mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 21:31:48 +03:00
Merge pull request #614 from github/extensible-annotations
Extensible annotations
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ library
, Data.Bifunctor.Join.Arbitrary
, Data.Bifunctor.Join.Arbitrary
, Data.Functor.Both
, Data.Functor.Both
, Data.OrderedMap
, Data.OrderedMap
, Data.Record
, Data.These.Arbitrary
, Data.These.Arbitrary
, Diff
, Diff
, Diff.Arbitrary
, Diff.Arbitrary
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Alignment
module Alignment
( hasChanges
( hasChanges
, numberedRows
, numberedRows
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Data.Functor.Foldable (hylo)
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.OrderedMap as Map
import qualified Data.OrderedMap as Map
import Data.Record
import Data.These
import Data.These
import Diff
import Diff
import Info
import Info
@ -39,15 +40,15 @@ numberedRows = countUp (both 1 1)
nextLineNumbers from row = modifyJoin (fromThese identity identity) (succ <$ row) <*> from
nextLineNumbers from row = modifyJoin (fromThese identity identity) (succ <$ row) <*> from
-- | Determine whether a line contains any patches.
-- | Determine whether a line contains any patches.
hasChanges :: SplitDiff leaf Info -> Bool
hasChanges :: SplitDiff leaf annotation -> Bool
hasChanges = or . (True <$)
hasChanges = or . (True <$)
-- | Align a Diff into a list of Join These SplitDiffs representing the (possibly blank) lines on either side.
-- | Align a Diff into a list of Join These SplitDiffs representing the (possibly blank) lines on either side.
alignDiff :: Show leaf => Both (Source Char) -> Diff leaf Info -> [Join These (SplitDiff leaf Info)]
alignDiff :: (Show leaf, Show (Record fields), HasField fields Range) => Both (Source Char) -> Diff leaf (Record fields) -> [Join These (SplitDiff leaf (Record fields))]
alignDiff sources diff = iter (alignSyntax (runBothWith ((Join .) . These)) (free . Free) getRange sources) (alignPatch sources <$> diff)
alignDiff sources diff = iter (alignSyntax (runBothWith ((Join .) . These)) (free . Free) getRange sources) (alignPatch sources <$> diff)
-- | Align the contents of a patch into a list of lines on the corresponding side(s) of the diff.
-- | Align the contents of a patch into a list of lines on the corresponding side(s) of the diff.
alignPatch :: forall leaf. Show leaf => Both (Source Char) -> Patch (Term leaf Info) -> [Join These (SplitDiff leaf Info)]
alignPatch :: forall fields leaf. (Show leaf, Show (Record fields), HasField fields Range) => Both (Source Char) -> Patch (Term leaf (Record fields)) -> [Join These (SplitDiff leaf (Record fields))]
alignPatch sources patch = case patch of
alignPatch sources patch = case patch of
Delete term -> fmap (pure . SplitDelete) <$> alignSyntax' this (fst sources) term
Delete term -> fmap (pure . SplitDelete) <$> alignSyntax' this (fst sources) term
Insert term -> fmap (pure . SplitInsert) <$> alignSyntax' that (snd sources) term
Insert term -> fmap (pure . SplitInsert) <$> alignSyntax' that (snd sources) term
@ -55,13 +56,13 @@ alignPatch sources patch = case patch of
(alignSyntax' this (fst sources) term1)
(alignSyntax' this (fst sources) term1)
(alignSyntax' that (snd sources) term2)
(alignSyntax' that (snd sources) term2)
where getRange = characterRange . extract
where getRange = characterRange . extract
alignSyntax' :: (forall a. Identity a -> Join These a) -> Source Char -> Term leaf Info -> [Join These (Term leaf Info)]
alignSyntax' :: (forall a. Identity a -> Join These a) -> Source Char -> Term leaf (Record fields) -> [Join These (Term leaf (Record fields))]
alignSyntax' side source term = hylo (alignSyntax side cofree getRange (Identity source)) runCofree (Identity <$> term)
alignSyntax' side source term = hylo (alignSyntax side cofree getRange (Identity source)) runCofree (Identity <$> term)
this = Join . This . runIdentity
this = Join . This . runIdentity
that = Join . That . runIdentity
that = Join . That . runIdentity
-- | The Applicative instance f is either Identity or Both. Identity is for Terms in Patches, Both is for Diffs in unchanged portions of the diff.
-- | The Applicative instance f is either Identity or Both. Identity is for Terms in Patches, Both is for Diffs in unchanged portions of the diff.
alignSyntax :: (Applicative f, Show term) => (forall a. f a -> Join These a) -> (CofreeF (Syntax leaf) Info term -> term) -> (term -> Range) -> f (Source Char) -> CofreeF (Syntax leaf) (f Info) [Join These term] -> [Join These term]
alignSyntax :: (Applicative f, Show term, HasField fields Range) => (forall a. f a -> Join These a) -> (CofreeF (Syntax leaf) (Record fields) term -> term) -> (term -> Range) -> f (Source Char) -> CofreeF (Syntax leaf) (f (Record fields)) [Join These term] -> [Join These term]
alignSyntax toJoinThese toNode getRange sources (infos :< syntax) = case syntax of
alignSyntax toJoinThese toNode getRange sources (infos :< syntax) = case syntax of
Leaf s -> catMaybes $ wrapInBranch (const (Leaf s)) . fmap (flip (,) []) <$> sequenceL lineRanges
Leaf s -> catMaybes $ wrapInBranch (const (Leaf s)) . fmap (flip (,) []) <$> sequenceL lineRanges
Indexed children -> catMaybes $ wrapInBranch Indexed <$> alignBranch getRange (join children) bothRanges
Indexed children -> catMaybes $ wrapInBranch Indexed <$> alignBranch getRange (join children) bothRanges
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ alignSyntax toJoinThese toNode getRange sources (infos :< syntax) = case syntax
Keyed children -> catMaybes $ wrapInBranch (Keyed . Map.fromList) <$> alignBranch (getRange . Prologue.snd) (Map.toList children >>= pairWithKey) bothRanges
Keyed children -> catMaybes $ wrapInBranch (Keyed . Map.fromList) <$> alignBranch (getRange . Prologue.snd) (Map.toList children >>= pairWithKey) bothRanges
where bothRanges = modifyJoin (fromThese [] []) lineRanges
where bothRanges = modifyJoin (fromThese [] []) lineRanges
lineRanges = toJoinThese $ actualLineRanges <$> (characterRange <$> infos) <*> sources
lineRanges = toJoinThese $ actualLineRanges <$> (characterRange <$> infos) <*> sources
wrapInBranch constructor = applyThese $ toJoinThese ((\ info (range, children) -> toNode (info { characterRange = range } :< constructor children)) <$> infos)
wrapInBranch constructor = applyThese $ toJoinThese ((\ info (range, children) -> toNode (setCharacterRange info range :< constructor children)) <$> infos)
pairWithKey (key, values) = fmap ((,) key) <$> values
pairWithKey (key, values) = fmap ((,) key) <$> values
-- | Given a function to get the range, a list of already-aligned children, and the lists of ranges spanned by a branch, return the aligned lines.
-- | Given a function to get the range, a list of already-aligned children, and the lists of ranges spanned by a branch, return the aligned lines.
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ alignBranch getRange children ranges = case intersectingChildren of
_ -> case intersectionsWithHeadRanges <$> listToMaybe symmetricalChildren of
_ -> case intersectionsWithHeadRanges <$> listToMaybe symmetricalChildren of
-- At least one child intersects on both sides, so align symmetrically.
-- At least one child intersects on both sides, so align symmetrically.
Just (True, True) -> let (line, remaining) = lineAndRemaining intersectingChildren (Just headRanges) in
Just (True, True) -> let (line, remaining) = lineAndRemaining intersectingChildren (Just headRanges) in
line $ alignBranch getRange (remaining ++ nonIntersectingChildren) (drop 1 <$> ranges)
line $ alignBranch getRange (remaining <> nonIntersectingChildren) (drop 1 <$> ranges)
-- A symmetrical child intersects on the right, so align asymmetrically on the left.
-- A symmetrical child intersects on the right, so align asymmetrically on the left.
Just (False, True) -> alignAsymmetrically leftRange first
Just (False, True) -> alignAsymmetrically leftRange first
-- A symmetrical child intersects on the left, so align asymmetrically on the right.
-- A symmetrical child intersects on the left, so align asymmetrically on the right.
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ alignBranch getRange children ranges = case intersectingChildren of
Just headRanges = sequenceL (listToMaybe <$> Join (runBothWith These ranges))
Just headRanges = sequenceL (listToMaybe <$> Join (runBothWith These ranges))
(leftRange, rightRange) = splitThese headRanges
(leftRange, rightRange) = splitThese headRanges
alignAsymmetrically range advanceBy = let (line, remaining) = lineAndRemaining asymmetricalChildren range in
alignAsymmetrically range advanceBy = let (line, remaining) = lineAndRemaining asymmetricalChildren range in
line $ alignBranch getRange (remaining ++ symmetricalChildren ++ nonIntersectingChildren) (modifyJoin (advanceBy (drop 1)) ranges)
line $ alignBranch getRange (remaining <> symmetricalChildren <> nonIntersectingChildren) (modifyJoin (advanceBy (drop 1)) ranges)
lineAndRemaining _ Nothing = (identity, [])
lineAndRemaining _ Nothing = (identity, [])
lineAndRemaining children (Just ranges) = let (intersections, remaining) = alignChildren getRange children ranges in
lineAndRemaining children (Just ranges) = let (intersections, remaining) = alignChildren getRange children ranges in
((:) $ (,) <$> ranges `applyToBoth` (sortBy (compare `on` getRange) <$> intersections), remaining)
((:) $ (,) <$> ranges `applyToBoth` (sortBy (compare `on` getRange) <$> intersections), remaining)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, GADTs, KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Record where
import Prologue
-- | A type-safe, extensible record structure.
-- |
-- | This is heavily inspired by Aaron Levin’s [Extensible Effects in the van Laarhoven Free Monad](http://aaronlevin.ca/post/136494428283/extensible-effects-in-the-van-laarhoven-free-monad).
data Record :: [*] -> * where
RNil :: Record '[]
RCons :: h -> Record t -> Record (h ': t)
infixr 0 .:
-- | Infix synonym for `RCons`: `a .: b .: RNil == RCons a (RCons b RNil)`.
(.:) :: h -> Record t -> Record (h ': t)
(.:) = RCons
-- Classes
-- | HasField enables indexing a Record by (phantom) type tags.
class HasField (fields :: [*]) (field :: *) where
getField :: Record fields -> field
setField :: Record fields -> field -> Record fields
-- Instances
-- OVERLAPPABLE is required for the HasField instances so that we can handle the two cases: either the head of the non-empty h-list is the requested field, or it isn’t. The third possible case (the h-list is empty) is rejected at compile-time.
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasField fields field => HasField (notIt ': fields) field where
getField (RCons _ t) = getField t
setField (RCons h t) f = RCons h (setField t f)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasField (field ': fields) field where
getField (RCons h _) = h
setField (RCons _ t) f = RCons f t
instance (Show h, Show (Record t)) => Show (Record (h ': t)) where
showsPrec n (RCons h t) = showsPrec n h . (" : " <>) . showsPrec n t
instance Show (Record '[]) where
showsPrec _ RNil = ("'[]" <>)
instance (Eq h, Eq (Record t)) => Eq (Record (h ': t)) where
RCons h1 t1 == RCons h2 t2 = h1 == h2 && t1 == t2
instance Eq (Record '[]) where
_ == _ = True
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Diffing where
module Diffing where
import Prologue hiding (fst, snd)
import Prologue hiding (fst, snd)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B1
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B1
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.Record
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Detect as Detect
import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Detect as Detect
import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Convert as Convert
import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Convert as Convert
@ -39,8 +41,8 @@ lineByLineParser input = pure . cofree . root $ case foldl' annotateLeaves ([],
lines = actualLines input
lines = actualLines input
root children = let size = 1 + fromIntegral (length children) in
root children = let size = 1 + fromIntegral (length children) in
Info (Range 0 $ length input) (Other "program") size size :< Indexed children
((Range 0 $ length input) .: Other "program" .: size .: Cost (unSize size) .: RNil) :< Indexed children
leaf charIndex line = Info (Range charIndex $ charIndex + T.length line) (Other "program") 1 1 :< Leaf line
leaf charIndex line = ((Range charIndex $ charIndex + T.length line) .: Other "program" .: 1 .: 1 .: RNil) :< Leaf line
annotateLeaves (accum, charIndex) line =
annotateLeaves (accum, charIndex) line =
(accum ++ [ leaf charIndex (toText line) ]
(accum ++ [ leaf charIndex (toText line) ]
, charIndex + length line)
, charIndex + length line)
@ -55,13 +57,13 @@ breakDownLeavesByWord :: Source Char -> Term T.Text Info -> Term T.Text Info
breakDownLeavesByWord source = cata replaceIn
breakDownLeavesByWord source = cata replaceIn
replaceIn :: TermF T.Text Info (Term T.Text Info) -> Term T.Text Info
replaceIn :: TermF T.Text Info (Term T.Text Info) -> Term T.Text Info
replaceIn (info :< syntax) = let size' = 1 + sum (size . extract <$> syntax') in cofree $ info { size = size', cost = size' } :< syntax'
replaceIn (info :< syntax) = let size' = 1 + sum (size . extract <$> syntax') in cofree $ setCost (setSize info size') (Cost (unSize size')) :< syntax'
where syntax' = case (ranges, syntax) of
where syntax' = case (ranges, syntax) of
(_:_:_, Leaf _) -> Indexed (makeLeaf info <$> ranges)
(_:_:_, Leaf _) -> Indexed (makeLeaf info <$> ranges)
_ -> syntax
_ -> syntax
ranges = rangesAndWordsInSource (characterRange info)
ranges = rangesAndWordsInSource (characterRange info)
rangesAndWordsInSource range = rangesAndWordsFrom (start range) (toString $ slice range source)
rangesAndWordsInSource range = rangesAndWordsFrom (start range) (toString $ slice range source)
makeLeaf info (range, substring) = cofree $ info { characterRange = range } :< Leaf (T.pack substring)
makeLeaf info (range, substring) = cofree $ setCharacterRange info range :< Leaf (T.pack substring)
-- | Transcode a file to a unicode source.
-- | Transcode a file to a unicode source.
transcode :: B1.ByteString -> IO (Source Char)
transcode :: B1.ByteString -> IO (Source Char)
@ -95,7 +97,6 @@ diffFiles parser renderer sourceBlobs = do
pure $! renderer textDiff sourceBlobs
pure $! renderer textDiff sourceBlobs
where construct :: CofreeF (Syntax Text) (Both Info) (Diff Text Info) -> Diff Text Info
where construct :: CofreeF (Syntax Text) (Both Info) (Diff Text Info) -> Diff Text Info
construct (info :< syntax) = free (Free ((setCost <$> info <*> sumCost syntax) :< syntax))
construct (info :< syntax) = free (Free ((setCost <$> info <*> sumCost syntax) :< syntax))
setCost info cost = info { cost = cost }
sumCost = fmap getSum . foldMap (fmap Sum . getCost)
sumCost = fmap getSum . foldMap (fmap Sum . getCost)
getCost diff = case runFree diff of
getCost diff = case runFree diff of
Free (info :< _) -> cost <$> info
Free (info :< _) -> cost <$> info
@ -104,6 +105,6 @@ diffFiles parser renderer sourceBlobs = do
-- | The sum of the node count of the diff’s patches.
-- | The sum of the node count of the diff’s patches.
diffCostWithCachedTermSizes :: Diff a Info -> Integer
diffCostWithCachedTermSizes :: Diff a Info -> Integer
diffCostWithCachedTermSizes diff = case runFree diff of
diffCostWithCachedTermSizes diff = unCost $ case runFree diff of
Free (info :< _) -> sum (cost <$> info)
Free (info :< _) -> sum (cost <$> info)
Pure patch -> sum (cost . extract <$> patch)
Pure patch -> sum (cost . extract <$> patch)
@ -1,10 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Info where
module Info where
import Data.Record
import Prologue
import Prologue
import Category
import Category
import Range
import Range
-- | An annotation for a source file, including the source range and semantic
newtype Size = Size { unSize :: Integer }
-- | categories.
deriving (Eq, Num, Show)
data Info = Info { characterRange :: !Range, category :: !Category, size :: !Integer, cost :: !Integer }
newtype Cost = Cost { unCost :: Integer }
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Num, Show)
type InfoFields = '[ Range, Category, Size, Cost ]
type Info = Record InfoFields
characterRange :: HasField fields Range => Record fields -> Range
characterRange = getField
setCharacterRange :: HasField fields Range => Record fields -> Range -> Record fields
setCharacterRange = setField
category :: HasField fields Category => Record fields -> Category
category = getField
setCategory :: HasField fields Category => Record fields -> Category -> Record fields
setCategory = setField
size :: HasField fields Size => Record fields -> Size
size = getField
setSize :: HasField fields Size => Record fields -> Size -> Record fields
setSize = setField
cost :: HasField fields Cost => Record fields -> Cost
cost = getField
setCost :: HasField fields Cost => Record fields -> Cost -> Record fields
setCost = setField
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Parser where
module Parser where
import Prologue hiding (Constructor)
import Prologue hiding (Constructor)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ lineFields n term range = [ "number" .= n
termFields :: (ToJSON recur, KeyValue kv) => Info -> Syntax leaf recur -> [kv]
termFields :: (ToJSON recur, KeyValue kv) => Info -> Syntax leaf recur -> [kv]
termFields Info{..} syntax = "range" .= characterRange : "category" .= category : case syntax of
termFields info syntax = "range" .= characterRange info : "category" .= category info : case syntax of
Leaf _ -> []
Leaf _ -> []
Indexed c -> childrenFields c
Indexed c -> childrenFields c
Fixed c -> childrenFields c
Fixed c -> childrenFields c
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ split diff blobs = TL.toStrict . renderHtml
newtype Renderable a = Renderable a
newtype Renderable a = Renderable a
instance ToMarkup f => ToMarkup (Renderable (Source Char, Info, Syntax a (f, Range))) where
instance ToMarkup f => ToMarkup (Renderable (Source Char, Info, Syntax a (f, Range))) where
toMarkup (Renderable (source, Info {..}, syntax)) = (! A.data_ (stringValue (show size))) . classifyMarkup category $ case syntax of
toMarkup (Renderable (source, info, syntax)) = (! A.data_ (stringValue (show (unSize (size info))))) . classifyMarkup (category info) $ case syntax of
Leaf _ -> span . string . toString $ slice characterRange source
Leaf _ -> span . string . toString $ slice (characterRange info) source
Indexed children -> ul . mconcat $ wrapIn li <$> contentElements source characterRange children
Indexed children -> ul . mconcat $ wrapIn li <$> contentElements source (characterRange info) children
Fixed children -> ul . mconcat $ wrapIn li <$> contentElements source characterRange children
Fixed children -> ul . mconcat $ wrapIn li <$> contentElements source (characterRange info) children
Keyed children -> dl . mconcat $ wrapIn dd <$> contentElements source characterRange children
Keyed children -> dl . mconcat $ wrapIn dd <$> contentElements source (characterRange info) children
contentElements :: (Foldable t, ToMarkup f) => Source Char -> Range -> t (f, Range) -> [Markup]
contentElements :: (Foldable t, ToMarkup f) => Source Char -> Range -> t (f, Range) -> [Markup]
contentElements source range children = let (elements, next) = foldr' (markupForContextAndChild source) ([], end range) children in
contentElements source range children = let (elements, next) = foldr' (markupForContextAndChild source) ([], end range) children in
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ wrapIn _ l@Blaze.Comment{} = l
wrapIn f p = f p
wrapIn f p = f p
instance ToMarkup (Renderable (Source Char, Term a Info)) where
instance ToMarkup (Renderable (Source Char, Term a Info)) where
toMarkup (Renderable (source, term)) = Prologue.fst $ cata (\ (info@(Info{..}) :< syntax) -> (toMarkup $ Renderable (source, info, syntax), characterRange)) term
toMarkup (Renderable (source, term)) = Prologue.fst $ cata (\ (info :< syntax) -> (toMarkup $ Renderable (source, info, syntax), characterRange info)) term
instance ToMarkup (Renderable (Source Char, SplitDiff a Info)) where
instance ToMarkup (Renderable (Source Char, SplitDiff a Info)) where
toMarkup (Renderable (source, diff)) = Prologue.fst $ iter (\ (info@(Info{..}) :< syntax) -> (toMarkup $ Renderable (source, info, syntax), characterRange)) $ toMarkupAndRange <$> diff
toMarkup (Renderable (source, diff)) = Prologue.fst $ iter (\ (info :< syntax) -> (toMarkup $ Renderable (source, info, syntax), characterRange info)) $ toMarkupAndRange <$> diff
where toMarkupAndRange :: SplitPatch (Term a Info) -> (Markup, Range)
where toMarkupAndRange :: SplitPatch (Term a Info) -> (Markup, Range)
toMarkupAndRange patch = let term@(Info{..} :< _) = runCofree $ getSplitTerm patch in
toMarkupAndRange patch = let term@(info :< _) = runCofree $ getSplitTerm patch in
((div ! A.class_ (splitPatchToClassName patch) ! A.data_ (stringValue (show size))) . toMarkup $ Renderable (source, cofree term), characterRange)
((div ! A.class_ (splitPatchToClassName patch) ! A.data_ (stringValue (show (unSize (size info))))) . toMarkup $ Renderable (source, cofree term), characterRange info)
instance ToMarkup a => ToMarkup (Renderable (Bool, Int, a)) where
instance ToMarkup a => ToMarkup (Renderable (Bool, Int, a)) where
toMarkup (Renderable (hasChanges, num, line)) =
toMarkup (Renderable (hasChanges, num, line)) =
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module SplitDiff where
module SplitDiff where
import Data.Record
import Info
import Info
import Range
import Range
import Prologue
import Prologue
@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ getSplitTerm (SplitDelete a) = a
getSplitTerm (SplitReplace a) = a
getSplitTerm (SplitReplace a) = a
-- | Get the range of a SplitDiff.
-- | Get the range of a SplitDiff.
getRange :: SplitDiff leaf Info -> Range
getRange :: HasField fields Range => SplitDiff leaf (Record fields) -> Range
getRange diff = characterRange $ case runFree diff of
getRange diff = characterRange $ case runFree diff of
Free annotated -> headF annotated
Free annotated -> headF annotated
Pure patch -> extract (getSplitTerm patch)
Pure patch -> extract (getSplitTerm patch)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module TreeSitter where
module TreeSitter where
import Prologue hiding (Constructor)
import Prologue hiding (Constructor)
import Data.Record
import Data.String
import Data.String
import Category
import Category
import Info
import Info
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ documentToTerm language document contents = alloca $ \ root -> do
range <- pure $! Range { start = fromIntegral $ ts_node_p_start_char node, end = fromIntegral $ ts_node_p_end_char node }
range <- pure $! Range { start = fromIntegral $ ts_node_p_start_char node, end = fromIntegral $ ts_node_p_end_char node }
let size' = 1 + sum (size . extract <$> children)
let size' = 1 + sum (size . extract <$> children)
let info = Info range (categoriesForLanguage language name) size' size'
let info = range .: (categoriesForLanguage language name) .: size' .: Cost (unSize size') .: RNil
pure $! termConstructor contents info children
pure $! termConstructor contents info children
getChild node n out = do
getChild node n out = do
_ <- ts_node_p_named_child node n out
_ <- ts_node_p_named_child node n out
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Bifunctor.Join.Arbitrary ()
import Data.Functor.Both as Both
import Data.Functor.Both as Both
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Record
import Data.String
import Data.String
import Data.Text.Arbitrary ()
import Data.Text.Arbitrary ()
import Data.These
import Data.These
@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ align :: Both (Source.Source Char) -> ConstructibleFree (Patch (Term String Info
align sources = PrettyDiff sources . fmap (fmap (getRange &&& identity)) . alignDiff sources . deconstruct
align sources = PrettyDiff sources . fmap (fmap (getRange &&& identity)) . alignDiff sources . deconstruct
info :: Int -> Int -> Info
info :: Int -> Int -> Info
info start end = Info (Range start end) StringLiteral 0 0
info start end = Range start end .: StringLiteral .: 0 .: 0 .: RNil
prettyDiff :: Both (Source.Source Char) -> [Join These (ConstructibleFree (SplitPatch (Term String Info)) Info)] -> PrettyDiff (SplitDiff String Info)
prettyDiff :: Both (Source.Source Char) -> [Join These (ConstructibleFree (SplitPatch (Term String Info)) Info)] -> PrettyDiff (SplitDiff String Info)
prettyDiff sources = PrettyDiff sources . fmap (fmap ((getRange &&& identity) . deconstruct))
prettyDiff sources = PrettyDiff sources . fmap (fmap ((getRange &&& identity) . deconstruct))
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module DiffSummarySpec where
module DiffSummarySpec where
import Prologue
import Prologue
import Data.Record
import Data.String
import Data.String
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec
import Diff
import Diff
@ -12,10 +13,10 @@ import Category
import DiffSummary
import DiffSummary
arrayInfo :: Info
arrayInfo :: Info
arrayInfo = Info (rangeAt 0) ArrayLiteral 2 0
arrayInfo = rangeAt 0 .: ArrayLiteral .: 2 .: 0 .: RNil
literalInfo :: Info
literalInfo :: Info
literalInfo = Info (rangeAt 1) StringLiteral 1 0
literalInfo = rangeAt 1 .: StringLiteral .: 1 .: 0 .: RNil
testDiff :: Diff String Info
testDiff :: Diff String Info
testDiff = free $ Free (pure arrayInfo :< Indexed [ free $ Pure (Insert (cofree $ literalInfo :< Leaf "a")) ])
testDiff = free $ Free (pure arrayInfo :< Indexed [ free $ Pure (Insert (cofree $ literalInfo :< Leaf "a")) ])
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module InterpreterSpec where
import Prologue
import Prologue
import Diff
import Diff
import Data.Record
import qualified Interpreter as I
import qualified Interpreter as I
import Range
import Range
import Syntax
import Syntax
@ -14,8 +15,8 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec = parallel $
describe "interpret" $
describe "interpret" $
it "returns a replacement when comparing two unicode equivalent terms" $
it "returns a replacement when comparing two unicode equivalent terms" $
I.diffTerms (free . Free) ((==) `on` extract) diffCost (cofree (Info range StringLiteral 0 0 :< Leaf "t\776")) (cofree (Info range2 StringLiteral 0 0 :< Leaf "\7831")) `shouldBe`
I.diffTerms (free . Free) ((==) `on` extract) diffCost (cofree ((range .: StringLiteral .: 0 .: 0 .: RNil) :< Leaf "t\776")) (cofree ((range2 .: StringLiteral .: 0 .: 0 .: RNil) :< Leaf "\7831")) `shouldBe`
free (Pure (Replace (cofree (Info range StringLiteral 0 0 :< Leaf "t\776")) (cofree (Info range2 StringLiteral 0 0 :< Leaf "\7831"))))
free (Pure (Replace (cofree ((range .: StringLiteral .: 0 .: 0 .: RNil) :< Leaf "t\776")) (cofree ((range2 .: StringLiteral .: 0 .: 0 .: RNil) :< Leaf "\7831"))))
range = Range 0 2
range = Range 0 2
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module PatchOutputSpec where
import Prologue
import Prologue
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Functor.Both
import Info
import Data.Record
import Range
import Range
import Renderer.Patch
import Renderer.Patch
import Source
import Source
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $
spec = parallel $
describe "hunks" $
describe "hunks" $
it "empty diffs have empty hunks" $
it "empty diffs have empty hunks" $
hunks (free . Free $ pure (Info (Range 0 0) StringLiteral 1 0) :< Leaf "") (both (SourceBlob (fromList "") "abcde" "path2.txt" (Just defaultPlainBlob)) (SourceBlob (fromList "") "xyz" "path2.txt" (Just defaultPlainBlob))) `shouldBe` [Hunk {offset = pure 0, changes = [], trailingContext = []}]
hunks (free . Free $ pure (Range 0 0 .: StringLiteral .: 1 .: 0 .: RNil) :< Leaf "") (both (SourceBlob (fromList "") "abcde" "path2.txt" (Just defaultPlainBlob)) (SourceBlob (fromList "") "xyz" "path2.txt" (Just defaultPlainBlob))) `shouldBe` [Hunk {offset = pure 0, changes = [], trailingContext = []}]
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