule env' m from to
Promote :: m to -> Rule env m from to
Context :: RuleM env m from env
Local :: (env' -> env) -> RuleM env m from to -> RuleM env' m from to
Promote :: m to -> RuleM env m from to
Recur :: (Traversable f, Traversable g)
=> Rule (env, Term f ann) m (f (Term g ann)) (g (Term g ann))
-> Rule env m (Term f ann) (Term g ann)
=> RuleM (env, Term f ann) m (f (Term g ann)) (g (Term g ann))
-> RuleM env m (Term f ann) (Term g ann)
Somewhere :: ( Apply Functor fs, Apply Foldable fs, Apply Traversable fs
, f :< fs, g :< fs
=> Rule (env, Term (Sum fs) ann) m (f (Term (Sum fs) ann)) (g (Term (Sum fs) ann))
=> RuleM (env, Term (Sum fs) ann) m (f (Term (Sum fs) ann)) (g (Term (Sum fs) ann))
-> (Term (Sum fs) ann -> g (Term (Sum fs) ann) -> Term (Sum fs) ann)
-> Rewrite env m (Term (Sum fs) ann)
-> RewriteM env m (Term (Sum fs) ann)
-- | @a >>> b@ succeeds only if both @a@ and @b@ succeed. @id@ is the
-- identity rule that always succeeds; if you want to use it without
-- hiding Prelude's @id@, use 'target'.
instance Category (Rule env m) where
instance Category (RuleM env m) where
id = Pass
(.) = Comp
instance Functor (Rule env m from) where
instance Functor (RuleM env m from) where
fmap = rmap
instance Applicative (Rule env m from) where
instance Applicative (RuleM env m from) where
pure = arr . const
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Rule env m from) where
instance Monad (RuleM env m from) where
(>>=) = Then
-- | This doesn't have a tremendous error message; you should
-- prefer 'fail'.
instance MonadPlus (Rule env m from) where
instance MonadPlus (RuleM env m from) where
mzero = Stop "MonadPlus.mzero"
-- | The message passed to 'fail' will be shown to the user
-- in a 'TransformFailed' exception.
instance MonadFail (Rule env m from) where
instance MonadFail (RuleM env m from) where
fail = Stop
-- | @a <|> b@ succeeds if a or b succeeds.
instance Alternative (Rule env m from) where
instance Alternative (RuleM env m from) where
(<|>) = Alt
empty = Stop "Alternative.empty"
-- | You can map over the input type of a Rule contravariantly and the
-- output type covariantly, just like a function.
instance Profunctor (Rule env m) where
instance Profunctor (RuleM env m) where
dimap = Dimap
-- | You can use arrow operations and syntax, if you're feeling saucy.
-- This also provides the useful '&&&' operator, which runs
-- two rules and returns a tuple of the results.
instance Arrow (Rule env m) where
instance Arrow (RuleM env m) where
arr f = Dimap id f id
(***) = Split
-- | This instance lets you use @if@ and @case@ in arrow syntax over
-- rules, and provides '|||', which lifts its arguments into
-- a single rule that takes 'Either' values and dispatches appropriately.
instance ArrowChoice (Rule env m) where
instance ArrowChoice (RuleM env m) where
f +++ g = (Left <$> f) ||| (Right <$> g)
(|||) = Fanin
-- | A 'Rewrite' is a 'Rule' which does not change the type of its
-- input. TODO: can we get more expressive than a type synonym?
-- newtypes? phantom types?
type Rewrite env m item = Rule env m item item
-- | A 'RewriteM' is a 'RuleM' that does not change the type of its input.
type RewriteM env m item = RuleM env m item item
-- | 'PureRule's and 'PureRewrite's don't depend on any monadic effects,
-- save for catch/throw internally to handle failure.
type PureRule env from to = Rule env Identity from to
type PureRewrite env item = PureRule env item item
-- | 'PureRule's and 'PureRewrite's don't offer access to
-- their monad parameter.
type Rule env from to = forall m . RuleM env m from to
type Rewrite env item = Rule env item item
-- | Used to indicate failure and retrying.
-- TODO: look into using Data.Error.
@ -187,16 +185,16 @@ newtype TransformFailed = TransformFailed Text deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Extract the input parameter being considered by this rule.
-- An alias for 'id'.
target :: Rule env m from from
target :: Rule env from from
target = id
-- | Extract the environment parameter within a rule.
context :: Rule env m from env
context :: Rule env from env
context = Context
-- | Map a function over the environment parameter. Note that this is contravariant
-- rather than covariant, in contrast to 'Reader'.
localContext :: (newenv -> oldenv) -> Rule oldenv m from to -> Rule newenv m from to
localContext :: (newenv -> oldenv) -> Rule oldenv from to -> Rule newenv from to
localContext = Local
@ -204,22 +202,24 @@ localContext = Local
-- | Builds a 'Rule' out of a function. Alias for 'arr'.
purely :: (from -> to) -> Rule env m from to
purely :: (from -> to) -> Rule env from to
purely = arr
-- | Promote a monadic value to a Rule in that monad.
promote :: m to -> Rule env m from to
-- | Promote a monadic value to a Rule in that monad. Analogous to
-- 'Control.Monad.Trans.lift', but 'RuleM' cannot be both an instance
-- of Category and of MonadTrans due to parameter order.
promote :: m to -> RuleM env m from to
promote = Promote
-- | Promote a 'Matcher' to a 'Rule'.
fromMatcher :: Matcher from to -> Rule env m from to
fromMatcher :: Matcher from to -> Rule env from to
fromMatcher m = target >>= \t -> maybeM (fail "fromMatcher") (stepMatcher t m)
-- | Promote a Rule from a recursive functor to one over terms, operating
-- leaf-to-root in the style of 'Data.Functor.Foldable.para'.
leafToRoot :: (Traversable f, Traversable g)
=> Rule (env, Term f ann) m (f (Term g ann)) (g (Term g ann))
-> Rule env m (Term f ann) (Term g ann)
=> RuleM (env, Term f ann) m (f (Term g ann)) (g (Term g ann))
-> RuleM env m (Term f ann) (Term g ann)
leafToRoot = Recur
@ -231,11 +231,11 @@ leafToRoot = Recur
-- @
-- try x = x <|> id
-- @
try :: Rewrite env m term -> Rewrite env m term
try :: Rewrite env term -> Rewrite env term
try = (<|> id)
-- | Apply a Rule to one datum. Similar to '&'.
apply :: Rule env m x to -> x -> Rule env m from to
-- | Feed one datum into a Rule. Similar to '&'.
apply :: Rule env x to -> x -> Rule env from to
apply rule x = pure x >>> rule
-- | The identity rule, but one that emits a trace of the provided
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ apply rule x = pure x >>> rule
-- @
-- tracing "rule fired" >>> someRule >>> tracing "rule completed"
-- @
tracing :: Member Trace effs => String -> Rewrite env (Eff effs) item
tracing :: Member Trace effs => String -> RewriteM env (Eff effs) item
tracing s = id >>= (\t -> promote (t <$ trace s))
@ -252,11 +252,11 @@ tracing s = id >>= (\t -> promote (t <$ trace s))
-- | Project from a 'Sum' to a component of that sum, failing
-- if the projection fails.
projecting :: (f :< fs) => Rule env m (Sum fs recur) (f recur)
projecting :: (f :< fs) => Rule env (Sum fs recur) (f recur)
projecting = target >>= Sum.projectGuard
-- | Inject a component into a 'Sum'. This always succeeds.
injecting :: (f :< fs) => Rule env m (f recur) (Sum fs recur)
injecting :: (f :< fs) => Rule env (f recur) (Sum fs recur)
injecting = arr Sum.inject
-- | Promote a Rule over the components of 'Sum' values to
@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ injecting = arr Sum.inject
-- @
insideSum :: (f :< fs, g :< gs)
=> Rule env m (f recur) (g recur)
-> Rule env m (Sum fs recur) (Sum gs recur)
=> RuleM env m (f recur) (g recur)
-> RuleM env m (Sum fs recur) (Sum gs recur)
insideSum x = projecting >>> x >>> injecting
@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ insideSum x = projecting >>> x >>> injecting
everywhere :: ( Apply Functor fs, Apply Foldable fs, Apply Traversable fs, f :< fs
, Apply Functor gs, Apply Foldable gs, Apply Traversable gs, g :< gs
=> Rule (env, Term (Sum fs) ann) m (f (Term (Sum gs) ann)) (g (Term (Sum gs) ann))
-> Rule env m (Term (Sum fs) ann) (Term (Sum gs) ann)
=> RuleM (env, Term (Sum fs) ann) m (f (Term (Sum gs) ann)) (g (Term (Sum gs) ann))
-> RuleM env m (Term (Sum fs) ann) (Term (Sum gs) ann)
everywhere = leafToRoot . insideSum
-- | Given a 'Rule' over an @f@ and @g@ both in @fs@, promote that
@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ everywhere = leafToRoot . insideSum
somewhere :: ( Apply Functor fs, Apply Foldable fs, Apply Traversable fs
, f :< fs, g :< fs
=> Rule (env, Term (Sum fs) ann) m (f (Term (Sum fs) ann)) (g (Term (Sum fs) ann))
-> Rewrite env m (Term (Sum fs) ann)
=> Rule (env, Term (Sum fs) ann) (f (Term (Sum fs) ann)) (g (Term (Sum fs) ann))
-> Rewrite env (Term (Sum fs) ann)
somewhere = flip Somewhere (\x -> termIn (annotation x) . Sum.inject)
-- | As 'somewhere', but @somewhere' rule fn@ takes an extra @fn@
@ -302,9 +302,9 @@ somewhere = flip Somewhere (\x -> termIn (annotation x) . Sum.inject)
somewhere' :: ( Apply Functor fs, Apply Foldable fs, Apply Traversable fs
, f :< fs, g :< fs
=> Rule (env, Term (Sum fs) ann) m (f (Term (Sum fs) ann)) (g (Term (Sum fs) ann))
=> Rule (env, Term (Sum fs) ann) (f (Term (Sum fs) ann)) (g (Term (Sum fs) ann))
-> (Term (Sum fs) ann -> g (Term (Sum fs) ann) -> Term (Sum fs) ann)
-> Rewrite env m (Term (Sum fs) ann)
-> Rewrite env (Term (Sum fs) ann)
somewhere' = Somewhere
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ somewhere' = Somewhere
generate :: ( term ~ Term (Sum syn) ann
, f :< syn
=> f term -> Rule term m a term
=> f term -> Rule term a term
generate x = termIn <$> (termAnnotation <$> context) <*> pure (Sum.inject x)
-- | As 'generate', but operating in a tuple context of the sort you might see
@ -324,13 +324,14 @@ generate x = termIn <$> (termAnnotation <$> context) <*> pure (Sum.inject x)
generate' :: ( term ~ Term (Sum syn) ann
, f :< syn
=> f term -> Rule (env, term) m a term
=> f term -> Rule (env, term) a term
generate' x = termIn <$> (termAnnotation . snd <$> context) <*> pure (Sum.inject x)
-- | If we are operating in a History context, tag the provided sum
-- with a 'Refactored' annotation derived from the current context.
modified :: (Apply Functor syn, f :< syn, term ~ Term (Sum syn) (Record (History : fields)))
=> f term -> Rule (env, term) m a term
=> f term
-> Rule (env, term) a term
modified x = History.remark Refactored <$> generate' x
-- | Mark the provided functor with a 'Refactored' version of the original
@ -346,20 +347,20 @@ markRefactored old t = remark Refactored (termIn (annotation old) (inject t))
-- Interpreters
-- | Apply a transform in an effectful context.
applyEff :: Monad m
=> Rule env m from to
-- | Apply a transform in an monadic context.
rewriteM :: Monad m
=> RuleM env m from to
-> env
-> from
-> m (Either TransformFailed to)
applyEff r env from = runE env from r
rewriteM r env from = runE env from r
-- | Apply a 'PureRule'.
applyPure :: PureRule env from to
-> env
-> from
-> Either TransformFailed to
applyPure r env from = runIdentity $ runE env from r
rewrite :: RuleM env Identity from to
-> env
-> from
-> Either TransformFailed to
rewrite r env from = runIdentity $ runE env from r
cataM :: (Recursive t, Traversable (Base t), Monad m) => (Base t a -> m a) -> (t -> m a)
cataM phi = c where c = phi <=< (traverse c . project)
@ -373,11 +374,11 @@ paraM f = liftM snd . cataM run
eitherA :: Applicative f => (b -> f (Either a c)) -> Either a b -> f (Either a c)
eitherA = either (pure . Left)
-- | As 'applyEff', but with some parameters reversed.
-- | As 'rewriteM', but with some parameters reversed.
runE :: forall m env from to . Monad m
=> env
-> from
-> Rule env m from to
-> RuleM env m from to
-> m (Either TransformFailed to)
runE env from = \case
Then a f -> runE env from a >>= eitherA (runE env from) . fmap f
@ -387,13 +388,13 @@ runE env from = \case
Promote p -> fmap Right p
Alt a b -> runE env from a >>= either (const (runE env from b)) (pure . Right)
Fanin a b -> runE env from id >>= eitherA (applyEff a env ||| applyEff b env)
Fanin a b -> runE env from id >>= eitherA (rewriteM a env ||| rewriteM b env)
Split a b -> runE env from id >>= eitherA (fmap bisequence . runKleisli prod)
where prod = Kleisli (applyEff a env) *** Kleisli (applyEff b env)
where prod = Kleisli (rewriteM a env) *** Kleisli (rewriteM b env)
Local f m -> runE (f env) from m
Context -> pure . pure $ env
Comp a b -> runE env from b >>= eitherA (applyEff a env)
Comp a b -> runE env from b >>= eitherA (rewriteM a env)
Recur r -> paraM go from where
go (In ann recur) = eitherA hi (traverse snd recur)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ onTrees :: ( Literal.TextElement :< syn
, Literal.KeyValue :< syn
, Apply Functor syn
, term ~ Term (Sum syn) (Record (History : fields))
) => Rewrite (env, term) m (Literal.Hash term)
) => Rewrite (env, term) (Literal.Hash term)
onTrees = do
Literal.Hash els <- Rewriting.target
guard (null els)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ spec = describe "rewriting" $ do
refactored <- runIO $ do
json <- parseFile jsonParser path
let result = applyPure (somewhere' onTrees markRefactored) () (History.mark Unmodified json)
let result = rewrite (somewhere' onTrees markRefactored) () (History.mark Unmodified json)
either (fail . show) pure result
it "should add keys to JSON values" $ do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user