mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-01 09:15:01 +03:00

Add safeIOValue so we can still run gitCommand even if socket create fails

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Clem 2017-03-02 10:22:02 -08:00
parent 4e9a00b5d7
commit f327257b53

View File

@ -54,11 +54,7 @@ instance ToJSON GitmonCommand where
data GitmonMsg = GitmonMsg { command :: GitmonCommand, processData :: ProcessData } deriving (Show)
instance ToJSON GitmonMsg where
toJSON GitmonMsg{..} = object [
"command" .= command,
"data" .= processData
toJSON GitmonMsg{..} = object ["command" .= command, "data" .= processData]
gitmonSocketAddr :: String
gitmonSocketAddr = "/tmp/gitstats.sock"
@ -77,46 +73,43 @@ type ProcInfo = Either Y.ParseException (Maybe ProcIO)
safeIO :: MonadIO m => IO () -> m ()
safeIO command = liftIO $ command `catch` noop
safeIOValue :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m (Maybe a)
safeIOValue command = liftIO $ (Just <$> command) `catch` noopValue
noop :: IOException -> IO ()
noop _ = return ()
noop _ = pure ()
noopValue :: IOException -> IO (Maybe a)
noopValue _ = pure Nothing
reportGitmon :: String -> ReaderT LgRepo IO a -> ReaderT LgRepo IO a
reportGitmon program gitCommand = do
soc <- liftIO $ socket AF_UNIX Stream defaultProtocol
safeIO $ connect soc (SockAddrUnix gitmonSocketAddr)
result <- reportGitmon' soc program gitCommand
safeIO $ close soc
return result
maybeSoc <- safeIOValue $ socket AF_UNIX Stream defaultProtocol
case maybeSoc of
Nothing -> gitCommand
Just soc -> do
safeIO $ connect soc (SockAddrUnix gitmonSocketAddr)
result <- reportGitmon' soc program gitCommand
safeIO $ close soc
pure result
reportGitmon' :: Socket -> String -> ReaderT LgRepo IO a -> ReaderT LgRepo IO a
reportGitmon' soc program gitCommand = do
(gitDir, realIP, repoID, repoName, userID) <- liftIO $ loadEnvVars
(gitDir, realIP, repoID, repoName, userID) <- liftIO loadEnvVars
safeIO $ sendAll soc (processJSON Update (ProcessUpdateData gitDir program realIP repoID repoName userID "semantic-diff"))
safeIO $ sendAll soc (processJSON Schedule ProcessScheduleData)
(startTime, beforeProcIOContents) <- liftIO collectStats
!result <- gitCommand
(afterTime, afterProcIOContents) <- liftIO collectStats
let (cpuTime, diskReadBytes', diskWriteBytes', resultCode') = procStats startTime afterTime beforeProcIOContents afterProcIOContents
safeIO $ sendAll soc (processJSON Finish ProcessFinishData { cpu = cpuTime, diskReadBytes = diskReadBytes', diskWriteBytes = diskWriteBytes', resultCode = resultCode' })
return result
pure result
where collectStats :: IO (TimeSpec, ProcInfo)
collectStats = do
time <- getTime clock
procIOContents <- Y.decodeFileEither procFileAddr :: IO ProcInfo
return (time, procIOContents)
pure (time, procIOContents)
procStats :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec -> ProcInfo -> ProcInfo -> ( Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer )
procStats beforeTime afterTime beforeProcIOContents afterProcIOContents = ( cpuTime, diskReadBytes, diskWriteBytes, resultCode )
@ -138,5 +131,4 @@ reportGitmon' soc program gitCommand = do
repoID <- lookupEnv "GIT_SOCKSTAT_VAR_repo_id"
repoName <- lookupEnv "GIT_SOCKSTAT_VAR_repo_name"
userID <- lookupEnv "GIT_SOCKSTAT_VAR_user_id"
return (gitDir, realIP, repoID, repoName, userID)
pure (gitDir, realIP, repoID, repoName, userID)